Chapter 564

"Come on!" Li Jing shouted as he sat up.

As soon as Li Jing finished speaking, Xiao Jiu entered the bedroom with a candlestick in his hand: "Marshal, are you awake?"

Li Jingjing nodded, and asked in a deep voice, "Where are the emperor and your lords?"

Xiao Jiu said: "The emperor and all the adults have returned to Beijing."

"Ah? Back to Beijing? Why are you leaving in such a hurry?" Li Jing asked.

Xiao Jiu said: "The emperor told all the adults that if they are here, the commander-in-chief will not be able to rest at all, and there are many things in Beijing waiting for them to deal with, so after the meal, the emperor and all the adults will go back to Beijing."

Li Jing nodded silently when he heard the words, and after a while he said: "When the emperor and all the lords left, what else did they say?"

Xiao Jiu shook her head: "I didn't say anything, I just told us to take good care of the commander-in-chief so that he could rest well. By the way, when the emperor left, he left the imperial chariot to the commander-in-chief, saying that he would take it when he returned to Beijing."

"Then what will the emperor take to return to Beijing?" Li Jing asked.

"The emperor takes Lord Shen's car, and Lord Shen and Lord Yang ride in the same car." Xiao Jiu said.

Li Jing nodded silently and sighed softly.

The so-called reciprocation, Li Jing gave Zhu Youjian such a great honor, of course Zhu Youjian had to express it.It's just that Zhu Youjian didn't understand that Li Jing didn't really care about those false names.

In addition, what Li Jing said at the time was indeed true. Without Zhu Youjian's support, Li Jing's New Deal could not have been implemented so smoothly.

Because the Zhu family has ruled Ming Dynasty for many years, in the hearts of officials and common people, the emperor is irreplaceable, and Zhu Youjian's prestige is far from comparable to that of Li Jing.

Moreover, in Li Jing's view, Zhu Youjian really wanted to rejuvenate Daming. After seeing that Daming's situation gradually improved, Zhu Youjian completely gave up the idea of ​​regaining power.

Perhaps as an emperor Zhu Youjian may not be qualified, but as a descendant of the Zhu family, in order to keep the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youjian is undoubtedly competent.

It is precisely because Li Jing saw Zhu Youjian's dedication that he wanted to reward him. The reward Li Jing gave Zhu Youjian was glory, as the glory of the former supreme ruler of Ming Dynasty: praised by hundreds of officials and admired by all people.

Lifting the quilt, Li Jing got up and went to the ground.

Xiao Jiu was shocked when she saw this: "Marshal, what are you going to do, do you want to relieve yourself? I'll bring you a chamber pot."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Get some clothes, I'll move around on the ground, if I lie down like this again, my body will become stiff."

"Marshal, you are still in good health, don't catch cold again." Xiao Jiu hurriedly said.

Li Jing smiled, stretched his waist, and broadened his chest, and then said: "It's okay, add more clothes, I want to take a walk outside."

Xiao Jiu smiled wryly: "We are now living in the abandoned command and guard post of Tianjin Wei. It is not as lively as outside the city, and it is now in the middle of the night. What is there to see?"

Li Jing said with a smile: "You don't understand, it's because there's nothing to see here that it's worth watching. If it's as lively as outside the city, then what should I watch?"

Seeing Xiaojiu's puzzled face, Li Jing smiled and said, "There are three guards in Tianjin, which were established during the Yongle period. They are Tianjin Wei, Tianjin Zuowei and Tianjin Youwei. Because Tianjin is adjacent to the sea in the east, the river in the west, Caosu in the south, and Shangdu in the north, it is really a key place.

Originally, the former emperors wanted to build Tianjin into an important military town, but since the establishment of the guard, there has been almost no war here, so the military equipment has been relaxed. In addition, most of the guard troops are scattered in various places, making the guard ineffective.

However, since Tianjin was a transit point for water transport to Beijing, and the Changlu Salt Field was also built here, it attracted a large number of grain merchants and salt merchants. The presence of these merchants transformed Tianjin from an important military town into a commercial city.

In the second year of Tianqi, Li Banghua served as the governor of Tianjin. After he took office, he inspected the city of Tianjin and said: "The merchants outside the city converge, and the side is filled, but the roof tiles in the city are depressed, and half of them are Artemisia." 'It can be seen how deserted Tianjin Wei is. "

After a pause, Li Jing smiled and said: "Since Tianjin Guard has lost its military role, it is better to demolish the military barracks in the city and make room for commercial use. I want to go out and have a look. There are still buildings and facilities here. There is no need to keep it."

"But now it's midnight, it's dark, and I can't see anything!" Xiao Jiu smiled wryly.

Li Jing smiled and said: "I couldn't see anything at first, but it snowed the day before yesterday, and the snow can reflect light, so I can see things. In addition, I am not walking around. There is a tower at the gate of the city." Well, it is condescending there, and it is clear at a glance, let's go to the tower to have a look."

"Marshal, can't you take a rest?" Xiao Jiu sighed.

Li Jing said with a smile: "I've been lying down for a whole day, isn't this considered a rest? Going out for a walk and being active is still good. Go quickly and bring me my clothes."

Xiao Jiu sighed and muttered something, but still brought clothes for Li Jing, helped Li Jing put them on, put on a cloak and hat for Li Jing, and then went out to greet several guards to light a few lamps Dead wind lamp lighting leads the way.

Although Tianjin Wei is a guard, it is actually a small city, located in the southwest of the mouth of the Sancha River where the north-south canal meets.

(Note: The calculation of the length in the Ming Dynasty is very complicated and needs to be converted. One mile is equal to 150 feet, which is equal to three hundred steps, one step is equal to five feet, and one foot is equal to ten feet.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were three kinds of rulers, one was the building ruler, the other was the tailoring ruler, and the third was the ground measuring ruler. The lengths of these three rulers were different.

According to "Lv Lu Jingyi" (written by Zhu Zaiyu, the son of the Ming Dynasty), the banknote ruler (that is, the tailor ruler) is aligned with the outer edge of the Daming banknote paper, and the curved ruler (ie, the construction ruler) is aligned with the ink edge of the treasure banknote. The ruler (that is, the ruler for measuring the ground) is longer than the ink side of the banknote and shorter than the paper side, which is nine inches and six minutes (nine point six tenths) of the tailor's foot.


One step is equal to five feet, and this ruler should be a ground measuring ruler, that is to say, one step will be about 1.6 meters four tomorrow.From this, we know that one mile should be about 490 meters. )
Tianjin Acropolis is less than three miles long and about two miles wide, equivalent to the size of a small county.There are four gates, and each gate has a tower.Li Jing came out of his residence, walked not far, and came to the city gate.

Looking at the city tower that had been in disrepair for a long time, Li Jing sighed lightly, spending so much money to build such a strong military fortress, it was just abandoned.

Slowly climbing up the tower, Li Jing looked around, only to see a vast expanse of whiteness in the distance, lifeless.

After watching for a while, Li Jing sighed lightly.

"Marshal, I said I couldn't see anything in the middle of the night, but you didn't listen." Xiao Jiu laughed.

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "That's because you didn't pay attention to it."

"I looked at it carefully, but I couldn't see anything!" Xiao Jiu said hurriedly.

Li Jing turned around and nodded Xiao Jiu's head with a smile, "That's because you didn't put anything here."

"Then tell me, what did you see?" Xiao Jiu smiled.

Li Jing raised his finger and pointed to the front and said: "This place is called Sanchakou. It is the intersection of the North-South Canal and the Gu River. The place in front is the wharf. The benefits of water transportation here are unparalleled. Most of the materials in the south are transferred from here to the capital. Because of the excellent location, it has attracted many merchants to gather here. But the best part of such a good place is deserted, isn’t this a prodigal?”

With that said, Li Jing turned around and pointed to the city.

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "If a batch of shops and warehouses are built in the city, then those merchants will definitely rush to buy them, and building shops in the city will be easier to manage."

"Marshal, since you have this idea, why didn't you tell them when Mr. Shen was here today?" Xiao Jiu asked suspiciously.

Li Jing smiled and said: "I just came up with this idea, and I don't know if it's feasible. How can I make a decision easily? What I'm saying now, the people below will take it as the most important thing to do. If I don't think carefully It will be too late when the people below finish their work and find out that my decision was wrong. Therefore, I must think carefully before explaining things.”

Xiao Jiu nodded lightly when she heard the words: "No wonder you are so tired every day."

Li Jing waved his hand and looked around again, as if he was estimating the distance. After a while, he waved to Xiao Jiu and the others: "Go back."

Back at the residence, Li Jing spread the paper and ground it, then picked up a pen and drew a sketch on the paper.

Seeing Li Jing drawing horizontally and vertically on the paper, Xiao Jiu smiled and said, "Marshal, what are you drawing?"

Li Jing stopped writing, pointed to the sketch on the paper and said with a smile: "This is our current city. There are four gates on all sides, and the square in the middle is where we are staying. I divided the whole city into four areas. These The horizontal line is the road, and the squares on both sides of the road are the store warehouses."

"Oh." Xiao Jiu was suddenly taken aback.

After a while, Li Jing finished the sketch, rubbed his hands together and said, "Go to the back and find something to eat. I'm a little hungry. You and those brothers have been on duty all night outside. You must be hungry too. Get some more." Come, let's eat together."

At this moment, Xiaozhu and Li Xiang pushed the door in with food boxes: "Master, everything is ready. I just came over to see the master. I don't want the guards to say that the master has gone out. I guess the master has not eaten for a long time." I must be hungry, so I prepared a meal for the master."

"Hehe, you're still careful, come here and sit down. I've worked hard for you these two days." Li Jing said with a smile.

"My concubine should serve the master. Speaking of the master's illness this time, it's because I didn't take good care of him. After returning home, I don't know how to explain to my wife." Xiao Zhu sighed softly.

Li Jing waved his hand: "It's none of your business, it's because I didn't pay attention. If Madam blames me after I go back, I'll explain it for you."

Xiao Zhu shook his head lightly: "In short, the concubine didn't take good care of me."

(End of this chapter)

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