Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 409 The Role of the Gods

Chapter 409 The Role of the Gods

After a long time, Wang Chengen pushed the door open and entered, seeing Li Jing, he said: "The commander is overjoyed, it's snowing heavily outside."

Li Jingwen heard Huo Ran get up: "It's snowing heavily? Is it really snowing?"

"Can I lie to you? Look at me, the snow hasn't shaken off yet." Wang Chengen laughed.

"I'll take a look outside." Li Jingxi said.

After walking two steps, Li Jing remembered that Wang Chengen brought several people into the house.

Li Jing pointed to the seat with a smile and said, "Sit down first, I'll come back after I go out to have a look."

Several people nodded slightly.

Without further hesitation, Li Jing pushed the door open and walked out quickly. When he got outside, he saw goose feather-like snow falling from the sky one after another.

Li Jing was overjoyed and shouted repeatedly: "Good snow, with this snow, the next year's spring plowing will solve a big problem. Good! Good! God has opened his eyes."

Looking back, seeing Xiao Wu and others follow him out of the house, Li Jing said to Xiao Wu: "Get the wine quickly, I want to offer a glass of wine to God."

When Xiao Wu heard this, he hurried back into the room, and quickly came out with a jar of wine and a wine bowl.

Li Jing took the wine bowl, let Xiao Wu fill it up, then held it high above his head, and shouted: "Heaven has eyes, remembering the sufferings of our people in Ming Dynasty, Li Jing is here to thank you for the heavy snowfall!"

After finishing speaking, Li Jing raised the wine bowl, and the wine splashed into the sky.

"Pour another bowl. I would like to thank Houtu for this bowl of wine. May the heavens and earth bless me and make me immortal forever." Li Jing shouted.

After hearing this, Xiao Wu hurriedly filled up the wine. Li Jing respectfully spilled the wine on the ground, then knelt down and kowtowed three times before getting up and going back to the room.

Back in the house, Li Jing said to Xiao Wu: "Send someone to find Zhang Li tomorrow morning, and ask him to find out where it snows all over the capital."

"Yes." Xiao Wu replied.

Li Jing smiled, pointed to the wine jar and said: "You brothers have drunk this wine, today is a big happy event, please respect the world for me."

"My child obeys." Xiao Wu hurriedly said.

In fact, Li Jing is an atheist at all. He is very clear that the snow is not because God takes care of Daming, but because the water vapor in the sky accumulates to a certain extent and begins to condense to form water droplets or ice crystals. When the resistance and buoyancy of the air cannot support the water droplets or ice crystals Gravity, it will fall to the ground to form rain or snowfall.

But this is the Ming Dynasty, and Li Jing couldn't explain it clearly to everyone. At that time, people believed that rain and snow were controlled by the God of Rain and the Dragon King.

In fact, even in modern times, people often use a few dragons to control water and a few cattle to cultivate land to predict the annual precipitation and grain harvest. (Every year on the first day of the first lunar month, it means that Jilong will control the water that year. For example, the fifth day of the first month is the day of Chen, then this year will be the year of Wulong's water control. Similarly, Ji Niu Gengtian is also calculated in the same way.)
Many people think that the more dragons that control the water, the better, but in fact it is not, more dragons will lead to drought.The common people said: there are too many people, and the dragons are too dry. When there are too many dragons, everyone will compare with each other and don't work. This is the reason why the dragons are so dry.

But it doesn’t work if there are fewer dragons. If there are fewer dragons, there will be floods in those years. Because there are fewer dragons, you have to run around and rain everywhere. If you work too hard, there will be too much rain and waterlogging will occur again.

It is best to control the water with four dragons and five dragons. The four dragons are in charge of the southeast, northwest, and the five dragons are in charge of the southeast, northwest, and middle.

As for ox farming, the less the better, it is best to only have one ox plowing the field. If it is one ox plowing, then the year will be the four dragons to control the water. You can complete the farming task.

This set of calculation methods in China has gone through thousands of years. Although it cannot be said to be completely accurate, many of them have been fulfilled. Otherwise, it would not have been passed down to modern times.

After Li Jing arrived in the Ming Dynasty, he would hear such predictions every year when it came to spring plowing.Li Jing must admit that these predictions still have a certain degree of accuracy.

In addition, Li Jing also hopes that the common people can fear the gods.

In this era when communication is extremely underdeveloped and science cannot be popularized, it will be more conducive to ruling if the common people fear the gods.

Just like now, Chongzhen has been emperor for ten years, and Ming Dynasty is either suffering from severe drought or flood, which can be described as adversarial.But after Li Jing came to power, if the weather was smooth immediately, the common people would respect Li Jing from the bottom of their hearts, thinking that Li Jing had gods to help him.With the decree issued by Li Jing, the common people will not and dare not have a mentality of resistance.

But for the common people to fear the gods, first of all Li Jing himself must fear the gods, which is why Li Jing wanted to toast to God after seeing the snow falling.

Li Jing believed that his actions just now would spread outside the palace soon.

Wang Chengen is not a fool. If Li Jing didn't publicize Li Jing's action just now, he would not be Wang Chengen.If Wang Chengen didn't know what to do, he wouldn't be able to get to where he is today.

The common people in China say they are easy to fool, but in fact they are not.

When the common people know about Li Jing's actions, they will definitely think that Li Jing is really thinking about the common people.

Li Jing is no longer a bandit, nor is he a warlord sitting in a corner of Pingyang Mansion. He is now in charge of the entire Ming Dynasty, so he must learn to consider issues from a political perspective.In the past, he would never have made such a move today, and today's move is a manifestation of political maturity.

Back in the inner room, Li Jing poured a glass of wine and said to Wang Cheng'en, "Cheng'en, just now you said that there would be heavy snow tonight, and it really did as you said, it really snowed heavily. Come, let me toast you!"

Wang Chengen picked up his wine glass and said with a smile: "Hehe, in my opinion, it is God who sees that the commander-in-chief cares about all people and works hard all day. It is really too hard, so this heavy snow falls to share the worries of the commander-in-chief."

Li Jing smiled: "You, just pick up what I like to hear. Come! Have a drink!"

After all, raise your glass and drink it.

Wang Chengen drank the wine in his glass, looked at Li Jing and said with a smile: "Commander, Cheng En has been a little tired these past two days, and he is already too drunk. Please be considerate, and I will accompany you to have a good drink some other day."

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "It's snowing so much outside, don't go back to your residence, there are so many rooms here, I think you should find a room next to you to rest."

Wang Chengen smiled, turned his head to look at the ladies in the palace, nodded slightly, then cupped his hands at Li Jing before turning around and leaving the room.

After Wang Chengen left, Li Jing looked at one of the maids and smiled and said, "You asked me to arrange it, and now I can take advantage of your wish?"

The maid pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Looking at the happy expression on the Duke's face, I don't know if it has fulfilled your wish."

Li Jing nodded and said with a smile: "It is indeed what I wanted. I have been looking forward to this snow for more than two months. The auspicious snow is a sign of a good year. Although it is a bit late, it is better than nothing."

The woman sighed and said, "Master, in this situation, do you still remember the important affairs of the country?"

Li Jing sighed: "How can I not worry about it! The country, the country, the country first, the family first, if I am an ordinary person, I don't need to think so much, but since I am sitting in this position, I can't think about it. The only way is to arrange the affairs of the state. After that, I can think about my own affairs."

Looking at Zhang Yan, Li Jing smiled and said: "However, this snow has gone. I have a big heart problem. I am in a good mood today, so I don't want to think about those troublesome things anymore. I wonder if my mother would like to have a drink with Li Jing? "

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "The Duke asked me to come, isn't it just to drink with you to relieve boredom?"

Li Jing shook his head and said, "I made the arrangement according to your wishes, don't you want to come out and have a drink with me to relieve boredom?"

Zhang Yan smiled, turned her head to look at the court ladies and said, "You guys, go and make up the beds, and then rest first, I will accompany the Duke to have a drink or two."

"Are there no servants here to serve you?" a court lady said.

Zhang Yan smiled: "Do you also want to drink with the Duke to relieve boredom? The Duke didn't let you accompany him last time. Do you want to accompany the Duke well this time?"

The palace maid was Xiaolan, Zhang Yan's personal maid. Hearing Zhang Yan's teasing, Xiaolan hurriedly said: "I don't dare, I'm just afraid that my mother will call my servant if something happens. None of the servants are here, and there is no one here to serve my mother."

Zhang Yan waved her hands and said, "It's okay, you guys go to rest first, if I have something to do later, I will naturally call you."

Xiaolan nodded: "The servant will leave."

After finishing speaking, he called the other three maids to go to the bedroom to make up the beds.

After Xiaolan and the others left, Zhang Yan poured a glass of wine, then walked up to Li Jing and sat down next to Li Jing: "My lord, for your wish to be fulfilled, I will offer you a toast."

Li Jing smiled, poured himself a glass of wine, touched Zhang Yan's glass lightly, and both drank it down at the same time.

Seeing that Li Jing had finished drinking, Zhang Yan picked up the bottle and was about to pour the wine, when she suddenly frowned and said, "You can't drink too much of this wine, it won't do you any good if you drink too much."

Li Jing smiled and said: "I know, this is the second cup, if you pour it for me again, it will be too much."

Zhang Yan nodded, after thinking about it, she poured Li Jing a glass of wine from the bottle: "Let's have another glass."

Li Jing smiled and said, "Are you afraid that I won't be able to hold on?"

Hearing Li Jing's teasing joke, Zhang Yan's face immediately turned red, and under the light of the candle, she looked even more charming.Li Jing couldn't help being stunned when he saw it, and sighed softly: "There are beauties in the north, who are peerless and independent. When you look at the city of Qingren, and then the country of Qingren, why don't you know the city and the country? Beautiful women are hard to come by!"

Zhang Yan heard the words and said, "Is there such a person in the world?"

Li Jing smiled and said, "It's far away in the sky."

How smart Zhang Yan is, she understands that Li Jing only said half a sentence, and the rest of the sentence is right in front of her eyes.

Zhang Yan's heart fluttered, and she slowly leaned on Li Jing's chest: "My lord, this servant knows that you are only interested in this beauty, but I am still very happy to hear it."

Li Jing caressed Zhang Yan's face and sighed: "If you only have beauty, I'm afraid I still can't see you. I don't want to hide it from you. There is a maid in my house who has just passed her age. Above you, and can sing and dance well, do you know how I arranged for her? I handed her over to Madam, and Madam arranged for her to serve Mr. Yuan."

Zhang Yan was very conceited about her looks, and when she heard Li Jing say that there was a maid in the house who was prettier than her and was arranged to serve Yuan Keli, she suddenly felt a little unbelieving.

(End of this chapter)

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