Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 415 Miao Zhongjing

Chapter 415 Miao Zhongjing

Zhang Tongchang was silent for a while before he said: "Although our ancestors were avenged in the second year of Tianqi, the imperial court did not restore the shadow of Zhang's descendants. Late-born boldly, he went to Beijing to take the exam a few years ago, and was lucky to pass the exam. How dare he speak of his ancestors?" .”

Li Jing nodded silently, and after a while Fang said: "Tong Chang, please sit down for a while, I will talk to you after I finish dealing with Mongolian affairs."

Zhang Tongchang nodded: "If Grandpa Guo has no objection to this letter, I will write another letter to Zongbing Ma that night."

"If you have no objection, just write to Ma Ke according to this meaning." Li Jing nodded.

Zhang Tong cupped his hands and turned around to sit down.

Li Jing took a deep look at Zhang Tongchang, then turned to look at Shen Zhengdao: "Did the prefect of Guihua say how much fodder and food he needs?"

Shen Zheng smiled wryly and said: "There are countless fodder, and the food needs at least one hundred thousand shi."

Li Jing calculated silently, nodded lightly and said: "In my opinion, he still needs less food. Father-in-law, how much food and fodder can we allocate now?"

Shen Zheng pondered for a while and said: "There is no shortage of fodder and food in Pingyang Mansion, but the journey from Pingyang Mansion to Guihua is far away, and it may be too late to transport them there."

"Didn't Datong and Xuanfu store a batch of grain and grass? I think the grain and grass from these two places can be transported to Guihua first." Li Jing frowned and said.

Shen Zheng hurriedly said: "The grain and grass stored in Datong and Xuanfu are prepared for General Cao's Eastern Expedition, so don't touch it lightly!"

Li Jing waved his hand: "There are priorities. Human lives are at stake now. I can't wait for a moment. Immediately order Cao Bianjiao to transfer the grain and grass from Datong and Xuanfu to naturalization. As for Cao Wenzhao, it will take at least two months before he can do anything. One month is enough to transport it from Pingyang to the front line."

"Marshal, that's an army of more than 20 people. It takes a lot of manpower and financial resources to transport so much food and grass in two months. I'm afraid we can't bear it now!" Shen Zheng said anxiously.

Li Jingwen was silent for a while, then waved his hands and said, "It's okay, no matter how much money you spend, it's worth it, and in my estimation, you may not need to spend so much money. Aren't there many cattle and sheep in Mongolia that froze to death? Frozen to death." All the cattle and sheep were brought back and made into barbecue for the soldiers to eat, which relieved a lot of pressure.”

Shen Zheng smiled wryly and said: "This is also a way, but in this way, a batch of tea leaves must be transported to the soldiers, otherwise, the soldiers will become unbearably tired of eating meat every day."

Li Jing smiled: "Soldiers are fighting for the country, eating meat and drinking tea is also appropriate."

After laughing for a while, Li Jing suddenly said sternly: "I know you all think that it is not worth spending so much manpower, material and financial resources to rescue the Mongols. retribution for them."

Zhu Youjian and Shen Zheng nodded silently.

Li Jing shook his head and said: "At this time and then, even when the Mongolian tribes surrendered to our Ming Dynasty, they still called themselves a certain Khan or a certain king, and the Khan managed Mongolia's affairs. Even if there were conflicts between the tribes, our Ming Dynasty It is also rare to ask about the internal affairs of the Mongols.

But it’s different now, there is no Mongol Khanate in the Monan area now, they belong to the province of our Ming Dynasty, and these Mongols are already the people of our Ming Dynasty.

But these Mongols don’t fully believe in Ming Dynasty now, and they don’t regard themselves as the people of Ming Dynasty. If we want them to accept it completely, we have to treat them as the people of Ming Dynasty.

This heavy snow actually gave us an excellent opportunity for Ming. We need to help the Mongols like we did for the disaster victims in Ming, and let them know that they are part of Ming and that the taxes they paid to Ming are not in vain. When they were in trouble, Daming would give them back the taxes they paid.

Yes, the Mongols don’t pay much taxes now, and the imperial court’s expenditure this time is much higher than the taxes they paid, but don’t worry, as long as Mongolia can overcome this difficulty, Ming’s prestige will be established in their hearts. They will know how lucky it is to be backed by the country of Ming Dynasty, and it will be much easier for us to collect taxes and implement administrative orders in the future.

In addition, in the future we have to pass on the culture of our Han people to the Mongols, let the Mongols learn to speak Chinese, and be proud of being able to speak Chinese.

But if we want the Mongols to recognize our culture, we must first let them know the benefits of our Ming Dynasty. If they don’t accept us, will they accept our culture?
When one day all the Mongols start to speak Chinese and use Han characters, what do you think is the difference between the Mongols at that time and our Han people? "

Shen Zheng smiled wryly when he heard the words: "Marshal, your goal is too far away, I'm afraid I won't be able to see it."

Li Jing smiled and said: "The predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade. I didn't expect to achieve this goal within three to five years. Everything has to be done slowly."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "In fact, this rescue of the Mongols has another advantage, that is, it serves as a demonstration. After the regime of Donglu is eliminated, Liaodong will also establish a province. Putting it there, I think the Jurchens in Liaodong will be more likely to return to their hearts.

There is also North Korea in the future, and places like Mobei and Moxi. I will take all these places back to Daming in a few years.Through this incident, I think they will be shocked. It can be said that this rescue is not only a simple rescue, but also has a great political purpose. "

Speaking of this, Li Jing suddenly smiled and said: "I'm telling you the truth, if such a thing happens once every time I recover a territory, then I'll be so happy. Doing such a thing once is far more important than telling us what to do. There are many benefits for them to follow Daming, and it is much more useful."

Shen Zheng nodded with a smile: "Yes, I understand, I will write back to the prefect of Guihua right away, and send someone to send the rescue supplies there immediately."

Li Jingjing nodded, and then said: "We can't rely entirely on our rescue. The Mongols have to save themselves. You tell the naturalized prefect to quickly organize manpower to open up the road, and don't hinder the journey of rescue supplies because of the road. In addition, rushing We can't organize so many manpower to transport supplies for a while, so that all the Mongolians will move, those who have cars will send out vehicles, those with people will send out people, and all animals that can move will also move."

Shen Zheng smiled and said: "Don't worry about that, this naturalized magistrate once followed you to Henan for disaster relief, and you personally rewarded him for organizing manpower properly, and promoted him to be the deputy director of the salt factory after returning."

"Oh?" Li Jing pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "That's true. I remember this person's surname is Miao. What's his name? It seems to be Zhongjing, right? Yes, Miao Zhongjing."

Shen Zheng smiled and said: "Hehe, he changed his name later. He said that he had never seen a man like the Marshal in his life, and he would always be loyal to the Marshal in the future, so he changed his name to Miao Zhongjing."

Li Jingwen sighed softly: "Actually, why have I ever done anything? They are the ones who really do things." After a pause, Li Jing asked: "Miao Zhongjing is just in his early thirties this year, right?"

Shen Zheng nodded.

Li Jing pondered for a while and said: "He was just a secretary back then, and he was promoted to the magistrate in just a few years, and the speed of his promotion is not too slow. You tell him, I will remember everything he did, and let him He has worked hard for me in Guihua Mansion for a few years, if he can manage Guihua Mansion well for me, I will promote him to be the chief envoy of a province."

"I will definitely tell the handsome what he said verbatim." Shen Zheng said hastily.

Li Jing nodded slightly.

"Then I'll make arrangements." Seeing that Li Jing had no other orders, Shen Zheng said.

"Wait a minute." Li Jing said and waved to Zhang Tongchang, who hurriedly handed over the written letter.

Li Jing opened the box on the table, took out a seal, stamped on the letter, and handed it to Xiao Wudao: "Send someone to send the letter to Datong and Guihua immediately, and ask Cao Bianjiao and Ma Ke to fully cooperate with Miao Zhifu in disaster relief." .”

Then he took another piece of paper, wrote a few words on it, stamped it and handed it to Shen Zhengdao: "The exact amount of food and grass allocated this time is unknown. You will go to Datong to sit in town in person, and use this order to allocate supplies."

Shen Zheng nodded, knowing that Li Jing directly gave him the warrant to allocate supplies in order to save time.

Although Shen Zheng was in charge of the household department, he was in charge of all the materials handed over by the local government, but after the materials were delivered to the army, he had no right to allocate them. Only the logistics department under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion had the right to allocate them.

Originally, the logistics department was also managed by Shen Zheng, but Li Jing was worried that Shen Zheng's power would be too great, which would cause dissatisfaction with others, and Li Jing wanted to separate the military and government, so he temporarily took the power of the logistics department into his own hands.

However, the specific matters of the logistics department are basically handled by Shen Zheng, the only difference is that Li Jing needs to go through the formalities.

After Shen Zheng left, Li Jing picked up the teacup, only to find that the tea was already cold.

Wang Chengen saw it, and smiled embarrassedly: "I was negligent, and I forgot to refill the tea for the commander."

Li Jing waved his hand: "How can you worry about these trivial matters? In fact, I work in the palace, and those little eunuchs dare not come in casually, so they ignore these details."

Turning his head to look at Xiao Wu, Li Jing smiled and said, "This kid has been staring at me all day long for any troubles around me. He never thought of such a thing as serving tea and refilling water."

Xiao Wu couldn't help scratching his head when he heard this.

Seeing this, Li Jing smiled and said: "You don't have to scratch your head, you did a good job in this matter, you shouldn't have done it in the first place."

"My lord, I will leave these trivial matters to Wansheng in the future." Zhang Tongchang said hurriedly.

Li Jing shook his head: "You are responsible for helping me draft the documents, and these things are not your job."

Turning to look at Wen Qing in the distance: "You are in charge of the daily affairs around me, these things should actually be done by you. But I think you can't let go of the face of a scholar, thinking that serving tea and pouring water is done by servants matter."

Wen Qing blushed when she heard this.

After waving his hand, Li Jing continued, "I don't mean to blame you. You just came to my side not long ago, and you still don't know what job you should do. Take your time."

Wen Qing nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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