Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 410 Picking up Pearls

Chapter 410 Picking up Pearls

Seeing Zhang Yan's expression of disbelief, Li Jing smiled and said: "I didn't lie to you, and I don't need to lie to you, let alone deliberately belittle others to please you. Let me tell you the truth, you are not the only one who impresses me. The key to your appearance is that you are very virtuous and intelligent. If it wasn't for this, how could I be confused with you? What kind of woman do you think I, Li Jing, can't find? Is it worth taking such a big risk? "

Zhang Yan nodded silently when she heard the words, knowing that it was indeed as Li Jing said, with Li Jing's current power, all the women in the world can really be chosen by him.

However, Zhang Yan suddenly became curious and began to wonder why Mrs. Li sent such a beautiful maid away.

Zhang Yan is the former empress of Ming Dynasty, and she has a deep understanding of how to consolidate her position.

Zhang Yan knew that, as Li Jing's official wife, she must not be jealous or worry that Li Jing liked other women.

That would leave a jealous impression on Li Jing. Once Li Jing had such thoughts in his heart, no matter how beautiful and capable she was, Li Jing would gradually alienate her.

There are many such examples in history. The most famous one is Chen Ajiao, the empress of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Why was Chen Ajiao thrown into the cold palace in the end?In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, she was jealous of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's doting on other women. After learning that Wei Zifu was blessed by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he searched for death many times and practiced witchcraft. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty finally beat her up. Into the limbo.

Zhang Yan learned from Li Jing's mouth that Li Jing respected Shen Ying very much.

If Shen Ying is indeed as virtuous and virtuous as Li Jing said, then Shen Ying should never be jealous of Li Jing looking for another woman, not only should she not be jealous, she should even facilitate it, only in this way will Li Jing leave more With a good impression, one's position will be more stable.

But Shen Ying sent such a beautiful maid away. Judging from Li Jing's words, Shen Ying is definitely not jealous, so what is Shen Ying's intention?

Seeing Zhang Yan's pensive expression, Li Jing patted her cheek lightly and smiled, "What are you thinking?"

Zhang Yan shook her head and said, "I was wondering why Mrs. Zun sent such a beautiful maid to serve Mr. Yuan."

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "What's there to think about? Mr. is getting old. Madam sent Yuanyuan to him so that Yuanyuan could sing a little song to him during his spare time to relieve his boredom and make him happy. It is also Madam's filial piety to her husband."

Zhang Yan shook her head lightly: "To be filial, Madam Zun doesn't need to arrange a maid for Mr. Yuan. Doesn't Mrs. have a maid to serve Mr. Yuan? Besides, Mrs. Zun can do anything for Mr. Yuan by herself. To express her filial piety."

Li Jing smiled: "Why are you thinking about this matter, anyway, as long as you can honor Mr., it is better than anything else."

Hearing that Li Jing respected his master so much, Zhang Yan suddenly smiled and said, "I know what respecting your wife means!"

"What do you mean?" Li Jingqi asked.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Although I don't know the origin of this Yuanyuan girl, but such a charming girl has been reduced to a servant girl. I think her family background is not very good."

Li Jingjing nodded and said, "Yuanyuan was bought by the housekeeper in the brothel in Yangzhou the year before last."

Zhang Yan nodded and said with a smile: "That's it, Miss Yuanyuan came from a humble background, no matter how beautiful she is, she is not worthy of the status of the Duke, even if she is a concubine, it will have an impact on the reputation of the Duke. When Mrs. Zun sent Miss Yuanyuan to Mr. Yuan's residence, she was actually gilding Miss Yuanyuan."

Li Jingqi said: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "If Miss Yuanyuan is really as beautiful as the Duke said, it is impossible for the lady to let her out of the mansion. If I say something that doesn't sound good, if she falls into an ordinary family, That is a scourge, and there may not be many people who want to miss her. Only by staying in the Duke's mansion and becoming the Duke's woman, no one will dare to think about her."

Li Jingwen nodded silently. Chen Yuanyuan's original life was passed around in the hands of several men, and one of them was infamous for her for thousands of years.If it weren't for being too beautiful, how could the fate be so miserable?
A woman like Chen Yuanyuan can be said to be a woman like Chen Yuanyuan.In fact, what did Chen Yuanyuan ever do?It's not her fault that she is beautiful, it's just that some people with ulterior motives put all the blame on her in order to shirk the man's responsibility.

Seeing that Li Jingting nodded in agreement with her point of view, Zhang Yan continued with a smile: "But girl Yuanyuan is humble, if she wants to be worthy of the Duke, and not insult the reputation of the Duke, she must be given a good background." .

But in Pingyang Mansion, there is no more suitable place than sending it to Mr. Yuan's Mansion.

First of all, Mr. Yuan is old, and he no longer has any thoughts about Miss Yuanyuan. Even if he has thoughts, he is probably powerless. "

Li Jingwen couldn't help but frowned, glared at Zhang Yan and said, "What nonsense!"

Zhang Yan turned her winking eyes and said with a smile: "I'm not slandering Mr. Yuan, I'm talking about your men's mentality. Let's just talk about you, don't you like beautiful women? Don't you just treat that girl Yuanyuan a little bit?" Any ideas?"

Li Jingwen was dumbfounded when he heard this.

Li Jing is also a man, how can men not like beautiful women?It's just that Li Jing's self-control is extremely strong, and he can control his desires.

Seeing that Li Jing was speechless, Zhang Yan smiled and said, "Have you got it to your heart? In fact, it's normal for a man to be lecherous. If you are not lecherous, you are not a man. If you were not a man, I would not be sitting here."

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "I am a man, but you are not an ordinary woman, you are simply a goblin, a goblin who wants to fascinate men."

As he spoke, Li Jing gently twisted Zhang Yan's face.

Zhang Yan stretched out her hand to hold Li Jing's hand, and said softly, "If I were a goblin, you would be the Da Luo Jinxian who can subdue goblins. No matter how powerful a goblin is, they can't escape from your hands."

Li Jing smiled: "Although I don't have the means to subdue the goblin, it is still possible to deal with you little goblin."

Zhang Yan blushed, turned her winking eyes to Li Jing, and suddenly giggled and said, "Then do you want to clean up the goblin now?"

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "You should finish your speech first, but don't be surprised again after a while."

"Laughing at him again." Zhang Yan patted Li Jing's hand lightly and said angrily.

But Zhang Yan immediately continued: "Secondly, everyone in Pingyang Mansion knows that Mr. Yuan is your mentor. Who would have the guts to attack Mr. Yuan's maid? In this way, Miss Yuanyuan's safety is at stake. Yu's.

In addition, Miss Yuanyuan was still young at that time, and it was not convenient for her to be kept in the room at that time. After staying for a few years, Miss Yuanyuan grew up, and everyone forgot about her background. At that time, no one I will talk about girl Yuanyuan's background again.

In the end, Miss Yuanyuan has served Mr. Yuan, which can be regarded as a filial piety for you. You value love and righteousness, so naturally you will not let him down. "

Li Jing nodded silently when he heard this, thinking that Shen Ying's original arrangement was because she had such an idea.

Li Jing was not surprised that Zhang Yan could see Shen Ying's intentions.

The identities of these two people are actually similar, although Shen Ying is not as beautiful as the queen, but the difference is only in name, in fact Shen Ying is Daming's First Lady.

Zhang Yan changed her position with Shen Ying's, so she could know what Shen Ying's purpose was.

If it were Zhang Yan herself, in order to keep or consolidate her position, she would definitely leave this beautiful maid to Li Jing, so that Li Jing would feel that she is virtuous.

Even if one day Li Jing gets tired of her, because she has done so many things for Li Jing, Li Jing has no reason to deprive her of her status.

Li Jing sighed lightly, looked down at Zhang Yan and asked, "Let me ask you, don't you feel jealous when you do this?"

Zhang Yan's expression suddenly darkened when she heard this, she was silent for a while, and sighed: "How can you not be jealous! How can a woman be willing to give her husband to another woman, but in our position, it is impossible not to please her husband. Can not be done!"

Li Jing nodded silently, thinking that Shen Ying's heart was also very painful.

Picking up the wine glass, Li Jing took a sip and suddenly felt that the taste of the wine was a bit bitter.

Seeing Li Jing's sudden silence, Zhang Yan was startled, and hurriedly grabbed Li Jing's hand and said, "Master, don't think too much, let alone abandon me."

Li Jing smiled and said: "You are alert, you can see that I feel guilty for my wife."

Zhang Yan said softly: "This servant knows that the Duke of the Kingdom values ​​love and righteousness, and Mrs. Zun has done so many things for you. How can you not have any thoughts after hearing what this servant just said?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Aren't you tired of talking like this, you for a while, yours for a while, and now you call yourself a slave again, I feel so tired for you."

Hearing this, Zhang Yan suddenly said in a low voice: "Actually, I'm quite scared, afraid that the Duke will suddenly not want me."

"You think too much." Li Jing comforted softly.

Zhang Yan hurriedly shook her head and said, "I'm not thinking too much, I'm really worried. Grandpa, let me tell you the truth, I lost my husband before I was 20 and have been widowed for nearly ten years. I'm also a woman, Do you know how I have spent the past ten years?"

Li Jing sighed lightly and said, "In the past ten years, your life must have been very hard."

Zhang Yan nodded and said, "If I had never had a man before, I'm afraid I wouldn't have suffered so much. Do you know that when I can't sleep at night, I will untie this string of beads given to me by the late Emperor, and leave all the pearls on the ground, Then I went to pick it up in the dark, picked it all up and threw it away. I couldn’t sleep until I was tired, so tired that I had no other thoughts.”

Li Jing looked down and saw that Zhang Yan was wearing a string of beads around his neck, wearing more than 100 pearls of the same size.

Thinking of Zhang Yan picking up pearls every day to make herself numb to sleep, Li Jing sighed and patted Zhang Yan's back lightly.

Zhang Yan smiled wryly and said, "I've been like this for ten years, and now I suddenly have you, can you imagine how I feel in my heart?"

Without waiting for Li Jing to answer, Zhang Yan continued: "I don't know why I became like this. If it was ten years ago, if I failed to assassinate you that day, I would definitely die.

But at that time, I didn't want to die, and I even hoped that you would do something to me.

(End of this chapter)

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