Chapter 474
Li Jing glared at Xiao Jiu: "This is their job, what are you thinking!"

Xiao Jiu stuck out her tongue and hurriedly said, "I'll prepare a meal for you."

Seeing Xiao Jiu running out quickly, Li Jing smiled and sighed in his heart: It's nice to be young!
Suddenly Li Jing was startled: Am I old?I'm only 36 years old!Am I getting old mentally?
Turning around and coming to the back room, Li Jing looked at himself carefully in front of the mirror, only to find that his temples had turned gray.

Li Jing stroked his temples, stroked his chest, and found that the muscles on his chest were much less, and they were far less firm than ten years ago. For a moment, Li Jing couldn't help but feel lost.

"Master, it's time to eat."

Xiao Jiu's voice interrupted Li Jing's thoughts, shaking his head, Li Jing turned and left the back room.

Seeing Li Jing coming out of the back room, Xiao Jiu came over with a basin and asked Li Jing to wash his hands, and then found that Li Jing's face was not right, Xiao Jiu was startled, and hurriedly asked: "Marshal, why is your face so bad? Is there any discomfort?"

Li Jing shook his head, washed his hands a little, and after wiping them off, he pointed to the table and said, "Pour me a glass of wine."

Xiao Jiu nodded, poured out the water, and brought a bottle of Guben Peiyuan Wine when he came back.

Xiao Jiu poured a glass of wine and handed it to Li Jing. Li Jing took the glass and looked at it, then put it down again suddenly.

"Marshal, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Jiuqi asked.

Li Jing sighed: "My health is getting worse. Although this wine is a great tonic, but for my age, drinking this wine is actually not good. Don't drink it! Starting tomorrow morning, I will take you to exercise Body."

"Really?" Xiao Jiu said in surprise.

Li Jingjing nodded and smiled: "If I don't exercise, my body will collapse. I still want to live a few more years and do more things for this country."

Xiao Jiu burst into tears and said: "The children have been worried about the general's body. If you continue to work so hard, one day you will be overwhelmed, but you always don't listen to advice. Knowing that the commander-in-chief wants to exercise, the child is really very happy." Happy."

"Good boy, good boy." Li Jing gently stroked Xiao Jiu's head and murmured.


Anhai Town, Jinjiang County, Quanzhou, Fujian.

Xu Dongsheng looked at the mansion in front of him from a distance, which was much bigger than the Quanzhou government office.

This mansion is Zheng Zhilong's home, and it took Zheng Zhilong three years to build it.

The residence Zheng Zhilong built was not actually built in Shijing Township, his hometown in Nan'an County, but in Anhai Town, Jinjiang County, at the junction of Nan'an.

The reason why Zheng Zhilong built his home in Anhai Township instead of Shijing Township is because Anhai Township is located in an inner bay, and foreign ships cannot easily enter it.

And Shijing Township is located [-] miles south of Anhai Town, facing the open sea. If you build your home there, the risk factor is too high.

Although he did not build his home in Shijing Township, Zheng Zhilong built a shipyard in Shijing Township.

The shipyard is naturally guarded by the fleet, which is equivalent to helping Zheng Zhilong guard the passage from the open sea to Anhai Town.

Xu Dongsheng looked at Zheng Zhilong's mansion for a while, then stepped forward to the two gatekeepers and said, "Mr. Xu Dongsheng, the late student, please trouble the two eldest brothers to report to Mr. Zheng Sen, Mr. Zheng. They said that Xueyou came to visit. This is a famous post for the late student."

The two gatekeepers squinted Xu Dongsheng up and down, and saw that Xu Dongsheng was dressed as a scholar, but his clothes were dusty and quite old, looking very down and out.

With the eyes of these two people, it is natural that Xu Dongsheng has no sense of elegance, and they take it for granted that it is another classmate who is a down-and-out son of the eldest son who came to ask for money.

A man took the name card from Xu Dongsheng and looked at it, and passed it to the man next to him. The man looked at it, but he didn't know what was written on it.

The two looked at each other, and one of them asked, "You said your name is Xu Dongsheng? Where are you from?"

Xu Dongsheng hurriedly said, "I was born late in Suizhou, Henan."

"From Suizhou, Henan? Why did you come to Quanzhou?" The man asked.

Xu Dongsheng sighed: "The late student originally came to Fujian for a study tour. He didn't want to be entangled with being stolen, so he couldn't go home. He remembered that his teacher had a relationship with Mr. Zheng's husband, so he came to Zheng's mansion for help. I hope Mr. Zheng will remember our teacher's friendship." , support the late students."

Seeing that Xu Dongsheng was not carrying a package behind him, the two men couldn't help but nodded slightly.No wonder his clothes were covered with dust, his face was yellow and thin, and he probably ran here from starvation.

After thinking about it, the man asked again. "Which one is the honored master?"

"My next master is Duke Huanzhong." Xu Dongsheng replied.

"Mr. Huanzhong? Who is that?" the man asked suspiciously.

Xu Dongsheng coughed when he heard the words: "Mr. Huanzhong is Yuan Shu, Minister of Rites of the dynasty."

"Oh? Your husband turned out to be the minister of the Ministry of Rites? You are quite capable!" the man said in surprise.

"A late student with little talent and little learning, and being valued by his mentor, I am really ashamed." Xu Dongsheng turned sideways and cupped his hands to the north.

Looking at Xu Dongsheng, the two men looked at each other in the same way, and they both nodded at the same time, the man who asked the question just now continued: "You wait here first, I will go in and pass it on to you, and see if the eldest son sees you. "

Xu Dongsheng hastily cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, big brother."

The man nodded, took Xu Dongsheng's name card, turned around and opened the door, and went inside to deliver the letter.

After a long time, the door opened, and the man returned, looked at Xu Dongsheng and said, "Young Master wants to see you, follow me."

Xu Dongsheng cupped his hands, followed the man into the yard, and then heard the door slam shut behind him.

Xu Dongsheng looked back, and hurriedly followed behind the man, while slowly observing the layout of the Zheng residence.

The area of ​​the Zheng Mansion is huge, and Xu Dongsheng roughly calculated it when observing outside, covering an area of ​​at least 100 mu.

Across the courtyard wall, and being far away, I don’t realize how big a hundred acres is, but after entering the courtyard, it feels different. I can only see the forest of bamboos and trees in the courtyard, but I can’t see the depth at a glance. .

When Xu Dongsheng was in the capital, he had seen many mansions of wealthy families, but compared with the Zheng Mansion, they were nothing.

Passing through a small path, the man led Xu Dongsheng to a door, and there were two guards in front of the door.

The man pointed to Xu Dongsheng, bowed to the two of them and said, "This is the man."

The two nodded, looked at Xu Dongsheng, and waved to the man watching the gate.

The man cupped his fists, turned and returned.

Seeing this, Xu Dongsheng couldn't help but smiled wryly. This man must have sent the letter here just now, and then waited for someone to give him news. No wonder he went for so long.

After the man left, he opened the door alone and waved to Xu Dongsheng.

Xu Dongsheng hurriedly followed into the yard.

Entering this courtyard, the scenery in front of you changes again. You can see that there are many rockeries in the courtyard, surrounded by pools, pavilions and pavilions facing each other.

Passing through the small bridge in the courtyard, he came to another door, which was still guarded by two people.

Seeing this, Xu Dongsheng secretly sighed in his heart, no wonder the commander-in-chief is going to destroy the Zheng family, do you think this is the palace?Even the Marshal's Mansion doesn't have so many gates, and even the newly built cabinet office doesn't need to be guarded so many times. If there is no ghost in his heart, is there any need to guard against it like this?
Xu Dongsheng was carefully selected by Luo Yang and Zong Chao from the schools run by the Intelligence Bureau and the Ministry of Security.

At the beginning of the year, after Li Jing had a serious conversation with Ma Wu, Ma Wu secretly opened a school in the capital.

It is not difficult to set up a school. Ma Wu has several idle houses in the capital. He can use any of them as a school. The source of teachers is not a problem. There are many talented students who can teach culture. Juren and Jinshi came to serve as teachers.

There is no problem with professional teachers. Ma Wu himself is an experienced spy, and so is Luo Yangxing. Below him are senior spies who have worked in Jinyiwei and Dongchang for many years.

The difficulty is the source of students. Although the Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Security have changed their names, their members are mainly members of the Jinyiwei group. The reputation of this group in Daming is really too bad. Most people are unwilling to join such a notorious organization. Organized, especially those teenagers who have read books.

Ma Wu is also very helpless about this. After all, everything is inferior, but the idea of ​​high school is really deep-rooted in Ming Dynasty, and after Li Jing came to power, the national exam failed. Under Yuan Keli's reminder, Li Jing understood that the officials did not Moral cultivation is not enough, and moral cultivation depends on reading and education, so Li Jing re-improved the examination system.

That is to say, although the stereotyped selection of scholars has been cancelled, the appointment of officials in the future will still be dominated by scholars.

In this context, most scholars think about becoming an official in the future, and no one wants to be a secret agent.

But Ma Wu still has a solution. He knows that many people cannot afford to study, so he sent people to schools and colleges in various places to find those teenagers whose families were in difficulty and could not continue to study. A group of teenagers who have read books.

This is how Xu Dongsheng entered the spy school.

In fact, Luo Yang and Zong Chao selected three people in the school at that time. After sending the materials to Li Jing, Li Jing made a final decision on Xu Dongsheng.

The reason why Li Jing chose Xu Dongsheng is that Xu Dongsheng does have some literary talents, and the other is that Xu Dongsheng's age is more suitable. He is 19 years old, which is about the same age as Zheng Sen.Another key issue is that Xu Dongsheng's native place is from Henan.

Although Luo Yangxing and others can be called veteran spies, they are still far behind Li Jing, a professional spy.

Li Jing knew very well that Xu Dongsheng went out to do an errand, and if he wanted to break into the enemy, he couldn't leave any openings.

And the most vulnerable thing is how Xu Dongsheng became Yuan Shu's student.

This is a very crucial question.

You must know that although Yuan Shu is a high-ranking official, he didn't stay in the capital for a long time. These years, he mainly worked in Shanxi, and in the last six months he even stayed at home to keep his filial piety.

If Xu Dongsheng wanted to pretend to be Yuan Shu's student, he had to make up the time when he became Yuan Shu's student.

When Yuan Shu was in Shanxi, Xu Dongsheng was still young. If he had become Yuan Shu's student at that time, the name Xu Dongsheng would have been known by Qian Qianyi and other people who had poetic contacts with Yuan Shu.

After Yuan Shu entered Beijing, it was impossible for Xu Dongsheng to become Yuan Shu's student.

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(End of this chapter)

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