Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 545 Family Love

Chapter 545 Family Love
"Marshal!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help being agitated when he heard the words, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Gently patted the back of Sun Chuanting's hand: "Brother Boya, I know that scholars are not ashamed of business, but for the future of Ming Dynasty, we must discard this kind of arrogance.

You tell Mr. Shiji to let him have more time to communicate with Gu Bingyou, Du Laojiu and Jixian and others.In particular, Gu Bingyou has been in business for many years and is familiar with what goods and materials are important to Ming and Yi people. When negotiating with the Yi people, we must not give up our interests when these materials are involved.If you should set a price fiercely with the barbarians, don't be soft-hearted.

Hehe, find an ax and knife, sharpen them and give them to Mr. Shiji, let him slaughter those guys with hatred. "

"Hahaha! If the commander-in-chief gives Mr. Ping'an an ax and knife, I'm afraid he will frighten Mr. Ping'an. When he learns about the commander-in-chief's intentions, he will be even more stunned." Sun Chuanting laughed out loud.
After laughing for a while, Sun Chuanting said: "Mr. Ping'an is sixty-two this year, right? I'm afraid I don't have the energy to learn the methods of those businessmen. I don't think it's better than this. When it comes to business matters, let Gu Bingyou come out for an interview. Mr. An just needs to focus on the general direction."

Li Jingwen sighed softly: "Yes, Mr. Shiji is getting older, if he can be 20 years younger. Alas! Well, according to your words, let Gu Bingyou come forward for business matters."

Looking at Sun Chuanting, Li Jing suddenly smiled and said, "Brother Boya, why don't you come back to Beijing and help me? I found that we are getting more and more in tune with each other."

Sun Chuanting waved his hands again and again when he heard the words: "Marshal, you drew such a big cake for me, and I am about to show my strength. If you let me go back to Beijing, wouldn't it make me regret it for the rest of my life?"

Li Jing sighed softly after hearing the words: "I regret it now. If I knew you were so keen on government affairs, I shouldn't have let you take over... Sigh! Apart from you, no one else can afford the burden of the Ming Navy. The fish and the bear's paw You can't have both!"

Taking a sip from the teacup, Li Jing whispered softly, "Si Huang toast, born this kingdom. Wang Guo Kesheng, Wei Zhou Zhizhen. Aid toast, Wen Wang Yining."

(Note: Taken from the Book of Songs. Daya. King Wen, the poem tells about King Wen of Zhou respecting the virtuous and respectful scholars, surrounded by virtuous and talented people. He has been in power for 50 years and the country is strong.)
Sun Chuanting heard the words: "Marshal, there are a lot of talents in Ming Dynasty, as long as you work hard, there will be someone who can be used."

Li Jing sighed softly and said: "The world is going down, and literati look down on each other. If they are not in the same party, they will never recommend talents for the country. If I discover them by myself, I don't know how many talents will be buried."

After waving his hand, Li Jing said, "Brother Boya must be tired from the long journey at sea. Go back and rest."

Sun Chuanting sighed, got up and saluted and said goodbye.

Two days later, Li Jing finished explaining everything and set off for Beijing.

It is much faster to travel from Fuzhou to Hangzhou by water than by land.

At that time, the speed of Ming's ships was about seven knots per hour (the ships of the Netherlands and other countries could reach more than ten knots), and one knot was one nautical mile, which was equal to 1 kilometers.In fact, it is impossible to reach this speed all day long. An average of five knots per hour is not bad. According to this speed, one can sail about ten kilometers in one hour, and that day is more than 852 kilometers.

However, if a horse runs [-] kilometers a day, it is basically useless. In fact, if there is no emergency, the horse will never be used in this way.

Normally, a good horse can run about [-] miles a day without rest. If you want to go faster, you must change horses, otherwise, the horse will not be able to bear it.

Only when there is an emergency military situation, will the horse be used to death.In ancient times, according to the military situation, the urgent situation was divided into four hundred miles, six hundred miles, and the most urgent one was eight hundred miles.When rushing to eight hundred miles, it is basically the result of running a dead horse. If the messenger's physique is poor, he will die from overwork.

Li Jing brought people back to Beijing normally, so of course he didn't need to run as fast as he could, and Li Jing took a horse-drawn carriage, and his daily journey was only between 150 and [-] miles, which was far slower than taking a boat.

But Li Jing and his party were nearly a thousand people, plus carriages and horses. Sun Chuanting used more than ten ships and more than ten merchant ships to accommodate so many people.

Originally, Sun Chuanting wanted to use all the warships and planned to personally escort Li Jing, but Li Jing considered that he would soon use troops against the Spaniards. If all warships were used, at least thirty warships would be used. There is a shortage of troops.In addition, although Li Jing said that Li Guozhu and Zhong Bin would be the main force in this battle, if Sun Chuanting didn't mediate in the middle, Li Jing would be worried.

Therefore, in the end, Li Jing and Sun Chuanting made a compromise. Sun Chuanting sent more than ten warships to escort, and then recruited more than ten merchant ships to load horses and supplies.

It is about 400 miles from Fuzhou to Hangzhou by water, and it takes less than four days to reach Hangzhou by boat. It is also more than 400 miles by land, which takes at least seven days.

When Li Jing came to Hangzhou Mansion suddenly, Chen Dahu was pleasantly surprised. After introducing the officials from Zhejiang to Li Jing, and after Li Jing inquired about the government affairs in Zhejiang, he dismissed the officials from Zhejiang. I'm dead, you didn't say hello in advance when you came, so I could be prepared."

Li Jing smiled and said, "I'm afraid you have already prepared it? It's just that you didn't expect me to come so soon, did you?"

Chen Dahu said with a smile: "I know that elder brother will definitely come, according to my estimate, it will take three or four days for elder brother to come, so some things are not ready yet."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Brother Big Tiger, I came to Zhejiang just to see you. Seeing that you manage Zhejiang so well and you don't need to prepare anything, I am satisfied."

Chen Dahu smiled and said: "To be honest, when you asked me to be the chief political envoy of Nanzhili, I was still in a panic. I was afraid that I would not be able to do it well, but then I thought about it, anyway, I don't know anything. What did my brother say?" I will do what I want, as long as I follow the orders of my elder brother, then there will be nothing wrong."

Li Jing shook his head and smiled: "It's not that simple. I'm just talking about the goal and direction. The specific details have to be handled by you and the people below. You and Er Leng have done a good job. I treat you and Er Leng very much." satisfy.

When I came from Fuzhou, Er Leng asked me to bring you two jars of wine, and I brought you the wine.I know you miss him too, but not this year. You just came to Zhejiang this year, and many things have not been sorted out. Wait until next year. Next year, I will grant you a vacation and let you go to Fuzhou to meet Er Leng for a few days. "

"Brother!" Chen Dahu was inexplicably excited for a moment.

Patting Chen Dahu's hand lightly, Li Jing smiled and said, "Uncle and Cui'er, are you alright? I came to Zhejiang for another purpose, to see Uncle."

As he spoke, Li Jing sighed softly: "I haven't seen Uncle for nearly two years, and I don't know if Uncle is used to living in the south. If not, I will take Uncle into the capital this time."

Chen Dahu laughed and said: "My father always said that he wanted to come to Beijing to see you, and that you were busy and didn't want to disturb you. This year's winter, the old man suffered from a bit of cold. He was in a good mood when he heard that you were coming. The illness will be cured immediately."

Li Jing sighed and shook his head, "I shouldn't have let uncle go to Nanjing with you back then, but I just let him go to the capital, and I was afraid that he would miss his grandson. I can't even stay in the capital with your wife and children, right?"

Shaking his head, Li Jing sighed: "Let's go, take me to see uncle, if he is not used to living in the south, I will take him to Beijing this time."

Chen Dahu nodded and led the way first, leading Li Jing to the back house.

After entering Chen Dahu's mansion, Li Jing looked around and couldn't help but praise: "As far as courtyard architecture is concerned, the style of Suzhou and Hangzhou is the best. Look, your mansion is more beautiful and exquisite than my mansion in Beijing."

Chen Dahu said with a smile: "This is left by my predecessor, I didn't spend a penny."

Li Jing glared at Chen Dahu: "You think I said you spent money recklessly? You don't have the elegance to tinker with such a garden."

"Hey, hey." Chen Dahu laughed twice upon hearing this.

At this time, the people in Chen's residence had already got the news that Li Jing had come to Hangzhou. Old man Chen and Cui'er knew that since Li Jing came to Hangzhou, he would definitely come to visit his house. When Li Jing arrived at the main residence, old man Chen and Cui'er knew that Li Jing had already entered the mansion.

Seeing old man Chen rushing out of the house with Cui'er and Chen Dahu's children, Li Jing shook his head, walked quickly to old man Chen, and put his arms around old man Chen: "Uncle, what are you doing? My nephew is here Look at you old man, why are you still coming out to greet him, isn't this killing your nephew?"

"Now you are the first assistant minister and Duke of the Ming Dynasty, how can the old man lose his manners." Old man Chen said hastily.

Li Jing smiled and said: "No matter how old I am as an official, you are always my uncle and my elder. There is no reason for elders to welcome younger generations. Come, let's go back to sit."

Turning around, he said to Cui'er: "Sister-in-law, don't be too polite to me, Dug and I are brothers who kowtow to the ground, you don't have to see me, the people in the house tell them to do what they should do." Well, you don’t have to come and serve me. By the way, your siblings are here too, just behind, you sisters go chat.”

"Ah! Madame is here too?" Tweety asked in surprise.

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "It's Xiao Zhu, you don't need to be formal, what's your name, madam?"

Gently supporting Old Man Chen, Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "Uncle, we don't care about them, we chat about our affairs."

Old man Chen nodded emphatically, feeling deeply moved in his heart for a moment.

Helping old man Chen into the room, and letting old man Chen sit down, Li Jing looked at old man Chen carefully for a while, and sighed softly: "Uncle, you are getting old!"

Old man Chen said with a smile: "The old man is almost in his seventies, can we see the youngest?"

Looking at Li Jing, the old man Chen sighed softly: "You should take care of your body! Look how thin you have become! When the old man first saw you 12 years ago, your body was so good. Dahu and the others are no match for you."

Li Jing smiled: "I'm fine, and Dahu and the others are not worthy to compete with me now."

As he spoke, he raised his arms for comparison: "Look, my arms are really stiff."

Old man Chen stretched out his hand and squeezed it, nodded with a smile: "That's right, the strength in your hand is not worse than before."

(End of this chapter)

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