Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 414 Snow Disaster

Chapter 414 Snow Disaster
After a pause, Li Jing continued: "As for how Anguo will arrange it in the future, it depends on his own wishes. Whether he wants to join the army or politics, or if he's not that material, it's useless for me to arrange it."

Xiao Wu nodded lightly upon hearing this.

After walking for a while, Li Jing suddenly said: "Xiao Wu, there are a few new bookstores in the mansion, you and your brothers don't look down on them because they are scholars, but have a good relationship with them, you are all by my side People, if you disagree, how will you get along in the future?"

Xiao Wu smiled awkwardly and said, "Got it, I'll tell my brothers when I get back."

Li Jingjing nodded, took a deep breath, waved his hands and said, "Go back, seeing your brothers look like they're facing a big enemy, I'm not in the mood to hang out."

Xiao Wu smiled and said, "Isn't this to protect your safety?"

Li Jing shook his head: "It's over, I don't like this."

Xiao Wu said with a smile: "When Donglu is eliminated, brothers don't have to be so nervous."

Li Jingjing nodded, knowing that Xiaowu was worried that Donglu would send assassins to assassinate him. After all, Donglu had done such a thing before. Although Ma Wu had already seen through it, who knew whether Donglu would continue to send assassins after that?

Not to mention Donglu, didn't I think about sending someone to assassinate Huang Taiji before?It's just that considering that Huang Taiji's surroundings are heavily protected, the assassination is too difficult. If he really wants to assassinate, he will definitely pay a huge price, and he may not be successful.

Anyway, Huang Taiji would fall into his hands sooner or later, there was no need to lose manpower to assassinate him, so after weighing the pros and cons, Li Jing quickly dismissed the idea of ​​assassinating Huang Taiji.

But Donglu is different, Huang Taiji is so afraid of himself, it is normal to send someone to assassinate him, now that Daming and Donglu are strong and weak, Huang Taiji will not consider the price, whether it is worth it or not.If he could kill himself, no matter how much Donglu paid, it would be worth it.

Especially at this time, Huang Taiji would kill himself at all costs. It can be said that Xiao Wu and the guards did not do too much to protect their own safety.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing said: "Until the residence in Xiyuan is completed, I will live in the palace during this period. You can arrange it at home."

Xiao Wu was overjoyed when he heard that, and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I will definitely make arrangements at home."

Li Jingting nodded, and walked slowly back to his residence.


On the [-]th day of the first month of the tenth year of Chongzhen, Dongnuan Pavilion of Qianqing Palace.

Li Jing was flipping through the memorial, and Shen Zheng hurried in.After saluting Zhu Youjian, Shen Zheng took out a memorial from his pocket and said, "Marshal, Guihua Mansion sent an urgent report."

Seeing Shen Zheng's solemn expression, Li Jing put down the memorial and hurriedly said, "What happened?"

Shen Zheng sighed, and handed the report to Li Jingdao: "This is the report I just received from the Guihua Mansion. It has been snowing heavily in Guihua Mansion for several days. In many places, the snow is three feet deep. There are countless dead cattle and sheep, if the forage problem is not solved immediately, more cattle and sheep will starve to death.”

Li Jing was startled, then took the report: "So serious?"

Shen Zheng nodded: "The prefect of Guihua Prefecture belongs to us, and he will never lie about the disaster."

Li Jing took the report and looked at it, his expression became solemn.

After the surrender of the three major Mongolian tribes last year, Li Jing ordered the establishment of the Monan Mongolian Chief Envoy. The princes of the three major Mongolian tribes served as the chief envoys and participated in politics, in charge of the political affairs of the tribes they belonged to.

The Guihua Mansion was established in the original Guihua City, and there were several prefectures and counties under it. The imperial court appointed officials to serve as prefects and county magistrates, responsible for implementing Ming's government orders and handling local daily government affairs.

All the original Mongolian troops were abolished, and the imperial court appointed troops to garrison around Guihua City and Monan Province.

For such an arrangement, Li Jing thought a lot at the beginning.

At first, Li Jing planned to use the Mongols to rule Mongolia, because the Mongols had just surrendered, and the people's hearts were not yet stable. Using the Mongols to manage the Mongols was easy to stabilize people's hearts.

However, these three tribes had been friends with Donglu for many years, and Li Jing was worried that if the Mongolians ruled Mongolia, those Mongolian princes who had a close relationship with Donglu would come up with something.Therefore, after thinking twice, Li Jing came up with the idea of ​​using the Mongolian prince as the head of the chief envoy and the Han as the head of the local government.

It should be said that these Mongol princes still have certain prestige in their respective tribes, and the Mongols will not complain much if they serve as the highest governors of the province. However, letting them handle the internal affairs of the Mongols themselves has given them certainty. The right to speak, and prevent the Han people from interfering in the internal affairs of the Mongols, which will intensify ethnic conflicts.

The highest position was given to the Mongols, but Li Jing, who was at the grassroots level, had to be in his own hands.

Li Jing subdued Mongolia, not to say that it would be fine if Mongolia surrendered and surrendered. The Mongols still want to use their own management methods. decree.

But for the Mongols to be obedient, the first thing to do is to abolish their army. Without an army, the Mongols are toothless tigers.

The second is the local government responsible for implementing the decree.If Li Jing sent people to control positions such as chief ministers, and the officials below used Mongolian words, the people below were disobedient, and the government orders could not be carried out.

The highest positions were given to the Mongols, and the lower-level positions were given to the Han people, in order to implement the administrative order.

In fact, two sets of administrative teams were used, one was the chief envoy of the Mongols to manage the internal affairs of the tribe, and the other was the local government to implement the Ming Dynasty's decrees.

Although there will be many disadvantages in doing so, for example, the Han people may discriminate against or even oppress the Mongols in the early stage, but after the Mongols gradually get used to and accept the Ming system and truly merge into the territory of the Ming Dynasty, Li Jing will inevitably return to the Mongols.

When Li Jing summoned the Mongolian princes who surrendered, he once told them these thoughts of his own, and he also admitted that there would be a lot of troubles in the early stage, but Li Jing also said that as long as the Mongolians cooperate vigorously, the Mongolian side will encounter difficulties in the future. Difficulties, no matter what kind of difficulties, Da Ming would never stand idly by and treat Mongols like Han people.

Under the strong military pressure of Ming Dynasty, even if the Mongolian prince didn't believe Li Jing's words, he didn't dare to say anything, and could only acquiesce to Li Jing's arrangement.

In the past few months, the Mongolian side has been as Li Jing expected. Although no major events have happened, there have been small conflicts, because the Mongolians cannot accept the system and government orders of Ming Dynasty.

When the Mongols wanted to come, they lost the battle and surrendered. At worst, they would pay tribute to Daming every year, but Daming didn’t want the Mongols to pay tribute, they wanted the Mongols to pay taxes.

The local government also divided the Mongols into several tax levels according to the Ming tax system. Herdsmen with less than [-] livestock are exempt from tax, and herdsmen with [-] to [-] livestock need to pay [-]% of the livestock as tax. Herdsmen with [-] to [-] livestock pay [-]% as tax, and those with more than [-] livestock pay [-]% as tax.

In fact, except for a very small number of Mongolian herdsmen who are slaves, most of them own more than fifty cattle, sheep and horses, otherwise they would not be able to survive this year, which means that most people have to pay taxes.

The Mongols had never paid taxes other than offering sacrifices to the princes and nobles. The officials of the Ming Dynasty asked them to pay taxes when they came, which naturally aroused their dissatisfaction.

Since the tax officials of Ming Dynasty came to power since Li Jing came to power, they were afraid of who would come, they beat those who refused to accept, and robbed those who did not pay taxes, which caused constant small conflicts.

For this situation, Li Jing did not intervene. This is the situation in Daming, let alone Mongolia?Now it is necessary to use strong means to let everyone know that paying taxes is right, and you will be punished if you do not pay taxes.When everyone starts to pay taxes normally, then we will rectify some tax officials' violations of law and discipline.

It should be said that the situation in Mongolia was still within Li Jing's expectation, but Li Jing did not expect that Mongolia would have a sudden blizzard.

If a large number of herdsmen's livestock froze to death and starved to death, the life of the herdsmen would be difficult in the next few years, and they would not be able to recover at all in a few years. Not only would it be a heavy blow to the Mongols, but it would also be a big blow to Ming.

After reading the report, Li Jing pondered for a while and said, "How did the Guihua Mansion deal with it?"

Shen Zheng sighed: "The magistrate of Guihua Prefecture asked Ma Ke, the general of Guihua, and Cao Bianjiao, the general of Datong, to send troops to help the Mongols in disaster relief, but Cao Bianjiao and Ma Ke replied that they needed to seek military orders from the Marshal and General Cao to use the army. I don't want to help the Mongols.

In desperation, the prefect of Guihua mobilized the Mongols to help themselves, and at the same time sent people to Beijing to send letters for help, hoping that the imperial court would allocate fodder and food for emergency relief. "

Li Jingjing nodded: "Cao Bianjiao and Ma Ke have fought many battles with the Mongols, and they don't have a good opinion of the Mongols. Although they are a bit short-sighted this time, it is also reasonable. I will order someone to write to them." .”

As he said that, Li Jing turned his head to look at a secretary in the corner and said, "Tong Chang, immediately draw up two documents in the name of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion and send them to Cao Bianjiao, the General Soldier of Datong, and Ma Ke, the General Soldier of Guihua, and order them to send troops. Help the Mongols in disaster relief."

"Yes!" The secretary cupped his hands, pondered for a moment, then splashed ink, and wrote a letter in an instant.

"Master, please take a look." The book office handed it to Li Jing after finishing writing.

Li Jing took it and read it again and couldn't help praising: "Okay, this letter is well written and expresses what I just wanted. Your Majesty, please read it too."

Zhu Youjian took it over and read it again, and praised repeatedly: "This letter is really extraordinary, concise and to the point, and at the same time expresses what Brother Li means. Good writing! What's your name?"

"Praise from the emperor, my minister's surname is Zhang, and his first name is the same as Chang." The secretary hurriedly bowed and said.

Zhu Youjian nodded slightly, and suddenly said: "I heard you speak with a Huguang Jiangling accent. I wonder if it has something to do with the Zhang family in Jiangling?"

Zhang Tongchang hesitated and replied. "My Majesty, Zhang Jiangling is the great-grandfather of this humble minister."

"What?" Li Jingwen said in surprise when he heard Huo Ran get up, "Are you a descendant of Mr. Taiyue (Zhang Juzheng's name is Taiyue, also known as Zhang Jiangling)?"

Zhang Tongchang smiled wryly and said, "I am really ashamed of my ancestors because I was born too late."

Li Jing waved his hand: "You are so talented, how can you be ashamed of your ancestors? I asked about your family background the day before yesterday, why didn't you tell me directly?"

(End of this chapter)

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