Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 551 The Spanish Dream

Chapter 551 The Spanish Dream

(Where is the support, rewards, monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, brothers, let’s do it!) Pirates are not stupid, if they surrender, they will be killed. In the future, when businessmen encounter pirates, if they cannot escape, they will naturally play with them.Pirates are also normal people, no more heads than others. When they rob, others always play with their lives, and they will be afraid.

It is precisely because the Spaniards understand the rules of pirates that they will voluntarily surrender.

As for Li Guozhu and his subordinates, Sun Chuanting didn't restrain anything. To be a pirate, you have to look like a pirate. If you strictly observe military discipline, are you still a pirate?

Therefore, after the victory of the Jilong Bay naval battle, the happiest people were Li Guozhu and his group of people.

After Sun Chuanting took the Spanish ships away, they began to loot the belongings carried by the Spaniards. In addition, many of the Spaniards had lived in Taiwan for several years, and some of them had family members. insult.

News of the complete annihilation of the Spanish defenders stationed in Taiwan soon spread to Luzon.

Because it is said to be wiped out, but it is impossible to say that no one can escape.

And not all Spaniards live in Ciudad Salvador and Ciudad Domingo.

After the Spaniards built the city in Chicken Coop and Danshui, they forced the local Gaoshan people to believe in Catholicism and carried out enslavement education. Seeing that the Ming Dynasty ignored them, they boldly repaired government offices, established governments, collected taxes, and forced the local people to open mines. , Cleansing and massacring the locals who resisted.

(In the Yilan tragedy that occurred in the fifth year of Chongzhen, countless local residents in the Yilan area in northeastern Taiwan died under the butcher knife of the Spaniards. This behavior of the Spaniards is in line with what they did to the Indians in North and South America.)
Spaniards have to do so many things, of course it is impossible for all of them to live in the city. Some of them are far away and cannot go back to the city so they live there.Guns were roaring in the area of ​​Danshui and the chicken coop, it was impossible for them not to hear such a loud commotion.

When they found out that their castle was occupied, they did not hesitate to snatch several fishing boats from the fishermen. After a lot of trouble, the remaining Spaniards finally fled back to Luzon.

Hearing that the castle in Taiwan had been taken, Coqueira, the Spanish governor in Luzon, was shocked and immediately asked who did it.

It's just that these surviving Spaniards don't even know who captured the Spanish castle, but one thing is certain, it must be the Ming people who captured the Spanish castle.

Corquila couldn't help frowning when he heard that, it was done by a wise man, but he didn't know whose power it was, isn't that bullshit?

The biggest force on the southeast coast is Zheng Zhilong. All merchant ships from various countries have to fly under Zheng Zhilong's command flag to pass, otherwise they will rob you without discussing it, and even the Dutch have to bow their heads in front of Zheng Zhilong.

To conquer two Spanish cities in one day, who else has such great strength except Zheng Zhilong?
But is Zheng Zhilong crazy?

Zheng Zhilong rebelled against Daming, suffered several defeats in front of the officers and soldiers, and lost his foothold, so he had to go on an expedition to Manga, and then fought with the Dutch. Although Zheng Zhilong won both battles, he also suffered heavy losses.

Zheng Zhilong is by no means a reckless person to be able to develop to the power he is today. Under such circumstances, Zheng Zhilong started a war against the Spaniards again. He thinks there are not enough enemies?

Coquila frowned and pondered, feeling puzzled for a moment.

Tapping lightly on the table, Coquila asked the fleeing soldiers in a deep voice, "Are you sure it was Ming who did it?"

A soldier said: "We saw the enemy's attire from afar, so it is obvious."

"Could it be Daming's official army?" Coquella asked.

Without waiting for the soldier to answer, Coquila shook his head lightly.

Why did Ming's army occupy Taiwan?In the eyes of Ming people, Taiwan has never been regarded as the territory of Ming Dynasty.

Back then, even if Portugal, Spain, and the Netherlands occupied a small island in Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty would go to war. If Ming Dynasty regarded Taiwan as its own territory, how could the Dutch and Spaniards allow the Dutch and Spaniards to build a city in Taiwan and collect taxes?

At this time, the soldier said: "The clothes of this army are definitely not Ming Dynasty's official army. This group of people are all wearing civilian clothes, no one is wearing armor, and no one is wearing official uniforms."

Coquila nodded lightly, and asked a few more words. Seeing that the soldiers could not provide any useful information, he immediately waved the soldiers to retreat.

After the soldiers retreated, Coquila picked up the pipe from the table and lit it slowly, then began to think silently.

Coquera's full name is Sebastian.Hurtado.Germany.Coquera, who fought in Flanders and Peru when he was young, was the governor of Panama before Luzon, and the governor of the Philippines in June of the eighth year of Chongzhen.

Coquera was born in the army, he acted decisively and foresightedly. Later generations called him the most outstanding Spanish military leader in the Philippines.

(Note: After the Spaniards captured Manila, the capital of Luzon, they changed Luzon to the Philippines. The name Philippines comes from the Spanish crown prince Philip.)
Since the Spaniards have cut off trade with Japan at this time, Taiwan has lost its role in Coquila's mind. Coquila has ordered the demolition of Danshui's castle, shrinking his troops to chicken coops, and intends to gradually withdraw Taiwan's troops to Manila , Concentrate on operating Luzon.

But Coquela did not expect that the Ming people would suddenly capture the Spanish castle in Taiwan, and Coquela instinctively felt that there must be a conspiracy in this matter.

Coquila is deeply wary of Mingren.

In fact, not only Coquera, but the successive governors of Luzon in Spain were deeply wary of the Ming people.

Coquera was very clear about the Spaniards' occupation of Luzon.

Long before the Spaniards came to Southeast Asia, Luzon Island had already become one of the important activities of the Ming Dynasty’s maritime merchants. There were many local maritime forces. The famous Lin Feng, Lin Daogan and others had taken root in Luzon for many years. These people Not only does it have frequent trade contacts with the royal family in Luzon, but it even has its own private armed forces in Luzon.

In the process of the Spaniards' occupation of Luzon, they were not so much at war with the natives of Luzon, as they were at war with the maritime merchants of Ming Dynasty.

At that time, almost all the maritime merchants along the southeast coast participated in the battle, including Wu Ping and others who were regarded as Japanese pirates by Ming Dynasty and finally wiped out. They all sent fleets to help in the battle.

Because the gains and losses of Luzon involve the trade interests of the entire southeast coastal maritime forces.

This battle has been fought for more than ten years, and in the end, Lin Feng became the Spaniard's most troublesome opponent.

Lin Feng was entrenched in Taiwan at the time, and when the Spaniards took the upper hand, Lin Feng ran back to Taiwan and fought back after rectifying the troops.

In the second year of Wanli, Lin Feng led his troops to raid Manila, which was occupied by the Spanish, and set up camp in Hawksbill Harbor to establish the city.

Two years later, Lin Feng was defeated by the Spaniards in Hawksbill Harbor. Lin Feng broke out and ended up missing.

The defeat of Lin Feng means that the battle for Luzon between the Chinese maritime merchants and the Spaniards has come to an end with the defeat of the Chinese maritime merchants.
Although the Spaniards won the final victory, only they knew the difficulties.

In this battle, the Spaniards were deeply shocked by the witty strategies and tactics of the Chinese maritime merchants and their perseverance in fighting.

The governor of Manila, Lavisares, who suffered a big loss at the hands of Lin Feng, said in a report to the then Spanish King Philip II that at least [-] to [-] troops are needed to start a war with Ming Dynasty.

(Note: 6000 to [-] people was already a large-scale expedition for Europe at the time. Before they really saw the strength of Ming Dynasty, the arrogance of the Spaniards was undoubtedly funny.

What's even more funny is that the Spaniards' plan to invade China is not a dream of some madmen. On the contrary, they have been earnestly implementing this policy. In the 14th year of Wanli, the Spaniards held the famous Manila Conference in Manila. All the elite figures from the political circle to the religious circle formulated a memorandum containing 97 articles and [-] articles.

51 members of the nobility jointly signed the document, and the Governor of Spain in the Philippines, Sanchez, went to Madrid in person and submitted it to King Philip II for approval.

The content of this memorandum is very detailed, down to every detail of the army's operations, such as how the troops land, how to coordinate operations, and even mention the discipline of the troops, not to rape and plunder and other bad styles.

What's more advanced is that these people not only planned to fight the war, but also planned post-war affairs, such as building churches after the war, replacing Confucianism with Catholicism, and replacing Chinese with Spanish.

The funniest thing is that this group of people started to talk about rewards for their merits even before the horoscope was written. They can clearly distinguish who is an earl and who is a high-ranking official.To put it bluntly, this group of people started thinking about how to eat before buying rice.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. Just before the Spaniards were ready to invade China, Britain went to war with the Spaniards. The Battle of Calais, the Spanish Armada was wiped out in World War I.

As a result, the Spaniard's plan to invade China had to be temporarily put on hold, and it was delayed again and again. The royal family that was dragged to Spain was overthrown, and there was still thunder and no rain. )
(Another note: Retelling this period of history may be a bit extravagant, but it can let us know what the Spaniards are doing.)
Just because they suffered so much at the hands of the Ming maritime merchants, the Spaniards were extremely wary of the Ming people. After occupying Luzon, the Spaniards began to suppress and exclude the Ming people.

When the power of the Ming people developed to a certain level, they began to resort to bloody means. In history, the Spaniards slaughtered the Chinese several times in Luzon. The main reason was that they were afraid that the Chinese would become powerful and affect their rule.

But now, the influence of the Ming people in Luzon has begun to expand again, and Coquila has begun to plan to attack the Ming people again, and has been inciting the local people to clash with the Ming people in the past few months.Only when the conflict reached a certain level, Coquila decided to strike.

But when something like this happened suddenly, Coquila had to be cautious.

Because Coquila is very aware of the role of Ming people in Luzon. This group of people is too capable, hardworking and intelligent, and can endure hardships. There are Ming people in almost all industries in Luzon. If we take action now, after the massacre, Luzon All industries will wither.

At this time, the Ming people who attacked Taiwan, whether it was Zheng Zhilong or anyone else, once they attacked Luzon, what would the Spaniards do to support the war?
In fact, Coqueira believed that the Spaniard who attacked Taiwan was Zheng Zhilong.

(End of this chapter)

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