Chapter 449
These three seas are actually lakes, and the South China Sea is an artificial lake that was excavated by Ming Chengzu after he moved his capital to Beijing.

Xiyuan is a forbidden garden for the royal family, no one else is allowed to enter, and naturally no one dares to fish in the South China Sea, so there are many and big fish in the lake.

Although Li Jing and Zhu Youjian don't know how to fish, there are so many fish in the lake, and it coincides with the beginning of summer, which is the most active season for fish. When Li Jing and others arrived at the lake, it was afternoon, and it was the fish looking for food. At this time, it is difficult to catch no fish.

Seeing the frequent baiting, Li Jing and Zhu Youjian laughed happily from time to time.

Seeing that Li Jing was in a good mood, Xiao Jiu turned around and told the captains: "It's rare that the commander-in-chief is happy today, so let the commander-in-chief play happily. You go outside and watch, and no one is allowed to disturb the commander-in-chief today."

Several captains took orders and hurriedly arranged for guards to guard the gate of the garden. Seeing the ministers begging to see Li Jing, they stopped at the gate.

But the ministers learned that Li Jing and Zhu Youjian were fishing in the South China Sea, and knew that Li Jing rarely relaxed, so they would not disturb Li Jing's elegant mood.

But the guards could stop the minister, but they couldn't stop Xiao Wu, his immediate boss.

Xiao Wu cooperated with Chen Erhu to capture Huang Taiji and did not return to Beijing. Instead, at the request of Cao Wenzhao, he followed Li Dingguo to chase the princes and ministers of the Manchu Qing Dynasty who left Shengjing before Huang Taiji and Huang Taiji's harem concubines.

Cao Wenzhao knew that Chen Erhu and Xiao Wu's subordinates were only cooperating with him in capturing Huang Taiji, and they were not under his control, so naturally he would not impose orders on them.Seeing that Cao Wenzhao was so polite, of course Xiao Wu and Chen Erhu would not refuse Cao Wenzhao's request because they were not under Cao Wenzhao's jurisdiction.

Facts have proved that Cao Wenzhao made another very wise decision this time.

Although Li Dingguo's cavalry troops moved quickly, due to the delay for several days and the continuous fighting, the soldiers and horses were exhausted. It lost its effect.

But at this time, the usefulness of the trained commando team will be revealed, because mountain warfare is the training subject of the commando team, and it is common for this group of people to cross mountains and mountains.As for fighting in the mountains, despite the fact that the commando team only had 200 people, plus the 500 people selected by Xiaowu, there were only 500 people, but these [-] people can deal with half of Li Dingguo's division without any problem.

The commando team led by Chen Erhu searched carefully on the outskirts of Changbai Mountain, and soon found the whereabouts of the Qing army, and then followed them in pursuit.

In the raid, not even Huang Taiji's two yellow flag personal guards were the opponents of the commandos, no matter the princes and ministers who only brought their family guards, even the palace guards protecting the harem concubines were not the opponents of the commandos.

After being chased by Chen Erhu and others, within half an hour, Huang Taiji's harem concubines, princes and ministers and their families became prisoners of the commando, including the families of Hauge and Dorgon.

It is conceivable that with so many prisoners in custody, the commando's actions could not be quickened. It took half a month to take these prisoners to Shengjing, and when Chen Erhu and others returned to Shengjing, Huang Taiji He and many Qing army prisoners are already on their way to the capital.

Just at this time, Sun Chuanting escorted the grain ship to Liaodong. Chen Erhu and others borrowed several boats from Sun Chuanting, took the prisoners to the south of Liaoning, and sent the prisoners to Beijing by sea.

Naturally, taking the sea route is much closer than Huang Taiji and others, so although Chen Erhu and others left a few days late, they rushed to Beijing with the troops escorting Huang Taiji.

Originally, Chen Erhu planned to go with Sun Chuanting, but Sun Chuanting did not want to take the credit of Chen Erhu and others, so he asked Chen Erhu and others to go to Beijing first under the pretext of arranging soldiers.

Xiao Wu and the others escorted the prisoners, since Sun Chuanting was not as fast as Sun Chuanting. Although they were one step ahead, they still arrived in Beijing half a day later than Sun Chuanting.

When Xiao Wu arrived in Beijing, Li Jingzheng and Zhu Youjian were fishing in the South China Sea.

After all, Xiao Wu was young, so he made such a great contribution this time, how could he hold back, and hurried to Xiyuan, Chen Erhu didn't stop him.

In fact, this is no wonder Xiaowu, because this battle captured Huang Taiji's empresses and concubines, all the princes and ministers of the Qing Dynasty, and their family members, which is equivalent to bringing the Qing Dynasty to a pot.

Seeing that Xiao Wu was eager to see Li Jing, how could the guards dare to stop him?Instead of stopping, the guards hurriedly took Xiao Wu to see Li Jing.

Seeing Xiao Wu's sudden return to Beijing, Li Jing couldn't help being taken aback: "Stinky boy, why did you come back so soon? Is the war in Liaodong over?"

Xiao Wu kowtowed three times to Li Jing and said with a smile, "Hey, congratulations to my handsome father, Liaodong is basically flat."

Li Jing frowned: "What do you mean basically flat?"

Xiao Wu smiled and said: "Uncle Erhu and I arrested Huang Taiji's wife and children, as well as the princes and ministers of the Qing Dynasty and their wives and children. Tell me, does this count as leveling Liaodong?"

"What? Caught them all?" Li Jing said in surprise.

Now it is very difficult for Li Jing to be moved by anything, but this news is so exciting that no matter how calm Li Jing is, he cannot help being excited.

Xiao Wu smiled and said: "Yes! A total of more than 8000 people were arrested, but due to the limited number of ships, I couldn't transport so many people, so I didn't bring those innocuous people back to the capital, only Huang Taiji's wife and children and those important people. The family members brought them back, about [-] people."

Li Jingjing nodded. The family members of the main characters are over a thousand, which should be about the same.

After thinking about it, Li Jing asked, "You didn't abuse these women and children, did you?"

"Hey, how can it be? These people are very useful, how dare the child mess around." Xiao Wu said with a smile.

Li Jingjing nodded: "You are sensible."

After a pause, Li Jing continued, "Where are these people placed now?"

Xiao Wudao: "Now they are guarded in the military barracks in the city, and some of the most important figures will be guarded separately."

"How many other main characters? Who are they?" Li Jingqi asked.

Xiao Wu chuckled: "Huang Taiji's two wives, Hauge's wife and Dorgon's wife, and Fan Wencheng's wife."

Li Jingwen frowned: "Why do you detain these women alone? Where are Huang Taiji's elder brother Dai Shan and Huang Taiji's son? I heard that Huang Taiji has a one-year-old son. You didn't kill him, did you?"

Xiao Wu hurriedly shook his head: "No, no."

Seeing Li Jing's face softened, Xiao Wu suddenly smiled and said: "It's funny to say, Huang Taiji's wife looks very iconic, but the child she gave birth to is like a fucking monkey. I heard that woman call the child Fulin, his grandma's, the Jurchen's fucking bad luck this year, I think it's about the same as Shuailin."

Li Jing burst out laughing when he heard this, and stretched out his hand to slap Xiao Wu on the head: "It's just nonsense, whose child can't afford a nice name! When Xing'er has a child, I will name him Goushenger .”

Xiao Wu smiled shyly: "I'm afraid it's not okay to call him Goushenger. I remember my father's nickname is Goushenger."

"Hahaha, then call it Little Dog Leftover." Li Jing laughed loudly.

"That name is too long, and it's inconvenient to call it. You can give it another name." Xiao Wu smiled.

Li Jingwen shook his head again and again, pointed at Xiao Wu and said with a smile, "I was joking with you, but you take it seriously."

Xiao Wu smiled and said, "Of course it's true. If the baby has a baby, you must name it. It can't be careless."

Li Jing smiled and said: "You want me to name your child, then you have to work hard. Your two mothers-in-law will return to Beijing soon, and Xinger will follow. At that time, your husband and wife can Reunion."

Xiao Wu said happily after hearing this: "The adoptive mother is coming to Beijing? It's all over now, someone will take care of the father in the future."

But Xiao Wu immediately frowned and said, "It's just that, those women have to make other arrangements."

"What woman wants to make another arrangement?" Li Jingqi said.

Xiao Wu smiled: "Of course it's the women captured by the boy, handsome father, if you say that Huang Taiji's brothers have a good eye for picking women, the women they like are all beautiful, damn it, Such a beautiful woman should serve her father."

"Huh? So you put those women under separate custody to serve me?" Li Jing looked at Xiao Wu with a half-smile and said.

"Of course, my son goes out once, and when he comes back, he must bring something to honor his father. You don't care about money, so you can only find a few women to serve you." Xiao Wu said with a smile.

Li Jing smiled and said: "So you arrested Huang Taiji's wife and prepared to let them serve me, right?"

"Hey, they are captives, why don't they listen to what we say?" Xiao Wu laughed.

Li Jing shook his head slightly: "Xiao Wu, your filial godfather took it, but I won't take it. Not only don't I want it, but I have to give it back to Huang Taiji."

Xiao Wu was puzzled and said: "Huang Taiji has become a prisoner, why do you still talk to him?"

Li Jing shook his head: "Huang Taiji has been a great sweat for so many years, and has been emperor for another two years. If he can submit to Ming Dynasty, it will be of great benefit to us to rule the Jurchens. So his women can't move, even Dorgon has Hauge's woman couldn't move either.

But before returning Huang Taiji's women to him, I have to meet them and let them persuade Huang Taiji to surrender. "

Zhu Youjian next to him sighed and said, "I'm afraid that Huang Taiji will go his own way and swear he will not surrender."

Li Jing smiled and said: "In the past, Huang Taiji didn't surrender because he was not afraid of death, but now it's different. His wife and children, daughter-in-law and grandson, as well as brothers' wives and nephews are all in our hands. He can't ignore it." and the lives of these people."

Zhu Youjian nodded: "That's true. Although Huang Taiji is not afraid of death, he cannot let the Aixinjueluo family die."

Li Jing smiled: "Exactly."

Speaking of which, Li Jing looked down at the fish basket beside him, then looked at Zhu Youjian's fish basket and said with a smile: "Hehe, the emperor caught more fish than me, and I lost. I still have a jar of 30-year-old fish." Zhuyeqing, tonight I will invite the emperor to drink, and the fish we caught will be used as the appetizer."

Zhu Youjian shook his head and said with a smile, "It's rare for you to treat a guest with the fish you caught yourself. You are really stingy."

(End of this chapter)

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