Chapter 596
It is also a great skill to be able to tell a story in classical Chinese at length and length, and Li Jing asked himself that he could not write such an article.

In addition, because classical Chinese is a refined text, cadence is emphasized when reciting it, just like reciting ancient poems. When reciting ancient poems, people will shake their heads unconsciously.

Deng Shizeng shook his head and recited the memorial there. At first, everyone listened to him carefully, and when they encountered beautiful words and profound ideas, they all praised him.But no matter how beautiful the article is, no one can bear to stand and listen to it for more than half an hour. After hearing it, everyone fell asleep.

After finally waiting for Deng Shizeng to finish reading, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Li Jing clapped his hands and said, "It's well written and well read. I didn't understand what Mr. Deng's memorial meant. I just listened to the emperor's explanation. It suddenly dawned on me.

There is also a memorial here, which was written by Sun Molin, Mr. Sun, Cheng En, give him Mr. Sun's memorial and ask him to read it to everyone. "

"Yes, my lord." Wang Chengen held back a smile.

All the ministers were in an uproar when they heard this.

But now it was the court meeting, and what was being discussed was the opinions expressed in the memorial. Even though they had a lot of dissatisfaction, they did not dare to speak out against Sun Molin reciting the memorial, and the result of not daring to object was another hour of torment.

But this was not over yet. After Sun Molin finished reading the memorial, Li Jing ordered the two ministers to read his own memorial.

By the time the two finished reading the memorial, it was already past noon, and the officials were tired and hungry, and it was even more unbearable to have not paid respects all morning, but at the court meeting, who dared to say that he was going to pay respects?

Watching Li Jing and Zhu Youjian have a cup of tea for a while, and a sip of snacks for a while, and during the period, they stopped twice and went to the apse to pay respects, everyone dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

Seeing that Li Jing took out another memorial, a censor couldn't bear it any longer. He took two steps forward to salute Li Jing and said, "Master Chief Assistant, today's court meeting, are you going to let everyone stay here for a day? Even if we are allowed to listen to the excerpts, it is already noon, should we take a rest first and continue in the afternoon?"

Li Jing was startled: "Oh? Is it noon? So soon? Cheng En, how many memorials have you read now?"

"My lord, I have read four books." Wang Chengen suppressed a smile.

Li Jingqi said: "I read the four memorials all morning? Can't you? Did you remember correctly?"

Wang Chengen hurriedly said: "How dare this old slave deceive the Duke."

Li Jing waved his hand: "Go and get these four memorials, I'll take a look."

Wang Chengen hurried down the steps, took back the memorial from the four people just now, then walked back to the steps, and handed the memorial to Li Jing.

Li Jing took it, flipped through the memorial casually, and suddenly called out: "Deng Shizeng, Sun Molin."

Deng Shizeng and Sun Molin were shocked when they heard this, and hurriedly replied: "The officer is here."

Li Jingyang picked up the memorial in Yang's hand and continued: "Do you know how many words you wrote in these two memorials?"

"This... the lower officials didn't count how many words there are." Deng Shizeng and Sun Molin hurriedly said.

Li Jing sneered: "I don't know, right? Let me tell you that Deng Shizeng's memorial has a total of 460 characters, and Sun Molin's memorial has a total of 690 characters.

Good guy, tens of thousands of words!

But what do you say in this book of ten thousand words?The way of the king?The way of governing the country?There are a few sentences about why they can't send troops to Luzon?
Although I, Li Jing, am domineering, it's not that I can't hear different opinions, and it's not that I can't hear opposing voices. As long as what you say is right, I will naturally listen.But what are your reasons for opposing sending troops to Luzon?Why did not I see?
What respects things and trusts them, saves money and loves others, so that the people can live in their time.What is politics and virtue.

Do you want you to teach me and the emperor these principles?Do you think that the emperor doesn't know how to be a king?Do you think I don't know how to govern a country?

You open your mouth and say, shut up the sage, I want to ask you, can you speak yourself?Do you have any claims?Do you think that the pen, ink and paper you used to write the memorials cost you nothing, so you can write these nonsense on these free paper? "

Seeing Li Jing questioning him one sentence after another, his expressions getting more and more serious, Deng Shizeng and Sun Molin panicked, and hurriedly knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and said, "Your official is guilty, you deserve to die."

All the ministers were also horrified, they all knelt down on the ground and shouted in unison: "Grandpa (Marshal) calm down, we will be convicted!"

Seeing all the officials suddenly kneel down together, Li Jing's face became more and more ugly, and he threw the memorial in his hand into the hall: "Convicted, guilty, guilty of what? If something happens, you will know to kneel and confess! What did I say before? Yes, we Daming people, kneel down to the gods of the ancestors of the heaven and earth, kneel down to parents and teachers, you have ignored everything I said before! Stand up for me! You don’t have any strength of character from the Ming Dynasty. I think you are going back as you live. , Those books have been read into the dog's belly!"

"I know I was wrong." The ministers said hurriedly.

Seeing the ministers stand up, Li Jing's face turned pale: "This sentence is right, you did make a mistake, but a mistake is a mistake, a crime is a crime, don't confuse them with one another.

And even if it is a mistake, it is necessary to distinguish where the mistake is. You are right to oppose sending troops to Luzon. Political opinions are different, and there is no distinction between who is right and who is wrong.

You are wrong not to speak well.

Do you need so much nonsense to explain the reasons why you shouldn’t send troops to Luzon? What are the words of sages, what the sages saw, a set of principles, and it has nothing to do with not being able to send troops to Luzon!This kind of practice of yours is not called exposing your own opinions, it is called nonsense!

I also have a memorial here, which was written by Liu Lishun, a doctor in the household department. In just a few hundred words, the reason is clearly stated.How did he write it?I'll read it and you listen. "

Picking up a memorial from the desk, Li Jing coughed lightly and read aloud: "Now that the commander-in-chief intends to send troops to Lu Song, I'm going to check the accounts of the household department. I think it might be inappropriate to do so.

The commander-in-chief wants to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people. If the battle is successful, it will cost millions of taels of money and food. If the war continues, it will cost countless money and food.

However, the existing silver in the treasury is less than one million taels, how to support such a huge expenditure?If apportionment is made to the people, it will be contrary to the new policy promulgated by the commander-in-chief. If not apportionment, forgive me for being stupid. I really don't know where the money comes from.

In addition, most of the soldiers used this time are new troops who have not fought a war, and most of the new troops are soldiers from the north. If they rush to the south to fight, they will inevitably be unacceptable.Although the lower officials do not understand military affairs, they also know that it is a taboo to use troops.

Xiaguan knew that the commander-in-chief wanted to open up the territory for the Ming Dynasty and make an incomparable feat.However, the most important weapon of a soldier's country must be used with caution, and I ask the commander to think twice. "

After closing the memorial, Li Jing looked at the ministers coldly and said, "This is Liu Lishun's memorial. Liu Lishun was the number one scholar handpicked by the emperor in the seventh year of Chongzhen. Could he not quote the classics and talk about the past and the present? But this memorial is simple and to the point , with reason and evidence, this is the attitude of doing things.”

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "From Liu Lishun's memorial, we can see that, judging from the state treasury expenditure and the state of the soldiers, it is indeed not suitable to use large-scale troops now.

But I don't know the revenue and expenditure of the treasury?I don't know what state the soldiers are in?Do you really think that I am so overjoyed that I am militaristic? "

Having said that, Li Jing looked sideways at Zhu Youjian.

Zhu Youjian nodded slightly, stood up and said, "Why does Duke Xingguo insist on sending troops to Luzon? Let me tell you the reason. Chengen, hang up the map."


Wang Chengen responded, and waved to several young eunuchs in the back of the palace, and several young eunuchs hurried into the palace holding a scroll.

As the little eunuch slowly unfolded the scroll, a huge map appeared in front of everyone.

Zhu Youjian and Li Jing walked to the front of the map and were about to talk when they suddenly saw all the ministers in the hall sitting on pins and needles. After Zhu Youjian thought about it, he knew the reason. After thinking about it, Zhu Youjian turned his head and smiled softly at Li Jing : "Brother Li, do you want everyone to go first for convenience? Don't make a joke."

Li Jingjing nodded and said softly: "According to the emperor's words, I guess they are almost exhausted."

Zhu Youjian smiled: "My dear friends, you haven't come out all morning, so you must be feeling unwell. I'll go and make it easy for you. I'll share with you when you come back."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." All the ministers were overjoyed when they heard the words, turned around and ran out of the hall.

After the ministers left the hall, Gao Qi smiled wryly: "Commander, no wonder you told us not to drink water in the morning, so you used this trick to deal with everyone."

Li Jing smiled, and turned to look at Shen Zheng: "Father-in-law, if I hadn't considered your age, I wouldn't bear to let you suffer, you would be like those people now."

"Marshal, I know I was wrong." Shen Zheng replied in a low voice.

Li Jing snorted, turned around and signaled Wang Chengen to bring a cup of tea to Shen Zheng: "Father-in-law, drink a cup of tea first, then go out and talk about it when you come back."

"Thank you, Marshal." Shen Zheng said hurriedly.

Li Jing waved his hand and ignored Shen Zheng.

After a while, all the ministers came back one after another.

After all the ministers re-entered the class and stood up, Zhu Youjian coughed lightly and said: "Everyone is looking at the map of the world, and this one is a detailed map of the South China Sea of ​​Ming Dynasty."

Looking at the map, Zhu Youjian sighed lightly and said, "Oh, in order to draw this map, I don't know how much effort, let alone how much manpower was used by Duke Xingguo in the past two years.

After seeing this map, I realized that the map that Matteo Ricci paid tribute to the late emperor had many errors.You guys only see the little thing in front of you, but Duke Xingguo sees farther than you. "

On the map, an arc was drawn along Taiwan, Luzon, and Managa Strait (here refers to Malaysia) to the Managa Strait, and finally clicked on the position of the Managa Strait. Zhu Youjian said: "These places surround The southern border of the Ming Dynasty was previously a vassal state of our Ming Dynasty, and it is actually a barrier for our southern border of the Ming Dynasty.

Among these places, the most important place is the Manraga Strait. The location I am referring to now is the Manraga Strait. Occupying this place is tantamount to blocking the sea passages for Western countries to enter Daming. How important is Daming.It is a pity that the Manga Strait fell into the hands of the Franji Kingdom during the Zhengde period, and then Luzon, Taiwan and other places fell one after another. "

(End of this chapter)

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