Chapter 574
Li Jing raised the cup in his hand and said, "Make a foot under the cup, and a base under it."

He gestured with his fingers, and seeing that Zhu Youjian understood, Li Jing just put the cup down.

Zhu Youjian thought for a while and said: "Brother Li, I'm afraid it's not easy to make such a cup. If it's just for looking good, you can make a few, but if it's just for the convenience of drinking, I don't think it's necessary."

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "It's not for looking good, it's for wine tasting. Your Majesty, wine is different from other wines. The baijiu we drink should be warmed before drinking. It's good for people, but wine must never be warmed. Even the slightest bit of heat changes the flavor of the wine.

The cups we use now must be held by hand, but in this way, the temperature from our hands will be transferred to the wine through the cup, which will change the taste of the wine.But with this foot, when we drink, we just need to pinch this foot, so that the heat will not be transferred to the wine. "

"So that's the case. Brother Li does have research on wine." Zhu Youjian nodded after hearing this.

Li Jing smiled, of course he wouldn't be free to study how to drink wine, if he was idle like that, Li Jing wouldn't be so thin.

The reason why Li Jing knew how to drink wine with a goblet was because he occasionally performed some special tasks in modern times and needed to go to some elegant occasions, so he had undergone some professional training on how to drink wine and use a goblet. cup.

You know, if you can't even hold a goblet on an elegant occasion, it will definitely arouse others' attention, and may even arouse others' suspicion.

If the performance of a special task arouses the attention of others, or even arouses suspicion, can the task still be completed?

It was the training during that period that gave Li Jing a good understanding of wine and the difference between wine, liquor and other alcoholic beverages.

Waving his hand, Li Jing smiled and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry about it. This kind of goblet is definitely not easy to produce, but the harder it is to produce, the higher its price. Of course, this kind of wine glass is not for ordinary people. We want to earn the money of those rich people, especially foreign nobles.

Hehe, the emperor may not know that the nobles in those western countries are more ostentatious than our high-ranking officials in Ming Dynasty. This kind of goblet will definitely match what they like. If we don't earn their money, wouldn't we be sorry for them? "

"Hahaha, what brother Li said is right!" Zhu Youjian laughed.

Li Jing smiled and said: "Now the emperor has a porcelain factory, a glass factory, a watch factory, and this winery, so there are four factories. After we get rid of the barbarians in the South China Sea and open up trade with them, The emperor must be rich."

"Hey, it's up to Brother Li whether you can make money or not." Zhu Youjian laughed.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "I can handle foreign trade for you, but you have to rely on yourself in terms of production, but you are the emperor after all, so you should not come forward in person for some things. Cheng En is old, with so many industries, relying on He certainly can't take care of it by himself, and you can find a few people to help you manage the factory."

"This..." Zhu Youjian pondered for a while and said, "Brother Li, I'm surrounded by servants who don't know much about these things. You should help me find the manpower for management."

Li Jing smiled, took a deep look at Zhu Youjian, nodded slightly and said, "Alright, let me find some people for you."

Shaking his head, Li Jing smiled lightly and said, "Oh, my mouth is full of copper stink. After hearing what we said, why don't you laugh at us, a pair of monarchs and ministers!"

Zhu Youjian smiled and said: "Actually, I admire Brother Li more and more. The things Brother Li said seem to have nothing to do with governing the country, but they actually start from the subtleties. With the development of this idea, after a few years, the country will definitely be rich."

Li Jing waved his hand, picked up the wine glass and pointed at Zhu Youjian, then took a sip, put down the wine glass, Li Jing said: "Tell me about Li Zong, the emperor has seen him?"

Zhu Youjian took a sip of wine and said, "I've seen it."

Li Jingxiao asked, "How did Li Zong react?"

Zhu Youjian smiled: "How should I put it, in a word, I am grateful!"

"Hehe, that's good. In this case, we have to speed up our movements." Li Jing laughed.

Turning his head, Li Jing said to Xiao Jiu: "Xiao Jiu, order someone to go to Liaodong tomorrow and tell Huang Taiji to let Yue Tuo come to Beijing immediately after the Spring Festival. I want to see him."

Zhu Youjian sighed and said, "Brother Li, don't you take a break during the Chinese New Year? Let's do these things after the next year!"

Li Jing smiled and said: "If I don't explain these things clearly, how can I celebrate the New Year with peace of mind? Well, let's not talk about these annoying things, drink, drink."

"Brother Li, please." Zhu Youjian was overjoyed and raised his glass with a smile.


Chongzhen Ten Years Spring Festival.

Early in the morning of this day, the people in the capital suddenly found an army coming in from outside the city. This army was completely different from the original imperial army. They were wearing civilian clothes, and what these people were holding were not spears, but rifles, and some of them carried cannon barrels on their backs.

This army marched in a tidy pace, mighty and mighty towards the Temple of Heaven, attracting a large number of ordinary people to watch.

"It's Ji Shijun." A young man said excitedly.

"Ji Shi Army? Why did the Ji Shi Army enter the city?" Someone asked in confusion.

"I heard that the emperor wants to worship heaven and earth and the Taimiao with Duke Xingguo. This army is used as a guard of honor." A man dressed as a literati said.

"A guard of honor? Why don't you fly a banner?" Someone asked next to him.

A middle-aged man twitched his lips and said: "There is a fart for playing banners and flags. Look at the spirit of this group of people. Do you use banners and banners?"

The person next to him nodded and said: "Don't say it, the spirit of this group of people is much stronger than those big men and generals. It can be seen that they have fought and killed people."

"I heard that the Ji Shi army is the private soldier of Xing Guogong, and Xing Guogong started his fortune with this army." The young man whispered.

The literati next to him was startled when he heard this, and hurriedly covered his mouth: "Don't talk nonsense, be careful to let people listen to you. Now the Jishi Army is already an army of the imperial court, aren't you saying this to die!"

"Mr. Xingguo doesn't seem to be as scary as you said. I met him during the Lantern Festival last year. He is a very talkative person and has no airs at all." The old man said.

"Yes, the decrees promulgated by Duke Xingguo are all for the benefit of the common people. Although the tax collection is a bit harsh, but after paying the tax, no other money will be collected. Compared with before, I feel that the burden is still lightened." The young man said.

"Stop talking, look ahead, it seems that the emperor is coming." One person said.

The literati continued: "Yes, it's the emperor's guard of honor, and the one in yellow in front is the emperor."

"Which one is Xing Guogong?" The young man asked anxiously.

"The one next to the emperor is the one wearing the golden python robe and the jade belt around the waist." The literati said.

"Why do I see that the python robe is similar to the emperor's dragon robe!" the young man asked.

The literati laughed and said: "The five claws are dragons, the four claws are pythons, and the python robe has one claw less. It looks similar from a distance. The python robe is not an official official uniform, but a gift from the emperor. Only Duke Xingguo can wear it in this dynasty." boa robe.

Have you seen those first-rank and second-rank officials behind the emperor?They can only wear the first-class flying fish suits, and then only the bullfighting suits, which are bestowed by the emperor. "

"Isn't the emperor going to sacrifice to heaven today? Why don't they wear sacrificial clothes?" the young man wondered.

The literati said with a smile: "You don't understand, the emperor's sacrifice to the sky this time is different from the previous sacrifices to the heaven. Today is a celebration. Look at the expression on the emperor's face today, and the expression on the emperor's sacrifice to the sky before."

"In the past, offering sacrifices to heaven was like dying a father, but today I am very happy." The young man laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense, is this nonsense?" the literati scolded.

Hearing this, the young man stuck out his tongue, looked around, and was relieved to see that no one was paying attention to him.

After a while, the young man suddenly said in surprise: "Ah, the emperor and Xing Guogong are so young, they seem to be only a few years older than me."

Nawen said humanely: "The emperor is only 28 years old this year, and Duke Xingguo is older!"

At this time, the old man next to him sighed and said, "Xing Guogong is much older than when I saw it during the Lantern Festival this year."

"I heard that Duke Xingguo was ill a few days ago, and he is not in good health yet," said the middle-aged man.

The old man was startled, and then sighed: "I hope God will bless the Duke of the country to live a long life, and we will have a good life with his old man."

"Okay, stop talking, they are going to start offering sacrifices to heaven." The literati hurriedly said.

Then I saw an official holding a piece of paper, walking to the front of the Temple of Heaven, and chanting loudly. When the official finished chanting, the emperor stepped forward, took out a piece of paper and chanted.

"What are they reading? Why can't I understand a word." The young man asked in a low voice.

The literati replied softly: "The chanting is a sacrificial oration. The official in front is Yuan Shu, Minister of the Ministry of Rites. The country's external troubles and internal troubles, and then said that after Daming had Xing Guogong, Daming eliminated foreign troubles, quelled internal strife, and the situation of Daming improved greatly, thank God for giving Daming Xing Guogong such a hero."

"Huh? It seems that there is nothing wrong with the emperor. What does the emperor mean by reading this sacrificial oration?" the young man wondered.

The literati chuckled and said: "Hehe, you must know that Daming is the Emperor's Daming. The appearance of someone like Xing Guogong shows that the Emperor is wise and powerful, and that our Daming is blessed by heaven. Come and read it. If someone else reads it, they will flatter Duke Xingguo and have bad intentions."

"Oh! That's right! Will Duke Xing also read sacrificial orations?" the young man asked again.

"No, if Duke Xingguo also recited the sacrificial oration, it would be overwhelming." The literati laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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