Chapter 552
Coquela, who was born in the army, is very aware of the strategic position of Manga, and he also knows that Manga is the site of the Fourth World War, and countless countries covet this strategic location.If Zheng Zhilong occupies this place, he will be attacked from all sides.

Zheng Zhilong is now rebelling against Daming, without the support of manpower and material resources, it is impossible to occupy Manchujia for too long. Zheng Zhilong must also know this, and he must find a way out.

The best retreat is undoubtedly Taiwan, so after Zheng Zhilong defeated the Dutch, he then launched an attack on the Spaniards in order to occupy the entire Taiwan and fight against Ming Dynasty.

Zheng Zhilong even has plans to capture Luzon, because Luzon is farther away from Daming, and it is even more difficult for Ming to use troops against Zheng Zhilong.

In addition, after Zheng Zhilong occupied Taiwan and Luzon, he had the capital to fight against Ming Dynasty. From Taiwan, Zheng Zhilong could get military resources, and from Luzon, Zheng Zhilong could get financial resources.

Of course, Zheng Zhilong also has to face more difficulties. The Portuguese who lost their manga will not let Zheng Zhilong go. The Dutch who lost their fleet will also seek revenge from Zheng Zhilong. As for the Spaniards...

Coquila sneered, I am not a soft persimmon, Zheng Zhilong, if you want to come, just come.As long as I can persist until after next spring, when you are unlucky, I don't believe that you can go to war with four countries at the same time.

Thinking of this, Coquila's heart suddenly moved, did he take it for granted?If I can think of this myself, Zheng Zhilong can't think of it?
No matter how strong Zheng Zhilong is, how could he go to war with so many countries at the same time?
The reason why Zheng Zhilong was able to run rampant along the southeast coast, and the merchant fleets of all countries obeyed his orders, was because he was backed by the big tree of Ming Dynasty.

Because Zheng Zhilong is an official of the Ming Dynasty, he can blatantly conduct maritime trade with great fanfare, and this is the only way to generate a steady stream of financial resources.It is precisely because of his wealth that he was able to build ships and recruit soldiers, and his strength became stronger and stronger.

But now that Zheng Zhilong has rebelled against the Ming Dynasty, his financial resources have been cut off, his military resources are gone, and he even has no shipbuilding bases. How can he have the ability to go to war with so many countries at this time?Even if he occupies Taiwan and Luzon, can the shipyard be built overnight?Are soldiers ready to fight?Can money be earned immediately?
Without several years of accumulation, Zheng Zhilong has no basis for confrontation with other countries.

Zheng Zhilong can take the capture of Taiwan and Luzon as a future strategic goal, but the timing is not ripe for tactical implementation now.

Zheng Zhilong will not fail to understand these principles.

Now that Zheng Zhilong understands this truth, he will not easily use troops against the Spaniards in Taiwan, which is tantamount to making himself an enemy.

In other words, the army that attacked Taiwan this time is probably not Zheng Zhilong's army.

If it wasn't Zheng Zhilong's army, who would it be?Could it be Daming's official army?But what is the purpose of Daming doing this?
Coquila knew a little about Ming's national conditions. Coquila knew that Ming's civil wars were frequent, Liaodong, and the Central Plains were at war everywhere. How could they have the spare power to use troops against Spain at this time?

Coquila frowned and pondered, smoking one pipe after another, the whole room was shrouded in smoke, his head was getting dizzy, and he couldn't figure out why Daming or Zheng Zhilong wanted to attack the Spaniards in Taiwan.

Coquela was thinking about sending someone to Daming to inquire about the news, a soldier rushed in, seeing the room full of smoke, the soldier was startled, and hurried forward to Coquela: "Your Excellency, the Portuguese are here The settlements of Daming were attacked by Zheng Zhilong's troops."

Coquila raised the case upon hearing the words, and asked in surprise, "Where did you get the news?"

The soldier said: "Some Portuguese soldiers escaped from Haojing (Macau) and were caught by us at sea. We only learned the news."

Coquila was surprised: "How do you know that Zheng Zhilong did it?"

The soldier said: "The Portuguese soldiers said that the fleet that attacked them was under the banner of Zheng Zhilong, and the attacking ground troops were not wearing Ming's military uniform."

Coquella murmured, "Is Zheng Zhilong crazy? What is his intention in doing this?"

The soldier smiled wryly and said, "Your Excellency, do you want to bring those Portuguese over here, and ask yourself?"

Coquella was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Quick, bring it in!"

The soldier saluted and turned to leave.

After a while, several soldiers escorted several prisoners into the room.

Seeing the disheveled clothes of the Portuguese and their embarrassed expressions, Coqueira shook his head lightly, and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on, please tell me what happened in detail."

A Portuguese soldier bowed to Coquera and said: "Your Excellency Governor, four days ago, Zheng Zhilong's fleet suddenly attacked our Macau The names are different, even the locals have different names, and only use the name of Macau in the future.) fleet, and then Zheng Zhilong’s troops landed and attacked our settlements.”

Coquera nodded slightly.

If the soldiers who fled from Taiwan did not know who attacked the city of El Salvador, then the Portuguese in Macau could not be wrong when they saw the flag of Zheng Zhilong with their own eyes.

And from the time point of view, it is also correct. According to the calculation of the time given by the soldiers who fled from Taiwan, four days ago was the third day after the Ming people attacked the city of El Salvador.From the chicken coop to Macau, plus the preparation time, three days are definitely enough. Zheng Zhilong can finish the battle of El Salvador and then return to attack Macau.

But what is Zheng Zhilong's intention in doing this?

Coquila sighed softly, he couldn't understand Mingren's thoughts at all.

Now he is neither capable of attacking Zheng Zhilong nor capable of recovering the city of Salvador in Taiwan. The only thing he can do is to strengthen the defense of Manila and wait and see what happens.

When Coquila had a headache, Li Jing had already arrived in Nanjing.

Not long after arriving in Nanjing, Li Jing received news that Sun Huacheng had occupied El Salvador and that Sun Chuanting had wiped out the Spanish fleet.

When he got the news, Li Jing was summoning an official who had come to Beijing to be replaced.

The name of this official is Zeng Yiyi, a native of Ningdu, Jiangxi Province.

Later, Zeng Yi retired because of his mother's funeral. After serving the full term, he took up a post in Nangong County. He served for several months after his father's funeral.

For officials like Zeng Yiyi, Li Jing is very concerned. Zhou Hengchen has a separate roster, which is specially used to record the information of such officials.

According to Li Jing's plan, the original guarding system was to be abolished.

However, many people supported Li Jing's change of other systems, but this system of keeping the system was opposed by many people.

There are many people in the royal family, the new family, and even the Xiang family who do not support Li Jing's approach.

Li Jing knew why everyone opposed it, because Daming does not have a retirement system now, and many officials work for a lifetime. If there is no such system, many officials will not have a position arrangement even if they meet the standards for promotion.

In other words, in order to change the system of compliance, the retirement system must first be drawn up, but the retirement system is not so easy to draw up.

Because people's physical fitness is different, some officials are still healthy and energetic after they are over [-] years old. If such people are ordered to retire, wouldn't the country lose talents?You know, it is not easy to cultivate a good official at this time.

It is precisely because good officials are hard to find that Li Jing can't decide what age is appropriate to retire, so he decided not to consider the retirement system for the time being.

Since it is impossible to formulate a retirement system, the system has to be retained.

There are many officials like Zeng Yiyi in the Ming Dynasty, and these people's rank is far from high enough, so Li Jing can only wait for these people to serve before appointing them.

In fact, Li Jing was able to meet Zeng Yiyi by chance.

After arriving in Nanjing, Li Jing naturally wanted to take a good look at this ancient capital, so Li Jing took Xiaowu Xiaojiu and others to change into casual clothes and stroll around the city.

When Li Jing walked to the post house, he found that there were people arguing at the gate of the post house, and a group of people nearby were watching.

The people who quarreled were the post officer and Zeng Yiyi, because Zeng Yiyi planned to stay in the post house for one night, but the people in the post house disagreed.

The posthouse in Daming was originally prepared for officials, which is equivalent to the current government guest house. Officials can stay in the posthouse for free with the seal of the document.

The situation of Zeng's martyrdom is quite special. He retired because of keeping the system, and now he is an official waiting for replacement.

If the situation is normal, the post house will definitely take Zeng Yiyi in. After all, Zeng Yiyi went to Beijing to make up for it, and he might take up any official position in the future. Moreover, Zeng Yiyi had served as the county magistrate in Lishui County in Nanjing before, and he might return to Nanjing. There is absolutely no need for the people in the post office to offend him.

But Li Jing is in Nanjing now.

Although Li Jing was just passing by, even a fool would know that when Li Jing passed by Nanjing, he would definitely investigate the situation of officials in Nanjing.

If Li Jing knew that the posthouse didn't follow the rules, these people wouldn't want to do it in the future.

Regardless of the low position of the officials in the post house, some people are not even considered officials, but the job in the post house is very lucrative, and no one wants to lose this job.

Because of this, the people in the posthouse refused to agree with Zeng Yiyi to stay.

And Zeng Yiyi thought that I had an official status, so why not let me live, and when his stubborn temper came up, the two sides quarreled over it.

Coincidentally, Li Jing happened to walk here.

After asking the people watching the excitement nearby, Li Jing knew why the two sides were arguing.

Naturally, Li Jing would not personally deal with such a matter, but ordered Xiao Jiu to show his badge in the past and persuade both parties to return to the posthouse.

When Li Jing returned to his residence, Fang ordered someone to bring Zeng Yiyi.

When Zeng Yiyi arrived, Li Jing had just finished reading the good news from Sun Chuanting.

After reading the good news, Li Jing was in a good mood.

Seeing Zeng Yiyi standing at the side, Li Jing folded the letter and put it on the desk, then said with a smile: "As a scholar, you even came from a Jinshi background, and you quarreled with others just because the people in the posthouse refused to let you stay. Disgraceful?"

(End of this chapter)

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