Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 487 The Red-haired Ghost

Chapter 487 The Red-haired Ghost

"Yes!" Lin Shijie replied.

Sun Meng did not hesitate, and immediately filled in Lin Shijie's name on the blank appointment order, and handed it to Lin Shijie, "You immediately take someone to follow Mr. Sun's ship to Penghu to take up the post."

Lin Shijie received the letter of appointment, clasped his fists at Sun Meng and said, "Commander, I'm humbled to lead the troops to Penghu with Mr. Sun."

Sun Meng nodded, then turned to Sun Huacheng and said, "Shijie is stationed in Penghu, so I will leave the task of capturing Zeelandia to you alone. Go back immediately and let the soldiers change into ordinary people's attire and arrive with the merchant ship." Penghu, and then take a boat to Taiwan at night. When I arrive in Taiwan, I will let Lord Zong’s people pick you up.”

After finishing speaking, Sun Meng said to Zong Chao: "Is it okay to ask your people to guide Sun Huacheng?"

Zong Chao smiled: "No problem."

Sun Meng nodded and said to Sun Huacheng, "If you have no doubts, get ready to go right away."

Sun Huacheng thought for a while and said, "There is a question."

Sun Meng frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Say!"

"If those red-haired ghosts resist, do you want to kill them all!" Sun Huacheng said.

Sun Meng nodded: "If you resist, you will be killed..."

"Can't kill!" Sun Chuanting and Zong Chao shouted at the same time.

Seeing Sun Meng's puzzled face, Sun Chuanting hurriedly said: "Try not to kill, we will eventually trade with Hongyi. If we kill too many people, things will be difficult in the future. We captured Zeelandia City just to blackmail Hongyi submits."

When Sun Meng heard this, he suddenly realized that if he killed all the Hongmao fans in the city, how would Hongmao dare to let it go, it would be another fierce battle.

When Sun Huacheng heard that the killing was not allowed, he immediately said with a bitter face: "If the killing is not allowed, this battle may not be very easy to fight."

Sun Mengwen hurriedly said: "Just try not to kill people, don't tie your hands and feet because of our words. You can make your own decision according to the situation."

Sun Chuanting and Zong Chao felt ashamed when they heard this. This man is straightforward. If he is really not allowed to kill people and this man obeys orders, this battle may not be very easy to fight.

After hearing this, Sun Huacheng thought for a while, then grinned and said, "The humble official knows what to do. Don't worry, my lords, even Hongmao won't be able to escape."

Sun Meng waved his hand: "Alright then, you should hurry back and prepare."

Sun Huacheng cupped his fists at everyone, turned and left.


A small island off the coast of Fujian.

Zheng Zhilong was having a drink with his brothers when he suddenly saw his own soldiers rushing in with the housekeeper.

Seeing the butler's flustered expression, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help but thump in his heart.

Putting down his wine glass, Zheng Zhilong asked in a deep voice, "Zheng Cai, what happened at home?"

Zheng Cai raised his eyes and looked around, seeing that all the people present were Zheng Zhilong's Tiji brothers, so he took out a letter from his bosom and handed it to Zheng Zhilong.

After Zheng Zhilong took it, opened it and read it, he suddenly slapped the table: "Liu Er is stunned, you are too fucking deceptive!"

Seeing Zheng Zhilong's distorted face and the veins popping out on his forehead, Zheng Zhibao asked in surprise, "Brother, what happened?"

"Damn it, Liu Erlian, the son of a bitch, actually gave me an ultimatum, saying that if I don't go back to see the new governor, the commander of the Navy, and him, the newly appointed Fujian chief envoy and Fujian general, I will be charged with contempt for the superior." Zheng Zhilong cursed.

"What is Liu Erleng? In terms of rank, he is only on the same level as the elder brother. How dare he talk to the elder brother like this. Damn it, I brought someone to smash his chief envoy's yamen!" Zheng Zhibao said angrily.

Speaking of Zheng Zhibao, he began to greet people, and Zheng Cai hurriedly said: "Fifth Lord calm down, now you must never go back to Fuzhou."

Zheng Zhibao said angrily: "Why can't I go back to Fuzhou? Could it be that the weather in Fuzhou has changed after Liu Erleng came here for less than a month?"

Zheng Cai said with a wry smile: "Not only has Fuzhou changed, but Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, and Xinghua have all changed."

"Huh?" Zheng Zhilong was surprised when he heard the words: "What happened?"

Zheng Cai sighed and said: "Two days ago, the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs dispatched more than ten officers to take over the garrison duties of various important areas along the coast of Fujian.

After these people arrived in the jurisdiction, they began to clean up military discipline. It is said that they killed a few disobedient officers. In less than a day, they tidied up the original officers and soldiers, and then placed heavy artillery in various important places, blocking access to sea. channel. "

"What? Sealed the access to the sea? Where are the exits to the sea blocked?" Zheng Zhilong was surprised.

Zheng Caidao: "Fuqing and Changle counties in Fuzhou Prefecture, Kinmen Island in Tong'an County in Quanzhou Prefecture (Kinmen was under the jurisdiction of Tong'an County at the time), Yongning and Hui'an County in Jinjiang County, Putian County in Xinghua Prefecture, Zhangpu County in Zhangzhou Prefecture , and Siming Prefecture. In short, all the important places along the coast are now controlled by the people of the imperial court."

"Jinjiang is also taken? Then our house has already been taken..." Zheng Zhibao was surprised.

Zheng Cai nodded, "The Zheng residence was under surveillance by Liu Erleng, and I was released by them to deliver the letter to the master."

"Damn it, Liu Erlian is so ruthless." Zheng Zhibao scolded.

Suddenly Zheng Zhilong was startled: "Not good, yesterday when our ships were cruising in the sea, we found that the navy of the imperial court was heading for Penghu, and then more than ten merchant ships rushed to Penghu. I didn't take it seriously at first, but now it seems that they It is to occupy the important place of Penghu. If Penghu is also occupied by them, then it will be difficult for us to supply supplies in Taiwan.”

"Brother, I can't wait any longer, turn it around! Otherwise, there will be no way out!" Zheng Zhibao said.

Zheng Zhilong shook his head, pondered for a while and asked: "Zheng Cai, are Liu Erleng's people at home taking good care of him? Is there any chance for Fusong to escape?"

Zheng Cai thought for a while and said: "The guards outside the mansion are very strict, but they are concerned that the master and the young master are officials ordered by the court and did not enter the mansion, so the young master can come out of the mansion by boat. It's just that the young master doesn't want to escape, he said he He is a courtier of Ming Dynasty, if he escapes, he will be a traitor."

"Pedantic, people put a knife on his neck, and he is still a fart minister of the Ming Dynasty." Zheng Zhibao scolded after hearing this.

Zheng Zhilong turned his head and glared at Zheng Zhibao: "What do you know! Fu Song is not a pedantic person, he is leaving our Zheng family a way out!"

"Leave a way out?" Zheng Zhibao asked doubtfully.

Zheng Zhilong nodded: "The current situation is that, first, I bow to the imperial court, and I will be the admiral of the imperial court in the future, but in that case, the brothers will lose their money.

The second is that I led my brothers to rebel, but the consequences of the rebellion are unpredictable. Looking at the layout of the court, even if we win the navy of the court, it is impossible to go to the shore, and we can only live overseas.

And Fu Song didn't follow us to rebel. With Li Jing's character, he and my family would be fine, and he could even continue to be his official. As long as Fu Song is safe, even if I die, the Zheng family will still have descendants exist. "

"Fu Song can see so far? Didn't this kid's book be read in vain?" Zheng Zhibao said.

Zheng Zhilong sighed and said, "I'm afraid Fu Song himself can't see so far, someone is reminding him."

"Who is talking about Fusong? Fusong has a husband again?" Zheng Zhibao wondered.

Zheng Zhilong shook his head: "I'm very suspicious now, the young man who was looking for Fusong two months ago was sent by Li Jing,"

"What? Li Jing planted spies in our house?" Zheng Zhibao was surprised.

Zheng Zhilong shook his head lightly: "I can't hold it either. When we received Li Jing's order to lift the sea ban, we discussed rebellion, and I found that Fusong's perspective on things was different from before. Later, I talked with Fusong, Only then did he realize that he was influenced by others."

"Then it can't be wrong, it must be a spy sent by Li Jing, otherwise why would Fu Song stay at home?" Zheng Zhibao said.

Zheng Zhilong sighed, waved his hands and said, "Leave him alone, let's discuss what to do now."

"What else can I do? It's definitely not good for the elder brother to go back! It's better to reverse it. With our thousands of ships and tens of thousands of brothers, as long as we teach the court's navy a lesson, Li Jing will naturally bow his head to the elder brother. We still have to be recruited when the time comes." Zheng Zhibao said.

Zheng Zhilong was noncommittal when he heard the words, and glanced at everyone present: "What do you mean?"

"I will follow the orders of the eldest brother!" Everyone clasped their fists together and said.

Zheng Zhilong nodded: "Since everyone is willing to listen to me, let's turn against the mother. Didn't the court's navy go to Penghu? Let's destroy the court's navy first."

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

"Everyone, get ready to go. Gather all the ships and gather here in three days. Let's take advantage of the court's unstable foothold in Penghu and take down the navy and garrison stationed in Penghu. I want to win the battle." Zheng Zhilong said.

"Wait a minute!" Zheng Zhibao suddenly said: "Brother, the imperial court has dozens of ships, I don't think we need to mobilize our troops, and taking Penghu is not very meaningful. To deter the imperial court, we still have to defeat their troops on land.

I think we might as well divide our troops into several groups, one to attack Penghu, and the other to attack Fuzhou and Quanzhou, etc., and use the artillery on our ships to wipe out those garrisons. "

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong pondered for a while, then nodded lightly: "It's okay, we have thousands of ships, and using so many ships to deal with the dozens of ships in the imperial court really thinks highly of them. In this way, you and Zhifeng, Zhiwan and Daxuan each led a team to attack the imperial garrison in four directions."

"Okay!" Zheng Zhibao said happily.

Everyone heard the words, without hesitation, they left immediately and went out to gather their own fleet.

It is naturally impossible for Zheng Zhilong's thousands of ships to gather around one island, but scattered on several islands, some of which are still cruising in the sea, doing some worthless business.

The sea is different from the land, and communication is even more inconvenient. It will definitely take some time to gather so many ships together.

Fortunately, these people are very familiar with this sea area, and it is not too difficult to find those ships cruising in the sea.Three days later, Zheng Zhilong's various fleets began to assemble.

Zheng Zhilong's current location is about a hundred miles away from Penghu. With the speed of Zheng Yilong's fleet, he can reach Penghu in about four hours.

Zheng Zhilong calculated this time very clearly. By the time they arrived in Penghu, it was already dark.

What Zheng Zhilong wanted was to fight at night.

(End of this chapter)

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