Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 594 The Sitting Difference

Chapter 594 The Sitting Difference

Zhu Youjian nodded lightly: "I have seen the map on Brother Li's desk. The location of Manjijia is really crucial. If Manjijia falls, the door to the southern border of the Ming Dynasty will be wide open, and as far as Luzon And Taiwan have been occupied one after another, Xiyi can use this as a base to launch an attack on our Ming mainland."

Li Jing continued: "Western countries originally had this calculation, but they have suffered from us several times in the past few years, so they dare not act rashly. I intend to commend the meritorious ministers who have guarded Daming's seas over the years. If it weren't for these People, the southeast coast of Daming is still unknown, and Daming should not forget the credit of these people."

Zhu Youjian said: "I remember that General Shen Yourong made outstanding contributions in defending southern borders. Later, when Duke Jiehuan was appointed governor of Denglai, old General Shen served as the commander-in-chief of Denglai. He was Duke Jiehuan's right-hand man."

Li Jing sighed and said: "Unfortunately, many of those soldiers are no longer alive. We can only reward their descendants to express our hearts. This matter will be handled after the court meeting. Your Majesty, this matter has to be up to you."

Zhu Youjian nodded: "No problem, um... The national treasury is a bit unsustainable now, so I will pay for this money."

Li Jing nodded with a smile: "If the emperor has enough money, he should put it first. When the treasury is full, I will pay you back."

Zhu Youjian waved his hands and laughed: "What are you talking about? I'm still not the emperor of Ming Dynasty? Isn't it only natural for the emperor of Ming Dynasty to pay for the meritorious ministers who defended Daming out of his own pocket?"

Li Jing said with a smile: "Okay, you will pay the money. If you need money, I will ask your sister to help you."

Zhu Youjian smiled and said, "That's right, this is what a family says."

Li Jing smiled and continued: "Last year when I forced Zheng Zhilong to fight against him, I played a bad move. I didn't want Zheng Zhilong to lead an expedition to occupy Manga after losing consecutive battles.

In fact, the purpose of Zheng Zhilong's occupation of Manchujia is to cut off the trade channel between Daming and the West, and force me to bow to him. This throat is important.

In order for this strategic point to return to Daming’s hands, it’s nothing for me to bow my head to Zheng Zhilong, as long as he can return the Manchujia to Daming, even if I kowtow to him to make amends. "

Zhu Youjian sighed: "This is why Brother Li went to Fujian to recruit Zheng Zhilong himself last year."

Li Jing continued: "Zheng Zhilong returned to Daming, and Manajia returned to Daming's hands. At this time, the situation in the South China Sea suddenly reversed. At this time, it is equivalent to us cutting off the connection between the Western Yi countries and overseas strongholds. Overseas bases have lost domestic supplies, that is to say, the troops stationed by the Western Yi countries along the southeast coast have become a lone army, if we don’t seize this opportunity to wipe them all out, what are we waiting for!”

Zhu Youjian said: "So when Brother Li returned to Beijing from Fujian, he ordered Sun Chuanting and others to send troops to wipe out the Spaniards occupying Taiwan, and then wipe out the Portuguese in Macau."

Li Jingting nodded and said: "You must know that the time is fleeting. If we don't wipe out the troops stationed overseas by these countries before they react, when they send a fleet to attack Manga, we will be attacked everywhere. Even if These garrisons pose little threat to us, but their constant harassing is enough for us to drink a pot."

Zhu Youjian sighed: "Even if I don't know how to fight, I know that they will definitely attack our supply ships that deliver supplies to Malaga."

Li Jingdao: "That's right, if these countries don't settle their garrisons in the Daming sea area before they dispatch their troops, it will be a legacy of raising tigers, and they will make trouble for themselves."

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Originally, my order to Sun Meng, Sun Chuanting and others was that after recovering Taiwan and Macao, the troops should take a break first, and take advantage of this time to transfer the Liaodong troops to Manga, and first stabilize Manga. Add this line.

After Liaodong is stationed in Manga, part of Zheng Zhilong's fleet will be deployed to wipe out the Spaniards stationed in Luzon, and the entire territory of Luzon will be occupied when the time is right.

I don't want the Spaniards and the natives of Luzon to join forces to kill me at this time. If that's the case, then use troops in advance to solve all the problems in Luzon.

Unexpectedly, so many ministers in the court objected, and the reasons for the objection were so ridiculous that it was speechless.You see, what is said is that since the sea merchants live in Luzon, they are not my citizens of Ming Dynasty. Whether they are killed or not has nothing to do with our Ming Dynasty. It is completely unnecessary to send troops for these people, it is just a waste of money.The short-sightedness is disappointing.

To be honest, I couldn't find such a reason.Now people take the initiative to give us a legitimate reason to send troops, but they still object.

I don't know if war costs money?I don't know what is the state of the treasury?Since I dare to fight this battle, I am sure that I can win it, and I am also sure that I can solve the problem of military expenditure.At worst, I personally pay for this military expenditure, 1000 million taels of silver is enough, right?It's not enough for me to sell all my property, isn't that enough? "

Seeing that Li Jing was angry, Zhu Youjian hurriedly said: "Brother Li, calm down, don't be angry with these people, it's not worthwhile to be angry."

After pondering for a while, Zhu Youjian said: "Brother Li, how about I speak for you at the court meeting tomorrow? I will tell the ministers who opposed you what you just said."

Li Jing thought for a while and said, "Well, let's see the situation at the court meeting tomorrow, and you can talk again when the time is right."

Zhu Youjian thought for a while, then nodded.

Zhu Youjian is a smart man. He knows that Li Jing cannot say some things in person, just like he could not directly argue with the ministers who opposed him before. He said it in person, which shows that he is alone in the court. He has no ministers to talk to, and it is disgraceful to say that he wins, and even more embarrassing if he says he loses.

Therefore, as a mature high-ranking person, you must avoid this situation. If it is unavoidable, you should temporarily put aside such problems, give yourself a buffer time, and then use this time to find one or two people who can replace you. Talking helper.In this way, even if it doesn't make sense, there are steps to go down.

The situations of Li Jing and Zhu Youjian have both similarities and differences.

The same thing is that Li Jing is actually exercising the power of the emperor now. From this point of view, he is in the same situation as Zhu Youjian before, and he is on the opposite side of the minister.

The difference is that Li Jing is still a courtier after all, and those who oppose him will not argue with Li Jing as much as the emperor.In addition, Li Jing has a lot of cronies and subordinates, and there are a lot of people who can speak for Li Jing.

However, Zhu Youjian could see that Li Jing had some misgivings about so many people writing to oppose sending troops this time. Zhu Youjian felt that Li Jing seemed to suspect that his trusted subordinates were also involved in this incident.

On the surface, the rest of the cabinet ministers and the heads of the ministries did not object to Li Jing's opinion, but anyone can see that if the heads of the ministries disagree, the people below will never dare to write a letter against Li Jing casually, even if they write a letter , is also a small number of people, which is an individual behavior. It is absolutely impossible for such a department to write a letter with so many people.

That is to say, so many officials wrote the letter this time with the permission of these cabinet ministers, and they may even have worked it out, and these cabinet ministers are Li Jing's most trusted subordinates.

Presumably Li Jing has seen this, knowing that this time he cannot rely on these trusted subordinates to speak for him.

But Li Jing will definitely not personally refute those who oppose it. He must find someone who can speak for him, and this person must speak forcefully. No one dares to refute what he says, and he is the most suitable candidate.

Of course, Zhu Youjian knew that Li Jing was powerful, and asking him to speak for Li Jing might only be Li Jing's last resort. Judging from what Li Jing said just now and Li Jing's posture, I am afraid that the topic of this court meeting will be taken away. Lead to another direction, and then use your strength to settle these people.

While Zhu Youjian was thinking, Li Jing suddenly said: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid you will be wronged at the court meeting tomorrow."

Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "It's nothing more than fighting those people in the ring, what kind of grievance is this?"

Li Jing shook his head: "That's not what I said, I'm going to sit next to the emperor tomorrow."

"Sit, sit next to me?" Zhu Youjian repeated in surprise.

Li Jingjing nodded, and said seriously: "Yes, I want Wang Chengen to place a desk next to your dragon table, this time I want to sit and preside over the meeting."

"This..." Zhu Youjian couldn't help pondering.

In the previous court meetings, Li Jing always stood on the right side of Zhu Youjian's dragon case, and presided over the court meeting with Zhu Youjian. Zhu Youjian asked Li Jing to arrange a seat, but Li Jing refused every time.

As the emperor, Zhu Youjian knew very well that Li Jing presided over the court meeting standing and sitting had completely different meanings.

Because the court meeting is the most important meeting of the country, it is necessary to distinguish between the primary and the secondary, and it is on such occasions that the emperor can show his dignity. During the court meeting, only the emperor is qualified to sit. Without the permission of the emperor, it is absolutely impossible to sit down.

With Li Jing's current status, Zhu Youjian would definitely allow Li Jing to sit and attend the court meeting, but Zhu Youjian didn't want Li Jing to sit.

Because Li Jing is different from other courtiers who are qualified to sit, Li Jing holds great power, and the emperor's abolition and establishment are all decided by him with one word, Li Jing is the real head of Ming Dynasty.Therefore, Li Jing's every move at the court meeting will definitely be closely watched by his direct subordinates.Li Jing's slightly unusual behavior will send out different signals.

If Li Jing sat down at the court meeting, the first reaction of Li Jing's cronies might be that Li Jing no longer cared about Zhu Youjian as the emperor, and even thought that Li Jing was going to abolish Zhu Youjian and become the emperor himself, then these people would next What I have to do is to force Zhu Youjian to abdicate the throne to Li Jing.

As for whether Li Jing sat down with Zhu Youjian's permission, they would not care about it, because if Li Jing really wanted to sit, Zhu Youjian couldn't control it at all, and these people might think that Li Jing made Zhu Youjian deliberately sit down. In doing so, Li Jing refused and sat down reluctantly, so that it seemed justified.

(End of this chapter)

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