Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 592 Memorial of Opposition

Chapter 592 Memorial of Opposition

Shen Zheng smiled and said, "Song Yingxing and Fang Fang are in charge of opening mines and factories. You should discuss this matter with them."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Hehe, although they are in charge of this matter, you are the God of Wealth. If you don't pay, what will they use to build a factory and open a mine? I think so, and you will discuss the loan with Yinger later. , after you get the money, you can talk to Song Yingxing and Fang Fang about it, okay?"

"It seems inappropriate for me to tell them?" Shen Zheng hesitated for a while and said.

Li Jing waved his hand: "Actually, they have approached me many times about building factories and opening mines, but at that time the treasury had no money, and Jingji Bank didn't have much silver deposits because it wanted to help the imperial court open a bank, so I suppressed this matter." down."

"Oh, since that's the case, let me tell them." Shen Zheng said.

Li Jingjing nodded, thought for a while and said: "You borrow this money in the name of the Ministry of Accounts. After you borrow it, put the money in the Daming Bank, which can also be considered as helping the bank to increase its silver reserves, so that we can issue more paper. money."

"Hehe, you have a good plan." Shen Zheng said with a smile.

Li Jing smiled and said: "How can we not make such calculations? How much tax does Ming Dynasty only pay in a year? If we don't calculate carefully, how can we be in charge?"

Shen Zheng smiled and said yes when he heard the words.

Li Jing waved his hand and said, "Okay, the mine and factory building can be done later, the most urgent thing is the war in Luzon, you should focus on it first. Especially the military rations, let him keep an eye on Chen Dahu." , if the soldiers in the front can't eat, I'm the only one to ask."

"Zhang Tongchang and Wen Qing are now in Nanjing, how about letting them assist Chen Dahu in supervising the military rations?" Shen Zheng thought for a while.

Li Jing smiled and said: "No, I believe that Chen Dahu can do this well. You tell Chen Dahu to serve me as the governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang for three years. After three years, I will make him the commander of the North Left Army, and let him and Liu Er Leng cooperated with Cao Wenzhao in his expedition to Mobei, and let him live the addiction of fighting well."

"Hahaha, Dumb got the news, so he must have tried his best to do the errand assigned by the commander in chief." Shen Zheng laughed loudly when he heard the words.

Li Jing smiled and nodded.


The next day, Li Jing issued a decree, because the Spaniards in Luzon killed our Daming maritime merchants for no reason, and Ming declared war on Spain. He appointed Sun Meng as the general of Zhennan, with Sun Chuanting as his deputy, and commanded an army of [-] to conquer the Spaniards in Luzon. .

As soon as this decree came out, there was an uproar between the ruling and opposition parties.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Li Jing's purpose is by no means as simple as the Spaniards in Luzon.

Spain's garrison in Luzon is no more than 4000 people. With the current military strength of Ming Dynasty, how can it use [-] troops to deal with [-] people?That is to prepare to bring the whole of Luzon into the territory of Ming Dynasty just like the pacification of Liaodong.

But now the Ming treasury has no money left, this battle will cost at least several million taels of silver, and if the war persists for a long time, I don't know how much it will cost.Is it worth spending so much money for the lives of a few hundred sea merchants in an unknown Luzon?
All of a sudden, all the ministers wrote letters asking Li Jing to withdraw his order.

Li Jing thought that some people would object to the use of troops this time, and he made some preparations in his heart.

Because when North Korea was annexed, there were people who clearly opposed it, thinking that Ming was a huge country and shouldn't take advantage of people's danger to incorporate North Korea into Ming.

Even if North Korea voluntarily asks for internal attachment, Ming should show the air of a suzerain state and let North Korea remain a vassal state of Ming.After all, there was a precedent for North Korea's request for internal attachment, and the emperor of Ming Dynasty at that time finally did not agree to North Korea's internal attachment, and he was kind enough to appease him.

At that time, the ministers who wrote the letter were very bragging and flattering to Li Jing, saying that Li Jing was a famous minister in the world, how could they annex North Korea when it was in trouble?That would really damage Li Jing's prestige and Daming's reputation. Only by allowing North Korea to continue to establish itself can it demonstrate Daming's suzerain status.

Li Jing's answer to those ministers' letters was: Why did Ming help North Korea to fight the war and help them expel the foreign captives?It would be fine if North Korea gave Daming what it deserved, but since North Korea became attached to Daming, apart from seeking benefits and help from Daming, what has it given Daming?Such a vassal state is not as good as the provinces of the Ming Dynasty. At least the provinces can help the court pay taxes and help the court raise soldiers.

If North Korea wants to continue to grant Daming asylum, it must be merged into Daming, otherwise, Daming is not obliged to spend so much money to help North Korea fight the war.After North Korea was merged into Ming Dynasty, the affairs of North Korea became the affairs of Ming Dynasty. Sending troops and money were all things of course.Let North Korea continue to be a vassal state of Ming Dynasty, and leave a good reputation for itself. Li Jing will not do such a thing of gaining fame.

The annexation of North Korea is obviously beneficial to Daming. Most officials can see this, so there are not many people who wrote against Li Jing. Li Jing refuted those who wrote, leaving everyone speechless and relaxed Then those people were sent away.

But in situations like North Korea, some people have written to oppose it, let alone this cross-sea expedition to Luzon?Therefore, Li Jing was already prepared to deal with the officials.

And from the bottom of his heart, Li Jing is not afraid of opposition, let alone the words of ministers. Li Jing re-established the Metropolitan Procuratorate and rebuilt the scientific road just because he didn't want to block the way.

It's just that Li Jing didn't expect so many people to write a letter to oppose it. Li Jing roughly counted the memorials, and there were more than 200 people who opposed the dispatch of troops.Want to know how many officials there are in Beijing?Apparently, many low-level officials also wrote to oppose sending troops to Luzon.Moreover, Li Jing also discovered that the retired officials in Beijing and some students from the Imperial College also jointly signed a letter against sending troops.

Seeing so many people writing letters, Li Jing knew that it would not be easy to dismiss everyone like last time.

Flipping through the memorials of the ministers, Li Jing pondered how to persuade these people, but after reading four or five books, Li Jing felt a pain in his head.

I saw the quotations in the memorial, from Yao Shunyu Tang to Qin Huang Han Wu, from Tang Zong Songzu to Taizu Chengzu of this dynasty. Knowing the source, I can't even understand some sentences, and I think Li Jing has several heads.


It's obviously a normal discussion of government affairs, but he is talking nonsense long-windedly, and he has time to rack his brains to quote scriptures, so he has already explained the matter clearly.

After closing the memorial, Li Jing pondered for a while, and said to the young man behind him, "Help me sort out the memorial, list the ones with more than [-] words separately, and list the ones with less than a few hundred words separately."

There are more than 200 memorials, which cannot be read in a short while. In fact, after reading a few memorials, Li Jing knew that most of these memorials were meaningless. The more words there were, the less he knew what these people were talking about. What's the meaning.Of course, Li Jing was not interested in continuing to read such a memorial full of nonsense.

"Yes! Commander." The young man hurriedly said.

This young man's name is Su Heng, and his style name is Pingzhi. He is the secretary office of Li Jing's Neifu Book Office, and belongs to Zhang Tongchang and Wen Qing's subordinates. Zhang Tongchang and Wen Qing are working in Jiangsu. Let him take over Wen Qing's position as his personal book office.

Seeing that Zhang Tongchang and Wen Qing had been by Li Jing's side for less than two years and started to take charge of their own, Su Heng's heart was filled with enthusiasm.Over the past few months, I have been studying Li Jing's thoughts with my heart every day, and I have been more cautious in doing things than Wen Qing was at the beginning.

What Su Heng usually does is writing errands. You can roughly estimate the number of words in a memorial. More than 200 memorials were quickly selected by Su Heng: "Marshal, I have selected them all. These few books are all more than [-] words long, and two of them are nearly [-] words long. These few books have only a few hundred words, and the rest are between [-] and [-] words. .”

"There are nearly [-] words? Good guy, what did you say, can you write so many words?" Li Jing said in surprise: "Look, who wrote these two memorials, and then look at what's inside .”

"Well, it seems inappropriate for late students to read the memorial, right?" Su Heng asked hastily.

Li Jing waved his hand: "It's okay, just read it if I tell you to read it. You read these two books, and I think these few books have fewer words."

"Yes, thank you for your compliment, Commander." Su Heng said hastily.

Li Jing smiled: "When you read these two memorials, you will know that this is not a good job."

Su Heng didn't understand why when he heard the words, but after Su Heng read it, he knew what Li Jing meant.

At this time, Li Jing had already finished reading the several hundred-word memorials, and was watching Su Heng frowning as he looked at the two memorials with a smile.

Seeing Li Jing looking at him with a smile, Su Heng smiled wryly and said, "Commander, excuse me for being stupid, the students didn't understand what he wanted to express in these two memorials."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Pingzhi, you are a Jinshi, and you are a student in the Imperial Academy. Even you can't understand the meaning of these two memorials?"

"The students know the allusions in it, but the students just don't understand what these two people want to say." Su Heng said hastily.

Li Jingjing nodded: "Who wrote these two memorials?"

Su Heng hurriedly said: "One is Sun Molin, a councilor of the General Administration Department, and the other is Deng Shizeng, a member of the Ministry of Rites."

"Oh? From the Secretary of General Administration and the Ministry of Rites?" Li Jing nodded slightly.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said, "Pingzhi, let someone inform the ministers that all the ministers will attend the court meeting tomorrow. This Sun Molin and Deng Shizeng asked them to drink more water when they come."

Su Heng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then went out to inform the ministers about the court meeting tomorrow.

After Su Heng passed the order, Li Jing ordered the guards to enter the palace with the memorial.

Zhu Youjian naturally knew the news that Li Jing wanted to use troops against Luzon, and also knew that many ministers in the court opposed the use of troops against the Spaniards in Luzon.However, when he was having dinner with Li Jing a few years ago, after being vaguely mentioned by Li Jing, Zhu Youjian rarely intervened in political affairs, and rarely interacted with his courtiers.Zhu Youjian knew very well that if something like the last time happened again, Li Jing might not indulge himself.

Zhu Youjian was taken aback when he received the news that Li Jing had entered the palace, wondering if Li Jing was going to use him to deal with those ministers who opposed him, he was at a loss for a while.

 I forgot to update it yesterday. .

(End of this chapter)

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