Chapter 607
Li Jing continued: "I don't want to do it overnight. I won't do things like burning books and burying scholars. Let's take it slowly. First, let's use Daming Minsheng Daily to publish various theories and let everyone argue in the newspaper.

I know that scholars actually have their own ideas, so let's let everyone express their ideas, and we will guide them from them, and gradually various theories will bloom again, and then the influence of Confucianism will be weakened little by little.

The Duke Yan Sheng of the Kong family, I am going to cut off the title of the Kong family after this generation.Confucius is the most holy teacher, is it possible that his descendants are also the most holy teacher?With the shadow of his ancestors, it is enough to be Yan Shenggong for so many years.For so many years, I haven't seen a few decent talents from the Kong family, so don't always rely on your ancestors. "

Yuan Shu murmured: "You must have a suitable reason for cutting off the title of Duke Kong Jiayan, right?"

Li Jing smiled and said: "Reason? I have asked people to investigate the reason. With so many people in the Kong family, I don't believe that there are no unscrupulous people. As long as they have evidence of committing crimes, then the unfilial Kong family You can’t escape the crime. Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, faith, forgiveness, loyalty, filial piety, even the descendants of your Kong family can’t do it, so what else can you use to educate others? Why should you still be this Yansheng Gong?”

Yuan Shu smiled bitterly: "Since you have already made a decision, then I won't say more."

Li Jing continued: "Brother Boying, you are the deputy prime minister of the cabinet and the minister of rites. You are in charge of education, publicity, diplomacy, and national talent examinations. I must get your support if I want to do this. , if you don't support me, this matter will never succeed."

Yuan Shu said seriously: "Tell me what you want me to do."

"I want you to select capable talents and pave the way for public opinion through newspapers and clubs." Li Jing said.

After a pause, Li Jing continued: "Brother Boying, educating the people is the foundation of governing the country, and we must not stick to the words of one family, but Confucianism has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and this battle is a hard one. Therefore, we must Be steady and steady, every article and every point of view written by the people below you must be well-founded and stand scrutiny."

As he spoke, Li Jing smiled: "Brother Boying, when we remove the Confucianism from the altar, a new theory will appear, and this theory was initiated by you, so you are the one. Even if brother Boying cannot become a saint in the future, he will surely go down in history forever."

Yuan Shu smiled wryly when he heard the words: "Jimin, you drew such a big cake for me. If I don't do this well, will I not let you down? But I still say the same thing, this matter should not be rushed, but slow." Take your time."

Li Jingjing nodded: "I know, the results of this matter may not be seen within ten years. I'm not in a hurry. Let's start with an academic debate. As long as there is a debate, more and more people will participate. When the time comes, nature will take its course.”

Yuan Shu nodded silently.

After pondering for a while, Yuan Shu suddenly said: "Jimin, you just asked Tu Shaoying to arrange for someone to publish an article in the newspaper, obviously you have already started to do it, that is to say, you will do it no matter whether I agree or not. I want to ask you, if I disagreed just now, are you going to take me down?"

Li Jing looked at Yuan Shu silently, and after a while he asked, "Brother Bo Ying, do you think if the master is still alive, would he agree with me to do this?"

Yuan Shu said without hesitation: "Father is open-minded, and will definitely support you with all his strength."

Li Jing shook his head with a smile and said: "Brother Boying, isn't it superfluous to ask you just now? My husband supports me, can you oppose me? Take ten thousand steps back, even if you oppose me, do you think I am will take you?
Brother Boying, let me tell you the truth, as long as you don’t murder and set fire, or do heinous things, I will never touch you, even if you and I have different political views, or even oppose me, I will never touch you.Everyone has selfish intentions, and I am no exception. Mr. Li Jing is so kind to Mr. Li Jingshi, how could I touch Mr. Li Jingshi's only descendant?I say that, do you understand? "

Yuan Shu was silent for a long time after hearing the words, and finally said slowly: "Jimin, maybe we sometimes have different political views, but I have never opposed you, not before, and never will."

Li Jing smiled lightly: "I know, that's why I let you be the Minister of Rites. I can only rest assured that this position is entrusted to you."

Yuan Shu shook his head: "It's a pity that my ability is limited, and sometimes I don't understand your intentions. Last time the officials wrote a letter against sending troops to Luzon, I..."

Li Jing waved his hands and smiled: "This matter is over, don't bring it up again, and I have already said that what I do may not be all right, some things have different opinions, and what should be opposed should still be opposed. If you blindly follow , then I really think about whether to let you continue to be in this position. Ha ha."

He got up and patted Yuan Shu's shoulder lightly, Li Jing continued: "Brother Boying, I have to focus on the war during this time, and Tu Shaoying is your subordinate, so you will have to worry about this matter in the future."

Yuan Shu nodded heavily and said, "Don't worry, I will focus most of my energy on this from now on."

Li Jingjing nodded: "You can't do this by yourself. Find more open-minded literati, especially talented young people. I recommend a person to you. There is a man named Fang Yizhi in the Metropolitan Procuratorate." This young man has a certain influence in Fushe, and his talent and character are quite good. I have talked with him, and he is more inclined to the new policy we are promoting, and he also supports the new law to obtain scholars. This man You can meet him and ask him to write a few articles for you if you like it.”

Yuan Shu said with a smile: "I know this person. You arranged for him to be a trainee in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Last year when the palace gave a banquet for the New Year, you even allowed him to attend the banquet. You value a person so much, so naturally you won't be bad. Turn around I'll talk to him about it."

Li Jing smiled: "There are still many such people. If we can win them over and speak for us, it will be more useful than our own people."

Yuan Shu smiled and nodded.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said again: "Also, the clerks around me are also quite talented. I will ask them to write a few articles. When you see it, if you think it is useful, you can find them. In short, You can use all the people you can call, and I will support you with all my strength."

"Hehe, the articles written by the people around you are better than mine. If I have their help, then I will be sure." Yuan Shu laughed.

Li Jing smiled and said: "In the matter of academic debate, it is far from enough to have good literary talent. It also depends on fame and appeal. However, those who have a greater influence on scholars should not have the opportunity to participate in this debate." Debate, and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble."

Yuan Shu smiled and nodded, knowing that Li Jing was talking about Zhou Yanru, Qian Qianyi, Zhang Pu and others.

These few people are the leaders of the Ming Dynasty's literary world. Needless to say, their own literary accomplishments, their influence among scholars is even more unparalleled. If these people are there, there is no need to argue, and one side has already lost half.Because what these people say, even if there is no allusion, many scholars are convinced.

Presumably, Li Jing's suppression of these people is because he is not optimistic about their character, and secondly, he is planning to depose Confucianism.

Looking up at the clock, Yuan Shu stood up and said, "Jimin, it's getting late, I'll go back and write that article."

Li Jing nodded slightly.

After Yuan Shu left, Su Heng came over to Li Jing with a few pieces of paper and said, "Commander, this is what you said just now, would you like to have a look at it?"

Li Jing raised his eyes to look at Su Heng, and waved his hands: "I don't want to read it, let future generations judge whether it is right or wrong, and also, don't show me these things in the future."

Su Heng nodded, put the paper away, took two steps, and suddenly turned around and said, "Commander, I didn't remember some words."

Li Jing was startled when he heard the words, and immediately understood that Su Heng was talking about the heart-to-heart conversation between himself and Yuan Shu.

Li Jing said those words in order to impress Yuan Shu with affection, but from the perspective of others, those words are favoritism. If they are recorded by the historian, it will be a stain on him.

Sighing slightly, Li Jing waved his hand.


Tu Shaoying moved very quickly, and after receiving Yuan Shu's and Su Heng's articles, he published the newspaper on the third day.

As Li Jing expected, after the newspaper was published, it immediately attracted the attention of those scholars.

If you want to say what skills those scholars have, then writing articles and fighting with pens are all experts in each.For a time, all kinds of refuting articles came overwhelmingly.

After seeing these refuting articles, Yuan Shu and Tu Shaoying immediately organized their subordinates to draft articles to refute.

In fact, this should be an unequal war, because Yuan Shu and Tu Shaoying mastered the Daming Minsheng Daily, which was not published except for a few remote provinces, covering the northern and central plains and all provinces in the south of the Yangtze River. It is much bigger than those scholars who stick to one place and only communicate with their own small circle.

The disadvantaged scholars will not be discouraged. They sent their articles to the capital through various channels, and sent them to the headquarters of Daming Minsheng Daily, and asked the newspaper to publish their articles.

After obtaining Li Jing's approval, Tu Shaoying screened several articles for publication, and also published refuting articles.

This time, all the scholars in Daming were shocked.

These scholars were not stupid. They knew that the articles published in the newspaper represented the voice of Li Jing, but they did not expect that Li Jing would agree to publish articles against him. This made them appreciate Li Jing's openness.

Of course, if you appreciate it, you should oppose it, and with the platform of the newspaper, these people will be more energetic and write articles more attentively.

Because the articles of these people were only circulated privately before, it didn't matter if there were some flaws. After all, the people who read the articles were all from their small circle, and found some minor problems but just laughed them off.

But now readers all over the country can see the articles published in the newspapers. If there is a typo or even the wrong allusion, it will be embarrassing and embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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