Chapter 471
Zong Chao nodded: "Zheng Zhilong's son was born in Japan and grew up in Japan. When he was six years old, Zheng Zhilong returned to Daming and took his mother and son back.

The child entered a school at the age of seven. The teacher saw that he was smart and eager to learn, so he changed his name to Sen, which means a talented person.When Zheng Sen was 15 years old, he entered Nanjing Taixue and became a student of Qian Qianyi. Qian Qianyi valued him very much and named him Damu, thinking that he would become a pillar of talent in the future.

I guess it is under the influence of these teachers that Zheng Sen has a general sense of righteousness, and he has been determined to serve the country since he was a child. "

Luo Yangxing nodded lightly. The matter of instigating Zheng Zhilong's son is of great importance. Zong Chao will not follow others' advice. He must have carefully investigated and understood Zheng Sen before he dared to conclude that Zheng Sen and his father are not on the same path.

But just because Zheng Zhilong and his son had different ideas, Luo Yangxing still couldn't believe that Zheng Sen would rebel against his father.

After hesitating for a while, Luo Yangxing said: "Although we say that we are different and do not conspire with each other, they are father and son after all, and the son who opposes Lao Tzu, I am afraid that he will bear... Is there something wrong?"

Zong Chao smiled, knowing that what Luo Yangxing originally wanted to say was that a son who opposes Lao Tzu will be charged with disobedience, and no one can bear this charge.

Luo Yangxing considered that this decision was made by Li Jing, so he put it mildly.

Zong Chao raised his eyes to look at Li Jing, Li Jing waved his hand with a smile and said, "Go on, I also want to hear your opinion."

Smiling, Zong Chao said: "Actually, we don't want Zheng Sen to turn against his father. He doesn't have the ability and strength. We just need Zheng Sen not to follow his father and stay in Quanzhou."

Seeing that Luo Yangxing was still puzzled, Zong Chao asked with a smile, "Do you think it doesn't make much sense for Zheng Sen not to follow his father?"

Luo Yangxing nodded.

Zong Chao said with a smile: "In fact, there are many wonderful things in this. You know, although most of Zheng Zhilong's subordinates are pirates, but now they wear the hats of the army, even though they are still doing pirates, But in the eyes of those who don't know, they are dignified officers and soldiers after all.

In any case, the name of the official army is much better than the pirates. Many people are unwilling to let them leave the identity of the official army and become pirates again.This is like a prostitute becoming a good prostitute. After being a good prostitute, few people would be willing to become prostitutes again. "

Hearing the vulgarity of Zong Chao's metaphor, Li Jing couldn't help but smile.

Seeing Li Jing smiling, Zong Chao suddenly realized that his metaphor was too vulgar, and he looked a little embarrassed for a while.

Seeing this, Li Jing smiled: "The analogy is very appropriate, let's continue."

Luo Yangxing also laughed and said: "Lao Luo is a rough man, if you use polite metaphors, Lao Luo still can't understand."

Zong Chao clasped his fists at Li Jing and Luo Yangxing, then smiled and said, "But these people are Zheng Zhilong's subordinates after all, if Zheng Zhilong wants them to continue to be pirates, these people can only follow.

But if Zheng Sen stayed in Quanzhou, it would be different.

Seeing Zheng Zhilong's son not leaving, anyone would think: Your son doesn't want to be a pirate, so why should we give up our status as an officer and soldier to be a pirate with you?
As long as some people think this way, these people will have conflicts, and it will be difficult for Zheng Zhilong's subordinates to lead. At that time, as long as we can win a few battles with Zheng Zhilong at sea, these people may fall apart. "

Luo Yangxing pondered for a while and said: "Our navy has just been built, and the ships are far inferior to Zheng Zhilong's. It is barely enough to fight against a navy like the Qing army, but against Zheng Zhilong, I'm afraid..."

Zong Chao smiled and said: "So, before that, we must bring Li Guozhu and Zhong Bin over. These two have many warships under their command, and they are familiar with Zheng Zhilong's fighting methods, and our weapons Far sharper than Zheng Zhilong's troops, it's not difficult to beat Zheng Zhilong in a few battles at sea."

Luo Yangxing nodded silently upon hearing this.

Zong Chao continued with a smile: "As for bringing Li Guozhu and Zhong Bin over, it's not difficult. Li Guozhu has a grudge against Zheng Zhilong, and Zhong Bin is timid and fearless, as long as we pull out Zheng Zhilong's foundation in Quanzhou, we can give him a chance." They are officials, and the two of them must surrender.

Now all that remains is to persuade Zheng Sen to stay in Quanzhou, as long as Zheng Sen can stay in Quanzhou..."

At this time, Li Jing interjected: "Actually, we don't have to let Zheng Sen stay in Quanzhou, Zheng Zhilong can't keep his son in Quanzhou, and I don't think Zheng Sen has the guts to disobey Zheng Zhilong's order right now.

Our purpose is to divide Zheng Zhilong's subordinates, so we only need him not to rebel against Zheng Zhilong.As long as Zheng Sen can express this attitude, it can also play a role in dividing Zheng Zhilong's subordinates. "

Luo Yangxing thought for a while and said: "If someone just sends a message to Zheng Sen, it can be delivered, but Zheng Sen knows that the court is going to do something to his father, can he not tell his father?

If Zheng Sen told Zheng Zhilong that the court was going to deal with him, and Zheng Zhilong was prepared, it would be difficult to deal with him. "

Li Jing smiled and said: "Brother Luo is worried! So we must not tell Zheng Sen in advance, we must tell him after we do it.

But there is a problem here. Once we start to attack Zheng Zhilong, Zheng Zhilong will strictly protect the safety of himself and his family.At this time, it will be difficult for outsiders to approach them, so we must arrange people by Zheng Sen's side in advance. "

Luo Yangxing nodded lightly upon hearing the words.

After pondering for a while, Luo Yangxing said: "What the commander-in-chief said is very true, but it is easy to say that it is easy to put people beside Zheng Sen in advance, but it is difficult to do. Zheng Zhilong has countless enemies, and he will not let strangers approach him casually. Similarly, Nor would he let a stranger get close to his son.

In fact, it's not that the people from the Ministry of Security have placed people in the Zheng family, but these people belong to the outermost group of the Zheng family. Not to mention the inner mansion, even the outer mansion cannot enter.It can be seen from this that Zheng Zhilong's defense is strict.

In addition, it is actually more difficult for people from the Ministry of State Security to get in touch with Zheng Sen than with Zheng Zhilong, because in addition to the official people, the people who deal with Zheng Zhilong are mainly businessmen and pirates. It's not that there is no chance for people to pretend to be businessmen and pirates to meet Zheng Zhilong.

But Zheng Sen didn't manage much in the Zheng family, except for the closest people of the Zheng family, he rarely had contact with outsiders.

Moreover, Zheng Sen is a supervisor, and he has studied in the imperial school. The teacher is a great Confucian like Qian Qianyi. The members of the security department are mainly from Jinyiwei. Which of these people has studied?How can you talk to Zheng Sen if you haven't even read the book?

In particular, Zheng Sen is only 16 years old. Apart from his parents and elders, most of the people he comes into contact with are classmates and schoolmates who are similar to his age. Where can we find someone of his age and knowledge in the security department?
The so-called birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups.If you want to get close to Zheng Sen and gain his trust, you can't do without knowledge, or even with bad character. "

Li Jing and Zong Chao nodded at the same time.

After a pause, Luo Yangxing suddenly asked: "Commander, when are you going to start using troops against Zheng Zhilong?"

Li Jing said with a smile: "I guess it will take at least a month for Sun Meng, Sun Chuanting and others to prepare, and it will take another month for the army to march to Fujian. That is to say, you have two months to arrange for people to sneak into Zhengzhou. Sen's side."

Luo Yangxing nodded: "Two months is enough time, I'll just pick someone from the school."

Li Jing smiled and nodded: "Brother Luo, you are becoming more and more careful now! I thought you couldn't think of a way, but I didn't expect you to find someone from the school. It seems that this matter I'll leave it to you, right."

Luo Yangxing smiled and said: "How can such a humble job compare to the commander in chief? The commander must have already thought of what to do."

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "I'm not as powerful as you said, but I did think about how to get close to Zheng Sen.

What you said just now is true, birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. Since Zheng Sen is Qian Qianyi's student, he must be good at poetry and prose. We only need to arrange a young man who works in poetry and prose to Quanzhou, and Zheng Sen will definitely meet him. "

Luo Yangxing nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, and then asked: "Is there a suitable candidate for the commander?"

Li Jing shook his head: "There is no suitable candidate. You must know that this person must not only understand poetry, but also learn from a famous teacher. It is best to have a relationship with Qian Qianyi. The most important thing is not to be afraid of death."

Zong Chao suddenly laughed when he heard the words: "I think this person only needs to meet two conditions, one is good at poetry and prose, and the other is not afraid of death. As for the teacher who has something to do with Qian Qianyi, we can definitely give it to him." He arranges one."

"Oh? Let's arrange one for him? Who?" Li Jingqi said.

Zong Chao smiled and said, "Mr. Huanzhong."

"Yuan Boying?" Li Jing asked doubtfully.

"Yes! Huanzhong Gong's poems and prose are very elegant, and they have sung with Qian Qianyi, Liu Lishun, Fang Yizhi and others. Qian Qianyi once praised Huanzhong Gong: "Understanding the general strategy of civil and military affairs, being liberal and good at ancient times, ascending to the heights and being able to write, it can be done." doctor.'"

"Oh? I didn't know that Brother Bo Ying and Qian Qianyi still had poetry and prose exchanges." Li Jing laughed.

Zong Chao was startled when he heard the words, and suddenly remembered that Li Jing didn't want to see Qian Qianyi very much. He told Li Jing that Yuan Shu and Qian Qianyi had poetry exchanges, and he was afraid that Li Jing would feel that he was beating Yuan Shu's little girl. Report.

Yuan Shu is the son of Yuan Keli, and he is highly regarded by Li Jing. If Li Jing thinks that he is making small reports about Yuan Shu, he is afraid that his future will not be good.

After thinking for a while, Zong Chao hurriedly said: "Grand Huanzhong is elegant and good at Danqing, and he likes to collect even more. Qian Qianyi also has this hobby. Duke Huanzhong has a very high attainment in poetry and prose, and Qian Qianyi is the leader of the Ming Dynasty's literary circle, so It is not surprising that there is poetry and prose exchange between them."

Li Jingwen listened, smiled and nodded: "I know that Brother Bo Ying likes to paint, but I didn't notice that he also likes to collect. When Brother Bo Ying returns to Beijing, I will ask the emperor for some famous paintings from his predecessors to give him."

Zong Chao said with a smile: "If Mr. Huanzhong knew that the commander-in-chief asked the emperor to ask for a painting and gave it to him, he would be grateful in his heart."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Brother Bo Ying has been with me for many years, and he has never made any demands on me. Even the official position is suppressed by my husband and he is not allowed to be promoted. I gave him a few paintings, just to express my heart."

(End of this chapter)

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