Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 475 Zheng Sen

Chapter 475 Zheng Sen
What is Yuan Shu's status after entering Beijing?At most, Xu Dongsheng could only give him the title of a scholar. How could a scholar meet the high-ranking officials of the dynasty?

If Xu Dongsheng is given the title of juren, I'm sorry, in Daming, all those who can pass the exam at this age are child prodigies, how can child prodigies be unknown?
Zheng Sen studied in Nanjing, and was even Qian Qianyi's student. If Xu Dongsheng was a prodigy and a student of Yuan Shu, how could Zheng Sen have never heard of Xu Dongsheng's name?
Only in Henan, when Yuan Shu was keeping filial piety at home, would he have the opportunity to accept a scholar in the local county school as a student. Because the time was short, this student was not known to many people, and only this explanation is reasonable.

Then, Xu Dongsheng must be from Henan, or a foreigner who can speak fluent Henan dialect pretending to be from Henan.

Because in this dynasty where Putonghua was not popularized, it was actually quite difficult for people to communicate with each other. Basically, only people in the officialdom and scholars would speak Mandarin. Even these people would inevitably have a local accent in Mandarin.

If Xu Dongsheng was not from Henan, or even from Suizhou, then it would be impossible to explain how he became Yuan Shu's student.

Because Yuan Shu is now in mourning period, it is impossible to go to other places, and how dare a foreigner, especially an unknown young man, go to the home of a second-rank official in the court to learn from him?Especially Yuan Shu is still keeping his filial piety, how rude is that?
Li Jing chose Xu Dongsheng after considering all aspects.

Then Li Jing personally wrote a letter to Yuan Shu, asking Xu Dongsheng to take him to Suizhou, asking Yuan Shu to accept the student.

As for the reason for going to Quanzhou to see Zheng Sen, Li Jing also carefully considered it.

Ordinarily, making friends through poetry is a good reason, but Zheng Sen is only 16 years old and is unknown. Who would travel all the way from Henan to Quanzhou to make friends with him through poetry?I'm afraid Zheng Sen himself would not believe such a reason.

Even Zheng Sen's classmates in Nanjing would not go to Quanzhou. You must know that it is a long way from Nanjing to Quanzhou. If you travel so far to make friends with Zheng Sen through poetry, how painful is it to do such a thing?It would be more reasonable to ask Zheng Sen for help in Quanzhou.

In other words, you can't go to Zheng Sen on purpose.

In the end, Li Jing thought of the reason of going out to study, stealing and asking for help. The plot seems a bit old-fashioned, but it was quite convincing in the Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, in order to achieve realism, Li Jing asked Luo Yangxing to arrange for someone to steal Xu Dongsheng's package after he arrived in Fujian and visited famous mountains and rivers for several days, and then asked Xu Dongsheng to go to the Zheng family for help, so that even if the Zheng family sent people to investigate, nothing could be found.

Li Jing even taught Xu Dongsheng how to make friends with Zheng Sen. It is forbidden to say something that flatters Zheng Sen. Such words will arouse the suspicion of the Zheng family.

Li Jing asked Xu Dongsheng to wantonly elevate Qian Qianyi's status, to express his admiration for Qian Qianyi with admiration, and to praise Qian Qianyi's character of promoting future students and his insight into people.

Use these methods to gain Zheng Sen's favor, and then exchange poems with Zheng Sen.In the end, Xu Dongsheng was asked to explain his ambition, which aroused Zheng Sen's loyalty to the court.

It can be said that Li Jing took great pains to make the Zheng family trust Xu Dongsheng and make Zheng Sen feel good about Xu Dongsheng.

Under such an arrangement, Li Jing believed that it would be no problem for Xu Dongsheng to enter Zheng's residence.

It was impossible for Zheng Sen to refuse to meet Xu Dongsheng, nor would he just send Xu Dongsheng away with a little money.

If Zheng Sen didn't even see each other, Xu Dongsheng would definitely tell Yuan Shu when he returned to Henan. In the future, when Yuan Shu mentioned this matter to Qian Qianyi, how could Qian Qianyi have the face to face others?

You don't even teach your students how to behave, so what qualifications do you have to be a teacher?
This is a matter of the face of Zheng Sen's teacher Qian Qianyi, of course Zheng Sen would not slap his teacher in the face like this.

For the same reason, members of the Zheng family did not dare not report to Zheng Sen.

People like Zheng Zhilong are used to battles. They know who they can refuse and who they must pass on.

Xu Dongsheng had already told them that his teacher was Yuan Shu, and pointed out to them that Yuan Shu and Zheng Sen's teacher Qian Qianyi had a good relationship. If they didn't communicate, Qian Qianyi would definitely lose face because of this matter.

If Qian Qianyi was ashamed, he would definitely write a letter to Zheng Sen to question him, or even make a trip in person.

If Zheng Sen learned that the teacher was embarrassed because of Menzi, he would probably cut off Menzi's head.

But after entering Zheng's mansion, whether he can have a good relationship with Zheng Sen depends on Xu Dongsheng's final performance.

It can be said that Li Jing took great pains to make the Zheng family trust Xu Dongsheng and make Zheng Sen feel good about Xu Dongsheng.

Under such an arrangement, Li Jing believed that it would be no problem for Xu Dongsheng to enter Zheng's residence.

It was impossible for Zheng Sen to refuse to meet Xu Dongsheng, nor would he just send Xu Dongsheng away with a little money.

If Zheng Sen didn't even see each other, Xu Dongsheng would definitely tell Yuan Shu when he returned to Henan. In the future, when Yuan Shu mentioned this matter to Qian Qianyi, how could Qian Qianyi have the face to face others?

You don't even teach your students how to behave, so what qualifications do you have to be a teacher?
This is a matter of the face of Zheng Sen's teacher Qian Qianyi, of course Zheng Sen would not slap his teacher in the face like this.

For the same reason, members of the Zheng family did not dare not report to Zheng Sen.

People like Zheng Zhilong are used to battles. They know who they can refuse and who they must pass on.

Xu Dongsheng had already told them that his teacher was Yuan Shu, and pointed out to them that Yuan Shu and Zheng Sen's teacher Qian Qianyi had a good relationship. If they didn't communicate, Qian Qianyi would definitely lose face because of this matter.

If Qian Qianyi was ashamed, he would definitely write a letter to Zheng Sen to question him, or even make a trip in person.

If Zheng Sen learned that the teacher was embarrassed because of Menzi, he would probably cut off Menzi's head.

Of course, Menzi knew the power of it, so he never dared not pass it on to Xu Dongsheng.

But after entering Zheng's mansion, whether he can have a good relationship with Zheng Sen depends on Xu Dongsheng's own performance.

Because Li Jing can only help Xu Dongsheng think about how not to show his flaws, as for what will happen during the period, it is impossible for Li Jing to predict in advance, so whether he can complete the task, in the end, Xu Dongsheng has to adapt to the situation.

As a young man who is only 19 years old, this burden is not light. It is impossible for Xu Dongsheng to say that he is not nervous.

In order to relieve the tension in his heart, Xu Dongsheng decided not to think about what to do after facing Zheng Sen, but to focus on the exquisiteness of the Zheng residence.

It's a pity that it's useless at all. No matter how Xu Dongsheng distracts his energy, he can't help but think about how to speak after facing Zheng Sen.

As a result, Xu Dongsheng became even more nervous, and his breathing inevitably became rough.

And because of his nervousness, Xu Dongsheng didn't notice that the person leading the way in front would occasionally turn his head to the side to observe his expression secretly.His slightly nervous expression and obvious shortness of breath fell into the eyes and ears of the guide in front of him.

There are five courtyards in the back house of Zheng's mansion, and the five courtyards are five courtyard houses.

As the eldest son of the Zheng family, Zheng Sen certainly has his own separate courtyard.

Go through the fire alley (in order to prevent fire, the courtyards are separated by alleys, so that even if a courtyard catches fire, it will not spread to other courtyards. This alley is called fire alley. Alley), Xu Dongsheng was taken to the second courtyard in the east.

Pushing open the courtyard door, I saw the middle door was wide open, and a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy was waiting at the door.

Seeing this, Menzi hurriedly turned to Xu Dongsheng and said, "This is my eldest son."

After finishing speaking, he quickly walked towards Zheng Sen, pointed at Xu Dongsheng and said, "Master Xu, this is Mr. Xu."

Then he leaned close to Zheng Sen and whispered a few words.

Zheng Sen nodded, waved his hands and said, "I see, you can go down."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Sen stepped forward to greet him, smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Brother Xu, Mr. Zheng has lost his way, and he still hopes to make amends."

Xu Dongsheng hastily cupped his hands and said: "Don't dare, dare not, Xu is taking the liberty to interrupt, and he still looks at Haihan."

"Brother Xu is too polite. With our two masters, if you come to Quanzhou, if you don't come to my house, you will look down on Zheng." Zheng Sen laughed.

Xu Dongsheng hurriedly said: "When Xu came to Quanzhou, he naturally wanted to pay a visit to Brother Zheng, but he didn't expect to see Brother Zheng in this way, it was really rude."

"Hey! Brother Xu's words are out of the question. Brother Xu was in trouble in Zheng's land. It was Zheng's responsibility. Brother Xu, don't worry, I will send someone to investigate and see who is so bold as to steal from Xu. Brother's luggage." Zheng Sen laughed.

"How dare you bother brother Zheng." Xu Dongsheng said hastily.

"It's a small matter, come, Brother Xu please." Zheng Sen stretched out his arms and waved.

"Brother Zheng, please." Xu Dongsheng waved his hands hastily.

Zheng Sen smiled and took Xu Dongsheng's arm into the hall.

After entering the main hall, Zheng Sen greeted Xu Dongsheng to take a seat, and then ordered the maid to pour tea.

Picking up the teacup, Zheng Sen stretched out his hand to signal Xu Dongsheng to drink tea, swung the cup gently with the lid, blew gently, Zheng Sen took a sip of the tea slowly, and then said: "Brother Xu is a student of Duke Huanzhong. Mr. Huanzhong is at home, Ding You, how is the situation?"

"Brother Zheng is worried about my family teacher's health. In addition, although my family teacher is at home Ding You, he still has to deal with official duties and has no free time every day." Xu Dongsheng said hastily.

Zheng Sen nodded: "I heard that the chief assistant of the current dynasty, Xingguo Gong Li Jing is a student of Jiehuan Gong. It seems that the chief assistant thought of Jiehuan Gong's kindness and did not let Huanzhong Gong relieve his errands."

Xu Dongsheng sighed softly: "I heard from my teacher that Mr. Li didn't want to make my teacher Ding worry at home, but he thought of his teacher's kindness before he agreed to go home to guard his family. In addition, the teacher also said that Mr. Li originally wanted to personally guard the system for Duke Jiehuan, but at that time, Mr. Li was preparing to use troops against the Eastern Captives, so he really couldn't help the coffin back home with the teacher."

Zheng Sen nodded silently upon hearing this.

After a while, he sighed: "Grand Xingguo's generation of heroes, in just one year, put an end to the troubles of the Eastern captives that have harassed Ming Dynasty for many years. They are truly heroes. Unfortunately, my generation has no chance to see the heroic appearance of Duke Xingguo with our own eyes.

Duke Xingguo is a student of Duke Jiehuan and has a close relationship with Duke Huanzhong. Brother Xu is a student of Duke Huanzhong. He must have met Duke Xingguo, right?I don't know what Duke Xingguo looks like. "

(End of this chapter)

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