Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 411 included in the territory

Chapter 411 included in the territory
"Then what should we do? If Dorgon can solve North Korea quickly, wouldn't we be wasting time in peace talks with them?" Lin Yuji asked hurriedly.

Li Jing waved his hands and said, "War is not as simple as you imagined. Although Donglu's military strength is far stronger than that of North Korea, it is by no means so easy to win a quick battle."

Seeing that Lin Yuji was a little confused, Li Jing smiled and said, "Do you know why I asked Cao Wenzhao to attack Donglu only when spring came?"

"Didn't the Duke say that the winter is too cold for soldiers to fight?" Lin Yuji said.

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "Yes, the winter is too cold, the army moves slowly, and the cost is several times higher than usual.

Think about it, the main force of our army is all dressed in civilian clothes and cotton-padded jackets and is slow to move, while the soldiers from the East are slower to move in leather armor and iron armor, and they are more resistant to cold than us.In addition, the eastern captive troops are mainly cavalry, and the forage needed for horses is also a big problem.

Now the Eastern Captives are actually as difficult as our Ming Dynasty, or even worse than our Ming Dynasty. Therefore, the logistics supply can only be solved on the spot when sending troops to North Korea this time.Do you think it is easy to provide food for tens of thousands of people in North Korea?With Donglu's usual style, this journey must be burning, killing and looting.

The so-called resistance is death, and non-resistance is also death. Do you think the North Koreans will not resist?
So, the more people Donglu killed in North Korea, the stronger the Koreans resisted. Therefore, Donglu's journey must be difficult.I estimate that in less than a month, Donglu will not be able to attack the royal city of North Korea.

But it's okay to take down the king's city?Is it because Donglu mobilized people to go to North Korea to fight for murder and robbery?
Obviously it's not that simple. If it was me, I would have to ask North Korea to prepare a large amount of food and supplies to supplement my military supplies, and then I would have to sign a surrender agreement with me. "

Lin Yuji nodded silently.

Li Jing continued with a smile: "Do you think it will take time to sign the agreement? It will take time to prepare so many supplies, right? Not to mention a small country like North Korea, even if we are Ming, it will take a long time to prepare the supplies needed by tens of thousands of troops." Time can be ready, can these things be done in a month or two?
Even if it didn't take such a long time, Dorgon must have moved slowly when he returned to the army with so many supplies.At this time, our army has already started to move. I guess before Dorgon returns to the army, our army has already reached Shengjing, the eastern captive. "

Lin Yuji nodded repeatedly when he heard the words: "The Duke of the State is familiar with military affairs, it's the lower officials who think about the problem in a simple way."

Li Jing waved his hand: "You have never been in contact with military affairs, so it is reasonable to not understand."

Lin Yuji hesitated for a moment and said, "My lord, the Korean vassals have been under our Ming Dynasty for so many years, and the eastern captives attacked North Korea, should we sit idly by?"

"Li, how can I ignore it? When Donglu was conquering North Korea, I attacked Donglu's lair and forced him to return to his teacher to save himself. Could it be that we were not saving North Korea?" Li Jing laughed.

"But..." Lin Yuji knew that Li Jing was right, but he always felt that there was some conspiracy in Li Jing's words.

Li Jing smiled: "Do you think it's inappropriate for me to do this?"

Lin Yuji hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded slightly.

Li Jing said with a smile: "I sat and watched the Eastern Captives attack North Korea, firstly, to reduce the cost of fighting in winter, and secondly, there are indeed other purposes, and this matter will fall on you in the future."

Lin Yuji cupped his hands and said, "I also ask the Duke for advice."

Li Jing waved his hand, and suddenly said with a smile: "What do you think about merging North Korea into our Ming Dynasty?"

Lin Yuji was shocked when he heard the words: "Merge North Korea into Ming Dynasty?"

Li Jing nodded solemnly.

"The Korean vassal has belonged to Daming for many years, so it wouldn't be appropriate to merge him into Daming suddenly, right?" Lin Yuji hesitated for a moment.

Li Jing shook his head: "I don't think there is anything inappropriate. North Korea, as a vassal state, pays less tribute to Daming every year than our Daming rewards, and then asks our Daming for help when something happens. With such care for North Korea, as the suzerain country, Ming paid far more than what North Korea paid back to Ming.

You can think about it, what did North Korea do for Daming?
If North Korea is merged into our Ming Dynasty, then we should do everything to him. We should garrison troops and protect them. It is only right and proper.

In fact, it would be fine if North Korea could become a barrier for Ming Dynasty, but from a geographical point of view, North Korea could not be a barrier for Ming Dynasty at all, instead it would hinder Ming Dynasty.

For example, if I want to send troops to deal with Wa, the shortest way is to send troops from North Korea, but North Korea is not our territory, how can I send troops from him?We can only send troops around the East China Sea.

Now you don’t need me to tell you that one extra day of travel costs one extra day of expenses, and the country of Wa also needs an extra day of preparation. I don’t like fighting such battles. "

Although Li Jing was just using an analogy, Lin Yuji was not stupid and knew that Li Jing might use troops against the Japanese country in the future.

Lin Yuji was speechless, but he couldn't persuade Li Jing to be so belligerent.

After pondering for a while, Lin Yuji said: "Is the Duke planning to take advantage of the invasion of North Korea by the Eastern Prisoners to bring North Korea into Ming Dynasty? According to my opinion, it may not be so easy."

Li Jingjing nodded and smiled and said, "Of course it's not that easy. If it was easy, wouldn't it be over after I wiped out the Eastern Captives and directly sent troops to occupy North Korea? You have to understand that sometimes war can't solve the problem, it can only be used as an auxiliary s method."

Lin Yuji shook his head and said, "I still don't understand what the Duke is planning."

Li Jing smiled: "It's very simple, I want to use the power of Donglu to force North Korea to submit."

"Take advantage of Donglu's power?" Lin Yuji became even more confused.

Seeing Lin Yuji's stubbornness, Li Jing sighed and said, "Let me ask you, Dorgon is out, if I take down Shengjing, what will Dorgon do?"

"Of course it's back to the teacher for rescue." Lin Yuji said without hesitation.

Li Jing shook his head: "This is your idea, Dorgon probably won't think so."

Lin Yuji smiled awkwardly: "I also ask the Duke for advice."

Li Jing raised his eyes to look at the north, sighed and said: "If you say that there are indeed a few great people in Donglu, Huang Taiji and Dorgon are even more heroes of a generation. With such people as opponents, Li Jing will never die in this life." False."

Lin Yuji didn't understand why Li Jing suddenly praised Huang Taiji and Dorgon, and couldn't help looking at Li Jing suspiciously.

After feeling emotional for a while, Li Jing continued: "If Dorgon knew that Shengjing had been broken, he would never return to the army to rescue him, but would station in North Korea, and then use North Korea as the foundation to make a comeback. If it were me, I would Will do so. Dorgon generation of heroes, I think I will not be disappointed."

"Can't we move eastward to rescue North Korea after defeating Shengjing?" Lin Yuji asked.

Li Jing shook his head: "No, taking down Shengjing does not mean that the Eastern Captives will be pacified, and the remnants of the enemy must be wiped out, and the place should be flattened. To do this well, it is much more difficult than attacking Shengjing. Not only does it require a large number of troops, but it also requires an extremely long time.

Fighting wars is not a child's play. If this matter is not done well and we send troops to North Korea, the remaining Eastern captives will definitely harass my rear, and they will even attack my troops entering North Korea with Dorgon. "

Lin Yuji looked at Li Jing and sighed secretly. This person not only considers the problem from his own point of view, but also considers the problem from the enemy's point of view. He also fully considers the enemy's handling ability, coping methods and even personality traits. Tired of so many things.

Suddenly Lin Yuji was startled, if Li Jing wasn't such a person, how could he hold great power, how could he defeat Donglu continuously and make Donglu bow his head and beg for peace?And now Daming needs such a person at the helm.

While Lin Yuji was thinking about it, he heard Li Jing say: "Dorgon will definitely seize this opportunity to stabilize the situation in North Korea when I'm clearing out the remnants of the Eastern Prisoners. It can be said that North Korea has already perished at this time. You say, this When I send troops to North Korea, will I help North Korea restore the country, or will North Korea be completely included in the territory of Ming Dynasty?"

Lin Yuji sighed and said, "Yi Guogong's idea is to bring North Korea into Ming's territory."

Li Jingjing nodded with a smile and said, "I don't have that much free time. I spend countless money to help other people restore their country. However, it is not an easy matter to bring North Korea into the territory of Ming Dynasty. Yes, there is still a lot of work to be done during the period. And these things are what I just asked you to do."

Lin Yuji cupped his hands and said, "Please give me your orders."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Ma Wu has arranged a lot of people in North Korea. When Dorgon attacks the royal city of North Korea, these people will take over some of the princes and nobles of North Korea. When these princes and nobles arrive in Daming, you will be in charge Reception. During the period, they will definitely beg us to help them expel the Eastern captives, and you can find any excuse to postpone it.

After all the situation is stable, you can talk to them again, infiltrate them with our ideas, and let them take the initiative to bring North Korea into Ming's territory.

These people are all nobles in North Korea, and they are very prestigious in North Korea. It is much easier to have these people come forward than us to forcibly bring North Korea into the territory of Ming Dynasty. "

Lin Yuji opened his mouth wide when he heard the words, and said in his heart: You have already arranged it, and I am afraid that the situation in front of you is all set up by you.Good means, good courage!

However, Lin Yuji obviously overestimated Li Jing. Incorporating North Korea into the territory of Ming Dynasty was actually Li Jing's idea after he learned that Dorgon sent troops to North Korea.

And Fan Wencheng came to negotiate a peace, which prompted Li Jing to deepen this idea.

The so-called opportunity cannot be missed and will not come again. If you do not take this opportunity to bring North Korea into the territory, you will not have such a good opportunity and excuse in the future.

Knowing that Li Jing had already considered everything, Lin Yuji would not refuse.

Since ancient times, soldiers have opened up territories and expanded territories. If Lin Yuji can accomplish this, his name will definitely be included in history books in the future.

For scholars, the greatest wish is to be famous in history. Lin Yuji is not a pedantic nerd, who thinks that occupying other countries will lose the status of a great country, and he will never let go of such an opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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