Chapter 438
Chen Erhu smiled and said: "Yes! Although we only have five hundred people, even if you come with thousands of people, you are still no match for us."

Huang Taiji sighed secretly when he remembered the scene where the camp was bombed last night.

After a while, Huang Taiji suddenly said: "Who developed the weapons you use? Why didn't I hear that Mingting has such talents before?"

Chen Erhu smiled: "It's okay to tell you, the weapons we use are all invented by my master. To tell you the truth, we still have a lot of weapons that we haven't brought out. Otherwise, you won't be able to escape Shengjing at all." .”

"What weapon?" Huang Taiji asked in surprise.

"Mines." Chen Erhu said lightly: "We just need to cover Shengjing with landmines, and none of you can escape. It's just that my commander-in-chief said that he doesn't want to kill all of you Jurchens, so In this Eastern Expedition, our army did not carry landmines."

Huang Taiji sneered: "Don't want to kill them all?In yesterday's battle, more than [-] people were killed or wounded in our army. Isn't this called extermination? "

Chen Erhu was shocked when he heard the words: "More than [-] people?"

Seeing that Huang Taiji was silent, Chen Erhu sighed and said: "Facing the firepower of our army, a forceful attack would not kill or injure more than [-] people. It's just a pity for these innocent soldiers. If you surrender, these people You don't have to die."

Huang Taiji said proudly: "I am the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, even if I die in battle, I will never surrender."

"Is the emperor great? Let my handsome man be the emperor, he won't even do it." Xiao Wu suddenly answered.

Huang Taiji shook his head with a sneer and said, "What is the difference between Li Jing and the emperor now? As far as I know, the Emperor Zhu Youjian of the Ming Dynasty is not even as good as a puppet now, and Li Jing is in charge of everything in the Ming Dynasty. Besides, the emperor is not a big deal." He can do everything, but what about Li Jing? Is there anything he can't do? He has more power than all the emperors of the Ming Dynasty."

After a pause, Huang Taiji continued: "With Li Jing's current power, even if he doesn't become emperor, his son will become emperor in the future."

Xiao Wu suddenly laughed when he heard this: "It seems that you still don't understand my commander-in-chief. Let me tell you, my commander-in-chief once issued a decree that the descendants of the Zhu family of the Ming Dynasty will always be the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. As long as the emperor does not interfere in politics, no one can usurp the throne." .”

"That's just talk, the law? Can the law be done accurately? What's more, he made the law, when can't he revise it?" Huang Taiji sneered.

Chen Erhu looked at Huang Taiji, and suddenly smiled: "Huang Taiji, you don't have to think about angering us. The commander told us to capture you alive, so we have to take you back intact. In addition, we will not torture you. We still understand the scale.”

Huang Taiji was silent when he heard this.

After hearing Chen Erhu's evacuation route, Huang Taiji knew that his chances of being rescued by his subordinates were slim. When he heard that the weapons used by the Ming army were developed by Li Jing, and there were still weapons that had not been used, Huang Taiji was even more desperate.

What if I escaped?There were people like Li Jing in the Ming Dynasty, and with such powerful weapons, the Manchus had no chance of turning the tables. Continuing to fight the Ming army would only cost the Manchus their lives in vain.

And as a prisoner, I am afraid that he will be humiliated when he arrives in Beijing. How can he be humiliated as an emperor?Thinking of this, Huang Taiji wanted to anger Chen Erhu and others.

Huang Taiji could see that Chen Erhu and others were loyal to Li Jing, and he slandered Li Jing, these people must be angry, if these people killed him in a fit of anger, they would avoid being humiliated in front of Li Jing.

Unexpectedly, Chen Erhu was very shrewd, so he was not stimulated.

Looking at Chen Erhu, Huang Taiji sighed lightly, Chen Erhu was so steady in his work, no wonder Li Jing would use him heavily.

The next itinerary was as Chen Erhu expected, Shengjing did not send troops to rescue, as for the remnants of the Lianghuang Banner that Huang Taiji belonged to, someone found Chen Erhu and others, but unfortunately, in front of Chen Erhu and others, the troops known as the most elite troops in the Qing Dynasty were simply unbearable one strike.

At this time, Huang Taiji finally understood why Chen Erhu and the others were so fearless. The weapons these people used were so terrifying that the cavalry could not rush within [-] paces of these people, and would even shoot them to death at a distance of [-] paces.

The encounter between the Qing army and Chen Erhu and others not only did not cause harm to Chen Erhu and others, but helped Chen Erhu and others solve the problem of horses.Because when Huang Taiji was captured at night last night, in order not to startle the snake, Chen Erhu and others did not go to snatch the horses of the Qing army.

But now that the Qing army took the initiative to send horses, Chen Erhu would naturally not be polite. After repelling several attacks by the Qing army, he quickly gathered hundreds of horses.

With the horses, Chen Erhu and others moved at a much faster speed. Before it got dark, they joined Li Dingguo and Sun Hutou between Fushun and Shengjing.

Seeing the Ming army's cavalry troops arriving, Huang Taiji knew that he would never have a chance to be rescued.


Five miles west of Shengjing City, Cao Wenzhao's army lined up, and all the artillery was aimed at the city wall of Shengjing.

After deterring with heavy artillery yesterday, the Qing army on the West Road finally began to retreat. However, Cao Wenzhao did not dare to be careless. There were [-] enemy troops on the opposite side. After the previous battle, Cao Wenzhao believed that the Qing army must still be able to cope. means.

As Cao Wenzhao expected, the Qing army stopped near a hill after retreating five miles.

At this time, Cao Wenzhao knew that the Qing army placed the artillery on the mountain even if he thought about it with his feet.I also know that the Qing army intended to be condescending in doing this, so as to make up for the gap in the range of the artillery of the two sides.

Cao Wenzhao really admired the chief general of the Qing army. He could understand the range of his own artillery so thoroughly, knew the gap between the weapons of the two sides, and thought of a way to make up for it. The chief general of the Qing army was really a remarkable figure.

Unfortunately, Cao Wenzhao's target was not this Qing army, but Shengjing.

If this Qing army did not launch an attack, Cao Wenzhao didn't need to talk to him at all. If it did, the artillery placed on the mountain would be useless.

So when he saw the Qing army retreating to the foot of the mountain, Cao Wenzhao immediately ordered to bypass the enemy army and go straight to Shengjing.

Cao Wenzhao's move immediately overwhelmed the Qing army on the opposite side. They never expected that Cao Wenzhao would ignore them and let the enemy army stand behind them.

The general of the Qing army on the west road didn't know how to respond, so he had to send a flying cavalry to report the situation in the west to Yue Tuo.

And Yue Tuo was also a little surprised when he learned about the situation in the west. At this time, the Qing army's three-way assault, although both the north and the south have made considerable progress, but the two Ming army cavalry units in ambush have not yet shown up. If Cao Wenzhao In this way, once Cao Wenzhao divides his troops to rescue Zu Dashou and Chen Guozhu, the Qing army in the north and south will inevitably suffer heavy blows under the front and rear attacks, and all previous efforts will be in vain.

In desperation, Yue Tuo had no choice but to order the Qing army in the west to continue to attack, and must hold back Cao Wenzhao's troops.

However, Cao Wenzhao quickly adjusted his direction after the Qing army re-launched the offensive, taking advantage of the artillery and rifles, and once again dealt a heavy blow to the Qing army.

Two hours later, the Qing army suffered heavy losses and was no longer able to charge, so they retreated helplessly towards Shengjing City.

Without the protection of the cavalry, Cao Wenzhao quickly dispatched an infantry unit to eliminate the artillery units of the Qing army on the mountain. So far, the Qing army in the west was no longer able to resist.

However, Yue Tuo's tactical goal has also been achieved. Taking advantage of this time, Yue Tuo attacked with all his strength, and finally defeated Zu Dashou's department, forced Chen Guozhu's department to retreat, and made Li Dingguo's and Sun Hu's troops appear in the head, and escaped for Huang Taiji. Sheng Jing, opened the passage.

It's a pity that there was only so much Yuetuo could do. After this battle, the Qing army lost more than 7 troops.

After Zu Dashou's and Chen Guozhu's troops received reinforcements from Li Dingguo and Sun Hutou, they quickly reorganized their troops and came to besiege Shengjing again.

At the same time, Li Dingguo's department and Sun Hu's head rushed to the east of Shengjing overnight, locking the passage from Shengjing to Fushun.By this time, Yue Tuo knew that Shengjing was about to follow in Liaoyang's footsteps.

But Yue Tuo didn't back down, even if he was the last one, he would never give up Sheng Jing.

But something unexpected happened to Yue Tuo. Huang Taiji's bodyguard came back and reported that Huang Taiji was missing.

This news was like a bolt from the blue to Yue Tuo, he spent so much effort and lost so many people, finally opened the passage and let Huang Taiji leave Shengjing, Huang Taiji actually disappeared.

Listening to the guard who reported the news about how he was attacked last night, Yue Tuo finally knew that he had been fooled by Cao Wenzhao.

Yue Tuo wanted to send troops to search for Huang Taiji, but one or two people could sneak in through the gaps in the siege, but it was impossible for a large number of people to get out.

Because the target of one or two people is too small, it is not easy for the enemy to find it, but if a large number of people leave the city, as long as the Ming army is not blind, how can they not see it?If you want to go out of the city to save Huang Taiji, you can only force your way.

But the Ming army on the opposite side is the cavalry unit commanded by Li Dingguo and Sun Hutou. It is a cavalry unit formed based on the Guanning cavalry under Cao Wenzhao. Before using new weapons, the Qing army struggled to fight this unit. Now that these people have changed their weapons, the Qing army is no match at all.

Yue Tuo couldn't be more clear about how the Qing army was beaten by Li Dingguo and Sun Hutou's troops the day before yesterday. Letting soldiers go out of the city to save Huang Taiji is tantamount to sending soldiers to death.But Huang Taiji had to save him, Yue Tuo had no choice but to call soldiers to form a death squad.

But the war does not mean that soldiers can win without fear of death. Under the fierce attack of Li Dingguo and Sun Hutou's troops, all the Qing troops who were not afraid of death became dead.Under the hopeless continuous assault, Yue Tuo had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

After this battle, Shengjing's defense force was greatly weakened again. Now there are less than [-] soldiers in Shengjing city, and many soldiers are wounded.

Then Yue Tuo discovered that Li Dingguo's department and Sun Hu's head began to move, leaving only half of them to monitor Shengjing, while the other half went to Fushun.

Yue Tuo knew that their target was either Huang Taiji or the important court officials who had already left Beijing or the transport troops who were transporting to Changbai Mountain, but at this time Yue Tuo was powerless.

(End of this chapter)

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