Chapter 585
"What the Duke said is true." Yue Tuo sighed.

Li Jing continued: "To change this situation, everyone must work together, from the government to the common people, they must act in accordance with the system promulgated by the imperial court.

Manchus should not feel inferior because they are subjugated slaves. Originally, the Jurchens were also Ming people, and there was no such thing as a subjugated slave.

When a dispute arises, the magistrates want a bowl of water to be balanced, and they cannot favor one side. If the Han people make mistakes, they will punish the Han people, and if the Manchus make mistakes, they will punish the Manchus.

As long as the government can be fair, just, and open, both Han Chinese and Manchus will be convinced. I estimate that in more than ten years, the mutual hatred between Han Chinese and Manchus will be greatly improved. "

Yue Tuo nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, pondered for a while and said: "The Lord of the Kingdom sent the guilty minister to North Korea to serve as the deputy envoy, is he also governing according to this charter?"

Li Jing laughed loudly when he heard the words, pointed at Gao Qi and said, "What did I say? The so-called one thing is clear. I'm talking about people like Yue Tuo. How about it? I chose the right person, right?"

Gao Qi said with a smile: "The commander-in-chief knows people with his eyes, who doesn't respect the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty?"

Li Jing waved his hand, raised his glass and said, "Come on, Brother Gao, General Yuetuo, let's have a drink."

"Don't dare, in front of the Duke and General Gao, how dare the guilty minister call himself a general." Yue Tuo said hastily.

Li Jing looked at Yue Tuo and said, "Yue Tuo, I don't like you being submissive. I hope you can show the courage you had when you were leading the army. Let me tell you, you, the deputy envoy, are actually exercising the power of the envoy. Li Zong is just carrying a name, if you don’t show courage, who can convince the people below?”

"Yes! I would like to obey the orders of the Duke." Yue Tuo said hurriedly.

Li Jing smiled and said, "Is this glass of wine ready to drink now?"

Hearing the words, Yue Tuo hurriedly stood up, held his glass high and said, "Thank you, Lord Guo and General Gao, for your kindness, I respect you for your lowly position."

After all, raise your glass and drink it.

Li Jing and Gao Qi drank the wine in their glasses with a smile.

Seeing Li Jing pick up the wine jar, Yue Tuo hastily took it and filled the wine glasses for Li Jing and Gao Qi respectively.

Li Jing waved his hand and signaled Yue Tuo to sit down: "Yue Tuo, I will let the official department issue your appointment in a few days. During this time, you should first ponder over some decrees issued by the imperial court, so that the New Deal can be implemented in North Korea."

Yue Tuo hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Then Li Jing told Yue Tuo about his previous arrangements in detail, Yue Tuo was greatly moved when he heard that Li Jing trusted him so much.

In the end, Li Jing said: "You should give due respect to Li Zong and North Korean officials. After all, if you want to govern North Korea well, you must have these people cooperate with you. Of course, if someone is against you, don't be soft-hearted." .I believe you will be able to grasp this scale well."

"Don't worry, my lord, I'll take care of you." Yue Tuo said hastily.

Li Jingjing nodded, looked at the chopsticks in front of Yuetuo, and said with a smile: "After sitting for a long time, you didn't eat a single bite. Forget it, it's the first time we meet, I guess you won't be able to let go, so I won't let you suffer this crime." Now, you can go to Xianghe Tower to eat by yourself, Xiao Jiu, send someone to Xianghe Tower to say hello, and say that you are my guest, so please take care of me."

Hearing Li Jing's words, Yue Tuo felt a surge of emotion in his heart. After thinking for a while, he pushed away the chair, knelt down in front of Li Jing, and respectfully kowtowed three times: "Master Guo, I will do my best to do a good job for you. This errand."

Li Jing stretched out his hand to support Yue Tuo and said, "If you have any difficulties, please write to me. I will fully support you."

"Yes! Thank you, Guo... Thank you, Marshal." Yue Tuo said.

Li Jingwen smiled lightly: "Go, next time I buy you a drink, you have to relax."

Yue Tuo nodded emphatically: "Resign from the humble position."

After Yue Tuo left, Gao Qi smiled and said: "Yue Tuo is a very loyal person, big brother treats him so kindly, Yue Tuo will definitely repay big brother's kindness with all his heart."

Li Jing sighed and said: "It's a little bit too much, but Yue Tuo is really a talent, and I don't have to say about his character. I really like this man very much. In order to make him work for me, I can only show him kindness."


After the Lantern Festival, all the government departments moved quickly, and began to make arrangements in full swing according to the plan formulated by Li Jingqian.

Li Jing, on the other hand, became more and more busy. After reviewing the official documents every day, he began to read the data of various ministries. He would occasionally go to the Academy of Sciences to talk with some people. After returning home, he would take a pen to record some things.But what he recorded, no one can understand.

After more than two months like this, one day, Li Jing called Shen Zheng and others together, raised the paper in his hand and said with a smile: "Everyone, take a look at these problems I have proposed, and see if you can solve them?"

"Title? What kind of topic?" Shen Zheng asked in confusion.

Li Jing smiled and ordered Xiao Jiu to distribute the paper to everyone.

Everyone took it and looked at it seriously.

"Huh? This seems to be a math problem." Shen Zheng wondered after reading it.

Li Jingjing nodded: "Father-in-law, you have been in business for many years, let's see if you can count on these questions I have asked?"

Shen Zhengning brows thought for a while, then shook his head lightly and said, "These questions seem simple, but they are actually very complicated. I'm afraid I won't be able to figure them out for a while, so give me some time."

Li Jing looked at Yang Liufeng again and said, "What about you, can you figure it out?"

Yang Liufeng smiled and said: "It can be calculated, but as Mr. Shen said, it will take time."

Li Jingjing nodded: "I'll give you time, you just do these problems in my study, and I'll see how long it takes you to solve these problems."

Shen Zheng smiled wryly when he heard the words: "Jimin, I still have a lot of business, can you stop messing with my old bones?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "I'm really not trying to torment you old man, these questions are of great use."

Yang Liufeng heard the words, looked at the questions, and suddenly said: "Marshal, are you going to take Enke to test these questions?"

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "You are clever, but the questions I gave today are just for experimentation. During the test, it must be more complicated than these questions. You do it, and I will see if you can do it. Is it right? That way I can count on my mind.”

Shen Zheng, Yang Liufeng and the others looked at each other, smiled wryly at the same time, took a pen from the table, and began to answer the questions.

The questions Li Jing asked are actually application questions. If they were used in modern times, I am afraid that elementary school students in the fifth grade could solve them, but it is still more difficult in the Ming Dynasty.

Because many people in the Ming Dynasty did not study arithmetic systematically, to answer these questions, they must have practical experience and know a little arithmetic.

For example, Li Jing asked a question. The question is that there is a county with [-] hectares of cultivated land, of which [-] hectares are good fields, [-] hectares are medium-grade fields, and [-] hectares are low-grade fields. The good fields can harvest three stones per mu. For grain, medium-sized fields can harvest two stones of grain per mu, and low-grade fields can harvest one stone and a half of grain per mu. How much grain can this county harvest in a year?

Among them, big landlords own 250 hectares of good land, 150 hectares of medium-grade land, [-] hectares of low-grade land, [-] hectares of good land, [-] hectares of medium-grade land, [-] hectares of low-grade land, and [-] hectares of good farmland for ordinary farmers. [-] hectares of land and [-] hectares of inferior land. How much grain tax should this county collect in a year?
If this question is handed over to the magistrate of a certain county, the chief secretary or the canon history, the answer should be calculated quickly. If it is given to the ambassador of the tax bureau or the ambassador of the warehouse, I am afraid that the calculation will be faster.Because these people do this job, they have experience, and they know how to count.

But if you are an ordinary person, I am afraid that you will be confused. Even those literati who have read books cannot figure out this topic, because they have never studied this and have no experience in this field. There is also what tax rate ordinary farmers should pay grain tax.

And there are more complicated questions below this question. There is a natural disaster in this county, and the grain production of some fields has decreased. Then give some figures, and then ask how much tax should be collected, how much grain should be handed over to the household department, or should be paid to the household department. How much food is required to be allocated.

The latter question involves the new policy promulgated by Li Jing. When a natural disaster occurs, taxes should be reduced or exempted according to the actual situation. At the same time, a certain proportion of food should be reserved in the county for relief, and the rest will be handed over to the household department. If the disaster is serious, it is necessary to apply to the Ministry of Households for grain adjustment for disaster relief.

This requires the person answering the question to understand the government order and the reserved ratio, so that the question can be calculated.

This question is not difficult, because this decree has posted notices in all states and counties across the country. As long as you pay attention, you will know how much is reserved, because it is related to the vital interests of the people.

When the disaster-stricken people can't eat, they go to the government. If the government says there is no food, based on this ratio, it can be calculated whether there is food in the county treasury.

Of course, ordinary people wouldn't count even if they knew it, but after all someone would count, and as long as someone could count, local officials would be less daring to seek personal gain and commit fraud, so they would have to restrain themselves in their actions.

Li Jing's topic also involves water conservancy projects, such as how much material is needed to build a section of dam, how many workers are needed, how much is the material, and how much is the labor.

There are also things related to army logistics, such as how much food a soldier eats per meal, how many meals a day, and how much food is consumed by how many soldiers and how many days.

Then give the price of food and how much is the military salary per person per day, ask how many soldiers need to spend how much per day, and so on.

In short, these topics are all related to the work of grassroots officials.

Although these questions are troublesome, they still can't help Shen Zheng, Yang Liufeng and others, because they deal with these questions all day long.

After everyone finished answering the questions, Li Jing looked at the time, then at the result, and nodded slightly.

Seeing that Li Jing was in a good mood, Yang Liufeng asked with a smile, "Master, this year's Enke, are you preparing for such questions? I reckon there won't be too many people who can solve these questions. , It seems that it is not enough to just test such a topic? Because some positions do not require such knowledge.”

Li Jing smiled and nodded: "Of course not enough, I still have a few papers here, do you want to answer them?"

(End of this chapter)

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