Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 421 Solving Food and Grass

Chapter 421 Solving Food and Grass
Cao Wenzhao was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Have you agreed to suspend the dispatch of troops?"

Li Dingguo sighed and said: "Uncle Cao didn't want to disobey the order of the commander in chief, but to fight a safe battle, with a fair heart, my nephew just said something wrong, I hope uncle won't take offense."

Cao Wenzhao patted Li Dingguo on the shoulder lightly: "Dingguo, you are calm in your work, and you are not blinded by personal interests. You really have the style of a famous general in ancient times. You will definitely be a famous general in the Ming Dynasty in the future."

"Uncle has won the award. My nephew is today thanks to the guidance of the general, Uncle Cao and Mr. Yuan." Li Dingguo said hurriedly.

After a pause, Li Dingguo continued: "Uncle Cao, don't blame the commander-in-chief for giving orders too hastily. You know that the commander-in-chief has always regarded Mr. Yuan as his father. When Mr. Yuan passed away, the commander-in-chief is not around. Feeling guilty, this is why I want to fulfill Mr. Yuan's wish immediately to show my filial piety. Under normal circumstances, the commander-in-chief will never ignore such a critical issue as food and grass."

Cao Wenzhao waved his hand: "I don't mean to blame the commander in chief. The commander in our family seeks stability in the use of troops. In terms of stability in the use of troops, I really don't know anyone from ancient times to the present who can compare with the commander in chief. This The Commander-in-Chief Ci suddenly ordered me to send troops immediately, because the death of Mr. Yuan dealt a heavy blow to him, which made him lose his mind."

Li Dingguo smiled: "It's good that you can understand."

Cao Wenzhao looked at Li Dingguo and sighed: "Dingguo, when I joined the commander in chief, you were still young, you don't know that I have talked with the commander in depth many times, the ambition of the commander is not only It's that simple to eliminate Donglu.

Monan, Moxi, Mobei, these territories occupied by the Mongols, North Korea, Burma and other countries in the south, and even overseas Japan, as well as Taiwan occupied by the Xiyi people, the commander-in-chief will all take back Daming.

I was moved by the commander-in-chief's ambition, so I took orders from him as a general with the honor of the commander-in-chief.The commander-in-chief did not break his promise. After accumulating strength for several years, he first eliminated the rogue bandits who caused chaos in the Central Plains, then began to deal with the various Mongolian tribes in Monan, and then the eastern captives.

After the Donglu is destroyed, North Korea is next, and then Moxi and Mobei.After recovering Moxi and Mobei, I guess I will be old. Even if I am not old, the commander-in-chief cannot leave all the battles to me to fight alone.In my opinion, Moxi will definitely be recovered by Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou, Gao Qi and Sun Meng will surely take the lead in southern Burma and other countries, and Sun Chuanting will deal with Japan, Taiwan and other places.

The commander-in-chief is preparing step by step to achieve these goals. I, Cao Wenzhao, are really lucky to be able to follow the commander-in-chief to open up borders and break the ground. Don't say that the commander-in-chief didn't wrong me, even if I was wronged, it's nothing. "

Li Dingguo nodded silently when he heard this, and only then did he know why Cao Wenzhao, who was the general of Shanxi, took orders from Li Jing, a general in Shanxi, and finally understood why Li Jing and Cao Wenzhao cooperated so tacitly. To be able to understand Li Jing's mind is that the two are like-minded and have a heart-to-heart relationship.

With a sigh, Li Dingguo said: "Uncle Cao, it's not too late. Let's write to Uncle Zhuzi immediately. If the commander-in-chief can allow Uncle Zhuzi and me to pay homage to Mr. Yuan in Pingyang Mansion, then a great deal will be settled."

Cao Wenzhao was puzzled when he heard the words: "It's reasonable for you to go back to Pingyang Mansion to pay homage to Mr. Yuan. Isn't it inappropriate for General Chen to go back to Pingyang Mansion to pay homage to Mr. Yuan?"

Li Dingguo sighed and said: "You don't know, before Mr. Yuan came to Hongshanling, Uncle Zhuzi was ordered by the commander to serve Mr. Yuan in Mr. Yuan's hometown in Suizhou for half a year. According to Mr. Yuan's teaching, it can be said that Uncle Zhuzi is also Mr. Yuan's student."

Cao Wenzhao was stunned when he heard this, and immediately said with great joy: "With the relationship between the Marshal and General Chen, I will definitely agree with General Chen to return to Pingyang Mansion to pay homage to Mr. Yuan. With this time, Mr. Shen is enough to prepare food and grass. Just wait, I will immediately Write to General Chen."

After all, Cao Wenzhao didn't hesitate any longer, quickly spread the paper and ground it, and quickly wrote a letter to Chen Guozhu, and then ordered his soldiers to send it to Jinzhou.


On February 24, the tenth year of Chongzhen, Dongnuan Pavilion of Qianqing Palace.

Li Jing leaned against the warm wall in the bedroom, looked at Cao Wenzhao, Li Dingguo and Zhuzi, nodded slightly, and beckoned them to sit beside him.

Seeing Li Jing's eyes sunken slightly and his face pale, the three of them felt tense.

"Marshal, why are you so thin? You have to take care of your body!" The three said with concern in front of Li Jing.

Li Jing shook his head, sighed and said: "In the past few days, whenever I close my eyes, I think of my husband's voice and smile, and my ten years of earnest teachings from him. I think that when my husband is dying, I have not been able to see him by his side. , I feel uncomfortable."

"Marshal, sir has already gone, if the old man knows that you are like this, how can the spirit in heaven be at ease?" Cao Wenzhao said hastily.

"I know, but I can't control it anyway." Li Jing sighed.

After a moment of silence, Li Jing continued, "Have you paid homage to Mr. Xu?"

Seeing the three people nodding, Li Jing sighed and said, "You guys came back in time. In the morning tomorrow, Xu Ji will help the coffin back to his hometown in Shanghai. As for the Pingyang Mansion, you don't want to go back. Bo Ying wrote to me that they have already set off. I went back to my hometown in Suizhou. Alas! My husband hasn’t been home for ten years, and when I don’t want to go back, I can’t see the scenery of my hometown anymore.”

The three of them nodded silently when they heard the words. They all knew that they could not answer Li Jing's words at this time. If they did, Li Jing would feel even more uncomfortable.

After thinking for a while, Cao Wenzhao said: "Commander, then I will return to Shanhaiguan immediately and use troops against the Eastern captives."

Li Jing looked at Cao Wenzhao, shook his head lightly, and sighed: "Brother Wenzhao, I am very clear about the purpose of your return this time. Talked to me about the logistical situation. Although they said it in general terms, I know what they mean, and I know that it is too hasty to order you to send troops immediately.

But since the military order has been issued, it cannot be changed at will.

Therefore, I know that you have difficulties, and I also know the difficulties of the logistics department, but I have not withdrawn the order.

Of course, I'm not so confused as to take 20 troops as a trifle, and I've already solved your difficulties. "

Cao Wenzhao was overjoyed upon hearing this, and hurriedly said: "The commander-in-chief has a way to solve the problem of food and grass, so there will be no problem in going out."

Li Jing smiled and said: "After the readjustment of our troops, the logistics materials will be delivered by the local government to the logistics department, and then the logistics department will transfer them to each army on time and according to the quantity. This management model is good. From the establishment of this After adopting this system, there were almost no mistakes, and everyone got used to this management mode.

However, due to the sudden heavy snowfall in Guihua Mansion last month, most of the grain and grass we hoarded in Datong and Xuan Mansion were transferred to Guihua. Due to the limited transportation capacity of the local government, the logistics department began to be short of food and grass.

In fact, it is not difficult to solve this problem. Everyone should know that it is not that we do not have food and supplies, but that the local government does not have so much manpower to transport these supplies.

So where does manpower come from?Hehe, don't forget that we still have supplementary troops. These people are usually only responsible for training and do not undertake other obligations.

The reason is still mine, because the supplementary troops are under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Government, that is, under my jurisdiction, and neither the local government nor the logistics department has the right to mobilize these people, so no one has thought of or dared to use my troops.

In fact, what is this?Is the army under my jurisdiction my own?In the final analysis, it belongs to our Ming Dynasty and our country. Now that there is an emergency ahead, why can't these troops be mobilized?
I have ordered the supplementary troops of Pingyang Prefecture to fully assist the local government and the logistics department in transferring supplies. I estimate that the first batch of supplies will be sent to Datong and Xuanfu in the next few days.

In addition, don't the Mongols in Guihuafu survive the crisis and don't want to pay back?I have given Miao Zhongjing an order to immediately organize manpower and mules to help the logistics department transport supplies from Datong and Xuanfu to the front line of Shanhaiguan.

Also, the Mongols froze to death a large number of cattle and sheep this time. I have asked them to make barbecue and transport these barbecues to the front line along with the grain and grass, which can be regarded as making up for the grain and grass that we subsidize them. "

Speaking of this, Li Jing took a short breath, and then continued: "In fact, the food and supplies on the front line are not as scarce as you think. Zhuzi, after you went to the front lines of Jinzhou and Songshan, did you check the records of Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui's troops?" The actual number?"

Zhuzi shook his head: "I haven't been in Jinzhou for a short time. During this time, I have been busy coordinating with Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui on how to coordinate the various ministries. In addition, the war is about to start. I am afraid that checking their troops at this time will cause them dissatisfaction. Therefore, they did not check their troop numbers."

Li Jingjing nodded, then shook his head again: "Judging from the situation of Jinzhou and Songshan alone, Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui are both mighty generals with heavy troops in their hands. To be on the safe side, you didn't rashly expose their old background. It's safe, but how can a general not know the exact number of troops in his hands?

You must know that you are no longer the bandit leader who only led a few hundred people to garrison Hongshanling. You are now the commander-in-chief of the garrison stationed in Beijing, and you are also the deputy commander of the attack on Donglu this time. I asked you to go to Jinzhou to assist Brother Wen Zhao is fighting, how can we not control the number of troops?
Also, as a deputy, you should do something that offends others. You should be the villain, and then brother Wen Zhao will come forward to mediate. "

"Brothers are taught." Zhu Zi hurriedly clasped his fists together.

Li Jing waved his hands and said, "I just said that the food and grass on the front line of Songjin is not as short as you imagined, because the strength of Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui is not as much as they reported. Dingguo, you go to my desk Bring me the memorial written by your fifth uncle."

Li Dingguo took the order, found Ma Wu's memorial from Li Jing's desk, and handed it to Li Jing.

Li Jing pointed to Cao Wenzhao and said, "I'll show you Uncle Cao and Uncle Zhuzi."

Li Dingguo heard the words and taught Cao Wenzhao the memorial.

(End of this chapter)

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