Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 529 I Like It Back then

Chapter 529 I Like It Back then

Li Jing smiled and continued: "At first, I was worried that Shenji and Jingji would not be able to swallow this batch of goods, and I even made plans to use money and bank funds. With such a large sum of money, in this case, there is no need to worry about funds.

Hurry up and discuss with the merchants in Fuzhou. After I finish negotiating with the Dutch, I will arrange a ship to help you transport the goods to Malawi. "

Shen Jixian was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words: "Brother-in-law persuaded Zheng Zhilong to surrender?"

Li Jing smiled: "There should be no problem, but you must not leak this news."

Shen Jixian and the others nodded repeatedly: "Understood, I understand, if it is leaked out, how would those merchants be willing to sell their goods? Then how can we make money?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "If you make money, don't forget to pay taxes. You have to pay taxes according to the highest tax amount. Also, don't forget to pay the boat and escort fees."

Shen Jixian said with a smile: "I said that my brother-in-law would not let us make money for nothing. It turned out to be the idea. Don't worry, brother-in-law, I know what to do. If there are really huge profits, I will hand over all the profits to the court."

Li Jing shook his head: "In that case, I have to change your skin, but I don't want you to become an official businessman. There are too many disadvantages in official businessmen. I don't want to set this precedent, especially for you. Just be yourself If you want to make money, you will make money, and after making money, you will develop and grow, buy your own ships, ship goods overseas by yourself, and make your maritime trade bigger and stronger.”

"Yes! Brother-in-law." Shen Jixian said hurriedly.

"Marshal, I think this opportunity can be used to promote banknotes in Fujian." Du Laojiu said suddenly.

"Huh? Do you now have the ability to promote banknotes in Fujian?" Li Jing asked doubtfully.

Du Laojiu said with a smile: "It's not a big problem. Speaking of it, it is thanks to the help of Mr. Gu and those Zhejiang merchants. After Mr. Gu took office, he joined forces with many Zhejiang merchants and collected a total of more than 300 million taels of silver. I also borrowed 200 million taels of silver from the two wives. With the 500 million taels of silver as the backing for the bank, our banknote business in Zhejiang has been carried out very smoothly. Now all the prefectures in Zhejiang have opened bank branches. The next step It is to set up semicolons in each state and county."

Hearing this, Li Jing asked doubtfully, "Do you have so many people?"

"Manpower is not a problem. Mr. Gu asked each of those Zhejiang merchants to ask a few accountants who are proficient in arithmetic and a few reliable guys. The manpower problem will be solved in this way." Du Laojiu said.

Gu Bingyou said with a smile: "It's not that easy either. These accountants are old accountants who have been used by businessmen for many years, and those guys are also trained by them with painstaking efforts, and they are not willing to let them go."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Yes, it is not easy to train a good accountant, and it is not easy to train a good guy. If you ask them for someone for nothing, they will naturally not want to hand them over to you."

Gu Bingyou said with a smile: "Master Shen saw that everyone was unwilling to send people out, so he organized everyone together and established a large company. After integrating many businesses, many people were left idle. Arrange to the bank."

Li Jing smiled: "I guess you are using my banner to bring them together?"

"Hehe, if a brother-in-law doesn't fight the big banner, then don't we become fools?" Shen Jixian laughed.

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands: "You guys did a good job on this job, I remember all your credits, old nine, you can draw up a list later, and report the meritorious personnel to Zhou Hengchen and Shen Zheng, let The two of them considered promotion and promotion."

"Thank you, Marshal." Du Laojiu said happily.

Li Jing smiled: "If you want the horse to run, you have to feed the horse. What are people following you as errands? Isn't it just to get promoted and get rich? As long as there is no problem with character, as long as we obey the law, we will promote To be promoted, you should make people rich if you want to make people rich."

"The commander-in-chief is wise." Everyone said in unison.

Li Jing waved his hand: "Since you feel that Zhejiang can be spared and there is no problem with the funds, then start your business in Fujian. Well, I still have to think about something, so you can go back now."

Shen Jixian shook his head, sighed, and said, "Brother-in-law, you work so hard all day, even an iron man can't bear it! Look at you, you have gray hair before you are 40 years old. Brother-in-law, you have something to do with Daming For the sake of Daming Jiangshan, you must take care of your body!"

After a pause, Shen Jixian continued: "Don't think about business today, my brother knows you're coming back today, so he specially reserved a table in the biggest restaurant in Fuzhou to welcome you."

Li Jing was very moved after hearing the first half of the paragraph, and felt that his brother-in-law cared about him, and he was worthy of his love for him before.

I don't want my brother-in-law to immediately propose to clean himself up.I just came back today, and a lot of local officials wanted to have a banquet, but I was pushed away by myself. How can I go to my brother-in-law's banquet now?
Glancing at Shen Jixian, Li Jing reprimanded: "Jing nonsense, Fuzhou local officials want to clean up the dust for me, I have rejected it, if I go to your banquet, what will the Fuzhou local officials' face be?"

Shen Jixian said with a smile: "They welcome you, they are nothing more than sycophancy, flattery, and you know what they say without even thinking about it, so it's fine if you don't go to such a banquet."

Li Jing couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "Isn't it flattery and flattery for you to invite me?"

Shen Jixian said with a smile: "I'm your brother-in-law, you are my brother-in-law, I'm not the same as others when I flatter you, it sounds good."

"Pull it down! What kind of family and outsiders are there for flattery? I don't think it works." Li Jing laughed.

"Brother-in-law, it's rare for me to invite you once, so why don't you save face?" Shen Jixian begged.

Li Jing was about to wave his hand to refuse, when he suddenly saw Du Laojiu and Gu Bing looking at him eagerly, Li Jing couldn't help but feel moved.

Shen Jixian has always been prudent and would not do such inappropriate things, so why did he insist on inviting himself today?

Hmm... I asked the supervisors of Shenji Company and Jingji Company to come to Fujian. Although I didn't explain anything, Shen Jixian and others can guess that it must be related to business.

Shen Jixian and others had just established a large firm, and when they learned that they wanted him to handle business matters, they probably called all the owners of the firm.Shen Jixian insisted on entertaining himself, probably because he wanted to show his strength in front of these people.

Looking at the expressions of Gu Bingyou and Du Laojiu, these two people might have played a role in fueling the flames.

If this is the case, Shen Jixian will really go to praise this scene.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing suddenly smiled and said: "Since you are so kind, how can I not show face? However, if I go to your banquet, the Fujian officials will not look good. Why don't you invite them together?"

Shen Jixian was overjoyed when he heard the words: "That would be great, but I'm afraid I won't be able to invite them."

Li Jing shook his head with a smile, turned around and said to Liu Er in a daze: "You call the main officials of Fujian together. Lao Jiu and Mr. Gu want to open a bank branch in Fujian. They cannot do without the help of these officials. Let me introduce them to everyone."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing stood up and said, "Let's go now. I guess the three of you are not the only ones to invite guests. Those Zhejiang merchants must be waiting impatiently."

Shen Jixian said with a smile: "You can't hide anything from brother-in-law."


Early the next morning, when Li Jing woke up, he felt dizzy.

Since leaving Beijing, Li Jing has hardly had a good night's sleep. The journey was tiring, and he drank a few more glasses of wine last night, and his body suddenly felt a little unbearable.

"Master, if you feel unwell, take a day off today." Xiaozhu said while helping Li Jing to dress.

Li Jing waved his hand: "I can't rest, I have something to do in Beijing, I have to settle the matter here and return to Beijing as soon as possible."

Xiao Zhu sighed lightly when he heard the words: "My master has worked so hard, I don't know what to expect."

Li Jing patted Xiaozhu's hand lightly and said with a smile: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to make this life worthwhile."

Xiaozhu sighed softly, helped Li Jing put on his clothes, then took a towel soaked in warm water from the maid, and gently wiped Li Jing's face.

Seeing Li Jing's pale face, Xiaozhu suddenly said bitterly: "This Jixian is really ignorant, the master is so tired, and he even makes the master drink. When I go back, I will tell my wife and miss how to deal with him!"

Li Jing smiled, took the towel from Xiaozhu's hand and wiped his face, and then said: "First, they have made great efforts to prepare for the establishment of the bank branch in Zhejiang. I just finished the work in Zhejiang, and I called them When you come to Fujian, people treat you, how can I not join you?"

"Then you can't let the master drink so much wine?" Xiaozhu said dissatisfied.

Li Jing smiled and said: "If I don't want to drink, who would dare to drink me? I want to drink it myself. This time I asked Ji Xian to come to Fujian because he has a big business to do. If this business is done, just For taxes, the imperial court can collect several 10 taels, tell me, how can I not accompany them to have a few more drinks?"

Xiaozhu shook her head: "I don't understand state affairs, and I don't want to understand. I only care about the master's body."

Li Jing smiled and said: "If you want to care about me, come out and do things. Don't have any worries. You were not very good at managing things when you were with Huiyu before? Why didn't you become a leader after you gained a reputation? Is it because of fear? The two ladies are overhearted? There is no need! You sisters have been together for many years, and you still don’t know who they are?"

"One moment, another moment. Before when there was no status, it was only natural for a concubine to help the wife of the princess, but after having a status, the concubine has to abide by the rules." Xiaozhu sighed softly.

Li Jing shook his head: "I found that our family seems to have more and more rules, which is not good. I still remember the scene when you and Huiyu first arrived in Hongshanling. Once Huiyu wanted to visit the military factory. You almost quarreled with my subordinates, and you also looked fierce to me, I like how you looked at that time."

Hearing this, Xiaozhu sighed and said: "It's hard for master to still remember what happened back then. At that time, Xiaozhu was young and ignorant, and the status of master at that time was not as noble as it is now. Now that Master Xiaozhu has given you a status with grace, you have to abide by it." It is my duty not to spoil the master's family style."

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(End of this chapter)

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