Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 382 Critically ill

Chapter 382 Critically ill
After receiving the clothes from Wang Chengen, Li Jing turned and went back to the inner room, handed the clothes to Zhang Yan and said, "Put it on."

Zhang Yan took it and put it on silently.

After Zhang Yan finished dressing, Li Jing changed the four maids into the room and said: "Let's go back to the palace with your empress, I have already said what I need to say, if I hear any rumors in the future, what will you do?" The end, I think you should know it too."

The four maids hurriedly responded.

Looking at Zhang Yan's cotton-padded coat, Li Jing frowned, took out his cloak, put it on Zhang Yan and said, "Put this on for me, and take a good rest when you go back."

"Thank you, Lord Guo." Zhang Yan said as she tightened the front of her cloak, then pulled down her hat to cover her face.

Taking a deep look at Zhang Yan, Li Jing waved his hand and said, "Follow me, let's go."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yan turned behind Li Jing and followed Li Jing out of the room.

Seeing that Li Jing brought someone out in person, and that the maid behind Li Jing was still wearing Li Jing's cloak, Wang Chengen was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses and hurriedly said: "Let's go with this palace."

After all, Wang Chengen went first, without even looking at the maid behind Li Jing.

With Wang Cheng'en leading the way, the whole journey was unimpeded. When they arrived at the Palace of Compassion and Ning, Wang Cheng'en ordered several young eunuchs to wait outside, and led Zhang Yan and others into Zhang Yan's bedroom.

Seeing that there was no one waiting outside the bedroom, Wang Chengen sighed inwardly, turned around and stretched out his hand and said, "I want to take back the commander's cloak."

Zhang Yan didn't dare to make a sound, but just grasped the cloak tightly.

Seeing this, Wang Chengen said to the four court ladies: "You guys wait outside."

How could the four court ladies dare to disobey Wang Chengen's order, they glanced at Zhang Yan, blessed Wang Chengen, and hurried out.

When the four girls went out, Wang Chengen sighed and said to Zhang Yan: "The commander-in-chief's cloak cannot be left here. If someone recognizes that it is the commander-in-chief's cloak, it will definitely damage the reputation of you and the commander-in-chief."

Zhang Yan knew that Wang Chengen had seen through her identity, she was silent for a while, and finally slowly took off the cloak and handed it to Wang Chengen.

Wang Chengen took the cloak, pondered for a while, and suddenly said, "Can you tell me your purpose for coming to Dongnuange?"

Zhang Yan hesitated for a while, and finally said: "I came to Dongnuange to assassinate Li Jing."

Wang Chengen exclaimed when he heard the words: "What? You want to assassinate the commander-in-chief? Did you do it?"

Zhang Yan nodded slightly: "I almost succeeded, but for some reason, Li Jing escaped at the last moment."

"Ah!" Wang Chengen's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly asked, "What happened next?"

Zhang Yan sighed and said, "I don't know what happened, but he got me into the bathtub, and then I was picked out by him. This man is really amazing, he guessed my identity at that time."

"What happened later?" Wang Chengen asked hurriedly.

Zhang Yan blushed and said: "After he saw through my identity, he was afraid that the people outside the door would hear him, so he brought me into the bedroom. I would have misunderstood him, and also knew that I had caused a catastrophe. Then..."

Wang Chengen waved his hand hastily: "I don't listen to this, I just want to know if the commander-in-chief has related your assassination to His Majesty."

Zhang Yan shook her head: "No, and he still cared about the face of the royal family. At that time, he ordered my four maids to forget about this matter, and at the same time ordered someone to inform you, don't mention this matter."

Wang Chengen heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then gave Zhang Yan a hard look: "Do you know that you almost killed the emperor, but fortunately, the commander-in-chief is now implementing the New Deal and still needs the emperor's brand, otherwise, borrow With this incident, the emperor may be deposed."

Zhang Yan heard it silently.

After a pause, Wang Chengen then asked, "Did the commander-in-chief say how he will arrange for you in the future?"

Zhang Yan hurriedly said: "I promised him to write a letter to my father to help him carry out the new policy in Henan. In addition, he said that there are a few factories to be opened in the capital, and there are no suitable women in charge, so let me manage those factories."

Wang Chengen nodded, then shook his head again: "Did the commander-in-chief ever say that he would arrange for you to leave the palace?"

"As I said before, he plans to arrange for me to live in Xiyuan. He said that it will be convenient to manage those factories." Zhang Yan said.

"Xiyuan, Xiyuan..." Wang Chengen murmured and repeated, then he frowned and thought.

In Wang Chengen's impression, he had never heard that Li Jing had been to Xiyuan.In the past, someone proposed to let Li Jing live in Xiyuan, but Li Jing rejected the proposal because Xiyuan used to be the imperial palace.

After walking back and forth for a few steps, Wang Chengen shook his head lightly, wondering what Li Jing's intention in arranging Zhang Yan to Xiyuan was.

After thinking about it, Wang Chengen asked, "What is the attitude of the commander-in-chief when he is with you?"

"What kind of attitude?" Zhang Yan wondered.

Wang Chengen frowned and said, "It's just that the commander-in-chief loves you very much."

Zhang Yan's face turned red when she heard this, and she gave Wang Chengen a hard look.Wanting to scold Wang Cheng'en, he squirmed his lips, but finally held back.

Seeing that Zhang Yan remained silent, Wang Chengen said urgently: "Mother, this matter is of great importance. This old servant needs to know what kind of attitude the commander-in-chief treats you, so that he can remind the emperor how to deal with it."

"Are you afraid that Li Jing will be unfavorable to the emperor? No way? When I listen to him, I always uphold the dignity of the emperor and the royal family." Zhang Yan asked suspiciously.

Wang Chengen shook his head: "Who can guess Li Jing's thoughts? But I can tell you that Li Jing is not a good man and a faithful woman. The people who died in his hands may have [-] if not [-]. He killed more than [-] people." The Emperor Zu didn't give in too much, and no one who dared to stand in his way will end well. If you make such a big mess, even if he doesn't say anything now, it's hard to guarantee that he won't settle accounts later. If he can pamper you, then It's much easier to handle, he's worried about gossip, so it's not easy for him to attack the emperor."

Zhang Yan suddenly realized that if Li Jing doted on her, he would definitely not be able to attack Zhu Youjian, otherwise, he would definitely bear the notoriety of killing his uncle and occupying his sister-in-law.

Thinking about this point, Zhang Yan pondered for a while and said, "How should I put it, Li Jing is a very self-controlled person, even when he is doing that thing, he can control himself.

But based on my feelings, I think he is a little obsessed with my body. As for doting, I think it's far from it.No matter when this person is, his mind is always clear. "

After a pause, Zhang Yan continued: "In my opinion, the only women in this world who can change Li Jing's mind are his two wives."

Wang Chengen was surprised when he heard the words: "How do you know his two wives? Could it be that you actually talked about his wife when you two were together?"

Zhang Yan shook her head, sighed and said, "My lord, you don't understand a woman's mind."

Wang Chengen was silent, pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "No matter what, you can do what the commander instructs you to do. The commander is very talented and nostalgic. If you do well, the commander will probably treat you with the same mentality." Will change, in order to make up for your own mistakes, for the sake of the emperor, you should suffer some grievances."

Zhang Yan nodded slightly.

Looking at Zhang Yan, Wang Cheng'en suddenly said: "I will take care of those who came to the Palace of Compassionate Ning to pick you up last night and those who came to the Palace of Compassionate Ning today. As for the four maids in your palace, you'd better take care of them too." If you can't solve it, then I will help you solve it."

"No, Li Jing said, as long as they keep their mouths shut, let them go. If one day the commander-in-chief sees me, once he asks about these four maids, how should I respond?" Zhang Yan asked hurriedly.

Wang Chengen took a deep look at Zhang Yan, shook his head and sighed: "Since that's the case, then you can do it yourself. It's getting late, I have to go back quickly."

After finishing speaking, Wang Chengen saluted Zhang Yan, put Li Jing's cloak on his arm, and turned around to leave Zhang Yan's bedroom.

Back in Dongnuan Pavilion, Wang Chengen returned the cloak to Li Jingdao: "Marshal, I sent it back. Your cloak is not suitable for the maid, so let me take it back."

Li Jingjing nodded, looked at Wang Chengen with a smile and said, "Brother Wang is very considerate, so you have to explain everything you have to do, right?"

Wang Chengen was taken aback when he heard the words, knowing that Li Jing had already guessed that he had talked with Zhang Yan.

Seeing that there was no hesitation on Li Jing's face, Wang Chengen thought for a while and said, "Marshal, this old slave will never dare to have any dissent against you, but today's matter concerns the emperor's safety, if this old slave doesn't know the marshal's Mind, how can you rest assured?"

Li Jing nodded slightly: "I know that you are loyal to the emperor, and I value you for this reason. You don't need to think too much, I will not do anything against the emperor. But this matter must be kept from the emperor, otherwise If it is, it will be difficult for the emperor to be caught in it, and besides, Empress Yi'an will come forward to do things, and you will also need to do your best."

Wang Chengen hurriedly said: "This old slave knows how to do it."

Li Jingjing nodded, raised his eyes and looked out the window, seeing that it was still dark, he waved to Wang Chengen and said, "I'll take a rest, you can go back and rest too."

"Yes!" Wang Chengen saluted Li Jing, turned around and left.

After Wang Chengen left, Li Jing was about to go back to the inner room to rest, when he suddenly heard hurried footsteps outside the door, and then vaguely heard someone outside the door saying: "Is the commander awake?"

"What's the matter? The commander just wanted to rest?" said the guard outside the door.

The visitor hurriedly said: "Master Xu's family members reported to the mansion last night that Mr. Xu Guangqi was ill."

Li Jingwen was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly shouted: "What's the matter, come in and answer."

As soon as Li Jing finished speaking, he hurried into the house alone. Li Jing took a closer look, but he was a soldier in the mansion.

When the soldier saw Li Jing, he didn't have time to salute and said: "Commander, a letter came from Mr. Xu's house last night, saying that Mr. Xu is ill."

"Did you say how your condition is?" Li Jing asked hurriedly.

"I heard from people that Mr. Xu is seriously ill this time, and he may not be able to survive it." The soldier said.

"What?" Li Jing was stunned when he heard the words like a lightning strike.

After a long while, Li Jing finally woke up, and hurriedly said to Xiao Wu: "Let's go to Xu's Mansion."

After that, he turned around and walked out.

"Marshal, you haven't put on your coat yet." Xiao Wu hurriedly called out from behind.

Li Jing was startled when he heard the words, and then remembered that his clothes were disheveled, so he stopped, hurriedly put on the clothes that Xiao Wu handed over, then grabbed the cloak, and walked out while wearing it.

(End of this chapter)

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