Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 379 Zhang Yan

Chapter 379 Zhang Yan
The woman was startled when she heard this, and subconsciously replied, "How do you know?"

The woman admitted that she was Queen Yi'an by saying that.

Li Jing sighed softly, let go of the woman, and said in a low voice: "If you don't want people outside the door to hear your voice, keep your voice down."

Then Li Jing looked at the two maids in the bathtub and said, "You two continue to take a bath and make your voice louder."

Then he said to the other two court ladies: "You two go bring in the bucket of hot water again."

The four maids didn't know what Li Jing was going to do, but they didn't dare to refute, so they couldn't help but nodded at the same time.

Li Jing then said to Empress Yi'an: "Follow me, I have something to ask you."

Seeing that Li Jing didn't seem to be malicious, Empress Yi'an nodded slightly, and followed Li Jing into the inner room.

Sitting down by the bed, Li Jing saw Empress Yi'an's panic expression, shook his head, pointed to the chair opposite and said, "Sit down and talk."

Empress Yi'an shook her head, pointed to Li Jing and said, "Can you find some clothes to wear?"

Hearing this, Li Jing remembered that he was not wearing any clothes. He looked around and saw a wardrobe in the corner. Li Jing didn't have time to think about it. He opened the cabinet and found a random piece of clothing to put on his body.

Turning around and wanting to sit back, he suddenly took out another piece of clothing from the closet, threw it to Empress Yi'an and said, "Change the clothes."

"No, no change." Empress Yi'an hurriedly said.

"It's very cold, wearing wet clothes is easy to catch cold. If you suddenly get sick, the emperor will definitely ask why. If you are not afraid of alarming the emperor, then you don't need to change." Li Jing frowned.

Empress Yi'an hesitated for a moment and said: "But you are in the room, how can I change clothes?"

Li Jing sneered: "You dare to look at me naked, but you are afraid that I will watch you change clothes? Besides, you have seen my body completely. If I don't look at you, I will suffer a disadvantage?"

"Then I won't change." Empress Yi'an hurriedly said.

Li Jing smiled coldly: "Do you know how many people will be killed by your actions tonight? If I am assassinated by you, I am afraid that everyone in the palace will have to be buried with me, as well as those including your father." None of the royal relatives can escape.

Even if the news of my assassination in the palace spreads, the people in the palace will suffer.Don't talk about looking at your body, even if I want you to sleep with me, you have to obediently obey now. "

Empress Yi'an was stunned for a while when she heard the words, and finally loosened her belt slowly.

But when she looked up at Li Jingzhi, she realized that Li Jing had already turned his head away.

After a while, Li Jing felt that Empress Yi'an's clothes should be changed, so she turned her head. Unexpectedly, just as she turned her head, she saw the white flowers in front of her eyes, but Empress Yi'an was still wiping her body.

Li Jing wanted to turn his head away again, but his eyes were quickly attracted by Queen Yi'an's body, and he couldn't turn back for a while.

Empress Yi'an's real name is Zhang Yan. She is 30 years old (false years old), but she looks like twenty people. Her figure is as good as those of the maids just now, but her skin is far from those of the maids.

Her skin is like milk, or like a shelled egg, really like curdled fat.A pair of small feet are petite and exquisite, although there are some traces of foot binding, they are never deformed.A pair of small hands, like a child, occasionally straightened, you can see the small dimples at the base of the fingers, it is extremely cute.

Li Jing's two wives and the two housemaids are also considered the best among women, but their bodies are more or less deficient. Unlike Zhang Yan, there are almost no flaws.

For a while, Li Jing only felt his blood rushing up, his mouth and tongue were dry, he hesitated for a while, and finally waved to Zhang Yan: "Come here!"

Zhang Yan never expected that Li Jing would turn around suddenly. He was very nervous when he was changing clothes in front of Li Jing, but when he heard Li Jing speak, his hands trembled, and the clothes fell to the ground without holding onto them.With this fall, there is no obstruction on his body, and Li Jing can see Li Jing up and down.

Zhang Yan wanted to pick up the clothes, but hesitated for a while, and finally did not bend down.

Seeing Zhang Yan's frightened expression, Li Jing suddenly felt a little unbearable.Shaking his head, he got up and walked over to put dry clothes on Zhang Yan's body, and then said: "The clothes on your body are made of silk and satin, they don't absorb water at all, and they are already wet, how can you dry your body with that? I It's not that I want to see your body on purpose, it's just that you took too long to change clothes."

Feeling Zhang Yan's body trembling slightly, Li Jing smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you, I just want to ask you a few words."

Zhang Yan listened to Li Jing's kind words, and felt relieved, and hurriedly replied: "My lord, please."

Li Jing smiled, pulled Zhang Yan to sit down by the bed, and said: "I don't blame you for your actions today, but I can understand your thoughts, after all, you recommended the current emperor in front of the late emperor." , you have placed high hopes on the current emperor, hoping that he can rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty.

Seeing the emperor lose power, how can you be reconciled?Originally, even if you were not reconciled, there was nothing you could do, but today Wang Chengen came to your palace to ask for someone to serve me, so you came to me pretending to be a court lady, looking for an opportunity to assassinate me, am I right? "

Zhang Yan heard it silently.

I really don't understand how Li Jing knew that he was going to assassinate him, but actually dodged when the scissors were on his neck.

Zhang Yan looks weak, but she is definitely an amazing character.

Zhang Yan entered the palace at the age of 15. She was selected as a concubine candidate by Henan. At that time, Emperor Tianqi took a fancy to her. Although the wet nurse Hakka strongly opposed it, Zhu Youxiao, who always obeyed Hakka's words, did not listen to the wet nurse this time. , not only didn't listen, but made Zhang Yan queen after more than ten days.

It can be seen how beautiful Zhang Yan should be. You must know that Zhang Yan was only 15 years old back then, and she has not yet grown up.

Although Zhang Yan was only 15 years old at the time, she was very mature and courageous. She knew very well what the relationship between the Hakka family and Zhu Youxiao was (according to the analysis of historical data, the Hakka family was not only Zhu Youxiao’s The wet nurse is so simple, the relationship between these two people may be very ambiguous, otherwise, no matter how stupid Zhu Youjian is, she won’t be able to follow what Keshi says, and obey Keshi’s words), and she knows what Keshi and Wei Zhongxian are ( At that time, Wei Zhongxian didn't have that much power), and soon after becoming a queen, he began to fight against the Hakka family, and often called Wei Zhongxian into the palace to reprimand him.

Although Ke Shi and Wei Zhongxian gritted their teeth with hatred for Zhang Yan, there was nothing they could do, because Zhang Yan was the queen and the master of the harem, and Zhu Youxiao loved Zhang Yan very much. Zhu Youxiao took her down.

As for Zhang Yan, it was useless no matter how much the Ke family encouraged her. The queen's throne was firmly seated.

Until the third year of the apocalypse, Zhang Yan became pregnant, which was good news for Zhu Youxiao, but it was a bolt from the blue for Keshi and Wei Zhongxian. Zhu Youjian loves Zhang Yan so much now, if Zhang Yan takes the child After they were born, would the Hakka family and Wei Zhongxian still have a way out?

After the two conspired, Ke thought of a way to find someone to give Zhang Yan a massage while Zhang Yan was not feeling well, and then made Zhang Yan have a miscarriage.

Ke Shi was very proud, but Zhang Yan swore at the moment of losing the child that Ke Shi and Wei Zhongxian must pay a heavy price.

Not long after that, one day Zhu Youxiao came to Zhang Yan's bedroom and found that Zhang Yan was reading a book, so he asked what book he was reading.

Zhang Yan replied: Zhao Gaochuan.

Zhu Youxiao was silent for a while, Zhu Youxiao was not illiterate, he knew who Zhao Gao was, and also knew that Zhang Yan used this method to remind him to be careful of Wei Zhongxian, Wei Zhongxian was like Zhao Gao.

Wei Zhongxian learned of this very quickly, and one can imagine how angry Wei Zhongxian would be at that time (at this time Wei Zhongxian had great power, and most of the ministers in the DPRK and China were Wei Zhongxian's henchmen).

Wei Zhongxian was ready to fight back and brought down Queen Zhang in one fell swoop, and then he arranged for someone to assassinate Zhang Yan's father.But his subordinates dispelled his thoughts with one sentence. The subordinates told Wei Zhongxian that Zhu Youxiao was very fond of his family, and if there were any mistakes, all of them would be finished.

Wei Zhongxian felt that his subordinate's words were right, so he gave up the idea of ​​framing Zhang Yan, and he didn't dare to attack Zhang Yan again, so he hid away when he saw Zhang Yan.

In the seventh year of Tianqi, Zhu Youxiao suddenly became critically ill, and Wei Zhongxian and Ke Shi panicked.

Thanks to Bai Ke and Wei Zhongxian, several sons born to Zhu Youxiao were killed. Once Zhu Youxiao died, who would inherit the throne? Younger brother Zhu Youjian.

However, Zhu Youjian was already 17 years old at that time, and it was very difficult to control people of this age.

Wei Zhongxian thought of a way to ask someone to find a few pregnant women outside the palace to be maids in the palace, and then asked someone to bring a message to Zhang Yan: Once the emperor dies, the child born to the pregnant woman will be your son. Empress Dowager.If you don't listen, when the emperor dies, we will see how to deal with you.

Zhang Yan's reply was: If I obey your words, I will definitely die, and if I don't listen to your words, I will die. It's better not to listen, and I will have the face to see my ancestors after death.

After speaking, Zhang Yan went to find Zhu Youxiao, who was about to die.

But Wei Zhongxian had told Zhu Youxiao of this plan in advance, and got Zhu Youxiao's approval.

Zhang Yan was not only thoughtful, but also extremely patient. After several hours of long talks, she finally made Zhu Youxiao understand that the throne should be passed on to his younger brother.

Zhang Yan strikes while the iron is hot, and then asks Zhu Youxiao to pass an edict to let King Xin enter the palace.

After Zhu Youjian entered the palace, when he learned that his brother was going to pass on the throne to him, he thought there was some conspiracy, no matter what Zhu Youxiao said, he refused to accept it.

At this moment Zhang Yan came out and said: "It's urgent, you can't refuse."

Only then did Zhu Youjian understand that his brother really wanted to pass on the throne to himself.

And when Zhu Youxiao passed away, Zhang Yan promulgated the will immediately, and then let the British Duke Zhang Weiying take the will to welcome the king into the palace to succeed.So far, all of Wei Zhongxian's calculations have come to nothing, and he has to accept Zhu Youjian as the emperor.

It can be said that Zhang Yan definitely played a leading role in Zhu Youjian's ascension to the throne.

(End of this chapter)

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