Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 442 Fulfilling the Mission

Chapter 442 Fulfilling the Mission
However, Li Jing also asked Cao Wenzhao to immediately cut off the connection between Changbai Mountain and North Korea in the letter. This is the second time Li Jing made such a suggestion. Division Commander Bai Shan, with Li Dingguo's troops, he would definitely not be able to stop Dorgon. If Dorgon was allowed to return to the division, it would damage Li Jing's strategic layout.

After pondering for a while, Cao Wenzhao shook his head lightly.

Cao Wenzhao knows Li Jing far better than Zu Dashou. Li Jing attaches so much importance to Dorgon hiding in North Korea, not because he is worried about what kind of tricks Dorgon can play, but because he wants to use Dorgon to make a fuss about North Korea.If Dorgon returns to the teacher, Li Jing's next move will be difficult.

Sighing lightly, Cao Wenzhao said: "General Zu, the commander-in-chief has repeatedly asked me to cut off Dorgon's way back to the teacher. If I don't listen, once the commander-in-chief's important matter is broken, I will not be able to face it in the future." Marshal. Therefore, I cannot fully adopt your suggestion.

How about this, General Chen is still in Shengjing, and you lead your troops to the south to assist Wu Sangui and Sun Hutou to destroy the Qing army in southern Liaoning, and ensure that the southern fleet can land in southern Liaoning.I led my troops to the north to deal with the Qing army in Changbai Mountain, and at the same time cut off Dorgon's way back. "

After hearing this, Zu Dashou nodded silently, clasped his fists at Cao Wenzhao and Chen Guozhu, and said, "Commander, Deputy Commander, if this is the case, then the general will make preparations, and then lead the army south."

"General Lao Zu is here." Cao Wenzhao and Chen Guozhu hurriedly got up and said.

Zu Dashou clasped his fists and said, "Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, Zu will fulfill his mission."

After all, he turned around and went out of the tent.

When Zu Dashou came out of the tent, Cao Wenzhao sighed, and ordered his soldiers to take out the map and examine it carefully.

After watching for a while, Cao Wenzhao turned around and said, "General Chen, Mr. Cao has an idea, and I would like to ask General Chen to discuss it."

Chen Guozhu laughed and said, "Please tell me, Commander-in-Chief."

Cao Wenzhao smiled, pointed at the map and drew a circle and said: "This is Changbai Mountain, which is the home of the Jurchens. I guess it will not be a problem for the Qing army to organize tens of thousands of troops here. If we break the For their food and grass, the Qing army would not be able to stay in Changbai Mountain. At this time, they had only two ways to go, one was to join forces with Dorgon in North Korea, and the other was to continue to retreat north.”

Chen Guozhu looked at the map, shook his head and said, "North Korea is mostly mountains and the land is barren. I'm afraid it won't be able to support so many Qing troops. I think it's unlikely that the Qing troops will join forces with Dorgon in North Korea. We can only take the second route." road.

If the Qing army retreats to the north... huh?The governor wants to drive the Qing army to the north? "

Cao Wenzhao smiled: "It's not that I want to drive the Qing army to the north, it depends on what the commander-in-chief wants."

Chen Guozhu pondered for a while, then asked doubtfully, "Do you want to take back all the north?"

Cao Wenzhao shook his head: "I'm afraid we can't go that far now. After passing the Ninggu Pagoda, the north is sparsely populated and the road is difficult. I'm afraid our army's logistics will not be able to keep up."

"Then what do you mean?" Chen Guozhu asked puzzled.

"It depends on whether the commander-in-chief wants to keep these Jurchens alive." Cao Wenzhao said with a smile.

Chen Guozhu was startled when he heard the words, thought carefully for a while, and suddenly laughed and said: "Commander, it seems that you understand the commander's mind!"

Cao Wenzhao smiled, and suddenly sighed: "It's not that I understand the Marshal's mind, but the Marshal has told me about the policy towards the Jurchens long ago.

In fact, even if the commander-in-chief doesn't say anything, we have been with the commander-in-chief for so many years, and we should learn how the commander-in-chief handles things.

I think back when I first met the commander-in-chief, he had just dispatched troops from Hongshanling. His first battle was to force Gao Yingxiang's bandits to attack Lingchuan, then he drove Gao Yingxiang away and occupied Lingchuan, and then he forced Gao Yingxiang and others Attacking the surrounding counties of Pingyang Mansion, thereby occupying Pingyang Mansion, I really admired the Marshal's skills at that time.

After the commander-in-chief enters the center, the way he treats the rogues is even more admirable.

The commander-in-chief did not go to recruit the rogues, but slowly led the rogues to disband on their own. Due to disasters and riots in Henan, Shaanxi and other places in the past few years, the population has decreased greatly, and a large amount of land has been idle. The commander drove the rogues to these places. I couldn't grab it, and I couldn't run. In order to survive, I had to put down my sword and gun to open up wasteland and farm.

Now half of the rogues in the Central Plains and Northwest have disbanded, and I estimate that the rogues will die out in at most two years.

The situation in Liaodong is similar to these places, both of which are vast and sparsely populated, and the population of Daming has also been greatly reduced due to the rebellion of bandits and the frequent entry and plunder of Eastern captives. Therefore, the Marshal attaches great importance to these Jurchens and asks us to avoid killing them as much as possible.

The commander-in-chief’s purpose was to slowly assimilate the Jurchens into the Han people, and it was for this purpose that he sent the captives we sent back to Shaanxi to farm in Shaanxi.

If my troops are sufficient and there is no logistical pressure, the easiest way is naturally to arrest all the Jurchens in Liaodong and force them to change their current living habits.

But we are under too much logistics pressure now, Da Ming has to spend money everywhere now, the longer our time drags on, the greater the pressure on the commander-in-chief.Therefore, I think that if we can use the existing force, we can force the Jurchens to move north.We only need to guard the areas where they hunt. In order to survive, they must learn from the Han people to farm.After a few years, the living habits of the Jurchens will gradually change. "

Chen Guozhu nodded slightly, but then asked: "The commander-in-chief's department only has [-] people. It is not enough to force the Jurchens in Changbai Mountain to move north, and also to deter the Qing army in North Korea. If the expected purpose is not achieved, the commander-in-chief may not be able to explain it."

Cao Wenzhao smiled: "First of all, I need to ask the commander-in-chief for instructions, and I will only do it if the commander-in-chief agrees. As for the lack of troops, it is indeed a problem, but we are using troops everywhere in Liaodong. It is impossible to take care of all of them. Okay. The Qing army on the North Korean side has not changed for the time being, I just need to send a troop to garrison between Changbai Mountain and North Korea to cut off the retreat of the Qing army, and it does not mean that I will attack them immediately."

Chen Guozhu nodded and said: "Since the commander-in-chief has made up his mind, it should not be too late. Let's tell the commander-in-chief immediately and ask the commander-in-chief to make a decision. But before the commander-in-chief makes a decision, we still have to follow the commander-in-chief's arrangement."

Cao Wenzhao was overjoyed when he heard the words, stood up and clasped his fists and said, "That's exactly what it should be. Thank you, General Chen, for your support."

Chen Guozhu cupped his fists and said, "You are welcome, Commander-in-Chief. We are all subordinates of the Commander-in-Chief. It is my duty to share his concerns."


A few days later, Cao Wenzhao and Chen Guozhu received a reply from Li Jing. After reading the letter, Cao Wenzhao was overjoyed and said to Chen Guozhu: "General Chen, the commander-in-chief agreed with our proposal. I will deploy immediately. I'll leave it to you."

After reading the letter, Chen Guozhu also said happily: "Then let's start. My department still has [-] reserve troops, and I will hand them over to the commander-in-chief to command."

Cao Wenzhao shook his head with a smile and said, "Thank you General Chen, but you should keep the five thousand reserve soldiers to guard Shengjing."

Hearing this, Chen Guozhu sighed and said: "It's not good to attack a city. Every time you conquer a place, you must leave an army to garrison. Since the Eastern Expedition, including Shengjing, there are only five troops left to garrison. More than ten thousand people, otherwise, why would we not have enough troops?"

Cao Wenzhao said with a smile: "This is also a matter of no choice. If you don't stay in the garrison, you will not be able to control the occupied places. If you leave after fighting, do you think the commander will give us so many soldiers? There is no need for you to help me Sit down?"

Chen Guozhu sighed: "I was only stationed in one place before, and I have never dealt with so many affairs. I have been so busy during this period that I really don't know how the commander usually handles so many things."

Cao Wenzhao also sighed: "Yeah, I used to fight wars and forget about them. I don't know what to do without you this time."

Chen Guozhu smiled wryly: "I want to know that you don't understand government affairs, so you won't come to Liaodong with you."

Cao Wenzhao smiled: "Fortunately, the commander-in-chief has already started to select local officials in Liaodong. When these local officials come, we will relax."

Chen Guozhu nodded: "I heard that the commander-in-chief is going to set up the Liaodong Chief Envoy Si Yamen. I wonder who will be the Liaodong Chief Envoy?"

Cao Wenzhao waved his hands and said with a smile: "We don't care about political affairs, we just need to manage the war well."

Chen Guozhu shook his head and said: "You can ignore political affairs, but you have to deal with the chief envoy of Liaodong. In the future, the military affairs of Liaodong will definitely be placed under your jurisdiction. If you don't cooperate well with the local officials, will you ask the general for everything in the future?" handsome?"

"This..." Cao Wenzhao was speechless for a moment.

After a while Cao Wenzhao said: "I heard that the commander-in-chief is going to appoint Zu Dashou or Wu Sangui as Liaodong generals. These two are the generals originally appointed by the imperial court. The job of the Liaodong envoy is not easy! "

"That's why the commander-in-chief must support the chief envoy. Without your support, this chief envoy will not be able to do well." Chen Guozhu said.

Cao Wenzhao was taken aback: "You mean you want me to recommend Liaodong's chief envoy?"

Chen Guozhu shook his head: "The commander-in-chief wouldn't do such a stupid thing, would he?"

"Then what do you mean..." Cao Wenzhao asked doubtfully.

"Brother Cao, you are the commander-in-chief's most important general. Under the command of the commander-in-chief, you have made the most military achievements. Do you know why the commander-in-chief uses you so much?" Chen Guozhu laughed.

"Brother, please advise." Cao Wenzhao said hurriedly.

Chen Guozhu smiled: "Because you have very little contact with those civil servants in the court, this is the place where the Marshal likes to use you the most."

Cao Wenzhao suddenly realized something when he heard the words, pondered for a while and said: "Brother, what you mean is that no matter who the commander appoints as Liaodong's chief envoy, I have to cooperate closely with him, right?"

"The main thing is to restrain Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui. This time, Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui have many military exploits. With the character of these two people, I am afraid they will not be too obedient. If there is a conflict with the magistrate, I am afraid it will be yours." It's my responsibility." Chen Guozhu said solemnly.

Cao Wenzhao nodded slowly: "I know how to do it, thank you brother."

Chen Guozhu sighed and said, "Accordingly, I shouldn't have said these things, but during this Eastern Expedition, my brother really admired Brother Cao's character and military ability, so I said a few more things that shouldn't have been said."

(End of this chapter)

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