Chapter 420

Moreover, in order to restrain the chief military officer, Li Jing stipulated that the generals of each main battle force only have the right to manage the personnel of the logistics department, but not to dispose of them.

However, in order for the military generals to be able to issue military orders in combat, or to prevent the logistics department from embezzling the supplies of the main combat troops, Li Jing also set up a military law department and a military police force in the army. The military law department and the military police force are under the jurisdiction of the military and political department. In times of war, the military generals concurrently serve as the chief officers of the Military Law Department and the Gendarmerie.

This set of mutual checks and balances was formulated by Li Jing after summarizing the management methods of later generations and combining them with some systems of the current Ming Dynasty.

It should be said that this set of management methods is very advanced at present. It not only avoids the situation where the guards trained troops and then sent generals by the Ministry of War, the generals did not know the soldiers, and the soldiers did not know the generals.

Of course, Cao Wenzhao, as the highest military officer in the Northern Military Region, would take down a quartermaster with ease. However, Cao Wenzhao knew that he was in a high position and was easily suspected by others. He was not a department directly under him. Take it easy.

However, the quartermaster was greedy for military funds under his own nose, and Cao Wenzhao was unwilling to let it go. After all, if it spread, others would say that he was lax in military discipline and let his subordinates go.

Fortunately, this quartermaster is very timid and doesn't have much greed. He only dares to secretly intercept a hundred or so shi of grain every month, and he does it together with others. Cao Wenzhao just reminded him. If you change it, you will not make mistakes in the future, so Cao Wenzhao is unwilling to pursue it.

Cao Wenzhao thought about it for a while, and knew that it would be too risky to send troops before the food arrived next month, but the consequences of not following Li Jing's order would be extremely serious.

After thinking about it again and again, Cao Wenzhao knew that the safest way was to go to Beijing and state to Li Jing the reasons why it was not appropriate to send troops at this time.

But Li Jing is in a bad mood now, and he went to Beijing to make a statement by himself, will Li Jing be furious?

After thinking for a while, Cao Wenzhao said to his soldiers: "Go and invite Young Master Dingguo, I have something to discuss with him."

Hearing that Cao Wenzhao called Li Dingguo the young master of Dingguo, Cao Wenzhao encountered a difficult situation for his soldiers. This is because Li Jing's most valued godson should help him make suggestions. Otherwise, Cao Wenzhao usually called Li Dingguo "Master Dingguo" General Dingguo.

But before his personal soldiers went to invite Li Dingguo, Li Dingguo had already hurried to the General Military Mansion.

Seeing that Li Dingguo was dressed in filial piety, his eyes were red, and he knew that he had cried just now, Cao Wenzhao sighed softly.

Li Dingguo is Li Jing's official adopted son, he kneels and kowtows three times and is included in the genealogy of the Li family, unlike Xiaowu and others who just kowtow symbolically to recognize a godfather.

Although everyone has the same feelings for Li Jing, in terms of status, Li Dingguo's status in the Li family is undoubtedly much higher than that of Xiao Wu and the others, which is not even comparable to Hutou.

Although Sun Hutou is also Li Jing's adoptive son, his surname is Sun after all, and Sun Hutou's biological father is still there. Naturally, Li Jing can't put Hutou in the Li family's genealogy.

In addition, among the group of children who grew up in Hongshanling, Li Dingguo was most valued by Li Jing and Yuan Keli, and he was also the one who spent the most effort to cultivate.

Therefore, Li Dingguo's affection for Yuan Keli is much deeper than that of other children. When he learned of Yuan Keli's death, Li Dingguo couldn't restrain his sadness.

Just as Cao Wenzhao was about to speak comforting words, Li Dingguo suddenly burst into tears and cried, "Dingguo wants to ask Uncle Cao for leave to go to Pingyang Mansion for a funeral, please give permission."

Cao Wenzhao sighed softly, leaned over and pulled Li Dingguo up: "I wanted to discuss things with you, but you said that, I have a very good excuse."

Li Dingguo wiped away his tears, and said in a choked voice, "What does uncle want to discuss with me?"

Cao Wenzhao picked up the letter from Li Jing and Shen Zheng and handed it to Li Dingguo, saying, "You can see for yourself."

Li Dingguo took it, looked at it silently, pondered for a while and said: "What is the general's plan?"

Hearing Li Dingguo suddenly change his name to call himself a general, Cao Wenzhao smiled wryly and said, "I will definitely obey the commander's military order, but the food and grass have not yet arrived, and it is too risky to send troops at this time. I plan to start next month, As soon as the rations arrive, the troops will be dispatched immediately.

But what about the seven or eight days?When the commander-in-chief sees me standing still, he must be unhappy.I wanted to discuss with you how to deal with these seven or eight days, but seeing you like this, I can only send troops immediately. "

Li Dingguo took it, looked at it silently, pondered for a while and said: "What is the general's plan?"

Hearing that Li Dingguo suddenly changed his name to call himself a general, Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but sigh in his heart, knowing that Li Dingguo had realized that he didn't want to send troops now, and that Li Dingguo supported Li Jing's order.

The reason is very simple. If Cao Wenzhao wanted to send troops, he didn't need to seek Li Dingguo's opinion at all. He only needed to order the troops directly.

Similarly, if Li Dingguo thought there was something wrong with Li Jing's order, he would first explain why it was not appropriate to send troops now, and then he would ask Cao Wenzhao what his plan was.

Li Dingguo has followed Cao Wenzhao for many years, and the two know each other well. Sometimes, one expression or one sentence can tell each other's thoughts.

Cao Wenzhao pondered for a while, and said: "I will definitely obey the commander's military orders, but the food and grass have not yet arrived, and it is too risky to send troops at this time. I plan to send troops as soon as the rations arrive at the beginning of next month.

But what about the seven or eight days?When the commander-in-chief sees me standing still, he must be unhappy.I wanted to discuss with you how to deal with these seven or eight days, but seeing you like this, I can only send troops immediately. "

After a pause, Cao Wenzhao sighed and said, "Dingguo, in fact, I want to fight this battle more than anyone else, but as the commander of the Eastern Expedition, I can't lead the soldiers without food and grass preparations. Not thousands of people, but 20 people!
If the commander-in-chief handed over these people to me, I will be responsible for the commander-in-chief!Responsible for these 20 soldiers!I can't rush off with just seven or eight days' worth of rations.

Although our weapons are sharp, Donglu are all cavalry, fighting in the field, if Donglu doesn't confront us head-on, our weapons will be hard to use. Otherwise, why did the commander send me so many soldiers?Only 2 people can beat Donglu to pieces.

The commander-in-chief also thought of this, so he sent so many troops to me. The purpose is to fight steadily, gradually reduce the cavalry of the Eastern Captives, and finally gather and wipe them out. It can be done in eight days.

Dingguo, in fact, we only delayed for seven or eight days, and the food was shipped in no more than half a month at most.For this Eastern Expedition, we have been waiting for several months. Could it be that we can't wait for ten days?

Originally, I wanted to take you back to Beijing and ask you to say a few words in front of the commander-in-chief to explain to the commander-in-chief how powerful it is.Among so many adoptive sons of the commander, you are the most respected by the commander. In the future, even if you can't take the position of the governor, you will take my seat. The commander will definitely listen to your words, but even you question me, I think There is no need to return to Beijing.

I agree with your fake, go back to Pingyang Mansion to pay homage to Mr. Yuan, and kowtow to the old man on my behalf. I will bring my own troops to the battle. May Mr. Yuan bless this battle with the spirit of heaven to be successful. "

Hearing that Cao Wenzhao's words were full of sadness, Li Dingguo was shocked.

Li Dingguo joined the army when he was ten years old. During the six years, he followed Li Jing and Cao Wenzhao to fight in the north and south.

As the saying goes: People are iron, and rice is steel. You will be hungry if you don't eat a meal.

In fact, the soldiers could afford to be hungry for two meals, especially when the Jishi Army had specially conducted training in this area during training. Even if they didn't eat for a day, the soldiers' morale would not be shaken.

But if you starve for two days, you will die. At that time, the soldiers will definitely not have the strength to fight. As for the army that lasts for more than three days, it will definitely collapse.

Now Cao Wenzhao is marching east with 20 troops, but he only brings food for a few days.The Eastern Captives only need to delay for seven or eight days, and the Ming army will have to retreat after the food is exhausted. At that time, if the Eastern Captives followed and harassed and delayed the actions of the Ming Army, the Ming Army would collapse without a fight if it dragged on for a few days.

Thinking of this, Li Dingguo suddenly understood why Cao Wenzhao's words had a sad meaning.

The current Ming army is much stronger than the Eastern Captives from any point of view. If due to insufficient preparations and hastily dispatched troops, it ends in a dismal end, and Cao Wenzhao's military career will definitely end there.

Although Li Jing made the mistake, in order to maintain Li Jing's prestige, Cao Wenzhao must take the blame.Of course it's okay for Cao Wenzhao to take the blame for Li Jing, but seeing that the good situation is ruined, how can Cao Wenzhao be reconciled?

Li Dingguo knew Cao Wenzhao's wish. Cao Wenzhao not only wanted to wipe out the eastern captives, but also wanted to go on an expedition to Mobei and take back the large territory occupied by Mongolia to Daming.If this wish is not fulfilled, Cao Wenzhao will be brooding for the rest of his life, and he will probably die of depression in the end.

Thinking of this, Li Dingguo couldn't help being terrified. If Cao Wenzhao, a famous general in all battles, ended up like this because he didn't help and advise him, how would he go to see Cao Wenzhao in the future.

Li Dingguo suddenly felt a little bitter when he thought of Cao Wenzhao's daily reminders, persuasion, and teaching him all his years of combat experience, just like a mentor.

After deliberating his words, Li Dingguo suddenly said: "Uncle Cao, the general is in a bad mood right now. I guess this military order was issued by the general in a hurry. But since the general has issued the military order, none of us can do it." Resisting the commander's military order, if you want to change this order, unless Mr. Yuan is born again.

But we can't just stand by and lead the troops to fight foolishly. My nephew suggests that you write a letter to Uncle Zhuzi and ask him to come back to discuss it. Pay homage to Mr. Xu, no matter how unhappy the commander-in-chief is, he won't cut off the three of us together, right?

This back and forth can be delayed for at least three to five days. With this time, we can ask Grandpa Shen to deliver the food and grass to the front line as quickly as possible. Even if we send half a month's rations first, it can solve the current predicament. "

(End of this chapter)

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