Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 472 Daming's Boss

Chapter 472 Daming's Boss
Speaking of which, Li Jing sighed and said, "Brother Bo Ying and I haven't seen each other for more than half a year. During his funeral, he still handled the government affairs very well. It's really difficult for him."

After hearing Li Jing's words, Zong Chao couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, knowing that Li Jing was telling himself Yuan Shu's position in Li Jing's heart, and at the same time telling himself cryptically that Li Jing didn't take what he just said to heart.

Immediately Zong Chao was secretly alert in his heart, Li Jing was extremely alert, and he must never talk nonsense in front of Li Jing in the future.

Seeing Zong Chao's sudden solemnity, Li Jing patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Since you think Brother Bo Ying can take on the status of this person's teacher, then it's decided."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing looked at Luo Yangxing, and suddenly smiled and said, "Brother Luo, let Yong Chao go with you when picking someone, and ask him to check for you. Otherwise, if someone reads a few limericks, you will think People are very talented."

Luo Yangxing laughed and said: "That's right, a humble old man, who knows nothing about poetry, must have Brother Yong Chao help me check it out."

Li Jing nodded with a smile: "When the candidate is selected, bring me to meet. Well, Yong Chao is tired all the way, so go back and have a rest."

Zong Chao stood up, cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, Marshal, for your concern, I won't be tired in late life."

As he spoke, he took out a package from his arms and handed it to Li Jingdao: "Commander, this is the information on the distribution of Zheng Zhilong's fleet and local islands in Fujian and Guangdong investigated by the people from Wansheng and the Ministry of Security. Please have a look at it, Commander."

Li Jing was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Okay! Good job! With this information, our odds of winning have increased."

Zong Chao smiled and said: "The commander-in-chief thinks it is useful, so the trip to Fujian that night was not in vain."

Li Jing laughed and said: "You are more than humble. You did a good job on this errand. It is not easy to find so much information in such a short time. It is amazing. Of course, the people in the security department also contributed a lot.

The brothers have worked hard and made great achievements, so they must be rewarded heavily. Brother Luo, you and Yong Chao will have a hard time thinking about it later. Those who should be promoted, those who should be rewarded, must not let the brothers lose money. "

"My humble brothers, thank you, Marshal." Luo Yangxing said hurriedly.

"Commander, we were able to find so much information this time because we bribed some of Zheng Zhilong's subordinate bosses. It's a pity that these people have limited abilities, and they can't help Zheng Zhilong in battle." Zong Chao said.

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "I understand what you mean, Brother Luo, let your people maintain a good relationship with these people, and tell them when necessary, just say that I know them. As long as these people are not stupid, they must understand me. mean."

Luo Yangxing nodded with a smile.

Rubbing his palms together, Li Jing smiled and said, "Actually, if Zheng Zhilong's people can form a group, we really can't do anything about him. It's a pity that pirates are pirates, hehe."

Zong Chao smiled and said: "Even if Zheng Zhilong's subordinates can really hold together, they are not the commander-in-chief's opponent."

Li Jing shook his head, pointed at Zong Chao with a smile, and said, "If you talk too much, it won't be interesting."

Seeing that Zong Chao was a little sleepy, but forced himself to speak with a smile, Li Jing sighed and said, "Yong Chao, you have been in Fujian for so long and done so many things, so I should treat you to a drink, but you have been on the road all the way. Laughing, I'm afraid it's because you can't drink enough, so go back and have a good rest for a few days, and I'll treat you to a drink another day."

"Hey, the commander-in-chief wants to invite Wansheng to drink, and Wansheng will be exhausted immediately." Zong Chao laughed.

Li Jing smiled and waved his hand.

Zong Chao smiled, and Luo Yangxing stood up and bowed to leave.

After Zong Chao and Luo Yangxing left, Li Jing asked Xiao Jiu to drink a basin of cold water and wipe his face. Under the stimulation of the cold water, Li Jing suddenly felt much more energetic.

Seeing Li Jing picking up the teacup, Xiao Jiu smiled and said, "Marshal, Madam sent someone to deliver two watermelons just now. I stayed in Jingzhong town for a while, and it's already cold now. I'll cut a slice and you can try it?"

Li Jing looked at Xiao Jiu and said, "Why didn't you show it when Luo Yang and Zong Chao were there?"

Xiao Jiu said with a smile: "I forgot just now, let alone it hasn't been cured yet."

Li Jing shook his head and scolded: "Stupid! Cut up the melon and share it with your brothers. It's hot, everyone stand at the door to avoid heatstroke."

Xiao Jiu nodded, turned around and went out to fetch melons.

After a while, Xiao Jiu came in with a plate of watermelon. Li Jing took a piece of watermelon and ate it, then wiped his mouth with a towel and said, "Distribute the rest to everyone. Also, you can send someone back to the house to ask Madam , Is there any watermelon in the mansion, and if there is any, someone will send some to Luo Yang and Zong Chao's mansion."

Xiao Jiu said with a smile: "It's not that they can't afford melons, they need us to give them!"

Li Jing glared at Xiao Jiu and said, "What do you know! Can the ones they bought themselves be the same as the ones I gave you? Also, when did you learn to be so stingy?

You know, you are on duty by my side, and your words and deeds represent me.You said, if Zong Chao and Luo Yangxing knew that I didn't even treat them to melons, what would they think of me? "

Seeing that Li Jing was angry, Xiao Jiu fell to her knees in fright, kowtowed and said, "Calm down, my son, I know I was wrong."

Li Jing snorted and said, "Do you know what's wrong?"

Seeing Xiaojiu's confused expression, Li Jing sighed and said, "Get up, and I'll tell you the truth about being a human being."

Xiao Jiu responded and kowtowed three more times before getting up.

Li Jing sighed softly and said, "You are an orphan. I remember Fifth Brother once said that when you were young, you worked in the landlord's house. The landlord's house never gave you enough food. When he met you, you were I fainted from hunger."

Xiao Jiu nodded lightly, choked with sobs and said, "If Master Wu hadn't brought the child up the mountain, the child would have starved to death."

Li Jing sighed: "You must have never forgotten this experience, so after going up the mountain, although the living conditions have improved a lot, due to the influence of childhood life, you and your brothers have always lived very frugally. I am very frugal about this. satisfy."

"The child is young and ignorant, and it is all thanks to the teachings of his foster father and foster mother." Xiao Jiu said hurriedly.

Li Jing waved his hand: "Frugality is a virtue, but frugality is not the same as stinginess. Frugality is appreciated, but stinginess is disgusting.

If the landlord is stingy, no one is willing to farm for him, and if the boss is stingy, no one is willing to work for him.

I am now equivalent to the boss of the Ming Dynasty, and you are my personal bodyguard. You are not only responsible for protecting my safety, it is also your responsibility to communicate with guests, including reception. It can be said that your words and deeds actually represent me.If you are stingy, it means that I, Li Jing, are stingy.If I was stingy, would the court officials still be willing to help me do things with all my heart? "

Upon hearing this, Xiao Jiu nodded hurriedly and said, "My child understands."

Li Jing shook his head: "You may not understand. I tell you this for your future consideration. I will not keep you by my side forever as a bodyguard. After a few years when you mature, I will let you go out to serve, whether it is Whether you are a local official or serving in the army, you have to keep in mind that frugality is a must, but you must not overdo it, because overdoing is stinginess. If you do that, it will be very difficult for you to do anything.”

Xiao Jiu nodded emphatically when she heard the words: "Boy, remember godfather's teachings."

Li Jing smiled: "Why don't you go soon? If there are no watermelons in the house, you can buy melons out of your own pocket and send them to Zong Chao and Luo Yangxing."

Xiao Jiu hurriedly said: "Baby obey."

When Xiaojiu went out, Li Jing shook his head slightly. In recent years, he was busy with government affairs, Shen Ying and Zhu Huiyu were busy with business, and he was a little neglected to teach these children.Especially Li Anguo, I haven't seen him for almost a year.

Originally, when my son came to Beijing, I should spend more time with my son, but I have been busy during this time, Li Anguo can see me except when I greet myself in the morning, and I can't see him at night.

Thinking that his son had been in Beijing for so many days, but he did not take him around the capital, Li Jing couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Shaking his head, Li Jing collected his messy thoughts and opened the package sent by Zong Chao.

There was a thick leather bag in the package, and the leather bag was full of materials collected by Zong Chao.

Seeing that every page was filled with small script, Li Jing secretly sighed. It would take several days to write these words, not to mention collecting and sorting out these materials.

Putting all the information codes on the desk, Li Jing read each page carefully.

Zheng Zhilong's influence in Fujian was mainly concentrated in Quanzhou, Fuzhou, Xinghua (now Putian City), Zhangzhou and Penghu, especially the coastal counties and surrounding islands of the four prefectures were all controlled by Zheng Zhilong.

Looking at the densely packed place names listed on the paper, Li Jing couldn't help but sigh. Li Jing has seen the maps kept in the palace countless times. The place names, directions and terrain marked on those maps are actually not accurate, and they are far inferior to Zong Chao. So detailed.No wonder Zong Chao stayed in Fujian for so long, it would take him two or three months just to visit these places.

Without this information, Sun Meng and Sun Chuanting's troops might not be enough, but with these materials, it will be much easier to deploy troops.

Zheng Zhilong's main force is located in Nan'an County, Quanzhou Prefecture. This can be said to be Zheng Zhilong's base camp. Zheng Zhilong's home is located here. For the convenience of going to sea, Zheng Zhilong's home is the seaport. Can go on board.

In Nan'an, Quanzhou, Zheng Zhilong not only placed a large number of ship guards, but also set up several artillery pieces.

Seeing the information written by Zong Chao, Li Jing couldn't help but gasped.

In the battle plan drawn up by Li Jing, this is the first place to attack, because this is not only Zheng Zhilong's hometown, but also Zheng Zhilong's shipyard.

If you don't see this information, you will suffer a big loss if you attack here rashly.

But now that he saw this information, Li Jing was naturally not afraid of Zheng Zhilong's ship artillery. No matter how powerful Zheng Zhilong's artillery was, it was impossible to compare with the artillery designed by Li Jing.

After all, the difference in artillery technology between the two is more than 300 years. Although limited to materials and manufacturing techniques, the actual gap is not that big, but in any case, Li Jing's artillery is much more advanced than Zheng Zhilong's.When the artillery attacked, Li Jingneng beat Zheng Zhilong to the north.

(Because of the author's words, friends in the book city can't see it, so I will add a sentence. Tomorrow's creation will be pushed. Friends who are able to support it, please support it. Thank you for your support all the time!)
(End of this chapter)

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