Chapter 546
Li Jing put down his arms, leaned forward and smiled, "Can you drink something now, old man?"

"Yes! Why can't you! If you can't drink anymore, you probably have to see the King of Hades." Old man Chen laughed.

Li Jing laughed loudly: "That's fine, today my nephew will accompany you to have a good drink."

"Good! Good! You are much better than that brat, Dahu. This brat hasn't had a drink with me in the past two years." Old Man Chen said happily.

Chen Dahu said: "I'm so busy all day! I don't have time to drink with you."

Old man Chen glared at Chen Dahu: "Are you busy? Are you busy with a handsome man? Look at you, you look fat and strong, and you don't seem to be doing anything serious."

Hearing this, Chen Dahu couldn't help but smile wryly.

Old man Chen was in a good mood, he couldn't sit still after sitting for a while, and said to Li Jing: "Jimin, sit down, I'll go to the back and have a look, let the kitchen cook some good dishes."

Chen Dahu was stunned, and hurriedly said: "Father, just leave the matter behind, Tweety must have explained everything."

Old man Chen shook his head: "No, I'm worried, I have to see it myself."

Seeing that Chen Dahu wanted to say more, Li Jing waved his hand to stop Chen Dahu, and smiled at the old man Chen: "If you want to see it, you can go and see it. Let them do it easily. If uncle is not satisfied, I will have them spanked."

"Listen, Jimin is so sensible, you brat is already living like a dog." Old man Chen scolded Chen Dahu, took the walking stick from the maid behind him, and walked out of the room slowly.

Looking at old man Chen's stooped back, Li Jing sighed and said, "Uncle is old! The old man's temper is like a child's, you have to obey him."

"My father was not like this before. I guess he was excited to see you coming, and he didn't know what to do." Chen Dahu said.

Li Jing nodded slightly.

At this moment, Xiao Wu walked in under the guidance of Chen's servant, and seeing Chen Dahu, Xiao Wu threw himself on the ground and kowtowed happily: "Nephew Xiao Wu has seen Uncle Dahu."

Chen Dahu laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, get up, get up. I didn't expect Xiao Wu to be so strong. I heard that you captured Huang Taiji in Liaodong? Well, the cultivation of the commander is not in vain."

Xiao Wu got up, and said with a embarrassed smile: "Actually, it's Uncle Erhu's credit, and my nephew is thanks to Uncle Erhu's credit."

After speaking, Xiao Wu looked at Li Jing and said, "Commander, the soldiers and officials have already made arrangements. When I escorted Aunt Zhu into the mansion just now, I met Aunt Cui'er, who took Aunt Zhu to the back house."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Got it, I told your aunt. Well, you can have a drink with Grandpa Chen and Uncle Dahu here at night, and then go back to the barracks after dinner."

Xiao Wu was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Yes! Thank you, Commander."

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "There are no outsiders, this is at home, don't need to call it that."

Chen Dahu smiled and said: "Brother, you are too particular, the soldiers and accompanying officials camped outside the city. I heard that you rested in the military camp all the way out of Beijing. What does the city have to do with it?"

Li Jing shook his head and smiled and said, "Going into the city? If I lead troops into the city, how much trouble will I cause the people in the city? Disturb the people! My trip is not to inspect, but to solve problems in Fujian. If I disturb the people along the way, I will Don't you get scolded by the common people?"

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Actually, even the common people are harassed by me, alas! It's not what I want!"

"If you ask me, the eldest brother is too self-disciplined. But let's agree, in Fuzhou, the eldest brother lives at the old grandson's house, and when you arrive in Hangzhou, you have to live at the brother's house." Chen Dahu laughed.

Li Jing glared at Chen Dahu: "Isn't this nonsense! I can live outside when I'm home? Uncle knows, so why not scold me to death!"

Speaking of which, Li Jing suddenly smiled and said: "Actually, I didn't live in leisure in Fuzhou. You know Er Leng's character, because I lived in the Governor's Mansion and not his house, I almost got into a fight with Brother Sun. Actually, from my original In my heart, I would rather live in Er Leng's house, because there is no idler in Er Leng's house.

But you know, there are some things that cannot be done this way. Brother Sun is the governor of Fujian, and he has the biggest official position in Fujian. I want to live in Er Leng's house, and Brother Sun must feel uncomfortable.Doesn't it seem that Er Leng and I are closer than Big Brother Sun? "

Chen Dahu smiled and nodded.

After pondering for a while, Chen Dahu asked with a smile: "That old lady, Sun, still has that temper? Haven't you restrained yourself?"

Li Jing smiled bitterly and said, "What are you holding back? If she can be like Uncle, Lao Sun can bring his two younger brothers to his side? Lao Sun is afraid that his two younger brothers will cause trouble for him, so it is considered well-intentioned."

Chen Dahu sighed and said: "Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, it's not easy for my grandson!"

Li Jing smiled: "Actually, Lao Sun brought his two younger brothers to Fujian, and he was often impeached, but I knew what Lao Sun's intentions were, so I ignored those guys. It's just that it's an excuse for everyone. It has set a bad precedent, and officials will use this as an excuse to bring their relatives to their posts in the future."

Chen Dahu said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. In fact, even if you stipulate that officials are not allowed to bring their relatives to the post, wouldn't his brothers and sisters come to see him at his post? In my opinion, there will be a result in the end. As long as those guys from the Metropolitan Procuratorate Keep a close eye on it, so officials don't dare to condone their relatives to do illegal things.

In fact, in my opinion, this is a good thing, it makes it easier for the guys from the Metropolitan Procuratorate to investigate people.Think about it, if those officials are good officials, they will naturally restrain their family members. If they indulge their family members, they will not be good officials. When the time comes to start with their family members, it will be a sure check. "

"Oh! Brother Da Hu has improved his knowledge! It's not easy to think of this level!" Li Jing laughed.

"Hehe, it's not that I'm knowledgeable. In fact, I used this method to deal with those officials in Nanzhili. His grandma, when I first arrived in Nanzhili last year, none of the officials in Nanzhili listened to me. Damn it , If you don’t listen to me, I will check his family members and arrest anyone who commits illegal acts. After a while, all the officials in Nanzhili will be honest and obediently obey my orders.” Chen Dahu laughed.

Li Jing laughed loudly when he heard this: "Those scholars can't think of this method. In fact, it's not that they can't think of it. They don't want or don't want to use this method to solve the problem. Hehe, you straightened out the government affairs in Zhejiang so quickly, yes Didn't this method be used on officials in Zhejiang?"

Chen Dahu shook his head and said with a smile: "Hehe, Old Chen's reputation in Nanzhili is too bad, it probably scared the guys in Zhejiang. After I came to Zhejiang, they will listen to whatever I say. Damn, I can't go if I want to find fault Look for it. But this is also good, it saves my boss the trouble, and I won't bother with them about some minor things."

Li Jingjing nodded: "If you can think that way, I feel more at ease. Dahu, changing the atmosphere of Daming's officialdom is by no means a one-day effort, you have to take your time.

There is a saying that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.After I entered Beijing last year, I took down a large number of officials and killed a lot of people. This strong medicine has been used, and it is time to slowly adjust it. "

Chen Dahu nodded slightly.

Suddenly Chen Dahu found Wen Qing standing in the corner of the room, writing vigorously, Chen Dahu was startled, pointed at Wen Qing and said in doubt: "Brother, this is..."

Li Jing smiled: "I forgot to introduce you just now. He is my secretary. His surname is Wen, his name is Qing, and his character is Jingzhi. In addition to copywriting work, he also records my words and deeds for future use in writing history. This young man Yes, serious in work, humble and eager to learn, if you have a chance, you can remind him a little bit."

Chen Dahu laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Old Chen doesn't know a lot of characters, let me mention him? Brother, don't make fun of me."

Li Jing smiled and said: "You are wrong. If he can learn your administrative methods, he will benefit endlessly in his life."

Chen Dahu turned his head to look at Wen Qing and said, "Boy, you don't look down on Lao Chen as a big bastard, do you?"

When Wen Qing heard this, she hurriedly put down her pen and said, "Don't dare, dare not, it's a student's good fortune to be reminded by an adult.

To tell you the truth, my lord, the commander-in-chief often praises Mr. Chen and Mr. Liu in front of us, saying that although you two haven't read many books, you can use the simplest and most direct method to solve problems, which is unmatched by many people. of.

You know that the commander-in-chief seldom praises others, and your lord is often praised by the commander-in-chief, which shows how good your lord is in governing. "

"Hahaha, I listen to what you say, kid. Just for what you said just now, I will remind you a little bit." Chen Dahu laughed loudly.

"Thank you, sir." Wen Qing said hurriedly.

Chen Dahu stared at Wen Qing for a while, and said seriously: "Boy, you remember that no matter where a person goes, he must not forget his roots, he must remember his origin, and even more so, he must remember who promoted you.

I have never read history books, but I also know that there are many ungrateful people in history. After gaining power, they overthrow those who promoted and trained him. Such people may gain power for a while, but they will never stay in power forever. "

After a pause, Chen Dahu continued: "I was born as a farmer, and I know the hardships of farmers, so after I became an official, I tried my best to solve the difficulties of the common people. Don't look at how many people I have offended, but I am confident that I am a good official. , the common people will think of Lao Tzu's goodness.

When my son grows up in the future, I can pat my chest and tell him that my life is worth it.

In addition, the greatest blessing in my life is meeting my eldest brother, who raised me from a farmer who only knows how to farm, so I will only be loyal to my elder brother in this life, no matter how much money others give me, promise me No matter how high an official position is, I will never betray my elder brother.

I am not confessing anything in front of you, my eldest brother knows this better than you, there are so many officials in Ming Dynasty, only Liu Erleng and I are the local officials leading the army.Why?The reason is very simple, that is, the eldest brother knows that Lao Liu and I are loyal, so he can rest assured that he will hand over the soldiers to us.

Lao Tzu also told you that everyone has friends. In the words of you scholars, it is called forming a party, and I also form a party. One is to work together to ensure the peace of the big brother's Daming country.

You are the secretary of the elder brother, and I guess it was the elder brother who pulled you out of the crowd. No matter what you think, you have the word Li on your forehead. From the eyes of others, you are my elder brother's person. So you must be loyal to my elder brother, otherwise no one will think highly of you.

Don't tell me that you are in Cao Ying and your heart is in the Han. Guan's second child is a eggless bastard. If he is really a righteous man, he should have... There is that one, big brother, what is the name of the sheep herder? With? "

(End of this chapter)

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