Chapter 441
Li Jing shook his head: "Father-in-law, you don't understand military affairs. In fact, Zu Dashou has done his best. Zu Dashou's troops have not installed our new weapons, and even if they did, they would not be able to use them proficiently in such a short period of time.

Don't forget, the combat power of the Qing army is no less than that of Zu Dashou's troops. Coupled with his desperation and desperation, it is already very good for Zu Dashou to be able to fight at this level. Exhausted, how could Dingguo achieve such great results?

Zu Dashou was a general, he knew what was going on in this battle, and he also knew when to stop it.Otherwise, he could withdraw from the battlefield ahead of time to protect the troops, or lead the whole army to fight the Qing army for the sake of gaining power.If that is the case, the battle of Shengjing may not have a certain result, and the casualties of our army may not be many.

If Zu Dashou withdrew his troops early, the morale of the Qing army would be boosted and their strength would not decline. Dingguo might not be able to beat the Qing army back so easily. Huang Taiji would probably lead his troops to break through from the north.

If Zu Dashou leads his troops to fight to the death with the Qing army, even if he wins in the end, it will be a tragic victory.

Father-in-law, Liaodong is so big that our army is already insufficient. If Zu Dashou suffers too much loss, our troops in Liaodong will be even more stretched. I can't continue to transfer troops from the pass to Liaodong, right?
Although Zu Dashou is a bit rebellious, he still fights unambiguously. I am very satisfied that this battle has reached this level. "

Hearing Li Jing's defense for Zu Dashou, Shen Zheng smiled lightly and said, "Since you said Zu Dashou played well, then he must have played well. I originally thought that Cao Wenzhao gave Zu Dashou credit because he was thinking about the past. friendship?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "You don't know what kind of person Cao Wenzhao is? Will he play favoritism in such a war? If he is playing favoritism, then he will not be called Cao Wenzhao, and Hong Chengchou would not know it back then." I think so highly of him.”

Upon hearing this, Shen Zheng couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Li Jing continued with a smile: "Although Zu Dashou's troops suffered losses, the main force is still there, especially the cavalry, which makes up for the embarrassing situation of our army's lack of cavalry after the transfer of the cavalry from Hutou's troops.

In this way, the Liaozhong area can be controlled by Zhuzi, and cooperate with Zu Dashou to eliminate the remnants of the Qing army.

Cao Wenzhao and Dingguo can then send their troops to the north to encircle and suppress the remnants of Huang Taiji's Two Yellow Banners and the important officials of the Manchu and Qing princes who fled to Changbai Mountain. "

"After leveling the rest of the Qing army in Changbai Mountain, Cao Wenzhao can conquer North Korea, take down Dorgon, and conquer North Korea at the same time." Shen Zheng laughed.

Li Jing waved his hand: "It's not that easy. North Korea has to take the initiative to ask for internal attachment. Otherwise, North Korea will still be a mess. But as long as the remaining Qing army in Changbai Mountain is leveled, Dorgon will become a rootless duckweed. As long as the North Koreans have A little ambition will lead to rebellion. Dorgon's troops are residing in other countries, and they must be suppressed crazily. At that time, let Lin Yuji encourage the princes and nobles of North Korea to ask for inclusion, and we can justifiably bring North Korea into the territory of Ming Dynasty .”

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "The affairs of North Korea can be temporarily put on hold for a while, but the affairs of Liaodong cannot be delayed for too long. The longer it is delayed, the greater the pressure on the treasury, especially the sooner the Qing army in southern Liaoning is wiped out, the faster it will be. Well, the south of Liaoning is pacified, and we can save a lot of money by transshipping supplies to Liaodong in the future."

Shen Zheng nodded and said, "I'll write to Liu Erleng and Chen Dahu immediately, asking them to ship the grain as soon as possible."

"Use six hundred miles to rush, tell Duhu and Er Leng to deliver [-] to [-] shi of grain for emergency. During this period, let Cao Wenzhao use military rations to rescue the people in Shengjing." Li Jing continued.

"The military rations on the front line may not last for a few days. I asked Jinzhou to transport all the stored rations to Shengjing." Shen Zhengwen hurriedly said.

Li Jingjing nodded: "Let's do it like this."

Shen Zheng didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly got up and said goodbye.

Li Jing then ordered Wen Qing to write a book for Cao Wenzhao immediately, tell Cao Wenzhao his thinking, and then ordered someone to send it to Shengjing immediately.

After the letter was delivered, Li Jing looked at Zhang Ao and said, "Brother, you have worked hard during this period, but I can't let you rest for the time being. The canal is silted up and the water transportation is blocked. Cleaning up the river is a big deal. You should take care of it." , I will ask the local governments along the river to cooperate with you to try to clear the river before the rainy season."

"Don't worry, Marshal, I'll immediately gather people to clean up the river." Zhang Ao said hurriedly.

Li Jingjing nodded: "You don't have to worry about money and food, I will ask the Ministry of Households to give you a special allocation."

"Thank you, Marshal." Zhang Ao cupped his hands.

Li Jing smiled: "Thank me for what I did, it should be me thanking you."

Zhang Ao hurriedly said: "Commander, you gave Zhang Ao this life, to serve him..."

Li Jing waved his hands and smiled: "These old stories say what he does, let's not talk about this, let's talk about you and Xiaolian, how is it? Is there any movement?"

Zhang Ao's face turned red when he heard this, and after a while he said: "It should be there!"

Li Jing couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the words: "What do you mean, it should be? I've already got the news, are you still sure?"

Zhang Ao hurriedly said: "Brother, all the brothers have added sons and daughters these years, but I am the only one who does not live up to it. This time the doctor said that Xiao Lian is pregnant, I can't believe it!"

Li Jing laughed loudly when he heard this, patted Zhang Ao's shoulder heavily and said, "There's nothing you can't believe, I'll ask the imperial physician to take Xiaolian's pulse again later, and give you a reassurance."

"Thank you, brother." Zhang Ao said hurriedly.

Li Jing smiled and continued: "Brother, it is a good thing that Xiao Lian is pregnant, but I have to remind you, the old saying goes well, you should never forget the poor and the poor, and the poor wife will not go to court. Xiao Lian has a child, and she will not respect her younger siblings in the future, otherwise, I will make decisions for the younger siblings."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Ao hurriedly said: "Don't worry, brother, brother is definitely not someone who forgets his roots."

Li Jingjing nodded: "It's good that you know what's in your mind. I'm afraid you'll be busy dredging the river this time. Now that Xiaolian is pregnant, the family can't be left alone to take care of her. You send someone to bring the younger siblings to Beijing and let the younger siblings take care of Xiaolian." .”

Zhang Ao sighed and said, "Brother, you are so busy and still take care of your brother's family affairs, how can you repay your brother?"

"What do you say about repaying and not repaying? You are entangled in various affairs and are far more busy than me. I can only help you solve your worries." Li Jing smiled lightly.

Zhang Ao sighed and said, "Brother, don't patronize the brothers, it's time for you to take the two wives to Beijing."

Li Jing shook his head, sighed, and said, "Mr. passed away, and I couldn't do my filial piety by my side. I can only let the two wives and children do my filial piety on my behalf. Let's talk about it after a hundred days."

Seeing that Li Jing was a little sad, Zhang Ao couldn't help but regret bringing up the matter of taking the two wives back to Beijing. After a long while, he said, "Brother, don't think too much about it. Mr. is a spirit in heaven. I'm glad to see you have done such a thing."

Li Jing sighed and said: "Master Wang set the Central Plains Day in the north, and he never forgot to tell Naiweng about family sacrifices. This time Cao Wenzhao conquered Shengjing, Erhu and the others captured Huang Taiji, so I should report to my husband.

Wen Qing, write a sacrificial oration for me, send it to Suizhou, let my wife burn it on the grave of the husband, and send a jar of green bamboo leaves to the husband for him to drink. "

"Yes!" Wen Qing hurriedly said.

Li Jing patted Zhang Ao's shoulder lightly: "Go and do your work, I'll go for a walk."

Hearing this, Zhang Ao stood up and said goodbye.


In the military camp in Shengjing City, Cao Wenzhao read Li Jing's letter and handed it to Chen Guozhu.

Chen Guozhu took it and finished it, and handed it to Zu Dashou.

After reading it, Zu Dashou sighed and said: "Zu has only served Dushi Yuan in his life. After reading the letter of the commander-in-chief today, Zu is inexplicably impressed. The commander-in-chief is far away in the capital, but he is as close as a relative to the battle of Shengjing." Seeing normal, Zu was convinced. Commander-in-Chief, Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Zu can't speak, and only knows to obey the orders of the Commander-in-Chief."

Cao Wenzhao laughed when he heard the words: "General Zu, the commander-in-chief appreciates you very much. It is not as simple as asking you to cooperate with General Chen to wipe out the remnants of the Qing army. As the leader of an army, what do you do?" Just suggest it."

"Thank you for your trust, Commander-in-Chief." Zu Dashou clasped his fists together and said, "Since the Commander-in-Chief said so, then Zu will express his thoughts."

"General Zu, please speak, Cao is all ears." Cao Wenzhao said hastily.

Zu Dashou clasped his fists and said, "Commander-in-chief, deputy commander-in-chief, our biggest difficulty now is the problem of food and grass. If we use troops everywhere, it will inevitably cause a greater burden on logistics. The commander-in-chief said in the letter that General Sun and Wu Sangui Join forces to destroy the Abatai tribe, and then use all their strength to wipe out the Qing army in southern Liaoning. According to Zumou, it is better to use the strength of the whole army to sweep the acupuncture points with thunder, first calm down southern Liaoning, remove obstacles for the logistics troops, and then return The division wiped out the remnants of the Qing army in Liaozhong and the remnants of the Qing army in Changbai Mountain."

Cao Wenzhao nodded: "What General Zu said is indeed a safe strategy. However, the remnants of the Qing army in the Liaozhong area can be let go, but the Qing army who fled to Changbai Mountain cannot be ignored. If they are left alone, wait until they If I get in touch with Dorgon, the situation will change immediately. If my guess is right, Dorgon will succeed to the throne. At that time, the Jurchens will soon regroup, and there will inevitably be another battle. Twists and turns."

Hearing this, Zu Dashou pondered for a while and said: "What the Commander-in-Chief said is absolutely true, Changbai Mountain is the birthplace of the Jurchens, it cannot be ignored.

However, Changbai Mountain has a vast area, and it may not be easy to encircle and suppress it with the 2 cavalry under General Li and the more than [-] infantry under the commander-in-chief.

As far as Zu knew, the Qing army was still transporting food to the Changbai Mountain area a few days ago in order to fight our army for a long time, but the roads in the Changbai Mountain area were difficult to navigate, and it was difficult to transfer food and supplies.

Zumou suggested that General Li lead his troops to pursue the Qing army's supply troops. If the Qing army's food and grass could be robbed, the Qing army hidden in Changbai Mountain would lose their livelihood.Even if the Qing army's baggage cannot be intercepted, it is enough to deter the Qing army with General Li's troops.We seized this time and went south in a large scale to wipe out the Qing army in southern Liaoning in one fell swoop. "

Cao Wenzhao and Chen Guozhu looked at each other when they heard the words, and they both nodded slightly at the same time.

Both of them knew that from the current situation, Zu Dashou's suggestion was undoubtedly the safest and most feasible.

(End of this chapter)

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