Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 518 Low Profile

Chapter 518 Low Profile

Zheng Zhilong sighed inwardly, this Li Jing is a real man of work.

Zheng Zhilong knew very well that even though he had occupied Manlajia and pinched Daming's sea trade channel, it was impossible for Li Jing to bow his head to him.

In the final analysis, even the sea that Da Ming has banned for so many years does not have to be opened, and Li Jing doesn't need to open it so quickly.After the policy is formulated, it is not impossible to implement it a few years later.

After pacifying Liaodong, there are only a few rogue forces that are becoming more and more unsustainable in the territory of the Ming Dynasty. That is to say, if there is no accident, there will be no major wars in the Ming Dynasty in recent years, and the court can rest assured to develop water. division.

With the national power of the Ming Dynasty, a huge naval fleet can be formed in a few years, and then it will march to the South China Sea to fight a decisive battle with Zheng Zhilong.After Zheng Zhilong's fleet is completely defeated, it will not be too late to open the sea ban.

Even if the imperial court is unwilling to spend military pay and wants to solve the problem through peaceful means, there is absolutely no need for Li Jing to come and talk to him in person, just send anyone with a similar status to come over.

Although this will have a slight impact on Li Jing's prestige, compared with Li Jing's self-deprecation and coming to Fujian to negotiate with Zheng Zhilong in person, the impact is almost negligible.

In addition, negotiating with Zheng Zhilong means that Li Jing's previous policy against Zheng Zhilong was a mistake, and sending someone to talk to Zheng Zhilong can save a little face.Li Jing came to talk in person, which is tantamount to directly admitting his mistakes, and that is to lose face.

Zheng Zhilong had analyzed what countermeasures Daming would take against him, and also thought that the court might spend several years building a navy to fight him at sea, but that would require huge financial support, and the outcome was unpredictable.Therefore, Zheng Zhilong judged that it is more likely that the court will subdue him.

But Zheng Zhilong did not expect that Li Jing would come to Fujian to negotiate with him in person.

To be honest, the reason why Zheng Zhilong agreed to meet Li Jing was mainly out of self-satisfaction. He wanted to see Li Jing admit defeat in front of him.

But Zheng Zhilong never expected that Li Jing would be so straightforward, without any foreplay, and go straight to the point.And confessed his mistakes in front of his subordinates, and confessed to him.He even asked him to make a condition, and promised that as long as it was not too much, Li Jing would agree.

It can be seen from this that Li Jing is eager to open the sea trade channel as soon as possible, which means that Li Jing is very aware of the benefits that sea trade will bring to Daming.

At the same time, it also shows that Li Jing doesn't care if his prestige is damaged in order to allow Daming to open the sea channel as soon as possible and gain benefits through sea trade.

This is a person who really thinks about Daming, a person who really wants to do things. For Daming, Li Jing doesn't care about personal gains or losses.

Zheng Zhilong knew that Li Jing was not boasting, as long as the conditions he raised were not too excessive, Li Jing would definitely meet his requirements.

Zheng Zhilong knew very well what Li Jing had done since he became the master of the center.You must know that the emperor still has many things that he cannot do at will, but Li Jing has no scruples at all.

Zheng Zhilong also read some history books after becoming an official, but throughout history, there is no courtier as powerful as Li Jing.

Zhao Gaoniu who pointed deer as horse, right?Even Prime Minister Li Si died in his hands.However, when Zhao Gao was in power, the whole country rebelled, and the Great Qin Empire was in his hands.

Dong Zhuo in the Eastern Han Dynasty was good enough. He stayed in the imperial palace at night, the palace was dirty and chaotic, he regarded the emperor as nothing, and regarded the ministers as pigs and dogs.

But Dong Zhuo's actual power cannot be compared with Li Jing's at all, because few people obey the decrees issued by Dong Zhuo himself, and even if he wants officials in the court to obey orders, he must use the banner of the emperor to make it work.As for the local officials, they don't care about him at all.

The same is true for Cao Cao, who must issue orders in the name of the emperor.But even if Cao Cao coerced the emperor to order the princes, there were still countless people who opposed him. Even when Cao Cao was the most powerful, there were still Liu Bei and Sun Quan who opposed him, and Cao Cao did not settle these two people until the day he died.

If it is said that Zhao Gao and Dong Zhuo are traitors, or that Cao Cao is not a good bird, he is not comparable to Li Jing, and even those treacherous officials of the previous dynasty are not comparable.

Then Zhang Juzheng of this dynasty can always be compared with Li Jing, right?

Zhang Juzheng was so powerful that even the emperor had to submissive in front of him, but there were still countless ministers who opposed him, and Zhang Juzheng was in a state of confusion several times.

But after Li Jing came to power, who would dare to oppose him?After purging a large number of corrupt officials, the whole country was full of joy. After Li Jing pacified the three major tribes of Mongolia, his reputation was unmatched.

There was almost no noise from the court and the local government. Even if some people were dissatisfied, they had to keep it in their hearts. In the end, they had to obediently carry out Li Jing's orders, and this was not the result of Li Jing relying solely on power and oppression. It was Li Jing who implemented a series of policies to benefit the people, which won the support of the common people. If those officials did not act according to Li Jing's government orders, they would cut themselves off from the common people and destroy their future.

The only time Li Jing was opposed publicly was when some literati and students went to Beijing to petition for Li Jing’s cancellation of stereotyped recruitment of scholars. In the end, Li Jing refuted those people into silence in front of the emperor and all civil servants in the Imperial College. , and finally returned in despair.

In fact, quite a number of literati and scholars supported Li Jing's abolition of stereotyped selection of scholars.

Not long afterward, Zheng Zhilong received the emperor's order that he would no longer be in charge of politics. From now on, all the affairs of Ming Dynasty would be handled by the cabinet as a whole, and Li Jing would actually be in charge.This time, the struggle between Xiangquan and imperial power finally came to fruition, and finally Xiangquan won a complete victory.

Zheng Zhilong knew that Li Jing was only one year older than him, Zheng Zhilong really couldn't figure out how Li Jing could have such great skills and abilities.

Suddenly, Zheng Zhilong felt that he might have made a mistake meeting Li Jing this time. If such a powerful person as Li Jing bowed his head and admitted his mistake in front of him, even if Li Jing himself didn't mind, would the people under him not mind?
Taking a peek at Sun Meng and Liu Erlen who were sitting on the left side of Li Jing, I saw the two of them staring at him for a moment, especially Liu Erlen's eyes were about to pop out, probably if Li Jing wasn't there, The two didn't dare to act rashly, otherwise the two would have rushed forward to retaliate with old punches.

Zheng Zhilong has also been an official for many years, and he still understands the way of being an official.

These two are Li Jing's confidantes and the biggest officials in Fujian. Li Jing bowed his head in front of him. How could these two not retaliate against him in the future?If he asks again, then he will never have a good life in the future.

This is because Sun Chuanting led the fleet to train at sea and did not come back. If Sun Chuanting was also present, he would definitely not be able to tolerate himself when he saw this scene. If these three people unite to deal with him, then he will never have peace in the future.

Wanting to understand this point, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help but secretly shook his head, he shouldn't have wanted any face just now, and asked Li Jing to bow his head to him and admit his mistake.

For the current plan, only the troops are stationed overseas and do not communicate with these officials.

But Li Jing might not agree to stationing troops overseas. How could Li Jing allow such a powerful sea force to station overseas?How is that different from self-reliance?In that case, Li Jing would have to deal with him sooner or later.

Then there is only one way left, and that is to lower your profile, don't raise any conditions with Li Jing, and let Li Jing arrange it himself.

It's just that how to keep the posture to the lowest level requires careful consideration, and it has to make Li Jing feel embarrassed.

Hmm... Then give up all power, hand over the fleet to the imperial court, and go to Beijing to become a rich man.Then let Li Jing protect himself and protect his family.

Seeing that Zheng Zhilong was silent, Li Jing smiled and said, "Brother Feihuang, you don't need to worry, just ask for anything."

Zheng Zhilong glanced at the hall, seeing the eyes of everyone staring at him closely, Zheng Zhilong had no hesitation: he got up and saluted Li Jing: "Mr. Someone is willing to hand over the fleet to the imperial court, and then go to Beijing with his family."

Li Jing couldn't help being startled when he heard this, he didn't know what Zheng Zhilong was up to.

After thinking about it, Li Jing smiled and said, "Brother Feihuang, do you have any concerns? Since Li came to Fujian, he came here with sincerity, and with Li's current status, he will not go back on what he says, so I promise you It will definitely be fulfilled. Hmm... Are you worried that Li's subordinates will be unfavorable to you? Don't worry, Li promises that as long as you return to Daming, the past will be forgotten, and if anyone dares to raise this issue, Li will want someone nice."

Zheng Zhilong smiled wryly and said: "My lord's favor, Mr. Zheng, has taken it. Mr. Zheng really wants to go back with his family. Mr. Zheng handed over the fleet to the imperial court, and he doesn't want anything in return from the court. He just asks Mr. Zheng to keep Mr. Zheng's family safe."

Hearing this, Li Jing secretly sighed in his heart.

Zheng Zhilong rebelled and attacked several fortresses along the coast one after another. It can be seen that this man is very discerning. After the attack failed, Zheng Zhilong did not continue to entangle, which shows that Zheng Zhilong was very aware of his situation and could not fight with the court. So he turned his head to attack Manchu Plus, in order to clamp down on the court.It can be seen that this person not only has vision, but also is extremely decisive in doing things.

But when he received his own letter and learned that the imperial court wanted to recruit him, he readily attended the meeting, which shows that Zheng Zhilong is greedy for an official position in the imperial court.

How could such a visionary, decisive, and power-hungry person easily hand over the fleet he had been operating for many years?

There is only one possibility, and that is that Zheng Zhilong has seen through his intentions.

Li Jing put his attitude down so low, on the surface, it seemed that Li Jing was magnanimous, and he corrected when he knew his mistakes.But in reality it is not that simple.

Li Jing really wanted to use Zheng Zhilong, but he had to kill Zheng Zhilong's vigor, so that Zheng Zhilong could not feel that Li Jing had admitted his mistake to him, and he could do whatever he wanted in the future.

Taking Sun Meng and Liu Er in a daze was to deter Zheng Zhilong.

Li Jing confessed his mistake in front of Sun Meng and Liu Erlen, if Zheng Zhilong accepted it calmly, Sun Meng and Liu Erlen would definitely feel humiliated, one can imagine how angry they were.

If Zheng Zhilong doesn't know how to advance or retreat anymore, and proposes conditions to Li Jing, with the personalities of these two people, it will be a ghost if Zheng Zhilong is not dealt with in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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