Chapter 439
On the other hand, after repelling the Qing army to the west, Cao Wenzhao quickly advanced towards Shengjing, but when he advanced to the city of Shengjing, he suddenly stopped moving.

Because Cao Wenzhao has received the news that Huang Taiji has escaped from Shengjing, Cao Wenzhao is not concerned about Shengjing now, but whether Chen Erhu and others can stop Huang Taiji and capture Huang Taiji.

In order to ensure the safety of Chen Erhu and others, Cao Wenzhao ordered Flying Cavalry to inform Li Dingguo and Sun Hutou to quickly block the passage from Shengjing to Fushun, and ordered the two of them to drive out of the city if a large number of troops left the city. After that, they immediately divided up and went east to meet Chen Erhu and others.

As expected, Cheng Erhu and others lived up to expectations, captured Huang Taiji alive, and brought him back intact.

So far, half of the campaign goals set by Li Jing and Cao Wenzhao a few months ago have been completed.Now all that remains is to capture Shengjing and deal with Dorgon.When these two goals are resolved, the remaining remnants of the Qing army can be cleaned up slowly.

Cao Wenzhao was taken aback when he saw Huang Taiji. Cao Wenzhao never expected that Huang Taiji would be so haggard. This is the same Hou Jinda who he had seen on the battlefield back then. sweat?
Ordering someone to bring a chair to Huang Taiji, Cao Wenzhao poured a cup of tea for Huang Taiji himself: "Drink some hot tea, you must have suffered a lot these two days, right?"

Huang Taiji took a sip from the teacup, then looked at Cao Wenzhao, sighed softly and said, "I've heard about General Cao's name for a long time, and seeing him today, it's true, but you don't need to worry too much about it." , I will never surrender."

Cao Wenzhao smiled: "Huang Taiji, I didn't intend to recruit you, I just gave you the respect you deserve."

Huang Taiji suddenly raised his head when he heard the words: "You respect me? Why do you respect me, the general of my defeated army?"

Cao Wenzhao shook his head and said with a smile: "My respect for you is actually my respect for my commander-in-chief. My commander-in-chief has cited you as the only opponent in his life. If you can be valued by my commander-in-chief, how can I not respect you?"

Huang Taiji's eyes lit up when he heard the words, then they dimmed, and he sighed softly: "Li Jing's generation is outstanding, I am not his opponent, I am convinced that I lost, my only wish now is to see Li Jing as soon as possible, I don't know Can General Cao send me to Beijing to meet Li Jing immediately?"

Cao Wenzhao was silent for a while when he heard the words, and said slowly: "Huang Taiji, I will definitely let you meet my commander, but before that, I hope you can make the defenders in the city give up resistance. Today, you have already There is no chance, why bother to add more casualties?"

Huang Taiji sighed quietly: "General Cao, I appreciate your kindness, but there is no emperor or subject who surrendered in the Qing Dynasty, and my subjects in the Qing Dynasty are ready to perish with the city. "

Cao Wenzhao looked at Huang Taiji, seeing Huang Taiji's determined expression, he couldn't help but sighed, "You will regret today's decision."

After finishing speaking, Cao Wenzhao turned his head and said to the soldiers: "Pass down my military order, and attack the city at the end of tomorrow."

"Yes!" The soldiers received the order and hurried out of the tent.

After looking at Huang Taiji, Cao Wenzhao waved his hand: "Take him down to rest."

Xiao Wu nodded, and several commandos stepped forward to take Huang Taiji down.

After Huang Taiji left, Cao Wenzhao smiled at Chen Erhu and said, "General Chen, I'm afraid I have to trouble you and my brothers for something."

Chen Erhu clasped his fists together: "Please tell me, Commander-in-Chief, as long as the brothers can help, it is my duty."

Cao Wenzhao nodded: "Huang Taiji said that he is ready to die with the city. I very much doubt that he has set up a backhand in the city. What could this backhand be? It can only be arson. .

However, the outer city of Shengjing is too wide. Even if the Qing army set fire to it, it would not pose too much threat to our army. I guess it can only be between the inner city and the imperial palace.I think you send a few brothers into the city to investigate the situation and see if there is anything suspicious. "

Chen Erhu smiled: "I said why the commander-in-chief ordered the siege to start tomorrow afternoon. It turned out to leave time for the brothers to enter the city. Okay! I will arrange for the brothers to rest and sneak into the city at night."

"Thank you, General Chen and brothers." Cao Wenzhao said, clasping his fists.

"Marshal Du, everyone is serving the Marshal, so you don't need to be polite." Chen Erhu laughed.

Chen Erhu didn't ask Cao Wenzhao why he knew that the Qing army would set fire to the city. Chen Erhu was very convinced of Cao Wenzhao's judgment.

Moreover, Chen Erhu knew that even if Cao Wenzhao made a mistake in his judgment, for the safety of the soldiers, Chen Erhu had to go to the city to find out the situation.

Because Shengjing is different from other cities, it is the capital of the Qing Dynasty. Although the scale of Shengjing is not as grand as Beijing, it still has a lot of defensive facilities.

Like Beijing, Shengjing is also divided into outer city, inner city and imperial city.And there is also an urn city outside the inner city.

Although the artillery of the Ming army is powerful, it is impossible to destroy all the city walls of Shengjing. At most, they can break through the gates of Shengjing and enter the city.However, the walls of the Wengcheng and the inner city are connected together. If the Qing army retreats into the inner city and defends the Wengcheng and the inner city, the Ming army can only adopt tactics like attacking Liaoyang, bombarding with artillery continuously, can it be broken? Leaving aside the city walls, Cao Wenzhao couldn't afford to consume artillery shells alone.

Of course, it is only a matter of time before the victory of Shengjing, and eventually the Ming army will enter the city, but if the Qing army ambushed some troops in the Cangbing Cave of Wengcheng, and set fire to the city after the Ming army entered the inner city, it would definitely cause serious damage to the Ming army. Mass casualties.

Cao Wenzhao asked Chen Erhu to enter the city not to ask the commandos to search for caves for hiding soldiers, or to investigate whether the Qing army was in ambush. Shengjing is so big, there are so many Qing troops, and it is an extraordinary period. No matter how powerful the commandos are, it is impossible to inquire. Find out these secret actions of the Qing army.

Cao Wenzhao asked Chen Erhu to lead people into the city, but he just wanted them to pay attention to whether the Qing army had any unusual actions against the houses between the inner city and the imperial city.

Because if you want to set fire to the city, you can only find a way from the houses. If you put a lot of firewood and other flammable things on the roads or the only way the Ming army must pass into the city, the Ming army will know what the Qing army is going to do even if they are fools.

As for sneaking into the city, it was not difficult for the commandos. No matter how strict the defense of the Qing army was, there were places where they were lax. As long as they found such a place, it would not be difficult to send a few people to climb the wall into the city.

Of course, there are too many people. If you want hundreds of people to climb the wall and enter the city, no matter how cautious your actions are, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be discovered by the Qing army.

Cao Wenzhao's judgment was indeed correct. After Chen Erhu sneaked into the city with a few capable team members, he soon discovered that most of the dwellings in the inner city had piled up a large amount of dry firewood.

Upon hearing the news, Cao Wenzhao sneered, since the Qing army wanted to perish with the city, they could only be fulfilled.


Beijing, East Nuan Pavilion of Qianqing Palace.

After reading the battle report sent by Cao Wenzhao, Li Jing couldn't help being overjoyed. He turned his head and smiled at Zhu Youjian who was sitting aside: "The emperor is overjoyed. Cao Wenzhao wrote that more than [-] Qing troops were annihilated in the battle outside Shengjing." In addition, Chen Erhu, Xiao Wu and others captured Huang Taiji alive in Sarhu, and now Huang Taiji is temporarily detained in the military camp. Cao Wenzhao said that when Shengjing is captured, he will be sent to Beijing together with the Qing army prisoners."

Zhu Youjian got up suddenly when he heard the words: "What? Annihilated more than [-] people from the Qing army? And captured Huang Taiji? Good! Good! If Huang Taiji is captured, Liaodong will be half settled."

Li Jing smiled: "It's too early to talk about the pacification of Liaodong, but capturing Huang Taiji is tantamount to eliminating the greatest enemy of our Ming Dynasty."

"Hehe, you're right. This Huang Taiji made me sleepless a few years ago, but being captured alive by him today can be regarded as a cure for my heart." Zhu Youjian said with a smile.

Zhu Youjian rubbed his hands, got up and took a few steps in the room, looked at Xiaojiu, then at Wenqing, turned around and looked at Li Jing with a smile: "Brother Li, such a big happy event, we two Shall we have a drink to celebrate?"

Li Jing smiled: "No hurry, judging from the date Cao Wenzhao said, five days have passed since the battle on the outskirts of Shengjing, and he must have already started attacking Shengjing by this time.

If there are no accidents, Cao Wenzhao must have good news in these two days, and we will celebrate then. "

Zhu Youjian smiled: "That's fine, then wait a few more days, but I have to tell the late emperors of Ming Dynasty about such a big happy event. Brother Li, I'm going to put incense sticks on the ancestors and tell them the great victory in Liaodong. "

"Hehe, fine, you can go." Li Jing said with a smile.

After Zhu Youjian left, Li Jing shook his head with a smile, and handed Cao Wenzhao's victory report to Xiao Jiudao: "Order people to send it to the various ministries immediately, and at the same time issue a residence report to inform all parts of the country that the Liaodong victory has captured the emperor alive." Tai Chi."

When Xiao Jiu left the house, Li Jingning brows pondered, how will Huang Taiji be settled after he goes to Beijing?

Killing cannot be killed. Throughout the dynasties, there have been very few executions of the monarchs of enemy countries.Conferring him a title is against his own way of governing.

Thinking of Huang Taiji's refusal to surrender in Cao Wenzhao's letter, and the fact that the soldiers and civilians in Shengjing City were about to perish with the city, Li Jing couldn't help but sigh.

"Marshal, it is such a great joy to capture Huang Taiji, why are you still sighing?" Wen Qing wondered when he saw it.

Li Jing turned his head to look at Wen Qing, shook his head and said: "Huang Taiji will not surrender, the Qing army in Shengjing City will resist stubbornly, Cao Wenzhao will definitely deal heavy blows, and more than [-] people in Shengjing City will probably be slaughtered."

Speaking of which, Li Jing sighed lightly: "The emperor Taiji, with his own dignity, disregarded the lives and deaths of more than [-] soldiers and civilians, it is really stupid."

"Wait for Huang Taiji to be escorted to Beijing, and execute him Ling Chi, to avenge my Ming Dynasty for disturbing me for many years." Wen Qing said.

Li Jing shook his head: "This Huang Taiji cannot be executed easily. If he can be subdued, it will be of great use in pacifying Liaodong."

Wen Qing was puzzled and said: "Is it still necessary to recruit Huang Taiji at this point? It is only a matter of time before Liaodong is pacified."

Li Jing smiled: "Do you think it is so easy to pacify Liaodong? Let me tell you, it is not difficult to wipe out the large forces of the Qing army, but the difficulty is to deal with the remnants.

And if you want to wipe out all the remnants of the Qing army, it will be impossible to do it within a year or two.How much military pay and supplies we need to spend during this period, have you calculated this account?
Killing Huang Taiji was nothing more than relieving hatred.But if Huang Taiji can surrender, it will be much easier for him to come forward to subdue those remnant soldiers. This will help us save a lot of money and materials. With this money, wouldn't it be better for us to invest in the reconstruction of Liaodong? "

(End of this chapter)

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