Chapter 575
The young man looked at the literati and said enviously, "You know so much!"

The literati shook his head, sighed softly, and said, "What do I know, Duke Xingguo knows a lot!"

At this moment, they heard a bang in the distance, everyone was shocked and hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound.

In the distance, the sky was filled with gunpowder smoke, and a group of artillerymen lined up on the ground, with their muzzles facing the sky, and one of the muzzles was still emitting gunpowder smoke.

Just when everyone was in a daze, another cannon shot, and then the cannons rang non-stop, and it took a full 81 shots before it stopped.

Amidst the sound of the cannons, the emperor led a group of officials to kneel down in front of the Temple of Heaven, bowing three times and knocking down nine times. When the sound of the cannons stopped, the ceremony was completed.

After the sound of the cannon, the young man wondered: "What do you mean by firing the cannon just now? It almost scared me to death, I thought... thought..."

The literati said with a smile: "What do you think? This is a salute. It is used for celebrations. It only has sound and no projectiles. It was fired a total of 81 times just now. This is the number that can only be used for royal ceremonies."

"Oh!" the young man suddenly said.

Suddenly the young man pointed to the front and shouted: "Hey, the emperor and the others are gone!"

"Well, they still have to go to the Taimiao to worship their ancestors." The literati laughed.

"How do you know?" the young man wondered.

The literati smiled and said, "I'm a lowly official, and these arrangements were informed to us by the Master of the Ministry of Heaven the day before yesterday."

Looking at the young man, the literati continued with a smile: "Today, we are ordered by the Minister to go to the crowd to clear up the confusion of the people, so that the people don't get confused and panic."

"It turned out to be a gentleman." The young man hurriedly saluted.

The literati said with a smile: "What kind of official am I? I'm just the lowest official."

As soon as the literati finished speaking, a soldier separated from the crowd and came to him and said, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Fang Yizhi Fang?"

"The late student is Fang Yizhi, what's the matter, Mr. Jun?" the literati said with a bow.

The soldier hurriedly clasped his fists together and said, "I dare not be a military master. My humble job is to come to Mr. Yu at the order of Mr. Yu. Mr. Yu asked Mr. to attend the banquet in the palace at noon today. This is the badge for entering the palace. You take it away." .”

Fang Yizhi was taken aback when he heard the words: "Is it Mr. Yu, the imperial censor?"

The soldier smiled and said, "Yes."

"Why did Master Yu let me attend the banquet?" Fang Yizhi wondered.

The soldier said with a smile: "The humble job is just looking for you! How do you know these details?"

Fang Yizhi nodded, carefully took the waist badge and tied it around his waist.

In fact, the noon banquet in the imperial palace was mainly arranged for middle and low-level officials, that is, officials below the fourth rank.As for officials above the fourth rank, such as cabinet members, chief officials and deputies of various ministries, and important officials of important departments have evening banquets.

But even so, the other party is already extremely favored in terms of wisdom, because he is only the lowest-level official now, and he is not qualified to participate in such a banquet at all.

Fang Yizhi soon figured out why Yu Leting called him into the palace to attend the banquet. Li Jing must have mentioned him to Yu Leting, otherwise, how would Yu Leting know that he was there?

After dusting off his clothes and straightening his hat, Fang Yizhi hurriedly followed the soldiers towards the palace.

What Fang Yizhi didn't expect was that there were still many people like him in the palace, but most of them were from the Academy of Sciences. Although most of these people had no rank, Fang Yizhi knew that Li Jing valued these people very much .

For some of Li Jing's actions, Fang Yizhi is sometimes very confused. He is also a scholar, but Li Jing's attitude is completely different.

Let’s just talk about people from the Academy of Sciences. No matter what requirements they put forward, Li Jing will do his best to satisfy them. They really want money for money, people for people, things for things, and many of them have grades.

For example, Song Yingxing, the dean of the Academy of Sciences, is a second-ranker, and also serves as a deputy to the Ministry of Agriculture and Industry.

You must know that Song Yingxing is just a juren. He used to be an instructor in Fenyi County, Jiangxi Province, and he didn't even have a grade.Li Jing directly promoted him to the second rank. The speed of his promotion can only be described as reaching the sky in one step.

But Li Jing has a different attitude towards people like Donglin Party and Fushe.

Although that attitude can't be said to be abhorrent, it definitely doesn't take it seriously.Fang Yizhi knew that many talented people were deposed by Li Jing, and people with literary talents like Zhang Pu were demoted to Nanjing to take up idle positions.

Even so, Li Jing still didn't let them go. Fang Yizhi faintly heard the wind that Li Jing sent his cronies to investigate those people in Fushe.

Fang Yizhi really didn't understand how people like Fushe hated Li Jing.

Fang Yizhi was summoned by Li Jing once, and he talked with Li Jing for a long time. He could see that Li Jing was not the kind of person who would not listen to different opinions.Moreover, many of the governance ideas promoted by Fushe are very close to Li Jing's ideas, but Li Jing just doesn't like these people.

Seeing people from the Academy of Sciences chatting together in twos and threes, laughing cheerfully from time to time, and arguing loudly at times, Fang Yizhi suddenly understood that these people are the real scholars.

However, most of the people in the Fushe publicized their political opinions under the guise of learning.In particular, these people form cliques and gangs to attack people who have different political views from them.In other words, although the people in Fushe are scholars, most of the time they are not studying knowledge or practical learning.

Sighing softly, Fang Yizhi finally understood why Li Jing drove all the officials from Fushe out of the court.It's not that Li Jing can't tolerate different opinions, what Li Jing can't tolerate is that these people form cliques to seek power.From the perspective of those in power, Li Jing is the same as the emperors of all dynasties, and they cannot allow the people below to form cliques.

Think about Li Jingming knowing that he is a member of the Fushe and is the main backbone, but he still keeps himself simple. It is because he is really studying knowledge and learning practical knowledge, and he has not relied on cronies to seek power.

Thinking about this verse, Fang Yizhi's desire to speak for Zhang Pu and others suddenly faded away.

Under the guidance of the guards, Fang Yizhi found a corner and sat down, then poured a cup of tea and drank slowly.

Now that he wanted to understand why Li Jing treated Fushe like this, Fang Yizhi's heart suddenly became clear, and he could see Li Jing's style of doing things more clearly.

After Li Jing came to power, he initially purged the court with drastic means, not only purging corrupt officials, but also eliminating dissidents.After the overall situation stabilized, Li Jing's political methods tended to be milder, no longer relying on power to suppress political opponents, but to influence people through his own actions and character.

Fang Yizhi's analysis is good. Li Jing's governance style is indeed changing.

Li Jing knew very well that there were many people who opposed him, not to mention him, from ancient times to the present, even the most wise monarchs had people who opposed him.

But relying on arrest and killing cannot stop other people's opposition, and Li Jing knows this very well.

Li Jing's approach is to let those who oppose him understand him, let those who understand him support him, make those who support him loyal to him, and let those who are loyal to him defend him through his own actions.

Of course Li Jing can allow people to dislike him and oppose him, but Li Jing cannot allow others to hate him. If someone hates him, then Li Jing can only make those who hate him fear him.

Because if these people who hate him are not deterred, then these people will do some dangerous things if they are not in order.

In fact, there are many ministers in the imperial court who oppose Li Jing, but there are really few who really hate Li Jing.

This is because although Li Jing dealt with those officials who were corrupt and broke the law, he did not offend his family.

In the past, if something happened to an official, the whole family would be in trouble. The men were guarded on the border, and the women were sent to the Jiaofang Secretary.

Since Li Jing found out about the family members of Ma Wu and others who dealt with the criminals, Li Jing strictly ordered that the innocent family members of the criminals should not be punished. It is even more expressly forbidden to send the female relatives of prisoners to Jiaofang Division.

Now there are no family members of criminals in the Jiaofang Division. The family members of the criminals have been acquitted and sent back to their original places. Now most of the girls in the Jiaofang Division are girls from decent families, and they have a fixed monthly schedule. Silver is available.

Li Jing's approach undoubtedly won the support of all officials in the DPRK and China.Because many of these serving officials in the DPRK and China have intersected with criminals, or they are classmates, or friends, or relatives, or have acquaintances.Seeing that Li Jing did not punish the prisoner's family, they were too late to be grateful, so how could they hate Li Jing?

In addition, the reason why the officials didn't hate Li Jing was because Li Jing didn't hold on to his power. As long as the people below acted according to the rules, Li Jing would never intervene in matters within their scope of authority.This point is also much more enlightened than the emperors of all dynasties, and it is also much stronger than those powerful and famous ministers before.

Of course, because of different political views, there are some things they should oppose or oppose.

It's just that as long as they can't point out where Li Jing's administration is wrong, they must act in accordance with Li Jing's government orders.

In other words, objections are objections, and things still need to be done. If you don't do it with all your heart, you can only pack up and go home.

As for not being able to point out the mistakes and still messing around, taking it for granted, it is not as simple as packing up.After all, Li Jing was a soldier, so beating someone was absolutely unambiguous.

After Fang Yizhi drank a few cups of tea, he saw Zhu Youjian brought the officials of the Manchu Dynasty to the Huangji Hall (formerly known as Fengtian Hall, which was changed to Taihe Hall in the Qing Dynasty. Most of the banquets given by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty to officials were held here. Sometimes it is also held at the Meridian Gate).Seeing the emperor returning to the palace, the various departments immediately got busy.

The emperors of the Ming Dynasty paid much attention to the banquets. The banquets were divided into big banquets, medium banquets, regular banquets, and small banquets.Among them, the big banquet will only be held during important festivals and sacrificial ceremonies.

Holding a big banquet is very troublesome and involves several departments. For example, Guanglu Temple is responsible for the arrangement of the banquet and the supply of the banquet, and Honglu Temple is responsible for the ordering of the banquet attendees, moving tables and chairs, serving wine and soup, etc. For work, the Jiaofang Division arranges musicians and dancers to provide song and dance performances for the banquet, and the inner court agency Shangshan Supervisor and Sweets Room are responsible for the construction, etc.

In short, when a big banquet is held, there are more people serving the banquet than eating.You can imagine how much it costs to hold a big banquet.

After Zhu Youjian ascended the throne, apart from the big banquets held in the past two years, in recent years, due to the difficulty of the treasury, the military pay has not been sustainable, and the clothes he wears have to be patched. How can he hold a big banquet?

(End of this chapter)

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