Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 563 Preparations for the Celebration

Chapter 563 Preparations for the Celebration
So how much does Li Jing pay the soldiers?
The salaries of Li Jing's soldiers are divided into three classes. The first class is the Jishi Army, and the lowest paid third-class soldiers are two taels of silver a month. On average, each person is more than three taels of silver a month.Even if it is calculated on the basis of two taels of silver, each person's annual military salary is 24 to 26 taels (with leap months), 24 taels a year, and Ji Shijun's family life must be very rich.

The second class is auxiliary soldiers. Each person is paid one tael of silver per month, and 12 taels a year. There is no problem with food and clothing.

The third class is recruits. The salary Li Jing pays for recruits is eight qian a month, which is just enough to meet food and clothing.

Because of the different treatment, the soldiers were given a goal. In order to earn more money, the soldiers would train hard and fight bravely, strive for meritorious service and promotion, and enjoy higher treatment.

However, the military salary of the Jishi Army is obviously high. Even if each person is three taels per month, it will be 36 taels a year, and 5 people will be 180 million taels a year. If the 50 troops of Ming Dynasty pay according to this standard, then It won't be long before Daming goes bankrupt.

Therefore, after Li Jing came to power, the Ji Shi Army did not dare to expand, and it was always 5 people.

But if the soldiers are still unable to advance, it will inevitably affect the morale of the soldiers, and in order to reduce military expenditures, they can only be ranked under the Jishi Army.

Shen Zheng obviously also saw this problem, so he listed another class according to Ji Shijun's minimum standard.

What Shen Zheng meant was that the salary of this class of soldiers was two taels of silver per person per month.

The standard of two taels of silver is obviously not low, but based on the current prices in Daming, it is not very high either.

A soldier's military salary of 24 taels of silver a year is calculated as half of the maintenance of the family for a year, and he can have a balance of 12 taels, but what can 12 taels of silver do?Undoubtedly, based on the plot of the Chinese people towards land, the first thing they do when they have money is to buy land.

But now in Daming, one mu of fertile land costs eight taels of silver, almost five taels of silver. A soldier spent a year playing with his life, but in the end he only earned two mu of land.Calculated in this way, the military salary of two taels of silver a year is not too high.

However, if a soldier is two taels of silver per month, he is promoted to 25 people at once, which is 50 taels of silver per month, and 600 million a year. Adding 200 to help the world army, it will cost more than 800 million a year, which is 20 million.There are more than 20 new recruits. After being promoted to auxiliary soldiers, the monthly military salary is more than 240. After a year, it is more than 1000 million, which is more than [-] million.

If another 50 new recruits are recruited this year, the annual military salary will increase by nearly 500 million, and the annual military salary alone will be 500 million taels of silver. Given the current financial situation of Ming Dynasty, it must be quite difficult to maintain.

The salaries of recruits, auxiliary soldiers, and Ji Shijun had already been fixed, and it was impossible to change them. We had to find a way from the second tier.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said: "Father-in-law, the Jishi Army will always guarantee 5 people in the future, and will never increase the number unless some soldiers retire and need to be supplemented.

In addition, the supplementary soldiers must select the best soldiers from among the regular soldiers, and give priority to the selection of soldiers with military merits.That is to say, in the future, the Jishi Army will be equivalent to an honorary army, and the soldiers should be proud to join the Jishi Army.

In this way, the regular army of Ming Dynasty is mainly composed of regular soldiers, but only 25 regular soldiers are obviously not enough, and it will definitely expand in the future. I'm afraid I can't afford it.I think two taels of silver is still a bit high, let's set it at one tael or five taels of silver per person per month. "

Shen Zheng heard the words and said with a smile: "The commander-in-chief is wise, in this way, the 25 people alone can save 50 million taels of silver a year."

Li Jing shook his head and sighed, "It's not the right way to lower the soldiers' salaries!"

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Gao Qi, the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs needs to list the rewards for military merit in detail. Now that the country has no money, it can only reward the soldiers with land as much as possible."

Gao Qi nodded: "Actually, that's fine too. In order to get rewards, soldiers must fight bravely."

Nodding his head slightly, Li Jing continued: "This time we will send more troops to Manchu, and we will draw from Cao Wenzhao's troops. One thousand Jishi troops will be drawn, and another nine thousand ordinary soldiers will be added.

I think the combat effectiveness of Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui's subordinates is not bad, and 3000 people were transferred from their troops each.This order was issued years ago. After the Chinese New Year, when the troops leave, they will first go to Fujian for training for three to two months, and then Zheng Zhilong will send a ship to receive the troops and garrison them. "

"Do you want to bring some cavalry over there? Also, who will lead this army?" Gao Qi asked.

Li Jing waved his hand: "It's useless to send cavalry in the terrain of Manjijia. As for the leader of the army, I have already thought about it. Let Liu Hong go. I have already agreed with Liu Hong to let him stay in Manjijia for a few years. , When he retires, give him another grade."

Gao Qi nodded, sighed softly, and said, "Old Liu is a good fighter in war, but unfortunately he is too old to go to the front line. However, he is a suitable candidate for the garrisons."

Li Jing said with a smile: "Actually, I chose Lao Liu to come to Manasaka because of his age. He is old and stable. Only when he sits in Manasaka can I be at ease. If Chen Dahu and Liu Erlen are like that , I have to worry about it all day."

Everyone laughed lightly when they heard the words.

After laughing for a while, Li Jing said: "These things will basically be over after the year, do you have anything to add?"

Shen Zheng smiled and said: "There is nothing about the next year. I have something to tell you about this year's New Year."

"Let's listen to it." Li Jing said with a smile.

Shen Zheng smiled and said: "That's right, some ministers in the DPRK hope to hold a celebration during the Chinese New Year this year."

"Have a celebration? What are you celebrating?" Li Jingqi asked.

Shen Zheng smiled and said: "All the ministers said that now the rogue bandits have been calmed down, Liaodong is also stable, and even North Korea will soon be merged into the territory of the Ming Dynasty. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty has never been as powerful as it is today. This kind of situation is all due to the leadership of the commander in chief, everyone means that they want to pay respects to the commander in chief during the Chinese New Year."

Li Jingwen said with a smile: "Show respect to me? Hehe, it is not my fault that Daming is where it is today, so this..."

Suddenly Li Jing found that everyone including Zhu Youjian was staring at him intently. Li Jing's heart moved, and he suddenly smiled and said: "Have you all discussed it? How about it? It's okay to pay respect to me. It's better to celebrate It's possible, but don't make too much of it. After all, the national treasury is not very abundant, so try to save as much as possible.

Well... I think everyone can go to the table to congratulate the emperor. The emperor has worked hard for ZTE Daming these years. Daming's achievements today are inseparable from the emperor's efforts. I think everyone should congratulate the emperor.In addition, the emperor is the example of all the people of the Ming Dynasty, and the supreme head of the Ming Dynasty, so the emperor must preside over this ceremony. "

"Brother Li, it's all thanks to Brother Li's merits that the Ming Dynasty is today. It's the right thing for all the officials to pay respects to Brother Li. As for the celebration, of course, Brother Li, you must preside over it." Zhu Youjian said hastily.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Where should I preside over the emperor? Moreover, the national ceremony is the emperor's duty. Although Li Jing is arrogant, he will not ignore the law and etiquette.

By the way, Your Majesty, I suggest that you take all the officials to the Temple of Heaven to worship the heaven and the earth. The Guozijian sacrificial wine Kong Zhenyun is very talented in writing, let him write a sacrificial article with some thought. "

"Brother Li..." Zhu Youjian's heart was agitated when he heard the words.

Li Jing patted Zhu Youjian's hand with a smile and said: "Your Majesty, what Li Jing said was from the bottom of his heart. Without the full support of the Emperor, Li Jing would not have been able to implement the New Deal smoothly, and the Ming Dynasty can have today. The Emperor has contributed a lot. The courtiers may not know, but Li Jing knows it in his heart."

Turning his head to look at Shen Zheng, Li Jing continued: "Hundreds of officials congratulate, the emperor must give a banquet, the palace is not very rich now, father-in-law, you can find Ying'er after you go back, and I will pay the money for the emperor."

"How can I get Brother Li to pay for me on my behalf? Mr. Shen, in the past two years, Mr. Lai Xingguo has funded and supported him, and the family has become much richer than in previous years. I can still afford this money." Zhu Youjian busy road.

"This..." Shen Zheng looked at Li Jing and then at Zhu Youjian, not knowing what to do for a while.

Li Jing smiled and said, "Father-in-law, the emperor's father-in-law is responsible for giving the banquet, so don't worry about it."

Turning his head to look at Wang Chengen, Li Jing continued: "How about this, Eunuch Wang, you report to me how much you spent, and I will pay half of it with the emperor. Several properties of the emperor are just in their infancy, so I can save some money for the emperor. Above the factory, when the emperor makes a fortune in the future, we will spend the emperor's money."

Zhu Youjian sighed softly and said: "Brother Li, you have to think about every detail, even Iron Man can't stand it, you are still sick and working so hard, when can you take a good rest?" !"

Li Jing smiled and said, "I'll rest after explaining things."

At this moment, Li Xiang came in with a bowl and said, "Master, it's time to take some medicine."

Zhu Youjian stood up and took the medicine bowl: "I'm here to serve Brother Li with the medicine."

"This...this...Master, servant..." Li Xiang jumped and said incoherently.

Li Jing smiled wryly at Zhu Youjian: "Your Majesty, you are trying to scare people!"

Zhu Youjian waved his hand: "Brother Li has worked hard for Daming and fell ill. I serve Brother Li with medicine, which is exactly what I should do. Come, Brother Li, please take medicine."

As he spoke, he blew on the medicine bowl, and then handed the medicine bowl to Li Jing's mouth. Li Jing had no choice but to open his mouth and drink it all in one gulp.

After taking a few breaths, Li Jing smiled wryly and said, "I'm really tired, father-in-law, you call the emperor to rest in the front hall, Xiang'er, tell Xiao Zhu to arrange meals. I'll rest for a while, and I will accompany the emperor later." meal."

"Don't worry, this stall is so particular." Zhu Youjian said hurriedly.

Speaking of taking off the pillow behind Li Jing, helping Li Jing to lie down, and tucking Li Jing's quilt, Zhu Youjian waved for everyone to go out.

Not long after Zhu Youjian and others went out, Li Jing fell asleep soundly.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Jing woke up suddenly, looked around, but saw that the room was pitch black, but it was night.

(End of this chapter)

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