Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 530 Blessing

Chapter 530 Blessing
"Are you so happy? This is not the little Zhu girl who dared to speak and act. I married you because I wanted you to live happily, but I didn't want you to be a canary in a cage." Li Jing sighed.

Gently patted Xiaozhu's hand, Li Jing said: "Last night, when Jixian gave me the wind, he reported to me the business situation of Jingji Company's Zhejiang Branch. I suddenly found that many of our businesses are inherited Help me take care of it first.

The reason for this situation is that after our family moved to Xiyuan, it was inconvenient for the servants to come in and out, and it was also inconvenient for you to go out, so Madam entrusted Jixian to take care of the business.

But in the future, Jixian's business will grow bigger and bigger, and he may even go to sea in person. At that time, Jixian may not be able to take care of our family's business. What should we do then?
Originally, I wanted to donate all my family property to the imperial court, which would save a lot of trouble, but those properties of our family are all your hard work, how can I decide to dispose of these properties without authorization?I guess you don't want to either.

If this is the case, then you can’t stay at home in Xiyuan all the time. I plan to buy you a house in Beijing that is dedicated to handling business. I will also buy a few in places with a lot of business, such as Taiyuan, Xi’an, Kaifeng, Nanjing, Suzhou and Hangzhou. house.

Our wife is so quiet, and she is your boss, so let her sit in the capital, Huilao and you move around, and you two will go to various places to check and patrol, and Xiaodie is pregnant now, so don’t let her move, what do you think? How about it? "

Xiaozhu said happily when he heard the words: "Madam and Madam Princess must be happy to hear that."

After laughing for a while, Xiaozhu suddenly remembered something, his face flushed suddenly, he swayed and said: "But I don't want to leave Beijing."

"Oh? Why is that?" Li Jingqi asked.

Seeing the expression on Xiao Zhu's face, Li Jing suddenly realized, and stretched out his hand to pinch Xiao Zhu's face: "Stupid girl, I let you go out, but it's not that I won't let you go home. Hehe, I'll work hard, and you should try my best. When you are pregnant with a child, you won't have so many confused thoughts."

"Master!" Xiao Zhu blushed immediately upon hearing this.

Li Jing sighed lightly and said, "Although I'm not a woman, I still know a little bit about women's thoughts. Who wouldn't want to have children of their own?
Especially now that you are the only one left in our family and have no children. Needless to say, I know how you feel.You are still young, don't worry, we will have a long time to come. "

"Thank you, master." Xiaozhu said with a choked voice.

Patting Xiaozhu's back lightly, Li Jing said: "Okay, I have to go out to meet guests. If you are free, let the guards take you out for a walk. Don't stay bored in the room all the time."

"I want to burn incense in the temple." Xiaozhu suddenly said.

"Then go! By the way, let Er Leng's wife accompany you and take my car." Li Jing smiled.

Xiao Zhu shook his head: "The master is not in the car, so I dare not ride in the master's car."

"Why are there so many rules?" Li Jing glared at Xiao Zhu and said.

Thinking that most officials in Fujian had seen his own carriage, Li Jing sighed lightly and said, "Forget it, you will have a lot of trouble riding in my carriage. Later, I will ask someone to make one for you alone. By the way, I promised you the day before yesterday. Send Brother Sun and Er Leng a car, and they happened to be made together, as for Madam's carriage, I will make it when I return to Beijing." Li Jing said.

"How much would that cost!" Xiaozhu exclaimed.

Li Jing smiled and said: "What money is not money? Isn't money earned for spending? Our family earns so much money, why not spend it?"

Xiaozhu smiled and said: "It's not the money earned by the master, of course the master doesn't feel distressed when he spends it."

Li Jing raised his hand and thumped Xiaozhu's forehead violently: "Little stingy boy! Alright, I'm leaving, let's go out and play by yourself."

"Master, go slowly." Xiao Zhu hurriedly saluted.

Li Jing waved his hand, turned around and strode out the door.

Looking at Li Jing's back, Xiao Zhu stroked his forehead lightly and couldn't help being dazed.

"Madam is really lucky to find a man like Master." Li Xiang, Xiao Zhu's maid, sighed suddenly.

"That's right! I have knocked through countless wooden fishes in my previous life, and God let me marry the master." Xiao Zhu sighed softly.

Suddenly Xiaozhu came back to his senses, turned around and said to Li Xiang: "Remember, at home, our master and wife don't tell us so many rules, and no one is offended by your third wife and fourth wife's barking.

But you have to abide by the rules when you go outside, and you are not allowed to call me madam again.What is my identity?How dare you stand shoulder to shoulder with your wife and princess?

And in the eyes of outsiders, there are only two wives in our family, the wife and the princess.I, Sister Xiaodie and Sister Yuanyuan are just concubines. "

"Isn't this in Fujian? Who knows the situation in our mansion? If people know that you are the concubine, they will look down on your wife." Li Xiang said in a low voice.

Xiao Zhu reprimanded: "You bastard, if you call me Madam, I will become Madam? It will only make you laugh even more if people know about it.

As for whether others will look down on me when they see me as a concubine, that depends on the master's attitude.Master treats me well, even if I am a concubine, others have to respect me, if master treats me badly, even if I am a genuine wife, no one will pay attention to me.do you understand? "

"The servant knows." Li Xiang said hurriedly.

Xiaozhu sighed and said: "Actually, you should have heard that I used to be the personal servant girl of the princess, and it was the princess and his wife who lifted me up that I have the status I have today, so we must position ourselves outside , we can’t let people say that we are Zhongshan wolves, and we will be rampant if we succeed.”

"Yes! Ma'am." Li Xiang said.

Xiaozhu looked at Li Xiang and sighed: "You don't have to be cautious, I tell you this not to blame you, after all you are thinking for me, I can still tell the difference.

In fact, I have never treated you as a servant girl. You need to have good looks and literary talents. Maybe one day the good fortune comes, and the master will take you into the house, and then we will become sisters. "

"Slaves don't have that kind of blessing." Li Xiang said hurriedly.

Xiaozhu smiled and said: "You are lucky if you can enter Li's house. If there is no blessing, why did General Chen choose you? And the master took you in?
Although even if the master does not accept you into the room, he will arrange a young talent for you.But is there any man in this world who can compare to our master?

However, if you want to enter the Li family, you have to learn from me and sister Xiaodie. We both serve the young lady wholeheartedly, serve the master wholeheartedly, and abide by our duties. Got a name. "

"Thank you madam for your advice." Li Xiang said hurriedly.


In the front hall of the Governor's Mansion, De Bourr was anxiously waiting for Li Jing's arrival.

To be honest, when he first became a prisoner, De Bauer was not very worried, because he knew that since Daming lifted the sea ban, he would inevitably have to do business with the Dutch, and the two sides would definitely have to negotiate.

It's just that De Bauer never expected that Daming would offer such harsh conditions. These conditions can be said to completely negate all the interests of the Dutch in the Far East.

On the surface, De Bourr was the governor of Taiwan appointed by the Netherlands, but in fact he was doing bandit business, but compared with the conditions offered by Daming, what he did before was completely insignificant.

And even if it is a robber, it is not impossible to negotiate, but Daming's diplomats did not leave him any leeway when negotiating.

After talking with Lin Yuji for more than two months, except for some insignificant details where Lin Yuji made concessions, Lin Yuji never let go of the key things.

If the Dutch fleet was still there, of course De Bauer would not have to be so humble, but the Dutch fleet has been completely wiped out.

When Zheng Zhilong attacked the port of Batavia at night, only five ships of the Dutch fleet escaped. After struggling to get rid of Zheng Zhilong's pursuit, they finally returned to Taiwan, but after they arrived in Taiwan, they found Luermen Port Has been occupied by the Ming army.

At this time, the Dutch fleet could no longer return to Batavia, and there was no port for berthing. The only five remaining ships of the Dutch fleet suddenly became lonely ghosts.Wandering on the sea for a few days, seeing that the fleet was about to collapse, the fleet commander Chandler had no choice but to lead the ships to surrender to Daming.

Knowing that the last five ships of the Dutch fleet had surrendered to Ming, De Bauer knew that the Dutch had no chance of making a comeback in Daming, and he no longer had the capital to challenge Daming.

Just when De Bourr was in despair, he suddenly learned that Li Jing had come to Fujian and was going to summon him.De Baoer was overjoyed, looking forward to the stars and the moon every day, waiting for Li Jing's summoning.

Unexpectedly, after many days, there was no notice that Li Jing wanted to summon him.

Until last night, De Bauer suddenly received the news that Li Jing wanted to see him the next day. Hearing the news, De Bourr was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night. He came to the Governor's Mansion early this morning to wait for Li Jing to summon him .

Just as De Bower was waiting anxiously, a group of officials finally appeared.

Seeing that Lin Yuji, who had been talking with him for more than two months, was following a person, and this person was like a star in the crowd, De Boulton knew that this person was Li Jing.

Taking a closer look at Li Jing, De Bauer couldn't help being startled. Isn't this man too young?

De Bauer also met many high-ranking officials and nobles in their thirties or even less than 30 years old in the Netherlands, but the Netherlands is only a small country with the size of a small bullet, and its land area is not as big as a mansion of Ming Dynasty.The land under the control of the so-called noble officials in the Netherlands is probably not as large as the jurisdiction of a county magistrate in Ming Dynasty.

And Li Jing is the Prime Minister of Ming Dynasty, who is in charge of the entire Ming Dynasty. The so-called noble officials in the Netherlands are not even a fart in front of Li Jing.

After being surprised for a moment, De Bourg reacted immediately, stepped forward, and bowed to Li Jing to give a Western gentleman's salute: "Johan Van, Governor of the Netherlands in Taiwan. Der Burg sees His Excellency, Prime Minister of Ming Dynasty."

After listening to the interpreter's translation, Li Jing smiled and cupped his hands: "Mr. De Bauer, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

De Bauer hurriedly said: "Don't dare, dare not, Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, is busy with affairs, so it is a great honor for me to take the time to summon me."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Mr. De Bauer is polite, you are a guest from afar, why should I keep you waiting? Come, please sit down."

De Bauer hurriedly said, "Thank you, Your Excellency, Prime Minister."

(End of this chapter)

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