Chapter 486
However, at this time, sea combat mainly relies on manpower. As long as it can kill or wound people, it can make the enemy ship lose its combat effectiveness, and sinking the enemy ship is a second priority.

Due to the small size of the open ship and the small number of artillery, the firepower is also limited.If you face multiple enemy ships at the same time, you are definitely not an opponent.

However, the Dutch army has far more ships than Sun Chuanting's ships, and the main battleships are much more than Sun Chuanting's.

If Sun Chuanting has many small boats, he can forcefully approach the enemy ships, and then conduct boarding battles, using crowd tactics to defeat the enemy.

It's just that Sun Chuanting doesn't have many small boats, and Sun Chuanting has only 3000 trained soldiers, which is not as many as the Dutch. How can boarding warfare be used?
Seeing Sun Chuanting and Sun Meng frowned and thinking, Liu Er suddenly asked, "Does Hongmao know that we have lifted the sea ban?"

Zong Chao shook his head: "Because we are transporting the goods to Taiwan for trading, and Zheng Zhilong blocked the news at sea, Hong Mao still doesn't know that the commander-in-chief has issued an order to lift the sea ban."

"I don't know what we are worried about! Does he still dare to provoke us?" Liu Er said in a daze.

Sun Chuanting shook his head and said: "I don't know if we will take the initiative to attack us, but if we start a war with Zheng Zhilong, once Zheng Zhilong's troops and ships are damaged, the red hair will definitely take the opportunity to eliminate Zheng Zhilong.

Do you know why the commander doesn't want to destroy Zheng Zhilong's fleet?Because of Zheng Zhilong's fleet, Hong Yi did not dare to act rashly.If Zheng Zhilong's fleet were gone, the Hongyi would no longer have any opponents at sea, and they would be able to run wild and do whatever they wanted. "

Liu Er was stunned and said: "So that's it. I said why the commander-in-chief is so indecisive when dealing with Zheng Zhilong this time, not as straightforward as before."

Sun Chuanting and others laughed wryly when they heard this, so Liu Erdeng dared to say that Li Jing was indecisive.

Everyone was silent for a while, and Sun Chuanting said: "If a decisive battle with Hongyi is really unavoidable, then Sun can only go all out and fight Hongyi to the death."

Hearing this, Sun Meng shook his head and sighed, "Our ships and troops are far different from Hongyi's, so a decisive battle is not a wise move."

"That can't be helped. If Hongyi destroys Zheng Zhilong, we will face Hongyi's fleet sooner or later. Why don't I lead my troops to join the battle while Hongyi is fighting Zheng Zhilong? Maybe there is a chance of winning." Sun Chuanting smiled wryly. road.

Sun Meng nodded silently upon hearing this.

At this time, Liu Er was stunned and said: "I said, why do you two only think about fighting the red hair at sea? Our advantage is the infantry, why do we attack the enemy's strength by ourselves?"

Sun Chuanting said with a wry smile: "Hongyi's fleet is at sea, I can't drag their boats to the shore to fight?"

Liu Er listened in a daze, pointed at Sun Chuanting and shook his head: "It's over, it's over, this man's head is confused! It's really embarrassing for the commander to value you so much, your grandma's, the red-haired boat can't go ashore, but their people can't go ashore?" Won't they go ashore? If we kill their people, can they still sail?"

"Eliminate Hongyi's soldiers on the shore?" Sun Chuanting asked suspiciously.

Suddenly, Sun Chuanting's eyes lit up, he slapped his thigh and said, "Wow! Why do we have to fight the Hongyi at sea, we can completely wipe them out on the shore."

"That's right! Can we send an army to land in Taiwan and wipe out Hongyi's soldiers on land?" Sun Meng also asked suddenly.

Speaking of this, Sun Meng suddenly remembered something; "Er Leng, quickly send someone to chase back the person who delivered the letter to Zheng's mansion, we can't force Zheng Zhilong back yet."

Liu Er shook his head in a daze: "I'm afraid I won't be able to chase him back. How dare the people below me give an order to delay? The courier may have run away dozens of miles by now."

"Damn it, the people below you are as virtuous as you." Sun Meng cursed, then turned around and summoned a soldier: "Pass on the military order of the governor, and order Sun Huacheng and Lin Shijie to come and see you quickly."

"Have you burned your ass?" Liu Er couldn't help wondering when he saw Sun Meng's panic-stricken posture.

"Nonsense, you have already given an ultimatum to Zheng Zhilong, Zheng Zhilong will know in two days, if you don't smuggle soldiers to Taiwan when the sea merchants still have trade with Taiwan, when we start a war with Zheng Zhilong, where will the merchant ships be?" If you dare to go out to sea, are you going to let the soldiers fly across the sea?" Sun Meng scolded.

"Fuck! Are you blaming me now? If it wasn't for my idea, you would still be blind right now! Your grandma is so disrespectful." Liu Er scolded with a bull's eye.

After cursing, Liu Erling called his own soldiers and said: "Pass on my order, and immediately send people to stop all the merchant ships at the Fuzhou wharf. When Lao Sun, the bastard, is ready, let the merchants take Laozi away." Sun's people were transported to Taiwan."

Sun Meng laughed loudly when he heard this, patted Liu Erleng on the shoulder and said, "Damn it, even though you scold me, I'm happy with how this matter is done. When I make arrangements, I will treat you to a drink."

Seeing that Sun Meng and Liu Erlen's clothes were blushing and their necks were thick, they seemed to be about to fight, but unexpectedly they got down to business while scolding, Sun Chuanting, Zong Chao and others were all stunned.

After a while, the soldiers brought Sun Huacheng Lin Shijie to the governor's mansion in a hurry.

Both Sun Huacheng and Lin Shijie were in their thirties. Sun Huacheng was tall and burly, with a dark complexion, which was obviously caused by being exposed to the wind and sun all year round.

Lin Shijie's body is a little thin, but his eyes are piercing. Just looking at this person's eyes, you can tell that this person must be very capable.

The two entered the study room, saw Sun Meng, Liu Erleng and others, they hurriedly clasped their fists to salute everyone.

Sun Meng waved his hand, and said to Sun Huacheng and Lin Shijie: "The governor gave you a mission. You two will each bring 1000 people disguised as ordinary people, enter Taiwan with merchant ships, and then lie in wait until you find out that the Red-haired Army is going to sea. During the war, they sent troops to occupy their hot... Zeelandia city in Taiwan, and I arrested all the red-haired leaders."

"What shield?" Sun Huacheng scratched his head.

"Zelan Zha City." Zong Chao hurriedly said next to him.

"This heat...what is the heat...what the hell is the name! Where is this broken city in Taiwan?" Sun Huacheng asked again.

Sun Meng was furious when he heard this: "Where the hell are you talking so much nonsense? Are you always so talkative under Cao Wenzhao? Which general are you under? Turn around and ask me, how did he lead the soldiers! "

Sun Huacheng said: "The humble job is the subordinate of Young Master Dingguo."

"Dingguo's subordinates? When did you join the army and how did you get promoted to the battalion commander?" Sun Meng wondered.

Sun Huacheng clasped his fists and said: "Xiaozhi was enlisted in Chongzhen's army for four years. When the bandits attacked Yicheng County, General Zhang Chu saw that Xiaozhi was brave in fighting, so he broke the rules and registered him as a regular soldier, and made him the captain of the recruits.

Later, Humble Job was placed under the command of Young Master Dingguo, and he went out with Young Master Dingguo. Because of his bravery in fighting, Young Master Dingguo promoted Humble Job to the position of battalion general all the way. "

Sun Meng nodded lightly when he heard the words, and then asked: "Since you have been fighting with Dingguo for many years, why do you not know the rules and talk so much nonsense in front of the superior?"

Sun Huacheng said hastily when he heard the words: "Young Master Dingguo has always explained clearly when he ordered us to send troops to fight. The humble officer understands it as soon as he hears it, so there is no need to ask."

"Damn it, are you saying that Ben Du didn't explain clearly?" Sun Meng scolded.

"I didn't make it clear at first. I don't know that...that city is in which location, and how to fight?" Sun Huacheng retorted.

"Hahahaha!" Liu Er Leng laughed loudly when he heard the words, stepped forward and patted Sun Huacheng's shoulder heavily, and said, "Your temper is to my liking, don't do it with Lao Sun, come to me!"

Sun Meng was furious when he heard the words, turned around and stared at Liu Er in a daze, and said, "What the hell do you mean? You actually poached me."

Liu Er curled his lips in a daze: "Such a good talent, but you pick up your nose and eyes, it shows that you don't have the vision of using others. If you put it in your hands, you must be inferior. Let me make good use of it."

"You say this person is a talent?" Sun Meng asked doubtfully.

"Nonsense, this person is straightforward at first glance. If you ask him to do something, you have to explain it clearly to him at once. Then he will definitely do it properly for you." Liu Er said in a daze.

Sun Meng wondered, "How do you know?"

Liu Er laughed blankly and said, "You don't need to ask! Whose subordinate is he? He is a subordinate of Dingguo, who was sent to Dingguo by Zhang Chu before.

If the person from Zhang Chu’s given state faction is not a smart person, he will know the end when you mention it.Or if you are straightforward, if you explain the matter to him clearly, he will do it properly for you according to your instructions.

You can tell from the few words he said that he is straightforward. If you didn't explain clearly, of course he will ask. "

Sun Meng heard it, and after thinking about it carefully, it really makes sense.

Looking at Liu Er stunned, Sun Meng suddenly smiled and said: "It seems that this person is very similar to your personality, no wonder you like him and want to recruit him under your command."

Liu Er grinned and said with a big mouth: "That is!"

Immediately, Liu Er was stunned and suddenly woke up: "I'm stupid, you fucking say that I'm straight-hearted."

Sun Meng and the others laughed in unison.

At this time, Sun Huacheng cupped his fists suddenly and said, "General Meng values ​​it very much, and I am honored, but this exchange is only temporary. After the battle here is over, I will have to return to Young Master Dingguo."

"Uh..." Everyone choked back when they heard the laughter, and thought to themselves at the same time: "This person is really fucking straightforward."

Knowing that Sun Huacheng is a straightforward person, Sun Meng didn't hesitate, and directly called Sun Huacheng to the side of the map, pointed to the location of Tainan and said, "The city of Zeelandia is at this location."

Speaking of which, Sun Meng turned to Sun Chuanting and said: "Master Sun, you immediately send people to Penghu to take over the defense of Penghu, and I will send another 1000 troops to help you defend Penghu. Sun Huacheng and Lin Shijie entered Penghu on a merchant ship. Then you send ships to transport them to Taiwan."

Sun Chuanting nodded: "I'll get the fleet ready right away, but I don't have enough troops. Brother Sun, since you sent troops to garrison, Brother Sun should arrange for the garrison of Penghu."

Sun Meng nodded, knowing that now was not the time to be hypocritical, and he would not delay immediately, and immediately said to Lin Shijie, "You will temporarily serve as the garrison of Penghu and help Mr. Sun guard the island. I will send you another 1000 people to garrison Penghu."

 150 million words, please support and motivation! !

(End of this chapter)

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