Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 593 Li Jing's Response

Chapter 593 Li Jing's Response

It wasn't until Li Jing came to Qianqing Palace that Zhu Youjian reacted, and hurriedly called Wang Chengen to go out to meet him.

Seeing that Zhu Youjian greeted him personally outside the hall, Li Jing hurried forward, bowed to Zhu Youjian and said, "How dare you trouble the emperor to greet him in person?"

Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "Brother Li rarely enters the palace once, and I should welcome him."

"Your Majesty, you are too polite, please, Your Majesty." Li Jing stretched out his hand and said falsely.

"Brother Li, please." Zhu Youjian said with a smile.

Li Jing smiled, and reached out to hold Zhu Youjian's hand: "You're welcome, let's go together."

"That's right." Zhu Youjian said with a smile.

The two entered the room hand in hand, Li Jing looked around and said with a smile: "What are these emperors busy with?"

Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "Hehe, I didn't know how expensive firewood and rice were when I was not in charge of the family. After sorting out the accounts these days, I found out that the daily needs of a factory cost so much money."

"That's for sure. There are so many people in your factory. Food and clothing alone is not a small amount of money. Adding various raw materials, I estimate at least a few hundred taels of silver every day." Li Jing laughed.

After a pause, Li Jing continued with a smile: "However, the cost is high, and the profit is also large, especially the glass factory. I have heard that people who go to the glass factory to buy glass every day have to queue up, which is comparable to your daily income." Bi, the little money you spent seems to be nothing, right?"

"Hehe, to be honest, the glass factory earns at least 3000 taels of silver every day. Now the orders for the glass factory have been queued for several months. I'm thinking about building another factory and recruiting more workers." Zhu Youjian said with a smile .

Li Jing shook his head: "Your thinking is wrong. There are already many workers in your factory. There are hundreds of workers transporting sand, hundreds of furnace burners, mercury refining, and glass smearing. The total number of miscellaneous people is almost a thousand, and so many workers are enough.

Your biggest problem now is that there are too many waste glass. You should put your energy and financial resources on those technicians, let them study the equipment and the manufacturing process. As long as the scrap rate is reduced, one factory can complete those orders, which is comparable to building a new one. A factory is strong. "

Zhu Youjian slapped his thigh: "That's right, I'll give you a big reward right away. Whoever can develop a technology to reduce waste and increase production will be rewarded with 1000 taels of silver."

"Hehe, that's right. There must be a brave man under a heavy reward. If you spend money on it, are you afraid that they won't do their best to help you research?" Li Jing laughed.

Zhu Youjian was about to instruct Wang Chengen to convey his order, when he suddenly saw Li Jing still standing, Zhu Youjian patted his forehead lightly and said, "I'm really confused, I didn't invite Brother Li for a long time since Brother Li came here. Your Majesty, you are really rude. Cheng En, you didn't remind me, hurry up and serve tea to the Duke."

Li Jing smiled and said: "Do we need to be so polite? Actually, I am very happy to see you like this. This shows that you don't treat me as an outsider. Another thing, you have something to do, so you won't be bored."

Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "The family members can't stand and talk! Brother Li, please sit down."

At this time, Wang Chengen put the teacup on the table and smiled at Li Jing: "My lord, please drink tea."

"Cheng En, let the people below do the work of serving tea and water in the future. You are now the emperor's right-hand man, so don't worry about these small things." Li Jing held up his teacup and said with a smile.

"It's my slave's blessing to serve the Duke." Wang Chengen said with a smile.

Li Jing shook his head, pointed at Wang Chengen and said, "You, you are too careful."

"Hehe, if this old slave is not careful, how can he serve the emperor?" Wang Chengen laughed.

"That's right." Li Jing smiled and nodded.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said, "By the way, Cheng En, how is your nephew from the same family? Are you still working hard down there?"

"Be careful, the old slave has told him ten thousand times, he must abide by the law and obey the law, do his work with heart, and don't disappoint the cultivation of the Duke." Wang Chengen said hastily.

Li Jingting nodded and said: "That's good. Since the child is sensible, I think you can adopt him as your stepson, so that you can inherit the incense of your royal family. Pingzhi, help me think about it, and turn this back... Cheng En , what is your nephew's name? What position and rank is he now?"

"Wang Jiacheng, the current county magistrate of Xingtai County, from the seventh grade." Wang Chengen said hurriedly.

Li Jing smiled and said: "Yes, it's called Wang Jiacheng. It seems that my memory is not good. Pingzhi, you can go back and inform the Ministry of Officials to transfer Wang Jiacheng's experience in Beijing as the Secretary of General Administration, and give him a promotion. I think that's it." From the experience of the sixth grade."

"This old slave is here on behalf of my nephew, thank you Lord Guo for cultivating it." Wang Chengen hurriedly saluted.

Li Jing waved his hand: "I promised you before, but I forgot about it when there were too many things. After Jiacheng enters Beijing, you set up a few tables of wine and take care of the adoption. Then I will cheer you on, hehe, you If you have the ability, even the emperor is invited."

Zhu Youjian smiled and said, "Brother Li is going to join us, and of course I will too."

Then he turned his head and smiled at Wang Cheng'en: "Hehe, Cheng'en, I and the Duke of the Kingdom presided over the adoption for you, you are not small!"

Hearing this, Wang Chengen hurriedly fell to his knees and kowtowed to Zhu Youjian and Li Jing: "The emperor and the Duke of the country have shown great kindness to this old slave, and I don't know how to repay this old slave."

Li Jing leaned over and pulled Wang Chengen up and said, "Get up, Chengen, I am very pleased that you have been serving the emperor loyally all these years, you deserve all these honors."

Zhu Youjian also smiled and said: "Yes, you were by my side when I was very young. No matter how difficult these years, you have been conscientiously assisting me. I will never forget your contribution."

"Your Majesty!" Wang Chengen choked up and was speechless for a while.

Suddenly Zhu Youjian patted his thigh: "Oh, I'm really confused. Brother Li must have something important to do when he enters the palace. We actually chatted about something here. Don't waste Brother Li's time."

Li Jing smiled and shook his head: "In my opinion, what I discuss with the emperor is nothing but business. Your majesty, I have ordered a court meeting tomorrow to discuss matters with the officials."

Zhu Youjian wondered: "The court meeting is a big event, how can you talk about it?"

Li Jing turned around and pointed to the guard holding the memorial: "It is a matter of discussing whether to send troops to Luzon, these are all documents of opposition."

Zhu Youjian was surprised when he heard this: "There are so many people who oppose it?"

Li Jing smiled wryly and said: "It's nothing to object, the key is that the reasons for the objection are too ridiculous. Some excerpts don't even have a reason. I'm really speechless. You say, with the person who wrote such an excerpt Is fighting in the arena an idle matter?"

Zhu Youjian shook his head with a smile: "Brother Li, you have only fought against them a few times. I used to fight with them almost every day. Sigh, it's really hard to look back on the past, don't mention it."

Li Jing sighed and said, "Actually, I don't really want to fight with these people. It's just that the way these people talk is so disgusting. I want to take advantage of tomorrow's court meeting to punish these people."

"How does Brother Li want me to cooperate with you?" Zhu Youjian asked.

"It's very simple, the emperor just needs to drink tea with me and listen." Li Jing said with a smile.

Zhu Youjian was stunned for a moment and said, "Drink tea and listen?"

Li Jingjing nodded: "That's right, I plan to let these guys who write long-winded essays read their scriptures in public. We can just listen and pretend to listen. To be honest, I can't even listen to such scriptures."

"Let them read the scriptures in public, what kind of rectification is this?" Zhu Youjian wondered.

"Hehe, I asked them to tell them to drink more water. The least of these scriptures is [-] characters, and the most is nearly [-] characters. What do you think will happen to these people after reading these scriptures?" Li Jing laughed. .

"Hahaha! That won't suffocate them!" Zhu Youjian laughed loudly upon hearing this.

Li Jing smiled and nodded, "I just want them to suffer a little bit, otherwise, they won't have a long memory."

Zhu Youjian pondered for a while and said: "Brother Li, in fact, with your current prestige, things like this can be done arbitrarily, why do you still listen to the opinions of these people?"

Hearing this, Li Jing sighed softly and said: "Your Majesty, our Ming officials have a problem, that is, they are arrogant and always think that they are the kingdom of heaven. I don't know, this world is very big, and some countries are also very powerful.

For example, the Franji country that people often say, Franji is not actually a country. We can't tell the difference between Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands and other countries, so we collectively call them Franji.

The land area of ​​these three countries is far smaller than that of Ming Dynasty, but to be honest, these countries’ sea power is stronger than ours. If nothing else, let’s say that they can travel across the ocean to come to Ming Dynasty. This is our fleet. Just can't do it.

In the eyes of these countries, Daming is a treasure land with endless wealth. They traveled across the ocean to Daming with the purpose of plundering our wealth.

During the Zhengde period, the Portuguese occupied Manlajia, and the door to the South China Sea of ​​the Ming Dynasty was opened. Soon after, the Portuguese fleet came to the Ming Dynasty. The emperor must be aware of the Portuguese occupation of Nan'ao (Macau) during the Jiajing period, right? "

Zhu Youjian nodded: "I know about it, but I don't know that this country is called Portugal."

Li Jing continued: "The strength of Portugal was far from our Ming Dynasty's opponent, and it suffered a lot in the southeast coast. In the end, they used the means of leasing to occupy South Australia, and they have been entrenched ever since.

After a few years, Spain also came to Daming, and like Portugal, they also took over Luzon after suffering a lot.I remember historical records, during the Wanli period, Ming's maritime merchants fought against the Spaniards for control of Luzon for several years.

Our officials are short-sighted!Luzon has been a vassal of China since ancient times, and it is a barrier in the South China Sea. How can it be allowed to be occupied by other countries?Although those maritime merchants have repeatedly opposed the imperial court, they are still us Ming people. At this time, the imperial court should join forces with the maritime merchants to deal with the foreign captives. But the imperial court united with the Spaniards to eliminate the maritime merchants.In the end, Luzon fell into the hands of the Spaniards, and the barrier of our Great Ming South China Sea completely disappeared.

After some years, the Dutch came again, and this time they occupied Taiwan.Taiwan is very close to Ming Dynasty, and it is the gateway to the southeast sea area of ​​Ming Dynasty. Our officials can't even see such an important place!Well, they gave up again.

Manchuria, Luzon, and Taiwan fell one after another. So far, the southeast sea area of ​​Ming Dynasty has become the back garden of Western countries. People dare not look north to the territory of Ming Dynasty, how can there be peace in our southeast coast? "

(End of this chapter)

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