Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 595 Reading the Memorial

Chapter 595 Reading the Memorial

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao coerced the emperor to make the princes, isn't that what he did?As for Cao Pi, Cao Cao's son, who wanted to replace Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, he played tricks and repeatedly refused to take the throne.

Li Jing naturally understood these things very well, so Zhu Youjian asked him to sit and preside over the court meeting, but Li Jing firmly disagreed, and Li Jingsheng was afraid that his actions would cause everyone's misunderstanding.

Although Li Jing stood beside Zhu Youjian, although it was a bit unruly, it was Li Jing's helpless move.

Because at the beginning, Li Jing wanted to stand in the position of minister, but during the court meeting, the ministers were divided into two shifts, and Li Jing could only stand on one side, so that there would be a row of seats on the opposite side of Li Jing. No one in the class could sit on an equal footing with Li Jingping, and vacating a seat was of course to show Li Jing's status and at the same time show respect for Li Jing, but it seemed extremely uncoordinated to stand on shift like this.

Moreover, when Li Jing was standing on one side and talking, he could only see the officials on the opposite side, but couldn't see the expressions of the officials on his own side. It was very uncomfortable to speak like this, and he felt like he couldn't control the overall situation.

If Li Jing stood in the middle and faced the officials, it would block Zhu Youjian's position and line of sight. Standing like this is obviously disrespectful to Zhu Youjian, and it will also send out a bad signal.

Therefore, after deliberation, Li Jing finally decided to stand next to Zhu Youjian's dragon case. This position was not juxtaposed with Zhu Youjian, which highlighted the dignity of Emperor Zhu Youjian, and he could see the audience clearly. He felt very at ease in his heart.

Zhu Youjian understood Li Jing's intentions, so he has always been very grateful to Li Jing.

Although he lost the real power, he didn't want to lose his last face. If he lost his face, then the emperor would be considered the end.

But when Li Jing suddenly wanted to sit down and preside over the meeting, Zhu Youjian was startled and at a loss for what to do.

Seeing that Zhu Youjian felt a little uneasy, Li Jing smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, don't have any other thoughts. I have no other intention to sit down. I just don't want to stand and listen to those ministers reading these unknown memorials. I just said If you want to punish these people, you don’t want to suffer the same crime with them. I guess it will take a day to finish reading these memorials, you won’t let me stand with them for a day?”

"Oh?" Zhu Youjian was suddenly stunned when he heard this: "Brother Li plans to let them read the memorial for a day?"

Li Jing pointed to the memorials held by the guards and said with a smile: "These are all memorials with more than [-] words. With so many books, do you think you can read them all in one day? I want them to taste nonsense. They tasted it together, so I won't stand with them."

"That's right, let them read it standing up, let's sit and listen, Cheng En, when the time comes, you should be smart and pour some cups of tea for me and the Duke." Zhu Youjian said with a smile.

"Hehe, this old slave understands." Wang Chengen said with a smile.

"When the court meeting is over, I will definitely apologize to the emperor, and I will never leave any worries for the emperor." Li Jing continued with a smile.

Zhu Youjian waved his hand hastily: "That's unnecessary, I just know what brother Li is thinking."

As he said that, Zhu Youjian suddenly laughed: "Brother Li's method must be easy to use. Back then, I should have used this method to punish those ministers who talked nonsense."

Li Jing laughed loudly when he heard the words: "This time I will help the emperor vent his anger."

"Hahahaha!" After saying that, Zhu Youjian and Li Jing looked at each other and laughed.


Zhu Youjian's worries were not superfluous. During the court meeting the next day, when everyone entered the hall one after another, they suddenly found a table and a chair next to Zhu Youjian's dragon case, and everyone was stunned. .

When Li Jing and Zhu Youjian entered the hall hand in hand, Li Jing was taken aback when he sat beside Zhu Youjian, and then he began to think about Li Jing's intentions.

However, Li Jing did not give everyone time to think. After the ministers greeted Zhu Youjian, Li Jing said loudly: "Today, everyone is called together for one thing, and that is to discuss whether or not to send troops to Lu Song. .”

Gao Qi, Chen Guozhu and other generals looked at each other when they heard the words, then Gao Qi walked out of the queue, cupped his hands at Zhu Youjian and Li Jinggong and said, "Commander, do you need to ask? The barbarians killed my sea merchants, If I don’t teach them a lesson, how can I let them know that I am Da Mingwei.”

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "This is just your opinion, and it cannot represent everyone's opinions. In fact, many ministers in the DPRK and China are against sending troops."

Glancing at Shen Zheng and the others, seeing that Shen Zheng and the others were silent, Li Jing smiled, coughed lightly and said, "I have received a lot of memorials in the past few days, and I probably read them once. , the content is basically the same, everyone is against sending troops to Luzon.

But why shouldn't troops be sent to Luzon, and what are the reasons for the opposition? I didn't see it from everyone's memorials, or I didn't understand it.It may be that Li is ignorant of talent and learning, and does not understand the subtle words and righteousness of the ministers, so Li will ask everyone for advice in public today.

Deng Shizeng, this is your memorial. You read it to everyone in public, and then tell me what is written in your memorial. "

After finishing speaking, Li Jing picked up a memorial from the table and praised it, then handed it to Wang Chengen, asking Wang Chengen to give the memorial to Deng Shizeng.

Deng Shizeng took the memorial, saluted Zhu Youjian and Li Jing, then opened the memorial, coughed lightly, and read aloud: "The master said: In the country of a thousand chariots, respect things and trust them, use them economically and love others, and use them wisely." The people regard the time. It is also said: To govern with virtue, it is like the North Star, which lives in its place and all the stars share it..."

Deng Shizeng shook his head in the hall, reciting his masterpiece in cadence. On the imperial steps, Li Jing smiled and said softly to Zhu Youjian: "Your Majesty, did you hear that? What is the meaning of these words read by Mr. Deng?"

Zhu Youjian smiled and said: "You can't help me, this is the words in the Analects of Confucius.

The meaning of the previous sentence is that to govern a big country, we must handle state affairs seriously and rigorously, we must abide by our credit, be honest and not deceive, we must save financial expenses, care for officials and officials, and we must not miss the farming season when serving the people.

The second sentence means that governing state affairs with moral education will be like the North Star (Polaris), as long as you are in that position, the stars will naturally surround it. "

"I wonder what the emperor thinks of what this saint said?" Li Jing asked with a smile.

Zhu Youjian thought for a while and said, "It should be said that the sage's way of governing the country is quite reasonable."

Li Jing nodded with a smile: "It really makes sense, but at this time and at that time, we can't take the words of the saints and apply them mechanically.

Tang Taizong once said that water can carry a boat and also overturn it. This water refers to the common people.Tang Taizong clearly recognized the power of the common people.

As for Confucius, he did not realize this because of the different times and positions he lived in. He only advised the monarch to love the officials and officials.

Then can I understand that as long as the farming season is not delayed, the common people can be enslaved at will?

The emperor must know that many rulers in the past dynasties thought so, so these people suffered a lot in the end. "

Zhu Youjian sighed and said, "Let's not talk about the distance, let's talk about the past few years. So many refugees rebelled, is it just the cause of natural disasters? The imperial court and the government don't know how to cherish the power of the people, and the common people are desperate. What if they don't rebel?"

Li Jingjing nodded: "So, the words of the sage need to be carefully understood. Some truths may be correct under the circumstances at the time, but it may not work to act according to the previous standards. And our officials often do not know how to adapt to local conditions, so How can we do things well if we only know how to copy the words of the sages when the times are right?"

"Brother Li is very true." Zhu Youjian nodded repeatedly.

Looking up at Deng Shizeng with a smile, Li Jing continued with a smile: "To govern with morality, we have to divide the target. Some people cannot be educated with morality, just like the Xiongnu in the Han Dynasty. They lived in the grassland. What they got was the weak and the strong, so they also acted according to this standard, otherwise they would not be able to survive on the grasslands, and the Huns understood this truth. Is it feasible for the Han people to educate them with morality? So they want the Huns to submit, The only option is to beat him until he surrenders.

As for those barbarians, what did they come to Daming for?Is it to worship Bodhisattva?When dealing with these people, you have to beat them down with your fists before you can reason with them.If you don't fight, you just talk to them about politics and virtue, do you think they ignore you? "

Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "Brother Li, in my opinion, it is better to send these people to those barbarian countries and let them explain the way to those uncivilized barbarians. When they see that their reasoning does not make sense, Then you will understand that talking with swords and guns is more useful than talking with your mouth."

Li Jing smiled and said, "Hehe, your majesty is right. When Luzon is conquered later, I will send these people to Luzon to educate the local aborigines."

The seats where Zhu Youjian and Li Jing were sitting were quite a distance from the hall. Li Jing and Zhu Youjian spoke softly. Talking about Deng Shizeng's memorial.

Seeing that Li Jing kept nodding, Deng Shizeng thought that Zhu Youjian was interpreting the meaning of the memorial to Li Jing for him.

Seeing the smile on Li Jing's face, Deng Shizeng's spirit was greatly lifted, he recited harder, and his head shook even more violently.

In fact, Chinese classical Chinese should be said to be the most refined writing in the world. A few words can express a lot of words. The reason why Chinese writing is so refined has a lot to do with Chinese writing tools.

Chinese characters were originally recorded on oracle bones and carved with knives, which encouraged people to use the most concise words to express their meaning clearly.Later, the text was written on the bamboo slips, not to mention the heavy bamboo slips, and a roll of bamboo slips could not record a few words, which also required people to refine the words when writing.

Later, people wrote words on cloth, and cloth was expensive, so of course they couldn't write nonsense.

When Cai Lun improved papermaking technology, the popularization of Chinese culture made a qualitative leap, but the writing method of Chinese characters has become a habit, so we see that ancient Chinese characters are all written in classical Chinese.

The memorial written by Deng Shizeng is naturally also in classical Chinese.

(End of this chapter)

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