Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 378 The Fragrant Assassination

Chapter 378 The Fragrant Assassination
"Don't worry, the emperor, don't worry, the commander-in-chief, Cheng En will do his best." Wang Chengen said hastily.

Zhu Youjian smiled, and continued: "The resting place of the Duke of the country has been arranged properly, right?"

"It's already been arranged." Wang Chengen said hurriedly.

Nodding, Zhu Youjian got up and said to Li Jing: "Brother Li, you have been busy for another day today, so go to rest early."

"His Majesty Lao is worried about it. In fact, he just sleeps for a night, so what do we need to arrange?" Li Jing laughed.

Zhu Youjian waved his hand and said to Wang Chengen: "You stay and serve the Duke, I'm going to Kunning Palace."

"Yes, I will immediately arrange someone to light the lamp for the emperor." Wang Chengen said hastily.

While talking, Wang Chengen took Zhu Youjian's cloak from the hanger, put it on Zhu Youjian, and then called several young eunuchs and ordered them to send the emperor to Kunning Palace.

After Zhu Youjian left, Wang Chengen said to Li Jing, "Marshal, please follow me."

Li Jing smiled, and followed Wang Chengen to Zhu Youjian's bedroom in Dongnuange.

When he arrived at the dormitory, Li Jing was stunned, only to see that the whole room was filled with heat. Looking carefully, there was a big wooden barrel in the middle of the room, which was filled with hot water.

"Marshal, you have been tired all day, why don't you rest after taking a hot bath?" Wang Chengen said.

Li Jingjing nodded, and was about to undress, when he suddenly found four maids standing beside the barrel, and behind the maids, Xiao Wu was looking at him and laughing.

"Whose idea is this?" Li Jing's expression darkened suddenly, and he said in a cold voice.

Wang Chengen hurriedly said: "This is the emperor's intention, and the old slave arranged it."

"Bastard, who do you think Li Jing is? Do you think I'm Dong Zhuo?" Li Jing said angrily.

Wang Chengen had never seen Li Jing so angry, panicked, and hurriedly knelt down on the ground: "Marshal, the emperor sees that you are too tired, so I want you to relax. Marshal, the emperor really cares about you. No other thoughts."

Seeing that Wang Chengen couldn't stop kowtowing, and his forehead was bruised in an instant, Li Jing suddenly couldn't bear it, and leaned over to pull Wang Chengen up: "Get up, what are you doing. Sigh! Forget it, let them go out, I'll wash it off." Take a shower and fall asleep."

"Marshal, let them wipe your back for you. Anyway, it's the emperor's wish." Wang Chengen begged in a low voice.

"Just use the name of the emperor to deceive people! The emperor has been with me all the time, and has not ordered you anything alone. How do you say it is the emperor's intention." Li Jing pointed to Wang Chengen and said.

Seeing that Li Jing's face was pale, Wang Chengen smiled and said: "Hehe, this old slave has served the emperor for many years. The emperor only needs to look at him, and the old slave can understand what the emperor means. What's more, the emperor even ordered the old slave with words. If the old slave I don't understand what the emperor is thinking, isn't it because Bai has been with the emperor for so many years?"

Li Jing was startled, thought about what Zhu Youjian said, and said doubtfully: "Is it the sentence that asked you to get the wine?"

Wang Chengen smiled and said: "That's right, that Guyuan wine is a great tonic wine, the emperor asked me to give that wine to the general, because he considered the general's poor health, and hoped to help the general to recuperate his body. "

After a pause, Wang Chengen continued: "As for arranging people to take care of the commander-in-chief to rest, that's what the question should mean, and there's no need to explain it clearly."

Li Jing nodded silently when he heard this, and then said with a smile: "I'm afraid the emperor is still worried about saying it outright, I won't accept it, right?"

Wang Chengen smiled wryly and said: "Isn't that obvious? Marshal, you should take it as a face to the emperor and accept his kindness, right? Besides, these maids are not from the emperor's side, but from the Palace of Compassion , you don’t have to be shy about anything.”

"The Palace of Compassion? Isn't that where the late emperor's concubines lived?" Li Jingqi asked.

Wang Chengen hurriedly said: "Yes! These maids were arranged by the emperor to serve Empress Yi'an two years ago, and they have nothing to do with the late emperor."

"Empress Yi'an's maid? You are very thoughtful. It's only in the middle of the night, you wake them up and come so far to help me take a bath, how can you bear it!" Li Jing shook his head and smiled wryly.

Wang Chengen smiled and said: "To be honest, it is their blessing to be able to serve you in the bath. Other court ladies can't wait for it."

Li Jing shook his head and sighed lightly, knowing that what Wang Chengen said was indeed true.

For these court ladies, once they enter the palace, they will never even think about going out. If they are lucky and get the emperor's blessing, they may still have a bright future, but there are so many court ladies in the palace, how many of them can have such luck?In fact, the fate of most court ladies is very miserable.

Seeing that Li Jing was silent, Wang Chengen nodded to several court ladies, then saluted Li Jing, turned around and left the room, Xiao Wu saw this, and hurriedly followed Wang Chengen out of the room.

After Wang Chengen and Xiao Wu went out, the four court ladies immediately walked up to Li Jing and undressed Li Jing.

To be honest, Li Jing has never experienced taking a shower in front of a woman, and it feels as awkward as it sounds.

However, some things have to be accepted very quickly. When Li Jing sat down in the bathtub and soaked in the hot water, Li Jing quickly relaxed.

Li Jing is also a man. After entering Beijing, he has not touched a woman for nearly half a year.

Fortunately, Li Jing's self-control is extremely strong. Li Jing knows where he is now. If he is impulsive, once the matter gets out, he will bear eternal infamy.

However, if Li Jing didn't want to, it didn't mean that others didn't want to. When Li Jing was trying to drive away his desire, he suddenly felt that someone had entered the bathtub, and Li Jing hurriedly opened his eyes.

"What are you doing? Get out!" Li Jing shouted in a low voice.

"The servants are serving the Duke to wipe his back." The two court ladies hurriedly said.

"Do you need to come in to wipe your back?" Li Jing said coldly.

"You don't get up, we can't wipe your waist and back outside, so we have to come in." The two maids hurriedly explained.

Li Jing was startled, and then remembered that in order to cover up the condition of his lower body, he had been embarrassed to get up.

But after the few words just now, Li Jing soon realized that his body had returned to normal. Shaking his head, Li Jing smiled bitterly and said, "Go out and put on your clothes. I'll get up and let you wipe your backs."

"My lord, what is our body worth to you? You don't have to worry about it," said a court lady.

Hearing this maid's words, Li Jing was stunned, and looked at the four maids carefully, and saw that they were all around twenty years old. If they were among the common people, they would have gotten married and had children by now.And they are in the palace, but they can't even see a decent man, no wonder they don't take their bodies seriously.

Of course, they did not intend to seduce themselves. After all, the opportunity is rare. If they occupy their bodies, at least they can know what it is like to be a woman.

To be honest, Li Jing was not indifferent to these court ladies with good looks, slender figures and pleasant voices.But Li Jing has too many worries, how dare he do whatever he wants in the palace?

Shaking his head, Li Jing sighed secretly: "Then wipe it quickly, I want to rest after wiping."

But Li Jing obviously overlooked one thing. He sat in the tub and asked the maid to wipe his back. It was inevitable that there would be contact with his body.

The maid who rubbed her waist couldn't bend down, so she had to stick to Li Jing's body to rub Li Jing's other side.

This is not over yet.

The court lady couldn't scrub from behind, so she could only stand in front of Li Jing, and then wipe Li Jing's other side of her body sideways.

The maid couldn't stand upright and fell softly into Li Jing's arms.

Seeing the palace maid suddenly fell into his arms, Li Jing woke up.

Li Jing wanted to let go of his hand, but he was a little reluctant. When he was at a loss, he suddenly felt alert, and suddenly turned his body to the side, quickly grabbed a wrist with his left hand, and moved forward forcefully, while his right The palm was cut off severely.

Hearing a thud, one of them fell hard into the tub, and Li Jing immediately jumped up and jumped out of the tub.

Looking around, I saw that there was no one in the room except the four palace ladies.

Seeing the maid's shocked expression and tightly covering her mouth, Li Jing's expression darkened, and he leaned over and picked up the man who had fallen into the bucket, and was about to ask, but suddenly froze.

Although the person in front of him looked embarrassed, he couldn't hide his picturesque face. Li Jing had seen many women in his life, but compared with this person, they were all slightly inferior.

Chen Yuanyuan may be more beautiful than this person, but because of her young age, she is far from the maturity of this person.

As for Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu, although they have this mature charm, their appearance is slightly inferior.

And the most important thing is that although this woman is extremely embarrassed, she still has a kind of grace.

Seeing that the woman was holding a pair of scissors tightly in her hand, Li Jing frowned, grabbed her wrist forcefully, and snatched the scissors away.

Li Jing's actions were actually extremely fast. It took only a few seconds for the woman to enter the water and be lifted out. Until Li Jing snatched her scissors away, the woman didn't understand what happened.

Li Jing looked at the woman silently for a while, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Are you Empress Yi'an?"

 ask for support
(End of this chapter)

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