Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 434 Fire Bull Array

Chapter 434 Fire Bull Array

Huang Taiji heaved a long sigh after hearing the words: "Yue Tuo, if all of us can think like you, how come we have come to where we are today?
In fact, I have had such an idea for a long time. It is also for this purpose that I appointed Han officials and established the Han Eight Banners.

It's a pity that I can only go so far. Although I am the emperor, I can't do whatever I want. If I raise the status of all the Han people to the same status as the Manchus, it will definitely arouse the Manchus. Dissatisfied, then I, the emperor, will not be able to sit still. "

Yue Tuo looked at Huang Taiji and said suddenly: "Your Majesty, at this juncture, we might as well be more ruthless. I suggest that those who have opinions on the Emperor and are not loyal to the Emperor be sent out to fight against the Ming army. In a decisive battle, if someone flees before the battle, I request you to make a decisive decision on the battlefield."

Hearing that Yue Tuo called himself a minister, Huang Taiji was taken aback, and then sighed lightly: "Yue Tuo, if you call yourself a minister, you are treating me as an uncle.

well!You have repeatedly made military exploits, and even persuaded your father to support me in inheriting the Khan throne. It is thanks to your support that I can become emperor.But after I ascended the throne, in order to consolidate the imperial power, I took away your title of prince. I am sorry for you as an uncle. "

Yue Tuo cried on the ground when he heard the words: "Your Majesty, at this juncture, you still care about what those people do. As the saying goes, fighting brothers, fighting father and son soldiers. At this time, you, my uncle and nephew must not care about the past right and wrong, otherwise we will be in the middle of nowhere. It will be beyond redemption.”

Huang Taiji leaned over and pulled Yue Tuo up, lightly patted Yue Tuo's hand and said, "Good boy! Good boy! Get up!"

Immediately, Huang Taiji turned around and said to the internal officer next to him: "According to my decree, Jin Keqin Prince Yuetuo will be the Prince of Cheng, and he will not be replaced by hereditary succession. , if there is any disobedience, you can act cheaply."

"My son, thank the emperor for his great attention! My son is determined to deal with the enemy to the death, so that the emperor can safely evacuate Shengjing." Yue Tuo kowtowed a few times.

Huang Taiji waved his hand: "Go ahead, take care to protect yourself, don't kiss Mao Shishi."

Yue Tuo stood up and clasped his fists and said, "Don't worry, your majesty, my son will retire."

Not long after Yue Tuo left the palace, Huang Taiji got the news that Yue Tuo first went home and gathered all his servants and slaves, whether they were Han or Manchu, and then ordered the soldiers to send them to the barracks to distribute weapons.

Then Yue Tuo went to his father Daishan's house again, and also gathered all the young and strong servants and guards and sent them to the military camp.

Afterwards, Yue Tuo went to the homes of the brothers to summon his servants, and soon all the servants and guards of the prince Bei Le Bei Zi in Dai Shan's line were all conscripted into the army by Yue Tuo.

When Huang Taiji heard the news, he couldn't help but secretly sighed, Yuetuo acted resolutely, and knew the role of example, he took the lead in enlisting the slaves, and then recruiting other people's slaves, these people have nothing to say.

Sure enough, Yue Tuo then went to the homes of princes, princes, Baylor, and relatives to enlist slaves. With the example of Daishan and Yue Tuo first, and Yue Tuo held the holy order, although the princes and ministers were dissatisfied, they did not Dare not to follow, had to obediently hand over the slaves.

The servants of these princes and important officials ranged from hundreds to dozens, and Yue Tuo only took half a day to gather more than [-] servants.

Then Yue Tuo reorganized all the troops and domestic slaves in Shengjing except for the two yellow banners that Huang Taiji himself claimed. Then Yue Tuo announced the military order in the school grounds, announcing that all Han Chinese and Manchus would be treated equally in the future, and all Han Chinese slaves would be revoked , and promoted hundreds of Han people as military officers or civilian officials in public, and finally encouraged the army to work hard to kill the enemy.

Seeing Yue Tuo's swift and resolute actions, Huang Taiji couldn't help but said with great emotion: "Tang Taizong Li Shimin once said: The strong wind knows the strength of the grass, and the sternness knows the honest officials. Yue Tuo deserves it."

After purging the army, Yue Tuo conscripted peasants in the city to transport grain, and then went to the palace to ask Huang Taiji to dispatch two yellow flags to escort the peasants to escort the grain and grass, and asked Huang Taiji to arrange the transfer of courtiers and concubines in the palace.

After everything was arranged properly, Yue Tuo set off on the next day under oath.

Cao Wenzhao had expected that the Qing army would take the initiative to attack Cao Wenzhao, but he never expected that the Qing army would gather heavy troops to attack in his direction.

To be honest, when the scouts reported that the Qing army was found ten miles ahead, Cao Wenzhao thought that the Qing army was suspicious and delayed his actions, but then Cao Wenzhao knew that the Qing army was really moving, because the Qing army began lined up.

Knowing that the Qing army had begun to form an array, Cao Wenzhao couldn't help being a little puzzled. Did the leading general of the Qing army lose his mind?Facing such sharp weapons of the Ming army and dared to form an assault, isn't this a death sentence?
But as the distance between the two armies got closer, when Cao Wenzhao saw the enemy's lineup clearly through the telescope, he suddenly felt something was wrong.Because although the Qing army on the opposite side has a large number of people, they are dressed in various clothes. Some are wearing Manchu clothes, some are wearing Mongolian clothes, and some are wearing Han clothes. , which means that the Qing army on the opposite side is a motley crew.

Against the main force of the Ming army with miscellaneous troops, is it true that the Qing army really came to die?No matter how stupid Huang Taiji was, he would not be so stupid.

Cao Wenzhao's thoughts changed sharply, and he quickly made a judgment that the Qing army was going to attack from three sides, and he was using the weakest troops to hold back his strongest troops, so that he could not send reinforcements to Zu Dashou and Chen Guozhu's troops.

With a sneer, Cao Wenzhao quickly ordered the soldiers to prepare for the battle, but Cao Wenzhao immediately discovered another problem. Although the Qing army on the opposite side had a large number, they did not attack across the board, but launched a charge with a few hundred people as the vanguard.

Seeing this scene, Cao Wenzhao's complexion suddenly became dignified. Although the Qing army on the opposite side was a miscellaneous army, the generals commanding it were well-versed in general military skills.Because he grasped Cao Wenzhao's weakness, that is, Cao Wenzhao had no cavalry.

Although Cao Wenzhao's weapons were formidable, he could not catch up with the enemy without cavalry. He had to follow the pace of the Qing army. The advancement of the Ming army must be extremely difficult.

Wanting to understand the pros and cons, Cao Wenzhao immediately ordered all the ministries to guard the line of defense and not to move lightly. As long as the Qing army entered the artillery range, they would bombard them with artillery.

Cao Wenzhao's response was not incorrect, but he obviously underestimated the courage of the opposing Qing army to fight to the death.

Seeing that they were about to enter the artillery range of the Ming army, the forward troops of the Qing army suddenly parted to the two wings to give way to the middle, and then hundreds of cows appeared in front of the Ming army. , A group of infantry came up and set fire to the ox's tail.

The tail of the ox caught fire, and the herd of oxen suddenly went berserk, rushing towards the front of the Ming army like crazy.

"Damn it! Playing fire bull formation with me! Brothers, hold on tight, don't be afraid, fire the cannon and blast the fuck." Seeing this, Cao Wenzhao suddenly yelled.

Following Cao Wenzhao's order, dozens of cannons roared at the same time, and the shells exploded among the cattle, causing blood and flesh to fly all over the cattle.

However, the general on the opposite side was obviously prepared for a long time. The group of cows turned a deaf ear to the loud explosion, but rushed forward desperately with blood-red eyes. Obviously, the ears of the cows were blocked.

"The soldiers in front shot and killed the single frightened cattle, and the artillery fire continued to cover them, so that the cattle and the enemy were not allowed to rush into our defense line." Cao Wenzhao shouted in a deep voice.

In fact, before Cao Wenzhao gave an order, the soldiers in front had already started shooting, and if they didn't shoot, the cow would rush to the front.

You must know that the distance between the forwards of the two armies is only three miles. With such a short distance, the galloping cattle can be said to arrive in an instant.

In the face of the powerful firepower of the Ming army, the herd of cattle rushed to death, and in less than a stick of incense, hundreds of cattle fell under the shelling and gunfire of the Ming army.

But this was just the foreplay of the battle between the two armies. Before the Ming army could take a breath, the Qing army's vanguard suddenly dispersed, and then quickly rushed to the front of the Ming army.

If Li Jing was here, he would be surprised to see this situation, because this kind of skirmishing is the most appropriate way to deal with artillery.Because the enemy is too far apart, the lethality of the shells will be minimized.Using artillery at this time is just a waste of shells.

But the Ming army not only had artillery, but also rifles. Although the artillery lost its power to deal with this kind of skirmishers, the muskets played a role.

Although the cavalry of the Qing army was fast, facing thousands of rifles, they were beaten into a sieve before they rushed to the range of the bow and arrow.

The front of the Qing army suffered setbacks, but they didn't care about it. Tens of thousands of troops fought, and hundreds of people were killed.

Seeing that this method suppressed the Ming army's artillery, the Qing army's rear army flag waved, and then the second Qing army charged the Ming army according to the method just now, then the third team, and the fourth team...

Seeing that the Qing army continued to launch decisive assaults one after another, Cao Wenzhao finally knew that the Qing army on the opposite side was here to fight for their lives, and this deadly tactics were very effective.

Cao Wenzhao knew from the gunshots that the hands of the soldiers stationed at the front line had begun to tremble. Cao Wenzhao could understand the psychology of the soldiers. If the enemy rushed up in a swarm, it would not matter if the soldiers fired continuously and killed the enemy in large numbers. , but now the enemy army is only hundreds of people rushing up to die, and there is no way to fight back. No matter who kills like this, it is impossible not to panic.

Seeing that the Qing army had launched more than ten waves of attacks, and at least 5000 people fell on the way to charge, Cao Wenzhao knew that if the Qing army continued to attack like this, the soldiers on the front line would definitely not be able to hold on.

Waving his hand, Cao Wenzhao said to the flag-bearer beside him: "Send the order, the soldiers on the first line withdraw, and the soldiers on the second line enter the first line."

"Yes!" Hearing this, the flag officer hurriedly waved two command flags, commanding the soldiers on the second line to press forward and exchange positions with the soldiers on the first line.

Seeing the soldiers on the front line withdrawing, Cao Wenzhao waved his hand: "Follow me to have a look."

When we arrived at the front line, seeing the pale faces of the soldiers who had just withdrawn, and some lying on the ground vomiting, Cao Wenzhao sighed softly, and suddenly shouted loudly: "Stand up straight for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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