Chapter 448
Zhu Youjian smiled and said, "Okay, I know how to do it. As the emperor of Ming Dynasty, I should also bear some responsibilities."

Li Jing shook his head: "Your Majesty, I don't want you to be accused of invading North Korea, but as the emperor, your words are more useful than mine, so I can only let you come forward."

Zhu Youjian patted Li Jing's hand lightly and said: "Brother Li, I understand. Hehe, speaking of it, I have to thank you for letting me deal with North Korea's affairs, expand the territory, and how will there be no future history books?" Do you have to write me a letter?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Of course, it's not just North Korea. In the future, we will pacify Mobei and Moxi, and then sweep down southern Xinjiang. When future generations mention Emperor Chongzhen, they must write about His Majesty's restoration of Ming's prestige."

Zhu Youjian smiled and said: "That's also because of your credit. Brother Li, in this battle of Liaodong, the compensation for the casualties may cost a lot of money, and the reward after the war will cost a lot of money. Although I don't ask I also know that the national treasury can no longer bear the burden of political affairs. Now, if I want to enrich the national treasury, the fastest way is to ask for money from the vassal king, or I will give King Fu a decree to donate a sum of money?"

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "Your majesty, it's good if you have the heart, but King Fu won't listen to you. If he could listen to you, you wrote him so many letters and persuaded him earnestly. He should have obeyed." Our decree.

And he is your dear uncle, you can't do too much.In this case, let me handle Fu Wang's side.Don't worry, I'll take care of your face and won't do anything to him. "

Zhu Youjian nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Zhu Youjian took the initiative to ask King Fu to donate money. Naturally, he didn't want to trouble his uncle, but he knew that Li Jing had already started planning to deal with those vassal kings during this period, and King Fu must be the first to bear the brunt.

If Li Jing is ready, he will definitely not be able to intercede for his uncle. Now that he is taking the initiative to provoke this topic, Li Jing will not do too much in the end because he cares about his face.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, Li Jing promised not to do anything to King Fu.

But thinking of King Fu's character and Li Jing's methods, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but sighed lightly, knowing that Li Jing said that he would not do anything to King Fu, maybe it was just to keep King Fu alive.

Seeing that Zhu Youjian's mood was a little waning, Li Jing smiled and said: "Your Majesty, the weather is good today. I heard from Fang that the Xiyuan side has almost been built. If you are interested, let's go out for a walk?"

Zhu Youjian was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Okay, I haven't gone shopping with Brother Li for a long time, let's go out for a walk today."

However, seeing that there was still a pile of official documents on Li Jing's desk that had not been disposed of, Zhu Youjian sighed and said, "You still have so many things to deal with, if you go shopping with me, you will definitely have to stay up late tonight, let's forget it." .”

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's okay, these things are not urgent, it doesn't matter if you delay for a day or two."

Zhu Youjian smiled and said, "That's fine, let's leave the palace right now."


It has been three months since Yuan Keli passed away, and after a hundred days, Shen Ying and others will be going to Beijing.

Shen Ying and the others couldn't live in Li Jing's former small house when they came to Beijing, and of course they couldn't live in the palace, so these days Fang ordered people to speed up the construction of Li Jing's residence, and Li Jing's new residence was in Xiyuan inside.

Li Jing brought Zhu Youjian to Xiyuan to see his new home. In fact, Li Jing was very dissatisfied with his new home, because it was a bit luxurious. Li Jing expressed this to the equation more than once dissatisfied.

But this time the equation did not listen to Li Jing, because the construction of Li Jing's new home did not cost the treasury nor Li Jing's money. The money was paid by Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu.

The two wives paid for the better construction of the equation, how dare the equation be neglected?Li Jing has no choice but to repair it as he likes.

Xiyuan used to be a royal park, and it was a restricted area for the common people. Li Jing built the cabinet near Xiyuan. In order to ensure the safety of the officials, he naturally had to arrange military guards.

However, the current level of security is not as strict as before. As for the outskirts of Xiyuan, many troops stationed before have also withdrawn.

When he arrived at Xiyuan, Li Jing pointed to a row of buildings outside and said with a smile: "Feng is still very measured in doing things. You see, this is the factory building of the textile factory. There is a road leading to Xiyuan in the factory building, which is convenient for Empress Yi'an to enter and exit. .”

Zhu Youjian nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, I was worried about the safety of the emperor's wife before, but now it seems that there is no problem at all."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Although Empress Yi'an doesn't understand production, she is still very good at managing people. The people below let her arrange things in an orderly manner, which is much better than you, a hands-off shopkeeper."

Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "My factories haven't started yet, and Cheng En is handling the early stage matters, and I will start when the factories are completed, so I promise that I won't let the emperor's sister-in-law compare.

By the way, I heard that Huang's wife's textile factory has already started operation, and the first batch of orders are from the garrison, processing [-] pieces of summer clothes.Thirty thousand pieces of clothes, can you earn a lot of money? "

Li Jing smiled: "I can't earn too much, maybe a thousand eight taels of silver. You think my military expenses are so easy to earn!"

Zhu Youjian wondered, "Is it so little enough to cover the expenses of the workers?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Enough! Of course it is enough! The factory has just opened, and the workers are not very skilled in their business, but I heard that more than 1 pieces have been made in half a month, and it is estimated that it will be delivered in half a month." There are more than 600 workers in the factory, and the salary of one thousand eight taels of silver is enough."

Looking at Zhu Youjian, Li Jing said, "Does the emperor know why I asked you to build these factories?"

Zhu Youjian smiled and said: "Isn't it for me to make money to subsidize the expenses of the palace?"

Li Jing shook his head: "If it is necessary to subsidize the expenses of the palace, only one factory is enough, and there is no need to build three factories."

Zhu Youjian wondered, "Then what's your intention?"

Li Jing sighed and said, "The emperor now has four sons and three daughters, right?"

Zhu Youjian nodded and said with a smile: "If you compare to having a baby, you can't compare to me."

Li Jing smiled and shook his head: "These four sons of the emperor, the prince will take over your throne in the future, and Aimee is my daughter-in-law. You don't have to worry about them and their offspring, but the other three sons and two daughters What about their descendants? Have you considered their descendants? Also, once I remove Fu Wang’s title, you can’t ignore his descendants, right? He is your uncle after all, and his son and you are uncles and brothers. Compared with your vassal king, your kinship is different."

"You mean..." Zhu Youjian suddenly realized something when he heard the words.

Li Jing nodded silently: "For the descendants of the emperor, except for the prince who will inherit the throne, the rest of the princes will be degraded by one rank every generation, and will be cut off after three generations. It is inevitable that some of these people will be mediocre. But after all, they are the descendants of the emperor, and I let the emperor build these factories just to think that once this happens, these people will not be cornered."

Zhu Youjian pondered for a while when he heard the words, and nodded gently.

Sighing lightly, Li Jing continued: "Your Majesty, don't blame me for being harsh. The large Ming royal family has already become a burden for the country. If I don't do this, the country will be destroyed in their hands sooner or later."

Zhu Youjian nodded silently, sighed and said, "Brother Li is right. There are more and more branches of vassal kings in various departments. It takes several provinces to support them. The country really can't afford it."

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "That's right, so from the second half of the year, I will exempt the vassal kings of all departments from enshrining, and at the same time implement a new aristocratic system, and take back the land that the royal relatives and relatives exceed the regulations."

"Are you going to be the first one to have the surgery on King Fu?" Zhu Youjian continued.

"I won't be too extreme." Li Jing said.

Zhu Youjian sighed: "Since you are going to take Fu Wang to the knife, you must have already grasped the evidence of Fu Wang's crimes. Sigh, my uncle is confused, especially regards money as his life, which caused the people in Luoyang to complain. Can Brother Li keep him?" Already I am very grateful for my life."

"It's rare that the emperor understands righteousness. For the sake of the emperor, I will leave him another [-] mu of land." Li Jing continued.

Zhu Youjian nodded: "None of the members of King Fu's family are promising. If they take away their titles and take back their land, they will probably starve to death. Brother Li set up these factories for me just to let me I can help them when they can't survive, Brother Li, thank you for taking care of my face."

"I would also like to thank the emperor for supporting me in doing so for the overall interests of the country." Li Jing smiled.

Zhu Youjian glanced at Li Jing, smiled wryly, and said in his heart: Even if I don't support you, you will definitely do something to them.And you have already started to make arrangements, and now you are telling me these things just to save me some face.

But Zhu Youjian immediately thought that with Li Jing's current power, he can still take care of his face, which is very interesting to him. If it were someone else, how could he take care of his face?

Thinking of this, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but feel a little happy again.

Seeing Zhu Youjian's open face, Li Jing knew that Zhu Youjian had finally figured it out. He smiled and pointed to the front and said, "Your Majesty, the South Lake (South China Sea) is ahead. I'll have someone prepare a fishing rod. Let's go fishing."

Zhu Youjian was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Okay, it's rare that brother Li is so elegant, let's compare and see who catches more fish."

Li Jing laughed and said: "Then I am definitely not as good as the emperor. Let me tell you the truth, I don't know how to fish at all."

"Hahaha, I already knew that you can't fish, but don't worry, we, each other, and I can't fish either." Zhu Youjian laughed.

Li Jing turned back to Xiao Jiu with a smile and said, "Find two fishing rods and get some bait. I want to fish with the emperor."

Hearing that Li Jing wanted to go fishing, he was ready to relax. Xiaojiu was overjoyed. It was rare that Li Jing wanted to relax for a while. He must let Li Jing enjoy himself. He hurriedly ordered the guards to prepare fishing tackle.

After a while, the guards found two fishing rods and a few shovels at the same time. It turned out that they couldn't get bait for a while, so they planned to use the shovels to dig out earthworms.

Xiyuan is on the west side of the Forbidden City, including Beihai, Zhonghai, and Nanhai, with a total area of ​​nearly [-] mu, of which the water surface occupies half.

(End of this chapter)

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