Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 565 Material Transfer Center

Chapter 565 Material Transfer Center
Seeing Xiao Zhu's face was flushed from the cold, Li Jing felt compassion in his heart, and waved to Xiao Zhu: "It's so late, and I have to trouble you to cook for me. If I don't take good care of this, how can I take care of it? Come on, I'll cover your hands for you."

Xiaozhu gave Li Jing a white look: "In front of the children, you are not afraid of the children's jokes."

Li Jing smiled and said, "What are you laughing at? They are all family members."

Xiaozhu smiled, turned around and took the food box from Li Xiang's hand, opened it, and put it on the desk: "Master, eat it while it's hot."

Li Jing smiled, took out the food from the food box, and said to Xiao Jiu: "Go and call your brothers in, let's eat together."

"Leave us alone, you eat yours." Xiao Jiu smiled.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "There are so many people eating and having fun, call here quickly."

Xiao Jiu had no choice but to call in several guards on duty outside the door.

The few people ate very quickly, and they ate all the food in the food box like a storm.

Rubbing his stomach, Li Jing laughed and said, "Shu Tan, that's called eating. Back then, Chen Dahu, Liu Erleng and I ate like this. Later, when I became an official, I became more particular. As it gets bigger and bigger, this meal becomes more and more unpleasant."

He pointed to Xiao Zhu and said, "Even at home, seeing you all eating in a refined manner, I am too embarrassed to eat so fast."

Xiaozhu smiled and said: "Master, you are now the chief assistant of Daming, eating like this is not a joke when people see it."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Yes, you have to pay attention to your image when eating with outsiders. However, I was born as a soldier, so I feel happy eating like this."

He waved his hand and ordered Li Xiang to remove the dishes.After a while, Li Xiang came in with tea, and Li Jing took the teapot, poured a cup of tea for everyone, and said, "Come with me for a cup of tea, and I'll tell you something."

"Commander, please tell me." All the guards hurriedly stood up and said.

Li Jing raised his hand and pressed it falsely: "What about you, I brought you up, and you have been by my side for a while, I plan to let you go out to practice and experience, I wonder how you will do it?"

Hearing this, Xiao Jiu said urgently: "Why are you still releasing them? Last year you released a group of guards. If you release these people again, you will have no caring people around you."

Li Jing sighed and said, "It is precisely because you are my caring people that I want to let you out, because I have too few people available below me now."

"I heard from Brother Zhang and Brother Wen, aren't you going to open Enke this year? Isn't there someone who can use it then?" Xiao Jiu asked hurriedly.

Li Jing shook his head: "In some positions, those people cannot be used, such as collecting taxes. Using those people, it is not bad to collect 1% of the tax. You can see this by looking at Chen Dahu and Liu Erleng. They let the soldiers Going down to collect taxes, all people are treated equally, so the provinces they manage collect more taxes. But other provinces, especially places where literati serve as local officials, cannot collect taxes. There are [-] reasons dragging you."

"Then let's arrange for the soldiers to go down to collect taxes, can't we?" Xiao Jiu hurriedly said.

Li Jing shook his head: "That's not the case. What's the point of a soldier going down to collect taxes? Is that the way to govern the country? The key is not who goes down to collect taxes, but who catches them. As long as the chief officer is serious, the people below will naturally Just follow it seriously."

"Marshal, aren't you going to put us down to collect taxes?" a guard said.

Li Jing said with a smile: "It's not that I put you down to collect taxes, but that you go down to collect taxes. I plan to take the taxation out of the hands of the local officials and put it directly under the jurisdiction of the household department."

"But we haven't done this job before." A guard said.

Li Jing smiled and said: "You haven't done it before, haven't you seen it? You know the regulations I made, right? As long as you follow the regulations, you will be fine."

Smiling, Li Jing continued, "However, I don't intend to send you guys to other places. I just want to arrange you here."

"Here, Tianjin Wei?" Xiao Jiuqi asked.

"Yes, it's Tianjin Wei." Li Jing nodded heavily.

Picking up the sketch from the table, Li Jing continued: "I plan to turn Tianjin Wei into a material transfer center for Daming. By then, there will be countless merchants and countless supplies here. Let's count as 50 merchants." , even if each merchant conducts a transaction of [-] taels of silver a day, that family will have a tax of [-] taels of silver, how much do you calculate for a year?"

"Five taels for a family, 500 taels a day for a family of five hundred, 5000 taels a month, 90 taels a year!" Xiao Jiu exclaimed.

Li Jing smiled and said: "I'm still making the lowest estimate. As this place becomes more and more prosperous, the annual tax revenue will be far more than 90. Therefore, you have to keep an eye on this tax money."

"But there's nothing here yet, you won't let us settle here now, will you?" said a guard.

Li Jing smiled and said: "Of course you won't be allowed to settle here now, but you have never been exposed to this kind of work before, don't you want to study? After the next year, the four of you will go to the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, and then report to the Ministry of Housing and concentrate on studying." knowledge in these areas.

Guan Ping, among these brothers, you are the eldest and their captain. You must set an example, and you will be responsible for the taxation work here. "

"Resign to the Military and Political Department? Does that mean we will no longer be soldiers?" Several guards exclaimed.

Li Jing smiled and said: "Yes, if you transfer to a local area to work, of course you can't be a soldier. As for your rank, I will let Zhou Hengchen personally arrange for you.

You are my bodyguards, if you go down to do things, I will never treat you badly, at least you have to be a seventh-rank title.When each of you can stand alone, I will promote and reuse you. I hope you will not live up to my expectations. "

Hearing that Li Jing even had a grade, several guards knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion. They looked at each other and knelt down in front of Li Jing: "Don't worry, Commander, the child must work hard and live up to your old man's entrustment." .”

"Good boy, get up, get up, sit down and talk, I still have a few words to tell you." Li Jing raised his hand and said.

"Please tell me, Commander," Guan Ping said hastily.

Li Jing continued: "When you go down to do things, the book office, the account bookkeeper, and the subordinates who handle errands are indispensable. I won't arrange people for you. You decide for yourself, but you must grasp the character."

"This..." Guan Ping and the others became confused for a moment.

Xiaozhu smiled and said: "Silly boy, this is the grace your father gave you. You must know that you are no longer orphans. You all have families now. Don't you have three relatives? Among these people It’s not like there are no ones who can come out to do things, as long as the character is good, you can use it.”

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "All along, you have done a good job. You are my bodyguards. No matter where you go, others will give you a little favor. There is no problem in arranging a few people to go on errands.

But you have always abided by your duties and have never done anything beyond the standard.very good!
But I guess you probably complained a lot at home. It’s true that you don’t shy away from relatives if you raise them inside. If there’s something available, you can make arrangements. "

"Master!" Several guards shouted.

Li Jing waved his hand: "Don't act like a child. I am also a person with a family. I don't know what's going on at home? I didn't solve these problems for you before because you are immature and afraid that your family will take advantage of you." To do something illegal.

Now that you have experienced the world, you should be able to grasp the propriety.Who should use it and who should not use it, I must have a good idea.

Alright, let's all go back and rest! "

"Yes! Marshal." All the guards hurriedly said.

After all the guards retreated, Li Jing sighed softly: "The children have grown up, and they are no longer those ignorant and ignorant children! Time makes people old!"

"Marshal, you are only 37 years old after this year, how can you say you are old?" Xiao Jiu laughed.

Li Jing smiled and shook his head: "You guys forced me to grow old. That's fine, you should go back and rest too. You've been exhausted for the past two days."

"My child is not tired." Xiao Jiu said hurriedly.

Li Jing glared at him: "You're not hardcore. You didn't sleep all night last night. If you stay up all night, you'll still be refreshed tomorrow? Go! Go back and rest!"

"Then... alright." Xiao Jiu had no choice but to leave the room.

Looking at Xiaozhu and Li Xiang, Li Jing said again: "You don't have to stay with me anymore, you all go back to rest."

"My concubine will serve the master to rest first." Xiao Zhu hurriedly said.

Li Jing shook his head: "I've slept for so long, I'm not sleepy! Go back and rest, I'll read a book for a while."

Xiaozhu sighed softly, went to Li Jing's bed and took the book Li Jingchang read and handed it to Li Jing: "Master, you can't do it all the time, your health is not good yet."

Li Jing smiled: "Books can calm the mind, and reading is actually a rest for me."

Xiaozhu nodded, and waved to Li Xiang, Li Xiang understood, added a few pieces of charcoal to the brazier, took two candlesticks to light the candles, and put them beside the table.

After Li Xiang finished, Xiaozhu bowed to Li Jingfu: "Master, don't read for too long."

Li Jing waved his hand.

Xiaozhu took Li Xiang out of the house, took two steps, and suddenly saw Li Jing's sketch on the table, Xiaozhu's heart moved, stopped and said: "Master, just now I heard that Master told the children that Master wants to build this place. As Daming's material distribution center, can our family's business also be moved here?"

"Oh?" Li Jingwen put down the book and said, "Our business? It seems that our business can't compete with this place, right?"

"Of course we can get on top, not just on top. As a concubine, my family's business here is still promising, or without our family's support, I'm afraid it won't be as good as the master expected." Xiaozhu laughed.

"Oh? Come and listen. Come, come and sit. That...Xiang'er, move the brazier to Madam's feet." Li Jing said hurriedly.

Taking Xiao Zhu to sit down, Li Jing took his cloak and put it on Xiao Zhu's shoulders, then sat down beside Xiao Zhu with a smile and said, "Tell me what you think."

(End of this chapter)

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