Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 517 The True Commander

Chapter 517 The True Commander

After finishing speaking, Li Jing went on to say seriously: "You still need to know more information, such as terrain and weather. Is the terrain mountainous or flat? Are there forests and rivers? Will it rain or wind? In this way you In order to know whether the enemy will ambush, whether to use fire attack or water attack.

You also need to know the distance of the journey, the speed of the march, and the morale of the soldiers and so on.

Even if you have mastered these, it is not enough, you still have to know your enemy, what is your enemy's equipment, morale, combat effectiveness, and the ability of the enemy commander? "

Seeing that Li Anguo was a little confused, Li Jing smiled and said: "This is not over yet. You know, there is no victory in a war. What if you lose the battle? When the situation is unfavorable, how do you command the troops to retreat? Even if you win the battle. Can't the enemy run away? Then do you want to pursue it, and how should you pursue it?"

Smiling, Li Jing continued: "It's so troublesome to command 10 people, but if you command tens of 10 people or even millions of people, you can imagine what will happen.

Throughout history, people who can command hundreds of thousands or even millions of troops are all great military strategists.

Among these military strategists, I think Han Xin is the most dazzling one. The more soldiers Han Xin has, the better, that is to say, he can command as many people as he is given.Think about it, how big a scene is with millions of people, and it is unimaginable that he can do it with his arms and fingers. "

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, thinking back when Han Xin led millions of soldiers galloping across the battlefield, they couldn't feel their hearts shaking.

After a while, Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "Brother Li, Anguo is still young, he won't be able to learn these things you said for a while? Let alone him, even I don't understand these things. If I knew these things before Reasonable, how can... Forget it, let's not talk about the past."

Li Jing smiled: "When I told Anguo these things, I didn't expect him to learn these things now. To master these things requires experience and experience, which is not something he can master at his age. I told him this to let him I understand that Gao Qi is really teaching him how to become a general, and these are not in the book of war.

As for the emperor not understanding this truth, it is no wonder that the emperor, after all, the emperor has never been in contact with military affairs before. "

Zhu Youjian smiled and shook his head, knowing that Li Jing was trying to excuse him.

At this time, Zhu Youjian already knew what his mistake was. His mistake was not that he did not understand military affairs, but that he appointed someone who did not understand military affairs to be in charge of military affairs.

Soldiers are the most important weapon of the country, how can we arrange laymen who don't understand military affairs to be in charge of the military department?In particular, it was a mistake to assign people who did not understand the military to serve as supervisors. These people just kept their own law and order, but just pointed fingers and interfered with the command of the generals on the front line. How could there be no problems like this?

"Father, you said that you are a great military strategist who can command hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, so how many people can you command?" Li Anguo asked suddenly.

Ma Wu laughed and said, "Son, do you need to ask? Your father is in command of all the troops in Ming Dynasty. How many people do you think your father can command?"

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "It's two different things. I'm afraid I don't have the ability to command hundreds of thousands of people on the battlefield."

Seeing Li Jing's vague words, Li Anguo knew that his father was unwilling to answer this question, so he thought for a while and asked, "How many people can Uncle Gao command?"

Li Jing said with a smile: "There is no problem with 10 people."

"What about Uncle Cao?" Li Anguo asked.

Li Jing smiled and said, "No less than your Uncle Gao."

Li Anguo turned his head and thought for a while, "Father, is there any general in this dynasty who can command more than 10 people?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Yes! There are at least three people in this dynasty who can command an army of more than 10 people."

"Ah! Who are they?" Li Anguo asked excitedly.

Li Jing smiled and said: "The Taizu of this dynasty, General Xu Da and Emperor Chengzu under Taizu's command."

"My boy asked if there is such a person in the current dynasty." Li Anguo said anxiously.

Li Jing pondered for a while and said: "In the current dynasty...not yet, but in another 20 years, your brother Dingguo should be able to command hundreds of thousands of troops."

Li Anguo couldn't help being disappointed when he heard the words, and after a while he suddenly said: "Father, my son has made a decision. My son must study hard. In the future, my son will become a general who can command hundreds of thousands of people."

"Good boy, have ambition." Ma Wu clapped his hands and smiled.

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "I'm afraid you won't have such a chance."

"Why?" Li Anguo asked anxiously.

Li Jing said with a smile: "Because within a few decades, there will be no powerful enemies in Da Ming that require hundreds of thousands of troops to deal with. With Da Ming's current military strength, as long as it dispatches [-] troops, it can sweep away all enemies."

Hearing Li Jing speak so boldly and confidently, everyone was stunned.

But everyone immediately thought that Li Jing only dispatched more than 10 people to wipe out the Jurchens who had ravaged Ming Dynasty for many years, and more than half of them were not equipped with new weapons.In the future, all Ming's troops will be equipped with new weapons. If there are [-] troops, they will be able to wipe out all enemies.

But Li Anguo was very disappointed when he heard that there would be no need to dispatch hundreds of thousands of troops in the future.

Seeing this, Li Jing smiled and said: "An Guo, don't always think about commanding tens of thousands of people, you must know that a general who can command tens of thousands of people is already very remarkable.

And since ancient times, those famous generals have grown up slowly from the bottom. You have to start from a small soldier in a down-to-earth manner. Only in this way can you grow into a general who can command thousands of troops.

In addition, you have to study more, and none of the real famous generals has not read books. "

"My son knows, I will definitely study hard." Li Anguo said.

Li Jing nodded with a smile, and gently patted Li Anguo's head: "Go."

"Farewell, baby." Li Anguo bowed to Li Jing, then bowed to Zhu Youjian, Ma Wu and Fang Yizhi before leaving.

Looking at Li Anguo's back, Ma Wu pondered for a while and said, "Brother, you don't really want Anguo to be a soldier?"

Li Jing waved his hand: "It's only good for children to sharpen their skills, not bad. Gao Qi can see this very clearly."

"I'm afraid that An Guo is too young to train with those soldiers and nothing will happen." Ma Wu said.

Li Jing said with a smile: "What could happen? Didn't you see that An Guo's body is much stronger than before, and his personality is also much calmer."

"Swords and guns have no eyes. Soldiers use live ammunition during training. What if they go off and hurt Anguo?" Ma Wu asked worriedly.

Li Jing smiled and said: "You can think of it, you think Gao Qi can't think of it? Anguo is not as good as a gun now, Gao Qi can do such an outrageous thing, let Anguo train with those soldiers with live ammunition? Believe it or not, Gao Qi must not Take Anguo to the shooting range."

Ma Wu laughed and said, "It's true, no matter how foolish Gao Qi is, he wouldn't do such an unreasonable thing."

At this time, Fang Yizhi suddenly said: "What Master Li said just now inspired Wan Sheng greatly. Although what Master Li said was about military matters, the same principle applies to government affairs. From now on, Wan Sheng should also be Start from the grassroots level down-to-earth.”

Li Jing smiled and nodded: "If you understand this truth, you will become a great weapon in the future."

Fang Yizhi made a bow and said, "Retire late."

Li Jing smiled and nodded.


At the end of October in the tenth year of Chongzhen, after explaining all the affairs of the court, Li Jing set off for Fujian.

Xiaoxing stayed overnight all the way, and it took a month to finally arrive in Fuzhou.

Before that, Sun Meng and Liu Erleng had already received Li Jing's order and appointed Zheng Sen to deliver a letter to Zheng Zhilong, conveying to Zheng Zhilong that Li Jing wanted to meet Zheng Zhilong.

At this time, Zheng Zhilong had received news from Zheng Sen, and after careful consideration, Zheng Zhilong agreed to meet with Li Jing.

However, the place Zheng Zhilong requested to meet was not Fuzhou, but Quanzhou.

Li Jing understood the intention of Zheng Zhilong's request to meet in Quanzhou. Quanzhou is Zheng Zhilong's base camp. In Quanzhou, Zheng Zhilong has a very high reputation. Zheng Zhilong asked Li Jingdao to meet in Quanzhou because he wanted Li Jing to see his reputation in Quanzhou and use it Deter Li Jing not to act rashly.

Regarding Zheng Zhilong's little thought, Li Jing just smiled.

Since I came to Fujian from the capital to meet Zheng Zhilong, I would not use low-handed means to capture Zheng Zhilong. Fame thing?
And Zheng Zhilong must have understood this before agreeing to meet him, otherwise, let alone Zheng Zhilong's reputation in Quanzhou, even if the entire Fujian people listened to him, Li Jing would not be afraid of him.

Since he agreed to meet Zheng Zhilong in Quanzhou, Li Jing was simply more straightforward and met Zheng Zhilong directly at Zheng's residence in Jinjiang, and even Li Jing directly stayed at Zheng's house.

At the end of November in the tenth year of Chongzhen, Zheng Zhilong led the fleet back to Jinjiang.

Knowing that Zheng Zhilong had arrived, Li Jing personally led Sun Meng, Liu Erleng and others to greet him outside the gate of Zheng's residence.

Seeing Li Jing personally greeted him outside the residence, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help sighing.

After a brief ceremony, Li Jing invited Zheng Zhilong into the mansion.

"Hehe, I hope Mr. Zheng will not be offended by making such a big noise." After sitting down in the living room, Li Jing laughed.

"Master Li is joking, Zheng raised his troops to rebel against the imperial court, these family properties no longer belong to Zheng." Zheng Zhilong said.

Li Jing waved his hand: "Master Zheng raised his troops for a reason. Speaking of which, it was Li's fault. Here, Li apologized to Mr. Zheng."

Zheng Zhilong didn't expect that Li Jing would directly admit his fault, so he couldn't help being a little dazed. When he saw Li Jing bowing to him, he came to his senses, and hurriedly stood up and saluted: "Mr. It's my job, but I can't blame my lord."

Li Jing smiled: "Since everyone is wrong, let's put it aside. I came to Fujian this time to meet Mr. Zheng, just to hear Mr. Zheng's plan. I don't know if Mr. Zheng wants to return to the court, or Do you intend to continue to be the so-called pirate king at sea?"

Zheng Zhilong smiled and said, "In my lord's opinion, what should Zheng do?"

Li Jing said with a smile: "Master Zheng agreed to meet with Li, the meaning of returning to Daming is already evident, but there must be some conditions. Master Zheng might as well talk about it, as long as it is not too outrageous, Li will definitely agree."

Zheng Zhilong didn't expect Li Jing to be so forthright, so he couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then sighed: "My lord said so, Zheng is a bit embarrassed to speak."

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's all right, Mr. Zheng just say it straight."

(End of this chapter)

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