Chapter 381

Seeing Xiao Wu looking at Zhang Yan, Li Jing smiled, knowing that Xiao Wu already understood what happened just now.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said: "Also, you let Wang Gonggong and those little eunuchs go back to rest. If Wang Chengen refuses, you can say that I mean it. Okay, let's just say it. Wang Chengen should understand what I mean. the meaning of."

Xiao Wu didn't know what Li Jing meant, so he nodded and exited the room.

Taking Xiaowu out, Zhang Yan bowed to Li Jingyingying: "Thank you, Lord Guo, for thinking about me."

Li Jing stretched out his hand to pull Zhang Yan up, sighed and said, "I guess Wang Chengen knows you, if he is outside, how can you get out?"

Zhang Yan nodded, Wang Chengen did know her.

Today, Wang Chengen took advantage of the time to get the wine and sent someone to the Palace of Compassion and Ning to send her a message, asking her to arrange for a few maids to come over. He himself had not been to the Palace of Compassion, so Zhang Yan was able to pretend to be a palace maid and come to Dongnuan Pavilion to assassinate Li Jing. If she personally went to the Compassionate Ning Palace to lead someone, she would not be able to impersonate her.

As for the low-level eunuch, he is not even qualified to meet Zhang Yan, so how would he know her?

However, Li Jing was still worried that Zhang Yan would be recognized, so he sent the little eunuch outside together.

However, with Wang Chengen's cleverness, he would doubt Li Jing's intentions. Afterwards, he only needed to ask the eunuch who was the leader of the Compassionate Ning Palace to guess that Zhang Yan had come.

And Li Jing deliberately asked Xiao Wu to explain to him, just to tell him not to mention this matter again.

As for Xiao Wu and the others, there is no need to worry at all, not to mention that Li Jing slept with the former empress, even if they slept with the current empress, they would keep their mouths shut for Li Jing.

When Xiao Wu went out, Li Jing took Zhang Yan's hand and sat back beside the bed: "Those four maids can't stay in the palace anymore, I'll take them out after dawn."

"Master, can you let them go? They have been serving me all these years and have done their duty with all their heart. They are like sisters to me, and they will never talk nonsense." Zhang Yan said hastily.

Hearing this, Li Jing looked at Zhang Yan intently: "Can you guarantee that they will not tell what happened tonight? You must know that once people know what happened tonight, you will be ruined."

"I can assure you that they know that I came here pretending to be a court lady to assassinate you." Zhang Yan said hastily.

Li Jingjing nodded. At that time, the four maids covered their exclamation, just not wanting people to hear what happened in the room.

Looking at Zhang Yan, Li Jing suddenly smiled and said, "Are you here to assassinate me? Did you assassinate me? Do you want me to assassinate you again?"

Hearing Li Jing's teasing jokes, Zhang Yan was ashamed, and hurriedly pulled up the quilt to cover her face.

Li Jing was about to put his hand into the quilt, when he heard someone knock on the door, Li Jing quickly withdrew his hand.

Seeing Zhang Yan get out of the quilt and tidy up her clothes, Li Jing called someone to come in.

It was the four maids who came in.

Seeing Li Jing and Zhang Yan sitting by the bed, the four court ladies couldn't help but froze.

When Zhang Yan went out to order them just now, they felt that something was wrong.

Ordinarily Zhang Yan assassinated Li Jing, Li Jing shouldn't let Zhang Yan go, even the four of them couldn't escape, but it seemed that Li Jing didn't want to do anything to them.

The four maids pondered for a long time but couldn't figure out the reason.

In fact, not to mention them, even Zhang Yan didn't understand Li Jing's intentions.

But one thing Zhang Yan knew, Li Jing definitely didn't fancy her beauty.Zhang Yan is very aware of how powerful Li Jing is, what kind of woman does Li Jing want with his power?How could he take a fancy to her, who is nearly thirty years old and a widow?

Seeing the four maids in a daze, Li Jing smiled: "You don't need to be afraid. Although you are suspected of being an assassin, I won't do anything to you. Speaking of which, you can't help yourself."

Seeing that the four maids hadn't responded yet, Zhang Yan hurriedly said, "Hurry up and thank the Duke."

The four maids came to their senses and hurriedly said to Li Jingfu: "Thank you, Lord Guo, for your kindness."

Li Jing waved his hand: "You don't need to thank me, thank you, your empress, if she hadn't interceded, I wouldn't have let you stay in the palace."

The four maids were stunned, they felt that they heard it wrong, and they all said in their hearts: Is there any mistake, the empress assassinated you just now, what does it have to do with us?How can we accept the love of the empress instead? Is there any reason for this?

Thinking of the voices in the room just now, and seeing that Zhang Yan's gentle face was very different from usual, the four court ladies suddenly understood what they were doing just now.

After pondering for a while, the four finally understood that Zhang Yan was exchanging her body for the lives of everyone.

Thinking about this point, the four of them knelt down in front of Zhang Yan without any hesitation: "Thank you, Ma'am, for your plea."

Zhang Yan shook her head, got up and pulled the four of them up and said, "Thank me for what, in fact, I got you bothered."

Seeing that the women tended to cry, Li Jing continued: "Stop talking about these useless things, you guys, and listen to my instructions. First of all, forget everything about tonight, otherwise, I will let you go. I won't let you go either."

"Yes!" The four maids hurriedly said.

Li Jing continued: "Secondly, if someone asks where your empress is tonight, even if you kill her, you can't say that she has been here."

"The servants understand that even if they die, they will never speak out." The four maids hurriedly said.

Li Jingjing nodded, looked intently at the four maids and said: "It's getting late, you go to the next room to rest, I hope you wake up tomorrow morning, you have forgotten what happened tonight."

"Yes." The four maids said.

Seeing that Li Jing was going to drive the maid to the next room, Zhang Yan hurriedly said: "Don't go, you just live outside, I will call you later."

"Huh?" Li Jing looked at Zhang Yan suspiciously, not knowing what Zhang Yan meant. Could it be that Zhang Yan likes to be listened to?Isn't this hobby too exciting?
Of course Zhang Yan doesn't have such bad tastes, but such things as being listened to in bed have often been encountered before.

You must know that there are many rules in the palace. Who the emperor sleeps with needs to be recorded on the record. Remember, if you write it down, it will become a pornographic novel), so that the emperor will not admit it in the future.

To write it down so clearly, the internal living officer needs to be very close to the emperor, so that he can hear the emperor's words.

In fact, it was not only the living officer who could hear the emperor's words and actions, but also the eunuchs and maids who accompanied him.In other words, the love between the emperor and the concubine is not privacy at all.

Of course, the emperor and concubines didn't treat eunuchs and maids as human beings, just as if they were seen by cats and dogs.

(Actually, after Li Jing and Shen Ying got married, some people could hear about their married life, because Xiaodie lived outside. And when Shen Ying was unwell and Xiaodie was sleeping, she was not in Shen Ying's eyelids. Next, because if you do that, it's tantamount to disrespecting the mistress, and that's asking for trouble.)
Because of this, Zhang Yan didn't think there was anything wrong with letting the maid live in the outer room, and Zhang Yan had other plans for letting the maid live in the outer room.

She knew very well that Li Jing would definitely continue to want her body tonight.It's not that Zhang Yan doesn't want to, but after all, she's been widowed for nearly ten years, and Li Jing is too powerful, she couldn't take it that time just now, if it happens again, Zhang Yan knows that she will definitely not be able to bear it.

Zhang Yan didn't want to lose her life because of the bed incident, it would be too embarrassing to spread it like that.Zhang Yan asked the maid to live outside because she wanted to let the maid take over her position when she couldn't stand it anymore.

In addition, Zhang Yan also had a thought, asking Li Jing to bring these palace ladies into the house, the palace ladies must be more loyal to him.

Li Jing didn't know that Zhang Yan still had so many twists and turns in his heart, but as a man, he had evil thoughts in his heart about this matter.Therefore, Li Jing did not stop Zhang Yan's arrangement.

After the four maids went out, Li Jing looked at Zhang Yan and said with a smile: "It's all arranged, then let me tell you something serious."

Zhang Yan looked up at Li Jing and nodded slightly.

Li Jing smiled, probably Zhang Yan thought he wanted her again.

"Your father Tai Kangbo is there. I want you to write a letter to him and ask him to cooperate with the local government in implementing the new policy. With Tai Kangbo taking the lead, I think it will be much easier to implement the government order in Xiangfu County. By the way, you My hometown is Xiangfu, right?" Li Jing said.

Zhang Yan hummed lightly.

Li Jing continued: "I wanted to get rid of many of Daming's bad policies, but I encountered too much resistance. I originally planned to use some tough methods. If I couldn't, I would kill another group of people. It can be solved by killing people. Everyone should slowly accept these changes. However, it can't be delayed for too long, because we Daming can't afford it. Therefore, some people should still take advantage of it.

I have inquired that your father, Zhang Guoji, did not do any serious crimes. If he can help me carry out the New Deal, I will treat the past as never happened. As long as he does not bully others in the future, I will let the past go. "

"Did you want to take my father down a long time ago? Even without today's incident, you still want to take him down, right?" Zhang Yan asked suddenly.

Li Jing smiled and said: "I can't say that he was taken down, but punishment is inevitable. You don't know, these royal relatives are the most difficult to deal with. If I don't clean up a few, others will think that I dare not do anything to them." .”

"Then you let my father go because of me?" Zhang Yan asked.

Li Jing shook his head slightly: "Do you think I am someone who can be manipulated by women?"

Shaking his head, Li Jing continued with a smile: "However, it's a little unreasonable for me to clean up her after I just slept with his daughter, so I'll give him a chance."

"Why did you sleep with someone else's daughter? It's so ugly." Zhang Yan said with a white look at Li Jing.

In Li Jing's eyes, Zhang Yan's casual expression was really charming, and his heart skipped a beat.

Smiling, Li Jinghu said: "If you want to hear something nice, you have to say it yourself. I can't say it, I can only do it."

Hearing that Li Jing was teasing her again, Zhang Yan's face turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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