Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 584 Yuetuo takes office

Chapter 584 Yuetuo takes office
After the Han Dynasty, there were three kingdoms, and the country became three colors. In the Jin Dynasty, the whole country was unified, and the national color was reunified. After the Jin Dynasty, dynasties changed frequently, and the national color of the country also began to change frequently.

Then the Sui Dynasty replaced the Northern Zhou Dynasty to unify the country. The Northern Zhou Dynasty belonged to wood, and wood made fire, so the Sui Dynasty was fire-virtuous and red.Fire gave birth to earth, and the Tang Dynasty that replaced the Sui Dynasty was Tude and Shanghuang.

After that, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms changed, and the Song Dynasty replaced the Later Zhou Dynasty. The Later Zhou Dynasty belonged to the virtue of wood, which favored green, and wood gave birth to fire. Therefore, the Song Dynasty was dominated by the virtue of fire and favored red.When the Yuan Dynasty replaced the Song Dynasty, the Mongols did not believe in the theory of the Five Elements, and the Five Virtues always said that they were officially dead.

The Red Scarf Army that Zhu Yuanzhang participated in recognized the Fire Virtue of the Song Dynasty, so the Ming Dynasty established by Zhu Yuanzhang followed suit by advocating the Fire Virtue and red, so the military uniforms of the Ming Dynasty were mainly red.

The last one who used the Five Virtues to talk about it was Yuan Shikai. Yuan Shikai was restored, he recognized the fire virtue of the Ming Dynasty, and determined that the country's national color was red. Unfortunately, Yuan Shikai's farce only ended after a few dozen days. After the end, the official has never determined the national color again. )
Since Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the Yuan Dynasty and expelled aliens, he did not need to rely on virtue to prove his legitimacy. Therefore, the determination of the Ming Dynasty’s virtue is no longer a top priority for the orthodoxy of the dynasty, and is no longer a solemn and solemn act. state behavior.

Because of this, Gao Qi dared to propose to change the color of the military uniform.

After listening to Gao Qi's suggestion, Li Jing nodded slightly.

Pointing to the dish with chopsticks: "Eat the vegetables, eat the vegetables, don't just talk."

After Gao Qi had a bite to eat, Li Jing continued: "The matter you're pondering is very reasonable. The uniforms of the troops should be differentiated, so that the soldiers of the high-ranking troops can have a sense of honor, and it can also mobilize the low-ranking soldiers to make progress. The enthusiasm, I think feasible.

Let me see it this way, you ask someone to come up with a detailed regulation, and then promulgate it, and you will form a custom in the future, what do you think? "

Gao Qi thought for a while and said: "This regulation is easy to implement. After the color of the military uniform is selected, I can draw it up immediately. But can it be promulgated later? This involves the issue of changing the uniform of the troops. Hundreds of thousands of sets Clothes cannot be made in a short while."

Li Jingjing nodded: "This is a problem, no matter how fast our garment factory can produce, it will take at least half a year to process 60 to [-] sets of military uniforms.

I think it can be done in batches. The first batch will be the military uniforms of the Jishi Army. The Jishi Army has only 5 people. The garment factory in Pingyang Prefecture and the Royal Garment Factory in Beijing started work at the same time, and they can be made in half a month.

As for the military uniforms of the Jishi Army, I think it is blue and black. This color looks thick and has a chilling air, which is in line with the identity of the Jishi Army.

The soldiers belong to the main battle force. I think green is used to look energetic. In addition, jungle warfare can also play a hidden role.

The auxiliary soldiers are mainly used for logistics and transportation support. They are made of khaki, which is close to the color of the land and can also serve as a cover.

The recruits should use gray. If they want to stand out, they have to train hard, which matches their uniforms very well.

By the way, the color of the navy should also be different. I think it is sky blue, and the sea and sky are the same color. You can tell it is the navy at a glance. "

"Great brother." Gao Qi stretched out his thumb and praised.

Li Jing smiled and shook his head.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said again: "The military uniforms of the gendarmes also need to be colored in a separate color. Use black to be unselfish. I think the number of gendarmes will also increase in this military expansion. Otherwise, with the existing The number of gendarmes may not be able to supervise so many troops, so you have to think about how many more gendarmes are appropriate."

"Okay, I'll do the calculation when I go back to see how much the increase is enough." Gao Qi nodded and said.

Li Jing thought for a while, then continued: "The quality of the gendarmerie must be strictly checked. From officers to soldiers, they must be carefully screened. It is better to lack than to overuse. Those cats and dogs are not allowed to enter! The mission of the gendarmerie is to fight Supervise the battle when you are free, and observe military discipline when you are free. If your own quality is not up to standard, how can you care about others?"

"Brother, don't worry, I won't recruit anyone with low character." Gao Qi said solemnly.

Li Jingjing nodded, picked up his wine glass and said with a smile: "Okay, the business is over, let's have a drink."

Gao Qi smiled and picked up the wine glass.

The two clinked their wine glasses and were about to drink when Xiao Jiu knocked on the door and said, "Report to Commander, Yue Tuo came to see him."

"Oh? So fast?" Li Jing was taken aback, then said, "Bring Yuetuo in."

Putting down the wine glass, Li Jing smiled and said to Gao Qi: "Let's see Yuetuo like this, let's examine this person's character first."

Gao Qi nodded with a smile.

After a while, Xiao Jiu brought Yue Tuo into the study.

Seeing the two drinking alcohol according to the case in the study, Yue Tuo couldn't help being stunned, Li Jing is too casual, isn't he?Why drink with guests in the study?

"You haven't come forward to meet the commander!" Xiao Jiu scolded, pointing at Li Jing.

Yue Tuo came to his senses when he heard the words, he hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and said: "Criminal Yue Tuo, kowtow to Duke Xingguo."

Li Jing pointed to Gao Qi and said, "This is General Gao."

Yue Tuo hurriedly turned to Gao Qi, kowtowed and said, "See General Gao."

Li Jing raised his hand and said: "General Yue Tuo, please stand up, Xiao Jiu, show the seat to General Yue Tuo."

Yue Tuo hurriedly said: "In front of the Duke and General Gao, there is no place for a guilty minister."

Li Jing smiled, turned his head to look at Gao Qi and said, "How is it? You know etiquette?"

Gao Qi nodded: "I understand the etiquette of our Han people very well."

Li Jing smiled and waved his hands and said, "General Yuetuo, please sit down. I don't like to talk about so many rules. You can see it when I drink with General Gao in the study."

"Thank you, Lord, the guilty minister can just stand." Yue Tuo said hurriedly.

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't call yourself a criminal minister. At that time, everyone is their own master. You are Huang Taiji's nephew and the general who leads the army. It is your duty to fight against me, Daming."

"Thank you, Lord Guo, for being enlightened." Yue Tuo clasped his fists hurriedly.

Li Jing smiled and said, "Is your uncle Huang Taiji okay?"

Yue Tuo hurriedly said: "Thank you, Grandpa, for your concern, my uncle is well."

Li Jing smiled and said: "This year, the emperor gave a banquet. I originally wanted to call your uncle to Beijing, but Liaodong was initially settled, and people's hearts were not stable. I was afraid that some people would have other ideas when calling your uncle to Beijing, so I didn't call." he."

Yue Tuo hurriedly said: "My uncle understands the thoughts of the Duke."

Li Jingjing nodded and said with a smile: "Although your uncle and I were rivals in the past, we can say that we understand each other very well. I think he can understand my thoughts."

Yue Tuo said: "My uncle said that the person he admires most in his life is the Duke."

Li Jing smiled and said: "I also admire your uncle very much. It is the greatest luck in my life to have an opponent like your uncle."

Yue Tuo said: "My uncle once said that the Duke of the Kingdom is a genius, and he is not your opponent."

Li Jing shook his head: "There are many factors for the success or failure of a war. He lost to me, but it doesn't mean that his command ability is inferior to mine. In terms of political skills, I can't compare to your uncle."

Yue Tuo said: "The Lord is humble, and my uncle admires the Lord's ability to govern. My uncle said that the Duke has only been in power for two years, and he reversed the decline of the Ming Dynasty, which is the rebirth of Zhuge Wuhou , but that's all."

Li Jing laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Comparing me to Zhuge Wuhou is flattering me. Li Jing still has this self-knowledge, how dare he compare himself with the sages."

Yue Tuo said: "My uncle also said that the Duke is approachable, far from being comparable to many sages."

Li Jing smiled: "I often hear that General Yue Tuo is resolute and courageous, capable of fighting well, and has great foresight in governing, but I don't want to be so eloquent.

Come and sit down, seeing you are busy and dusty, you must have not eaten yet, don't think my place is shabby, come and eat together, I have something to explain to you, let's chat while eating. "

"Don't dare, just ask the Duke if you have something to do, how dare the guilty minister sit and eat with the Duke." Yue Tuo said hurriedly.

Li Jing shook his head and said, "This is not quite like the famous General Yuetuo. Besides, if you stand like this, how can General Gao and I eat? Come and sit together."

Yue Tuo knew that if he postponed it, he would be ungrateful, so he bowed to Li Jing and Gao Qi immediately, took the chair from Xiaojiu, put it beside the desk, and sat down.

Li Jing smiled and ordered Xiao Jiu to fetch another pair of wine glasses and chopsticks.

Poured a glass of wine for Yue Tuo, Li Jing said: "Yue Tuo, now that North Korea is attached, I plan to establish a chief envoy in North Korea. This chief envoy must be Li Zong, and I plan to let you be the chief executive." Deputy envoy."

Yue Tuo was shocked when he heard the words, he hurriedly got up and said: "How can the sinful minister be so important to the Duke!"

Li Jing pressed the button with his hand and signaled Yue Tuo to sit down: "Yue Tuo, you are brave and good at fighting, and you are good at commanding. As a general, you are qualified. It is rare that you are also proficient in government affairs and have great insight into governance. I After much deliberation, it is most appropriate for you to be the deputy envoy."

"The Lord of the Kingdom thinks so much of the guilty minister, the guilty minister..." Yue Tuo was inexplicably moved when he heard this.

Li Jing smiled and said: "Yuetuo, I believe you can govern North Korea well. Let me tell you the truth, the reason why I appointed you is because you are open-minded. Prejudice Manchu generals, under your command, Manchus and Hans are treated equally, which is unique among you Manchu generals. I believe that you will treat Koreans in the same way."

Hearing this, Yue Tuo sighed and said: "In terms of mind, the sinners are not as good as the Duke of the State. We Manchus have been against Daming for many years. After the Lord of the Kingdom pacified Liaodong, the sinners heard that many Han people wrote letters, wanting to kill us Manchus. It was the Duke of the country who suppressed this discussion with all his strength.

Instead of retaliating against us Manchus, the Duke issued a decree to treat Manchus and Han Chinese equally.I even tried my best to use my uncle, and stabilized the situation in Liaodong in just a few months.The grandpa's mind and courage really amazed the criminals. "

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "You can exaggerate, the stability in Liaodong is only on the surface, in fact there are often conflicts between the Han people and the Manchus.

It’s no wonder that most of the Han people in Liaodong were plundered by the Manchus. They were oppressed by the Manchus for many years, and they must be very hostile to the Manchus. Now that they have turned over, they will inevitably want revenge. This kind of mentality is definitely not something I can eliminate with a single paper. . "

(End of this chapter)

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