Chapter 606
Li Jing smiled and said: "Your serious attitude is very good, but you don't have to worry. If those under your command can't write the second article, I will ask Su Heng to write it for you. As for the third article, let Bo Ying write it for you." Do it for me, of course, don’t use Boying’s name in the end, the people under your command will mainly write the first article, about the benefits of the New Deal, isn’t that a problem?”

Upon hearing this, Tu Shaoying hurriedly said: "If Master Yuan and Master Su can hand over the article to the subordinate officials tomorrow, then the subordinate officials will let the workers rush to work, and the articles can be published the day after tomorrow."

Li Jingjing nodded, then turned to look at Yuan Shu: "Can I do it tomorrow?"

Yuan Shu smiled and said: "The commander underestimated me, don't need tomorrow, after I go back, I can write it in a while."

Tu Shaoying said: "If I can get the articles today, then I will have plenty of time, and I can add some more content when it is published. After all, only these three articles are published, which is not like a newspaper."

Li Jingjing nodded, thought for a while and said, "Let me give you an idea. In the future, you can write about those good officials, what they have done, and generals. For example, write about General Cao Wenzhao. How to fight in Liaodong, write about how Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou wiped out bandits in Henan and Shaanxi, write about how Chen Dahu and Liu Erleng handled government affairs, and write about the good deeds of these people.

Let the common people know that Daming still has so many good officials and generals.We must give the common people confidence and let them believe that Daming will get better every day. "

Tu Shaoyang smiled and said: "Then can you write about the handsome man?"

Li Jing shook his head and said with a smile, "I don't want to write about it. If you write about me, some people will say that you are flattering others, and even say that I am trying to gain fame. Don't do such a thing."

Yuan Shu laughed and said, "Commander, it's not impossible to write about him. In fact, I think writing about what the commander has done can help the common people all over the world understand him better."

Tu Shaoying also said: "Yes, to let the common people know how much the Prime Minister of Ming Dynasty has done for them, let the common people know who they should thank for their good life."

Li Jing waved his hand: "This is not good. The court and the emperor have never publicized it like this before. If you publicize me, people will have other ideas. Okay, let's not talk about this matter, Boju, let's deal with it for the time being in this issue. From now on, each issue will have articles like this, you can choose the topic yourself, and in short, tell everyone the benefits of the decree issued by the imperial court.

If someone writes refuting articles and publishes them, and then you ask your pen to rebut them, I will also arrange for people to write some refuting articles. "

Tu Shaoying pondered for a while and said: "The lower official understands what the commander-in-chief means, and the lower official must do this well."

Li Jing smiled and said: "You can understand my thoughts, which shows that you have put your heart into it. Boju, I read you right. I am very relieved that the Information Administration will entrust you."

"Marshal, I will live up to the commander's entrustment. It's not too late, I'll go back and arrange someone to do this." Tu Shaoying stood up and said.

Li Jing smiled and nodded.

Looking at the back of Tu Shaoying leaving in a hurry, Yuan Shu smiled and said: "Boju is a man of affairs! And he can understand the mind of the commander-in-chief."

Li Jing nodded with a smile, took a sip from his teacup, and suddenly sighed: "This time we are going to declare war on those scholars, and Boju is fighting as a striker. This battle is very important. If we win, the old friends of those scholars My thinking will be changed, and if I lose, I will go back to the old way. Brother Bo Ying, I need your full support now."

"Jimin, what do you want me to do!" Yuan Shu said solemnly.

Hearing Yuan Shu's name for himself, Li Jing smiled.It seems like a trivial title, but Li Jing knew that Yuan Shu didn't regard him as a boss at this moment, but as a brother.

Brothers are of the same heart, and their profits cut through gold.

After pondering for a while, Li Jing suddenly said word by word: "Brother Boying, I want to depose Confucianism as the sole respecter, and reproduce the contention among a hundred schools of thought."

"What, what!" Yuan Shu was shocked when he heard this.

Yuan Shu thought that Li Jing would do a big job, but he didn't expect Li Jing to do such a big job.The supremacy of Confucianism has lasted for thousands of years in China. Li Jing actually wants to depose him. This is an enemy of all Confucian heirs in the world.Once this news spread, a large number of officials in the DPRK and China would become the opposite of Li Jing.

"Jimin, this matter is very important, you must think twice!" Yuan Shu said after a while.

Li Jing shook his head: "Brother Boying, in fact, I have had this idea for a long time, but at that time I was settled in Pingyang Mansion, and I was not able to do this. Later, when I became the master of the center, the country was waiting for prosperity, and it was time to employ people. , and my foundation was not stable at the time, and I didn't dare to poke this hornet's nest.

Originally, I wanted to wait a few more years until the country's political situation was completely stabilized and the economy recovered before doing this.But the last time I wanted to send troops to Luzon, I was actually opposed by so many officials, and this time there were even countless students who refused to take the exam, which made me realize that this matter could not wait any longer.

Brother Boying, I am not completely opposed to Confucianism. You know, I am a student of Jie Huangong. Mr. Jie Huan has taught me for more than ten years. Speaking of it, I can also be regarded as the successor of Confucianism. I still have some knowledge of Confucianism. experience.

When we talk about Confucianism, we must talk about Confucius and Mencius. Confucius advocated benevolence, and Mencius advocated righteousness. At the same time, they both advocated obedience to propriety.Confucian five constants, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom (knowledge) and trustworthiness are the core thoughts of Confucius and Mencius.

In addition, Confucius also advocated the way of forgiveness, loyalty, filial piety and fraternity. Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do. What he said is forgiveness.If you want to establish yourself, you will establish others, and if you want to achieve yourself, you will achieve others. This is loyalty.In fact, forgiveness, loyalty, filial piety and brotherhood are all manifestations of benevolence.

There is nothing wrong with using Confucianism to educate the people, but one cannot cling to Confucianism all the time.

Back then, during the chaos of the Five Dynasties, countless Han Chinese died under the butcher's knives of the Hu people. At this time, is it useful for us to talk about benevolence and righteousness, loyalty and forgiveness to them?In the end, it's up to the sword.

When the Mongols occupied our land in the Central Plains, the Taizu of this dynasty drove the Mongols away not by benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, but by swords and guns.

Similarly, the Jurchens have ravaged the northern border of our Ming Dynasty for many years. Is it useful for us to talk about benevolence and forgiveness to the Jurchens?In the end, it is still by fighting.

Therefore, to educate the people with Confucianism must be adapted to the time, local conditions, and individual conditions.

It's a pity that some people don't understand this truth, and instead make it worse.

It is said that the Neo-Confucianism of Cheng and Zhu in the Song Dynasty developed and extended on the basis of Confucius and Mencius, and summed up the Neo-Confucianism that preserves the principles of nature and eliminates human desires.Later generations regarded Confucianism as the ultimate principle.

But what is the law of heaven?What is human desire?

Food, clothing, housing, and transportation are all human desires. It is human desire to wear warm clothes in the cold weather. Human desire is to think about food when hungry. It is human desire to have thousands of mansions in peace. Riding a fine horse and driving a car are also human desires.Cheng Zhu and others were going to the desires of others, but they didn't see them without clothes and shoes, drinking the wind and dew, and they covered the sky and covered the earth, walking like carts.

Filial piety is human desire, brotherhood is human desire, parents love children is human desire, husband and wife love is also human desire.Without human desire, the world is ruthless.If people have no desires, they will not know how to make progress, and if people do not know how to make progress, the country will not be able to develop.

Mr. Yangming said well that the principles of heaven are human desires, and human desires are the principles of heaven. If people have no desires, they have no principles of heaven.

If you want to know the principles of heaven, you can't rely on empty talk, but rely on investigation, practice, and self-examination, that is, the unity of knowledge and action.This is the theory of mind developed by Wang Yangming based on the thoughts of predecessors.

But whether it is Confucianism or Confucianism, it belongs to the category of Confucianism, and its purpose is to educate the people.

But we all know that it is not enough to govern a country by enlightenment alone, and the rule of law cannot be separated if the country is to be prosperous and the people are to be safe.

Because in the process of pursuing human desires, many people do not follow Confucianism. What these people do is against the law, such as murder, rape, and robbery. These people must be punished with severe punishments. Use this as a warning to future generations.

If there is no law in the country, the world will be in chaos. Therefore, all dynasties have based on the legal system, and there is no dynasty that does not make laws.

And who made the law?Illiterate people don't seem to know how to legislate, right?Those who legislate are scholars, and most of them are descendants of Confucianism.

Confucianism advocates benevolence and morality to educate the people, but governing the country is governed by law. Then can I think that Confucianism advocates governing the country with moral education is deceitful?
We know that national legislation ultimately upholds part of the legalist philosophy.

In fact, in the pre-Qin period, there were ten schools of thought and nine streams (a hundred schools of thought), each with a set of theories for governing the country, and since the Qin Dynasty, the theories of each school have been applied in governing the country, and all of them have played a considerable role .

I won’t talk about Confucianism and Legalism. Taoism governs by doing nothing, Mohism combines love and non-aggression, peasants build a country based on agriculture, and implement a farming-war policy. The family has its own set of ideas for governing the country.Among them, the miscellaneous schools have adopted the goodness of Confucianism and Mohism, taken the essence of name and law, gathered all theories, and absorbed all kinds of ideas, which have been most widely used in later generations.

Why do so many teachings prove to be applied in governing the country, but Confucianism must be respected, so that scholars of later generations all regard themselves as Confucianism?
I am not saying that Confucian theories are useless, on the contrary, I still respect certain Confucian theories, but when you clearly governed the country, you applied the theories of other schools, but under the banner of Confucianism.What is it called?The common people call it selling dog meat under tricks.In my opinion, this is called imprisoning thoughts, and I don't want others to talk. "

Yuan Shu couldn't help being dumbfounded after hearing Li Jing's long speech.

After a while, Yuan Shu smiled wryly and said, "Jimin, if your remarks are just a little bit of understanding, then those so-called everyone should hit the wall."

Li Jing shook his head: "I know my family's affairs. I know that my remarks are a bit out of context, but there are some truths that make sense."

Yuan Shu sighed: "Jimin, in my opinion, your remarks are too much to be called doctrines, but from the perspective of governing the country, they are the words of the world. But I think you should depose Confucianism now and reproduce the contention of a hundred schools of thought." , it’s too early.”

(End of this chapter)

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