Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 433 Buying Time

Chapter 433 Buying Time
Cao Wenzhao laughed and said: "That's right, these two positions are the key points for me to counter Huang Taiji, otherwise, Huang Taiji would really run away."

As he said that, Cao Wenzhao suddenly put away his smile, and said seriously: "Dingguo, I want your troops to secretly enter Zu Dashou's left wing at night. If Huang Taiji wants to escape from Zu Dashou's direction, he must first defeat Zu Dashou's troops. When he defeats Zu Dashou's department, you will launch an attack on him, and your department is waiting for work, if you can't stop Huang Taiji, then don't blame uncle for his ruthless military methods."

Li Dingguo immediately clasped his fists and said solemnly: "Don't worry, the commander-in-chief, if Huang Taiji is allowed to escape, he will come to see you later."

Cao Wenzhao nodded, and summoned a soldier to order: "Order: Sun Hu's head moves eastward to the right wing of Chen Guozhu's troops. If Huang Taiji breaks out from the direction where Chen Guozhu's troops are, after Huang Taiji breaks out, Sun Hu's head The troops must block Huang Taiji's way, if he violates the order, the military law will follow!"

Hearing the words, the personal soldier stepped forward quickly, took the command arrow from Cao Wenzhao's hand, and quickly sent the order.

When the soldiers came out of the account, Li Dingguo rubbed his hands and smiled, "Uncle Cao, we probably won't be able to get the credit for winning Huang Taiji this time, Brother Xiaowu got a big deal this time."

Cao Wenzhao smiled and said, "Do you still feel that the meritorious service is too small for you to defeat the Eastern Captives? Your father-in-law arranged for Xiao Wu to come to Liaodong for this credit. Go back and ponder why your father-in-law arranged this way. Alright, Go back and get ready."

Li Dingguo smiled, clasped his fists at Cao Wenzhao, and turned around to leave the tent.

While Cao Wenzhao was trying his best to make arrangements, Huang Taiji was also thinking about how to safely withdraw from Shengjing.

Huang Taiji is very clear about the current situation. The artillery of the Ming army is too powerful. Although Shengjing is a fortified city, it cannot stop the artillery fire of the Ming army.

But Huang Taiji doesn't mean that he can run away, he is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, so what face does he have if he flees without a fight?And with so many people under his command, if he didn't prepare food, would he eat bark in Changbai Mountain?

The battle had to be fought, even if he lost, he had to fight a battle, and in order to gain time to transfer supplies, he had to fight this battle.

The question now is how to fight this battle. If you lose all your wealth, even if you win this battle, the meaning of this battle will be lost, so this speed must be grasped well.

Looking at Yue Tuo who was standing solemnly in front of him, Huang Taiji asked: "Yue Tuo, have you contacted the Abatai Department?"

Hearing Huang Taiji's inquiry, Yue Tuo hurriedly said: "We got in touch, but Wu Sangui has cut off Abate's escape route. These days, Abate and Wu Sangui have fought many times, and both sides have won and lost. Abate can't beat Wu Sangui. , Wu Sangui has nothing to do with Abate."

Huang Taiji sighed lightly when he heard the words: "It seems that Abate's journey is hopeless. If Abate can attack Chen Guozhu's troops from behind, the pressure on Shengjing will be relieved a lot."

Yue Tuo nodded silently.

After a pause, Huang Taiji then asked: "What's going on in the Ming army?"

Yue Tuo hurriedly said: "The Zu Dashou Department in the north suddenly crossed the Liao River yesterday, cutting off the connection between Shengjing and Tieling. In addition, the scouts reported yesterday night that they found a cavalry unit on the flank of the Zu Dashou Department, and they were heading towards Shengjing. The direction of Beijing is approaching, but this morning the scouts did not send back any news, presumably they were discovered by the enemy, and it was unexpected. When I sent people to investigate again, they did not find any trace of this troop.

On the front, Cao Wenzhao's troops did not move much, they just advanced dozens of miles in the direction of Shengjing, and now they are less than two days away from Shengjing.

Chen Guozhu's troops to the south retreated [-] miles after being attacked by us. Yesterday, the scouts found signs of division of troops in this department. I don't know what the intention is? "

Huang Taiji nodded when he heard the words, thought for a while and said: "Judging from the movements of Cao Wenzhao's troops, he intends to surround Shengjing, but Cao Wenzhao's troops are insufficient, so it is difficult to cover everything. Therefore, the siege must have a focus."

Yue Tuo nodded again and again: "The emperor is right, but we don't know where the Ming army is empty, so it's best to test it out."

Huang Taiji waved his hand: "There is no need to test everything. With the advancing speed of Cao Wenzhao's troops, there must be heavy artillery troops accompanying him, otherwise he should have come to Shengjing City long ago. Moreover, no matter how carelessly Cao Wenzhao underestimated the enemy, he would not dare Take the risk of transferring all the main force away, if I attack his camp, Cao Wenzhao will not have to fight this battle, so there is no need to think about this journey."

After pondering for a while, Huang Taiji continued: "Although there is no trace of the enemy in the east, the east is the only way for us to retreat. I suspect that the army discovered by the scouts may have gone to the east. Even Chen Guozhu's troops temporarily retreated and divided their troops for this reason. Yuetuo, you immediately send people to Fushun and Sarhu to investigate and see if there is any trace of the Ming army."

Yue Tuo nodded and said: "Back to the emperor, I have sent people to Fushun and Sarhu to investigate."

Huang Taiji nodded approvingly: "I am very relieved that you are careful in doing things."

Yue Tuo hurriedly said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment."

Huang Taiji waved his hand: "The Ming army is about to approach the city, we can't just sit and guard the isolated city, how are the food and supplies prepared?"

Yue Tuo hurriedly said: "I have prepared [-] shi of grain, and have shipped out more than [-] shi."

Huang Taiji looked at Yue Tuo, and couldn't help but nodded slightly. With Shengjing's human capacity, it was really not easy to transport [-] shi of grain in such a short period of time, and Yue Tuo was indeed a rare talent.

However, Huang Taiji sighed softly immediately: "Time is not waiting for us, we can no longer transport all the food as we wish, before the enemy is found in the east, you mobilize all the manpower you can mobilize, and transport it for another day today. Tomorrow we will start transferring the harem and the families of the princes and ministers. When these people are gone, we will have no worries and start preparing for a decisive battle with the Ming army, shall we?"

Yue Tuo nodded, knowing that the decisive battle Huang Taiji mentioned was actually buying time for the delivery of supplies and transfer of family members.

After thinking for a while, Yue Tuo asked: "Your Majesty, how are you going to fight? After I know about it, I should make preparations early."

Huang Taiji nodded, ordered people to unfold the map, pointed to the east direction and said: "Cao Wenzhao's troops are insufficient, it is impossible to completely surround Shengjing, three Que and one must be surrounded, but I can't stop on the side of Que." No, don't look at the east side where there is no enemy yet, but the east side is the closest road to Changbai Mountain. How can Cao Wenzhao not take strict precautions? I very much doubt that Cao Wenzhao is setting up a suspicious formation. Heavy troops have already been deployed."

Yue Tuo nodded and said: "I think so too, otherwise, where did the army found by the scouts go, and why did Chen Guozhu divide his troops?"

"That's right, and even if there is no ambush in the east, I can't just escape from the east. If I don't fight the Ming army, what face will I have?" Huang Taiji continued.

Speaking of which, Huang Taiji pointed to the north and said: "On the surface, among the three troops that Cao Wenzhao belongs to, Zu Dashou is the weakest, and it is the most sure to fight Zu Dashou, but Cao Wenzhao is likely to be defeated by Zu Dashou. Ambush an army near the Ministry, and when we defeat Zu Dashou's Ministry, we will launch a surprise attack when the veterans are exhausted, so we must not break out of the encirclement lightly in the north."

Pointing his finger to the south of Shengjing, Huang Taiji smiled and said: "The strength of Chen Guozhu's army is second only to Cao Wenzhao's main force, and the direction of guarding does not seem to be important. The Ming army must think that we will not follow Chen Guozhu's Break out from the direction of Chen Guozhu, hehe, let's break out from the direction of Chen Guozhu, and catch him off guard."

Yue Tuo laughed softly when he heard this, "Your Majesty, after attacking Liaoyang, Chen Guozhu's troops only took a rest before advancing towards Shengjing. Chen Guozhu already knows that there is a problem with the troops. We attack Chen Guozhu's troops at this time, and we will surely break out of the encirclement."

Huang Taiji nodded, and pondered for a while: "We are attacking the direction where Chen Guozhu's department is located. Cao Wenzhao will definitely not sit idly by, and will definitely send troops to reinforce it. Therefore, we must also send a troop to harass the direction where Cao Wenzhao's department is located. , can't let him calmly deploy troops.

Also, the Zu Dashou Department can't let him be idle, and they have to send troops to attack. In this way, the Ming army will never allow us to attack where we want to attack, and the three roads dare not move lightly. Zu Dashou's and Chen Guozhu's reinforcements are tantamount to clearing the way for us, so we don't have to be polite. "

Hearing this, Yue Tuo clapped his palms and laughed, "Your Majesty is wise, with such a use of troops, the Ming army will not be able to reinforce each other, and we will surely break through the siege."

Huang Taiji shook his head, sighed lightly, and said, "Using troops in such a way is actually a big taboo for military strategists. Even if we break through the encirclement, we will suffer heavy losses, but there is nothing we can do about it. Alas, God gave birth to my emperor Tai Chi, why did someone like Li Jing come into being? How can he be born with Yu? How can he be born with Yu? God is so unfair!"

Seeing Huang Taiji's expression was gloomy, Yue Tuo hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't be discouraged. Your Majesty's talent is great. He is superior to Li Jing in terms of administrative ability and military ability. The reason why he is at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Ming army is actually because of the weapons and equipment. Let's go back to Changbai Mountain will work hard to study firearms in the next few years, and it will surely make a comeback in a few years."

Huang Taiji was refreshed when he heard the words, but then he smiled bitterly and said: "How can it be so easy? The key is that we don't have talents in this field!"

Yue Tuo also sighed softly when he heard this, and the monarch and his subjects looked at each other speechlessly for a while.

After a while, Yue Tuo said: "Your Majesty, I'm telling you the truth, it's no surprise that your Majesty listens."

Huang Taiji waved his hand: "At this point, there is nothing more to say. Say it, even if I say something wrong, I won't blame you."

Yue Tuogong cupped his hands and said: "Although the emperor attaches great importance to the Han people, according to my ministers, this strength is not enough, because most Manchus still treat the Han people as slaves, how can the Han people be so determined to contribute to the Manchus?

Now that the Ming army is suppressing the border, if the Han people are still treated as slaves, it is difficult to guarantee that these Han people will not secretly inform the Ming army.At this critical juncture, I also ask the emperor to issue an order to treat Man and Han equally, and to promote a group of Han officials and entrust them with important tasks.

I heard that Li Jing issued a death order to the Han officials who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty in Beijing. As long as these people hold official positions, they have no way out. In order to save their lives, they must fight the Ming army to the end. In this way, we will There are a large number of available people.

In addition, if we want to develop firearms, we must be inseparable from the Han people. If we want them to do their best, we must give the Han people a certain status. "

 Yesterday’s update didn’t reach [-] words, I read it wrong, I’ll make it up today.
(End of this chapter)

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