Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 586 Li Jing's Selfishness

Chapter 586 Li Jing's Selfishness

Upon hearing this, Shen Zheng hurriedly waved his hands and said, "It's better to avoid it, I still have a lot of things to do."

Li Jing laughed and said, "I didn't intend to ask you to answer these papers, but you have to read them to see if they work."

As he spoke, Li Jing took out a few more pieces of paper from the table and handed them to everyone.

Yang Liufeng and the others took it and looked at it and couldn't help being startled.
The first question is to give the data of a county, how many people in a county, how much land, the condition of the land, how many mountains there are, what is produced in the mountains, how many rivers there are, the water volume of the rivers, and the conditions of the roads, etc. Wait, in short, very detailed, and then ask people to write a detailed report on how to govern and develop the county according to the situation of the county, and ask to write down what goals to achieve within a few years.

The reason why everyone is in a daze is because the year-end examination results of the Ministry of Officials are to assess these things.In fact, officials from many states and counties were unqualified in last year's examination.

These officials with experience in local management failed the examinations. How do those students who only know how to read books know where the management is developing?
Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Li Jing smiled and said: "I think these things are a bit too much, don't you? To be honest, it is a bit too much. But I just want to make things difficult for those literati and let them know that many things are not what they say. It's as simple as that.

Everyone can say empty words, but how many of them can really do it?Aren't those literati going to be officials?I will give them a chance, and if they can solve the previous questions and write a specific policy outline, I will appoint them as officials. This is better than their stereotype exams, right? "

Pointing to the piece of paper at the back, Li Jing continued: "Of course, there are still some writers in the back. This is their old profession. They write three policy theories. The topics are not limited, and they are free to play. The themes are respectively establishing a country, establishing a statement, Stand up."

Everyone looked at the paper, looked at each other, and nodded at the same time.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Li Jing smiled and said: "Since everyone has no objection, then this matter is settled. Brother Bo Ying, when the weather is warmer, the Enke will be opened once. The main target is to restore those people in the society. I would rather Look, how many of these people who complain about being underappreciated all day have real skills."

Yang Liufeng laughed and said: "I heard that the commander-in-chief sent Wen Qing to investigate and deal with those people in the Fushe gathering people to gossip and make troubles. Now we specially open Enke for them. This can be regarded as a slap in the face."

Li Jing said with a smile: "After all, we can't arrest them all. To be honest, these people still have a lot of energy. Sometimes they really can't afford to offend them. We should try our best to appease them. I'm giving them such an opportunity now just to appease them." They, if they are still not satisfied and want to make trouble, then I can only be rude."

Yang Liufeng nodded: "In doing this, the commander-in-chief treats them with the utmost benevolence. If they don't know what's going on, they're making trouble for no reason. Then don't blame our team for their rudeness."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "I won't be rude. If they still go their own way, I will arrange them to North Korea, Mongolia, Liaodong and other places. After that, we will recover Mobei, Moxi, Nanjiang, Nanhai, etc. Send them to these places, let them learn the words of the saints, and preach to the local people.

Let me see if they can educate those ignorant people. This is also considered to promote the Confucianism of our Han people, and it is also a major event that will last for thousands of years. "

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, Yang Liufeng stretched out his thumb to Li Jing and said, "The commander is brilliant."

After laughing for a while, Yuan Shu suddenly said: "Major, how do you define the criteria for selecting talents? After all, you can become an official after passing the first two questions, so the latter policy seems to be irrelevant, right?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "It's very important. I will only tell you a few of you. Those who can answer the first question show that they are people who can do things. All government departments and governments at all levels need many such people, and they can be appointed. The people in the first question do some errands in the accounts, so the provincial court has to train such talents."

Shen Zheng nodded and said: "The commander-in-chief is right. Anyone who can answer the first question can be a quartermaster, a master bookkeeper, or a tax officer."

Li Jing continued: "Anyone who can answer the second question shows that this person has the ability to govern a region. We must train such people well. In the future, local officials in the imperial court will use such people.

As for the final policy theory, it is even more critical. We know that the text is born from the heart, and a person's moral character can be roughly seen through the article, especially when writing about establishing a country, establishing a speech, and establishing a person.To write such an article, it is not acceptable to talk empty words, but to have something to say.

If the first two questions are answered well, and the final policy theory is well written, such people are worthy of our focus on training, and in the future, the feudal officials will appoint these people in the temple. "

Yuan Shu nodded and said: "I understand what the commander-in-chief means. The first question of the test is to select officials who can do things, the second test is to select officials with the ability to govern, and the third question is to select officials' ambitions. and character."

Li Jing smiled and said: "That's what it means. We know that the selection of officials is mainly based on virtue. How can an official have bad morals? It is not a matter of integrity. An official who has no integrity will often appear in one way or another. problem, so the final policy theory is very critical.

However, if it is just a well-written policy theory, but the previous questions cannot be answered or the answers are not good, it means that this person is not capable of doing specific tasks, and such a person can only be used for other purposes. Teach and educate people, or let them write books and talk about it.

A person with high moral character and integrity, the students he teaches must not be too bad, and the books he writes must have a lot of meaning.

Guanzi said: "A year's plan is better than planting valleys; a ten-year plan is better than trees; a lifelong plan is better than tree people."In fact, we don't have to choose officials. If we can select a group of virtuous people and let them teach and educate people, then a large number of talents will surely appear in the country after more than ten years. "

"What the commander-in-chief said is true!" Everyone hurriedly said.

Li Jing waved his hand, pointed to the roll paper and said, "I went to the Imperial College to test the questions in the first volume of these papers, and the result was very good. Many students in the Imperial College answered them well.

As for the second volume, most of the regulations written by the students are empty talk. According to their practices, they can't achieve the expected goals they set.

This shows a problem, which shows that our students only know how to bury their heads in reading, and then work behind closed doors based on what they have learned in the books.

Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, the two cannot be neglected.

We often see some old gentlemen who bury their heads in the pile of books all day long, and the articles are beautifully written, but when they leave the study, they don't even know the south, east, north, and west.

There are also some people who travel north and south and pass through countless places, but if you ask him the situation of the mountains and rivers, the geographical distance, and the growth and vegetation of the places he has traveled, he is at a loss.

The former one is that they only know how to study hard, and they don’t go out to experience it personally. This is the case for the students in the Imperial College.The latter type is one who only knows how to walk without paying attention to observation at all, or in other words, he observes but does not know how to express it, that is to say, he is uneducated.Some officials I hastily selected the year before last fall into the second category.

I went to the Guozijian for the assessment to see if there were any useful people in it. Now it seems that these people have not learned enough, and their abilities are far from what I expected.

There are still many talents among these people who can be made. If they are allowed to come out to do things now, many talents will probably be buried.Therefore, I don't want them to participate in this year's Enke. I plan to let them travel around, go deep into the people, and experience the situation in various places.After they gain insight, they will no longer be full of nonsense like they are now.By then, some of them will surely be useful. "

"What the commander-in-chief said is very true." Everyone hurriedly said.

Li Jing waved his hand and said to Yuan Shu: "Brother Boying, tell Kong Zhenyun what I just said, and let him tell those students, don't be upset about not being able to participate in this year's Enke, tell those students , A good meal is not afraid of being late. When they really know how to do things, I will not hesitate to reuse them."

Yuan Shu said with a smile: "With the words of the Marshal, those students will definitely rejoice."

Li Jing smiled and turned to Shen Zhengdao: "Father-in-law, you allocate a sum of money. Many of those students are from poor families. Let them go out to travel. You can't let them drink the northwest wind. This money is used for the students to live on." expense."

Shen Zheng thought for a while and said: "This is thousands of students. Even if each person is ten taels of silver, it will cost tens of thousands of taels. This year, the imperial court has to do so many things, and the treasury's silver must not be able to turn around. I think, this money Let me do it myself. Well...you can't use my name, you will give people an excuse, my money was given by Yinger, just say that it was sponsored by Yinger."

Li Jing shook his head slightly: "Father-in-law, you are overthinking."

Shen Zheng smiled, although he and Li Jing are Weng's son-in-law, but he absolutely can't do this in his own name.

The students of the Imperial College received his sponsorship, and they must be grateful to him. You must know that there are thousands of students in the Imperial College, and even if only [-]% of them will be able to take up official positions in the future, it will be hundreds of people.

These hundreds of people are grateful to Shen Zheng, and they must look forward to Shen Zheng's leadership. That is a huge political force. No matter how open-minded Li Jing is, he cannot tolerate such a situation.

This is a completely different concept from Li Jing asking Gao Qi to train direct line troops. Let Gao Qi train direct line troops to check and balance the generals who hold military power. To put it mildly, it is to ensure that the country can maintain stability when unexpected accidents happen to him. To put it bluntly It is to ensure that Li Dingguo or Li Anguo can take the position smoothly after 20 years.

It is impossible to say that Li Jing really has no selfishness at all. Even if he doesn't want to be an emperor, he doesn't want the country he has worked so hard to end up with as a wedding dress for others.

If Li Jing's descendants are all mediocre, that's all. I'm still young, so I can't see anything yet.Under such circumstances, of course Li Jing had to pave the way for his son, and at worst he had to make his son a prince with military power.

(End of this chapter)

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