Ming Dynasty man

Chapter 601 Jumping the beam clown

Chapter 601 Jumping the beam clown
Shaking his head, Li Jing waved his hands and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about it."

Turning to look at Su Heng, he said, "Is there anything urgent that needs to be reviewed immediately?"

Su Heng flipped through the records and said: "Only the notes sent by Zhang Tongchang need to be approved immediately."

Li Jingjing nodded and said: "Bieshan is still very stable in its work. I know that now I want to use troops against Luzon, and Jiangsu needs to transfer grain and grass without those local officials, so I didn't move those people, but only investigated a few corrupt ones. Pingzhi, you write a letter to Bieshan, just say that I know, let him handle it at his own discretion. Tell him not to rush back to Beijing, and He Jingzhi will help Chen Dahu supervise the grain transshipment in Nanjing."

Su Heng nodded, glanced at Zhu Youjian and said, "In addition, you need to make a decision on the papers sent by Wen Qing."

"Jingzhi's notebook? When did it come?" Li Jing asked in surprise.

"It was delivered yesterday afternoon, when you were in the palace discussing today's court meeting with the emperor." Su Heng said hastily.

Li Jing snorted and said, "What did Jingzhi say?"

Su Heng hesitated for a moment and said: "Master Wen said that some students in Nanjing are planning to stop taking the exam after hearing about Enke's questions."

"Don't take the exam? These are some incompetent people. If you want to give up the exam, just give up the exam. It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married. You can't force it." Li Jing shook his head and said.

"Then how do you reply to Master Wen?" Su Heng asked.

Li Jing waved his hand and said, "Tell Jingzhi to wait and see what happens. In addition, tell Jingzhi to quickly arrest Ruan Dayue, Ma Shiying, and Zhang Pu and escort them to Beijing. A bunch of jumping clowns, don't let them jump around in Nanjing. After finishing these things , Let him focus on supervising the grain and grass."

"Yes!" Su Heng hurriedly said.

Shaking his head, Li Jing sighed and said, "Jingzhi is still young, he pursues perfection too much in his work, he doesn't understand that some things cannot be done in every detail, and the matter of Fushe is not so easy to deal with, the best thing is to focus on the big and let go of the small.

In fact, this incident was instigated by Ruan Dayue, Ma Shiying, and Zhang Pu. First arrest these three people, and then the rest will be easy.He just wanted to investigate the matter clearly, but the matter has been dragged on until now. "

Su Heng pondered for a while, and asked softly: "Do you want the students to order some Master Wen?"

Li Jing looked at Su Heng and shook his head slightly.

Seeing Li Jing shaking his head, Su Heng was a little confused for a moment, so obviously he didn't understand what Li Jing meant by shaking his head.

Su Heng thought that Li Jing shook his head because he didn't need to tell Wen Qing, but in fact Li Jing shook his head at Su Heng's question.

Li Jing's book office is actually Li Jing's secretary. As a secretary, you must first be smart. If some leaders are inconvenient to say, the secretary should say it, and if some leaders are inconvenient to do things, the secretary should do it.

What Li Jing said just now obviously meant to blame Wen Qing, but it was the first time Wen Qing went out on business alone, if Li Jing scolded him, then Wen Qing might have to look forward and backward when doing things in the future, and couldn't let go of his hands and feet.

Wen Qing is someone Li Jing wants to train, and Li Jing doesn't want Wen Qing to criticize him the first time he does something, which will cause great psychological pressure on Wen Qing and is not conducive to Wen Qing's future growth.As for Wen Qing's lack of decisiveness in doing things this time, I can only remind him a little bit. As for how to raise something, it is the responsibility of Su Heng, the secretary.

In fact, Li Jing's reminder is very obvious. Both Wen Qing and Su Heng are Li Jing's book office. Unless Li Jing is extremely dissatisfied with Wen Qing, how could Li Jing be in front of Su Heng when Wen Qing was not present? Criticize Wenqing?

Li Jing said these words to let Su Heng tell Wen Qing what he said. If Su Heng was smart, he shouldn't ask Li Jing, but talk to Wen Qing privately.

But Li Jing felt relieved when he thought about it. Su Heng had only been transferred to his side for a few months, and he still didn't understand his character and way of doing things.

After waving his hands, Li Jing stood up and said to Zhu Youjian, "Your Majesty, the weather outside is nice, shall we go for a walk?"

Hearing this, Zhu Youjian got up and smiled, "Brother Li is rarely free, so I'll take care of him."

Li Jing smiled, turned to Wang Chengen and Su Heng and said, "You two don't need to accompany me anymore, go to the household department and help count the amount of money donated this time."

"Yes!" Wang Chengen and Su Heng said hurriedly.

Patting Wang Chengen's shoulder lightly, Li Jing turned around and said to Zhu Youjian with a smile, "Your Majesty, let's go."

"Respectful farewell to the emperor, respectful farewell to the commander." Wang Chengen and Su Heng bowed and said.

Li Jing waved his hand and left the palace side by side with Zhu Youjian. Xiao Jiu hurriedly brought his guards to accompany him.

After Li Jing and the others left, Wang Chengen bowed his hands to Su Heng and said with a smile: "Mr. Su, I am honored to work with Mr. Su today, please take care of me."

Su Heng hastily returned the courtesy and said: "The prince is very polite, the students are young and have little knowledge, how dare they be called Mr. in front of the father-in-law. I will ask the prince to give more advice in the future."

Wang Chengen smiled and said: "As for me, I am the person next to the Emperor, and Mr. Su is the person next to the Marshal. Normally, it is impossible for the two of us to work together, but the Duke of the State has made such an arrangement. Do you know what it means? "

Su Heng hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Forgive me for being stupid, please give me some advice from my father-in-law."

Wang Chengen looked at the room, sighed and said, "This East Nuan Pavilion used to be the emperor's residence. Later, the Duke of Guo lived in the palace temporarily, and the emperor let the East Nuan Pavilion out. Last year, the Duke of Guo moved out of the palace. The room was empty, but you see, the room is clean, as if the emperor and the commander lived in it, do you know why?"

Hearing that Wang Chengen suddenly changed the subject, Su Heng felt strange, but he still responded, "Students don't know."

Wang Chengen sighed: "After the Duke moved away, the emperor said that the Duke would enter the palace at some point. This room is reserved for the Duke. He can rest here when he is tired. Therefore, Dongnuan Pavilion every There are people on duty every day, and they are meticulously cleaned.”

After a pause, Wang Cheng'en said: "Your Majesty's intentions are very clear to the Duke, so don't think that the Duke has all the power, but he respects the Emperor more than other courtiers."

"This..." Su Heng pondered for a while and said, "Eunuch Wang, excuse me for being blunt, I don't know what Eunuch said these words mean."

"Hehe, Mr. Su is a smart person, he should understand what I mean." Wang Chengen laughed.

Su Heng hurriedly said: "The students really don't know, so please ask your father-in-law for guidance."

Wang Chengen looked at Su Heng, and shook his head lightly: "As a subordinate, especially a close subordinate like us, we must always try to figure out what to do. I don't know how Mr. Su is doing, but I know exactly what the emperor is thinking." , Your Majesty just needs to mention the matter to me, and I will know what your Majesty is going to do."

Pointing to the room, Wang Chengen said: "This room has no place for us to sit, nor is it a place for us to talk. Let's go to the next room."

Su Heng nodded, followed Wang Chengen to the next room.

They found a place to sit down, Wang Chengen waved to the young eunuch, the young eunuch understood, and hurriedly poured two cups of tea and brought them in.

When the little eunuch put down his teacup and stepped back, Wang Chengen said with a smile: "Sir, you can see clearly, I don't need to explain what I want to do, just one action, and they will understand what I want, this is the way to go. I plan to take care of these two children, and when I can't do it anymore, I will let them serve the emperor."

Su Heng couldn't help thinking when he heard this.

Pushing the teacup Wang Suheng in front of him, Wang Chengen smiled and said, "Mr. Su, please drink tea."

Su Heng took the teacup silently and took a sip.

After a while, Wang Chengen asked with a smile, "Have you figured it out, sir?"

Su Heng pondered for a while and said: "Although I am by the commander-in-chief's side, I have also heard a lot of remarks that are not good for the commander-in-chief. Many people say that the commander-in-chief is Cao Cao, and he will definitely usurp the throne in the future. To be honest, I am very sorry for these remarks." I don't believe it, but what I heard from Wang Gonggong just now makes me believe even more that the commander-in-chief will never do such a thing."

Wang Chengen smiled and nodded: "So I am the emperor's man, but I respect the general so much. Similarly, when there are no outsiders, the emperor never calls me, and the general is always brother Li, brother Li. Shouting. As for the commander-in-chief, he also respects the emperor more and more, and never does anything beyond the rules of etiquette."

Su Heng nodded silently.

Wang Chengen smiled and continued: "If you understand the relationship between the emperor and the commander in chief, you will know why the commander in chief sometimes orders me to do things, and even asks me to do things with you."

"Wait, the emperor has no power now, so doesn't he have any idea about the commander in chief?" Su Heng asked suddenly.

Wang Chengen smiled and said: "Hehe, how could there be no idea? It's not a secret. The commander-in-chief actually understands it very well. But whether the emperor has any ideas does not affect the relationship between the emperor and the commander-in-chief, because there is one more thing, more The Emperor's thoughts are more important."

"What's the matter?" Su Heng asked hastily.

Wang Chengen said seriously: "This matter is to rejuvenate Daming! The emperor knows that only the commander in chief can rejuvenate Daming, and the emperor's greatest wish is to become the master of rejuvenation. For this goal, even if the emperor has ideas about the commander in chief, he will cooperate closely." The commander-in-chief will carry out the New Deal."

Su Heng nodded silently, then asked after a pause, "Is this all figured out by the prince?"

Wang Chengen smiled and shook his head: "You can't figure it out by trying to figure it out."

Pointing to his eyes and then to his ears, Wang Chengen smiled and said, "Look carefully and listen carefully. At the level of the emperor and the commander-in-chief, many things will not be said directly, maybe talking about eating, maybe talking about The weather, after all, just doesn't say what they want to say, and if you put your mind to it, you can understand their intentions from these seemingly useless words."

After a pause, Wang Chengen continued: "Actually, there are some things that they wouldn't tell your subordinates directly, which requires you to listen carefully and then analyze carefully. For example, what the general ordered us to do just now, do you think it is necessary to count the donations? Shall we come forward? If necessary, even if I am too brave, I would not dare to drag you here to sit and chat."

"Then why did the commander give such orders?" Su Heng asked.

"Hehe, that's because the commander-in-chief can't tell you directly, he wants me to give you a little bit, and these words can't be said in front of him and the emperor, and I won't leave the emperor without a suitable reason. And Marshal's side, that's why the Marshal said that he wanted to go out with the emperor to relax and let us go to the household department to check the amount of money." Wang Chengen laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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