Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 600 Adoption

Chapter 600 Adoption
What Zhu Youjian admired was Li Jing's memory. With so many officials, Li Jing could remember who had how much property without looking through the records, which is not easy.

What made Zhu Youjian even more admirable was that Li Jingming was very angry with these people and wanted to take them down, but he only asked Ma Wu to investigate secretly.If it were me, I would just make up a name and take down these people.

Moreover, Zhu Youjian understands why Li Jing asked Ma Wu to conduct a secret investigation. Letting Ma Wu's people conduct a secret investigation will not have any impact on the work of these people. I didn't know that Li Jing had secretly investigated these people, and it had no effect on Li Jing's reputation.

If any problems are found, let Ma Wu submit the problems of these people to the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Compared with the intelligence department established by Li Jing, the Jinyiwei established by the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty and the Dongchang established later, blatantly investigated and prosecuted officials, and even set up private prisons, which made the people of the court panic.

Sighing slightly, Zhu Youjian really couldn't figure out what was in Li Jing's head. Why is it that people can't find fault with what Li Jing did when he was doing the same thing?
It's like Luo Yangxing, who used to work as an errand for the Jinyiwei, but now works as an errand for the Ministry of Security, but it's actually those people who are actually useful, and they still do what they did back then.But after being in Li Jing's hands, others saw Luo Yangxing in awe, but in his own hands, others saw Luo Yangxing in awe.

Awe and awe may seem to be the same word, but they are actually two completely different concepts.

Awe is respect first, then fear.

Those who feel fear are naturally those who have broken the law. If they are upright, they don't have to be afraid of Luo Yangxing at all. Instead, they think that Luo Yangxing's investigation of corrupt officials is worthy of respect.

And fear means that no matter whether you have committed a crime or not, you will feel afraid when you see Luo Yangxing.

Because you don't know when you offend him, you will be taken down by him for a crime.

This is the difference between the Ministry of Security and Jin Yiwei. One is to conduct secret investigations and then act according to the law, while the other is to conduct secret investigations based on the likes and dislikes of the boss and oneself, and then fabricate charges and disregard the law.

Therefore, everyone in the security department is sincerely convinced, but he hates Jin Yiwei.

While Zhu Youjian was thinking about it, Wang Chengen came with tea and handed the cup to Zhu Youjian. Wang Chengen said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, this old slave has accumulated some property over the past few years. Do you want to donate a little too?"

Zhu Youjian looked at Wang Chengen and shook his head with a smile: "How much property do you have? How much money can you save with rewards from Zhen and Xingguo Gong? Could it be that you have done something else in the factory?"

Wang Chengen was taken aback when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "How dare this old slave covet the Emperor Mo's money? In the past two years, the emperor and Duke Xingguo have rewarded 5000 taels of silver. I can also have a balance of more than 1000 taels. The old slave’s food and use belong to the emperor. The old slave wants to sell the house and donate 1 taels to the imperial court."

After Zhu Youjian heard this, he looked at Wang Chengen and sighed softly: "Chengen, it's hard for you to be sincere, but you are getting old, and there will always be a day when you can't serve me. I will reward you with your house and fertile land. It’s for retirement. You managed to save thousands of taels of silver, keep it for yourself, I know your loyalty, and so does Duke Xingguo.”

Hearing the words, Wang Chengen felt his throat dry and choked up, and said: "The emperor's kindness to this old slave is so great that this old slave can't repay the emperor even if he dies. But this old slave is someone close to the emperor, and the emperor has donated money. How can this old slave not Give the emperor a face? How about the old slave donate the cash, there are more than 7000 taels. The old slave can still serve the emperor for a few years, and the land rewarded by the emperor can give the old slave a balance of more than 1000 taels of silver every year. Save for a few years , no matter what, it is enough for old slaves to take care of them.”

Zhu Youjian sighed, and shook his head lightly: "Well then, you can tell Duke Xingguo yourself."

Wang Chengen nodded, walked up to Li Jing and took out a few silver tickets and said, "Marshal, I still have 7000 taels of silver in my hands, and it is useless to put them in my hands. Now the treasury is in a difficult situation, and the old slave took the 7000 taels of silver. Donate to the court."

Li Jing was startled when he heard the words, and turned to look at Zhu Youjian, but Zhu Youjian sighed and shook his head slightly.

When Li Jing saw it, he realized that it was not Zhu Youjian's idea. After thinking about it, Li Jing took the bank note and said, "Cheng En, I will accept the money, but I know what the money is for. Don't worry, Daming won't accept it." I will treat you badly, the emperor will not treat you badly, and I will not treat you badly either.

By the way, Jiacheng has gone to Beijing. I've been busy these two days, so I don't have time to see him.In this way, I will ask someone to choose a date, Pingzhi, you can see which day is the nearest auspicious day. "

Hearing this, Su Heng ordered the little eunuch to take the almanac and look it over, and said, "Commander back, April [-]th is an auspicious day for the zodiac. , is the day of the zodiac, except for burial, everything is auspicious."

Li Jingjing nodded: "Okay, that's the day, Cheng En, prepare yourself. On April [-]th, the emperor and I will preside over the adoption ceremony for you."

"Marshal, the thirteenth day seems to be the auspicious day for the young lady's [-]th birthday?" Xiao Jiu interrupted suddenly.

"Oh? Is that so? That's just right. My daughter's [-]th birthday, Cheng En accepts her stepson, double happiness. I will host the banquet together, and Cheng En will save trouble." Li Jing said with a smile.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing continued: "So, Cheng En, on the thirteenth day, the emperor and I will go to your mansion to preside over the adoption ceremony for you first, and then come to my mansion, what do you think?"

Wang Cheng'en hurriedly said: "Grandpa's gift of a thousand gold and a hundred days is a big deal. The Duke of the country must not bother with this little family matter of the old slave. The old slave will quietly handle the ceremony of adoption."

Li Jing shook his head and smiled, "Hey! Cheng En, what you said is wrong. My daughter's hundred days is a trivial matter, but your adoption ceremony is a major matter."

Wang Chengen hurriedly said: "How can this matter of this old slave be compared with that of the commander-in-chief, the commander-in-chief is flattering this old slave."

Li Jing waved his hands and said with a smile: "Cheng En, don't think too much, and I won't hide it from you. If the emperor hadn't asked me to treat you today, and all the ministers would follow along to make fun of you, I wouldn't be able to serve this wine."

Sighing lightly, Li Jing continued: "I'm not afraid of the trouble of arranging wine, there is a happy event to celebrate, there is nothing wrong with inviting guests, and it is not wrong for the invited person to give a small gift as a way of expressing congratulations.

But I don't know when, Chinese people began to receive money through weddings and weddings.Especially for those who are officials, they have to treat guests with wine for big things.And those who want to ask for help take this opportunity to send money and gifts.

What's more, you have to sing the list of gifts when holding a banquet. You must know that some people are not well-off, and they are reluctant to be invited to the banquet. Others would laugh at him too.

Many of our officials were originally very clean and honest, but later they took bribes. I think it has a lot to do with the preparation of banquets and ceremonies.

Because he wants to give gifts to his colleagues and Shangguan for a banquet, and he will be laughed at by his colleagues if he doesn't give it too much, but he has no money, what should he do?So in order to have face when attending the banquet, these people began to accept bribes and greedy for the money of the Mexican country.

When they found out that after they gave the Shangguan a big gift, they would still be favored by the Shangguan, and even be promoted and reused. Naturally, it was out of control.

Therefore, it is not a good thing to hold a banquet on the basis of a happy event, and it will add a burden to others.

However, many customs and habits cannot be avoided, and we have to let other people handle major events such as weddings and funerals. It is inappropriate to use the system to restrict such things.

So what to do?At this time, I think it is mainly based on self-consciousness, and then supplemented by the means of institutional constraints, to change this bad habit of receiving money by serving wine.

If everyone doesn't send money, then placing wine must be a loss-making business. Gradually, everyone will stop arbitrarily arranging wine to arrange things, which is beneficial to both people and themselves.

Since it depends on self-consciousness, I should set an example and set an example for all officials, otherwise, how can I have the face to criticize others? "

Hearing this, Wang Chengen sighed and said, "Marshal, what do you want me to say? I have met countless officials in my life, but only Marshal can find problems from these small things in life, and have the courage to change them. question."

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "I am not the only one who discovered this bad habit, and there are many people who proposed to change this bad habit, but many people are unwilling to do such a thing. Especially officials, the more senior officials are, the less willing they are to change this kind of habit. Bad habit, because it would cut off his way of making money.

You see, when my daughter turns [-], someone will definitely give me gifts and money.For such people, I had no choice but to shut them out. "

After hearing this, Zhu Youjian suddenly laughed and said, "That also counts who gave the gift, right? Your daughter is a hundred years old, so let me go empty-handed? The little girl has grown up and won't pluck out my beard?"

Li Jing shook his head and smiled wryly: "Listen, why did I say this bad habit is hard to get rid of? I haven't done much with it yet, and the emperor just gave me this."

"Hehe, everything can't be generalized, and I'm giving gifts to children from elders, not to bribe you. Your rules are useless to me. Besides, you just said that some customs cannot be avoided. You can't avoid them. Let the child's relatives and elders give the child a gift?" Zhu Youjian laughed.

Wang Chengen said with a smile: "Marshal, don't blame the old slave for talking too much. The emperor's words are right. You must let the elders give gifts to the children. The emperor and you are in-laws. This is definitely a close relative. When the emperor gives gifts to the children, you I really don't care."

Li Jing sighed and said: "So I said that this matter cannot be restrained by the system, because there are always reasons to take advantage of the system's loopholes. It seems that there is a long way to go to get rid of this bad habit! I don't know if I can do it in my lifetime. Seeing results!"

(End of this chapter)

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